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In this study, the minor and major mineral contents of 31 kinds of medicinal and aromatic plant collected from the south region of Turkey in 2004 year were established by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The samples were composed of Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P and Zn. The highest mineral concentration were measured between 57.70–2962.74 mg/kg Al, 1160.04–16452.88 mg/kg Ca, 44.83–1799.5 mg/kg Fe, 3570.73–27669.72 mg/kg K, 477.17–4313.59 mg/kg Mg, 1102.62–20912.33 mg/kg Na, 443.60–9367.80 mg/kg P and 7.18–48.36 mg/kg Zn. The highest values of Ca, K and P were established in Foeniculum vulgare (bitter fennel) (16452.88 mg/kg), Ocimum minumum (basil) (27669.72 mg/kg) and F. vulgare (bitter fennel) (9367.80 mg/kg), respectively. The heavy metal contents were determined too low in all samples.  相似文献   

The study focuses on developing novel probiotic yogurts containing spices with acceptable sensory properties, therapeutic levels of probiotics and with beneficial antioxidant capacity. Eight types of yogurts with added spice oleoresins (cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg) and probiotics [Lactobacillus acidophilus strain 5(LA5), or Bifidobacterium animalisssp.Lactis (Bb12)] were produced. Two successive consumer sensory taste panels (n = 54) using a nine point hedonic scale were conducted to evaluate the acceptability of the yogurts. Viable counts of probiotics and antioxidant capacity of yogurt samples at 1, 7, 14 and 28 days of storage at 4 °C were monitored. The probiotic-yogurt products containing spices showed good sensory properties, with the best results obtained with cardamom oleoresin (with LA5 or Bb12). The presence of spice oleoresins (cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon) did not affect the probiotic population (LA5or Bb12) in yogurt during 4 weeks of refrigerated storage. The antioxidant capacity (with LA5or Bb12) over the storage period was also maintained.  相似文献   

Raw and processed foods are open to contamination during their production, sale and distribution. At present, therefore, a wide variety of chemical preservatives are used throughout the food industry to prevent the growth of food spoiling bacteria. However health and economic considerations have led to a search for alternatives, such as essentials oils that can safely be used as substitutes for fungicides and bactericides to partially or completely inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria. The aim of this work was to determine the effectiveness of the essentials oils from oregano (Origanum vulgare), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), sage (Salvia officinalis), cumin (Cuminum cyminum) and clove (Syzygium aromaticum) on the growth of some bacteria commonly used in the food industry, Lactobacillus curvatus, Lactobacillus sakei, Staphylococcus carnosus and Staphylococcus xylosus or related to food spoilage Enterobacter gergoviae, Enterobacter amnigenus. The agar disc diffusion method was used to determine the antibacterial activities of the oils. All six essential oils analysed had an inhibitory effect on the six tested bacteria. Oregano essential oil showed the highest inhibition effect followed by cumin and clove.  相似文献   

三种香辛料提取物的抗氧化活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要研究了丁香、桂皮和花椒三种香辛料的抗氧化活性.实验结果表明:三种香辛料提取物对DPPH自由基的清除效果较BHT好,三种香料提取物清除过氧化氢效果较好.  相似文献   

In the present work, we report the results of a study aimed at evaluating the antiradical activity, the antioxidant activity and the acetylcholinesterase (E.C. inhibitory capacity of essential oils, ethanol and boiling water extracts from five aromatic herbs growing wild in Portugal and used in traditional food preparations: fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), mint (Mentha spicata), pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum). The water extracts of M. spicata and M. pulegium showed the highest radical-scavenging activity (DPPH test) values (IC50 = 5.7 ± 0.4 and 8.9 ± 0.2 μg ml−1 respectively). This activity was higher than that found with the standard antioxidant BHT. The ethanol extracts of M. spicata, T. serpyllum and F. vulgare showed the highest antioxidant activities measured by the β-carotene/linoleic acid assay, IC50 = 36.9 ± 0.1, 41.2 ± 0.1 and 68.7 ± 0.1 μg ml−1, respectively. The inhibition of AChE was higher in the essential oil fraction. The highest activity was found for R. officinalis with an IC50 = 69.8 ± 0.1 μg ml−1.  相似文献   

利用生理生化鉴定方法和分子生物学方法对从湖南、湖北、江苏和上海等地的8个地区采集的64份干制食品香辛料和调味品样品进行了克罗诺杆菌分离与鉴定,结果从19份样品中检出了克罗诺杆菌,污染率为29.7%,其中检出率较高的样品为白胡椒粉、花椒粉和红辣椒粉,污染率分别为62.5%、50.0%和33.3%。本研究从采样的7个地区的样品中检出了克罗诺杆菌,其中检出率最高的地区为湖南永州,其次为上海市和湖北赤壁,检出率分别为50.0%、37.5%和33.3%。利用基于fus A基因序列分析的方法对克罗诺杆菌分离株进行了种的水平的鉴定,结果将本研究分离得到的克罗诺杆菌鉴定为5个种,其中9株(47.4%)被鉴定为阪崎克罗诺杆菌(C.sakazakii),4株(21.0%)为苏黎世克罗诺杆菌(C.turicensis),3株(15.8%)为都柏林克罗诺杆菌(C.dublinensis),2株(10.5%)为丙二酸盐阳性克罗诺杆菌(C.malonaticus),1株(5.3%)为尤尼沃斯克罗诺杆菌(C.universalis)。研究结果表明市售干制食品香辛料和调味品中存在克罗诺杆菌的污染,应该加强对该类食品中克罗诺杆菌的流行病学监测。   相似文献   

Polyphenols are functional components in apples and can be separated into four groups by Sephadex LH-20 as epicatechin, procyanidolic oligomers, chlorogenic acid and procyanidolic polymers. Antioxidant activities of each group were determined by FRAP and DPPH radical scavenging assay. It was found that procyanidolic oligomers and procyanidolic polymers influenced the total polyphenols content (measured by Folin–Ciocalteu method) much more in Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Fuji and Guoguang four apple cultivars. The Fe-reducing activity of procyanidolic oligomers in the four apple cultivars increased significantly during the development while the other three compounds changed irregularly. And the Fe-reducing activities of epicatechin and procyanidin contributed much more to the total Fe-reducing activities during the fruit development in the four apple cultivars. The DPPH scavenging activities of four compounds in Jonagold and Golden Delicious decreased during fruit development and that of Fuji and Guoguang changed irregularly. Chlorogenic acid was the main contributor in Jonagold, Golden Delicious and Fuji to the total scavenging activity. In Guoguang, it was procyanidolic oligomers that contributed much to the total scavenging activity.  相似文献   

Spices constitute an important group of food which is virtually indispensable in the culinary art. In a view, these spices feared to pose a probability to affect the disposition of conventional pharmaceuticals through inhibition of human cytochrome P450 (CYPs) enzymes. In the present study an approach has been made to evaluate the possible CYP inhibition potential with some Indian spices (Capsicum annuum, Murraya koenigii, Zingiber officinale) and their major bioactive compounds, in combination with pooled microsome; as well as commercially available recombinant human CYP3A4, CYP2D6, CYP2C9 and CYP1A2. Quantification of the bioactive compound was determined through RP-HPLC, in order to standardize the plant material. CYP–carbon monoxide (CYP–CO) complex assay result indicated that all the plants and their bioactive compounds have an interaction potential with CYPs. Fluoregenic assay results indicated that the spice extracts have higher inhibition potential comparing to their single bioactive molecule. The higher enzyme inhibition potential by the extracts may be related to the synergistic effects due to the presence of other constituents in the extract. Capsaicin and C. annuum showed the lowest IC50 value and 6-gingerol and Z. officinale extract showed the highest IC50 value among the entire sample tested. The entire sample showed significantly less (P < 0.001, P < 0.01) interaction potential than known inhibitors. These findings indicate that selected spices are unlikely to cause clinically relevant drug interactions involving the inhibition of major CYP isozymes.  相似文献   

Dietary hypocholesterolemic spices—curcumin (active compound of turmeric (Curcuma longa)) and capsaicin (active compound of red pepper (Capsicum annuum)), the active principles of spices—turmeric (Curcuma longa) and red pepper (Capsicum annuum), fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seeds, garlic (Allium sativum), and onion (Allium cepa) are documented to have anti-cholelithogenic property in animal model. These spices prevent the induction of cholesterol gallstones by lithogenic high cholesterol diet and also regress the pre-established cholesterol gallstones, by virtue of their hypolipidemic potential. The antilithogenic influence of these spices is primarily attributable to their hypocholesterolemic effect. Increased cholesterol saturation index, cholesterol:phospholipid ratio and cholesterol:bile acid ratio in the bile caused by the lithogenic diet was countered by these spices. The antilithogenicity of these hypocholesterolemic spices was considered to be due also to their influence on biliary proteins that have pro-nucleating activity and anti-nucleating activity. Investigations on the involvement of biliary proteins in cholesterol crystal nucleation revealed that in an in vitro bile model, low molecular weight biliary proteins of the lithogenic diet fed animals have a pro-nucleating activity. On the contrary, low molecular weight biliary proteins of the animals fed hypocholesterolemic spices along with lithogenic diet showed a potent anti-nucleating activity.  相似文献   

通过测定55 ℃和45 ℃2个加速破坏温度条件下花生牛轧糖的过氧化值、酸价、菌落总数、大肠菌群4个指标,对比研究苹果多酚、葡萄籽多酚、茶多酚3种天然酚类物质对花生牛轧糖货架期的影响.结果 表明,添加0.04%的3种酚类物质都具有减缓花生牛轧糖过氧化值升高,抑制花生牛轧糖酸价增高,抑制菌落总数和大肠菌群增加的作用;在花生...  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is one of the most prevalent reasons for premature death in adults. Despite the several conventional drugs in the market; many patients are not completely treated. Here we comprehensively review current clinical evidence regarding the efficacy of dietary polyphenols in atherosclerosis and related complications. PubMed, Cochrane library and Scopus were searched from inception until August 2016 to obtain clinical trials in which polyphenols were evaluated in cardiovascular parameters related to atherosclerosis. From total of 13031 results, 49 clinical trials were finally included. Tyrosol derivatives from virgin olive oil, catechins and theaflavins from green and black tea, cocoa polyphenols, and red grape resveratrol, as well as anthocyanins were the most studied polyphenolic compounds which could regulate lipid profile, inflammation and oxidative stress, blood pressure, endothelial function, and cell adhesion molecules. The most important limitations of the included trials were small sample size, short follow up, and unqualified methodology. Future well-designed clinical trials are necessary to provide better level of evidence for clinical decision making.  相似文献   

利用LSA-10大孔吸附树脂纯化花生壳多酚,并通过测定1,1-二联苯基-2-苦肼自由基(DPPH·)、羟自由基(·OH)、超氧阴离子自由基(O2-·)清除率,还原力及亚油酸体系脂质过氧化抑制活性研究其抗氧化活性。结果表明,LSA-l0大孔吸附树脂能有效提高花生壳多酚的纯度。花生壳多酚对DPPH·、·OH、O2-·都有较强的清除活性,其中对DPPH·和O2-·清除活性显著高于茶多酚;其抑制亚油酸过氧化能力高于茶多酚。花生壳多酚具有较强的抗氧化活性,是一类潜在的天然抗氧化剂。  相似文献   

比较肉豆蔻、丁香、肉桂、生姜、甘草、月桂、白芷、牛至、茴香、迷迭香十种香辛料不同溶剂提取物的抗氧化效果,然后筛选出四种香辛料提取物,与生育酚(VE)两两复配,考察复配天然抗氧化剂对猪油体系氧化的抑制效果。结果表明:在猪油体系中,同等条件下香辛料乙醇提取物的抗氧化效果优于香辛料水提取物;不同抗氧化剂的作用效果从大到小依次为:BHT生姜甘草迷迭香丁香白芷肉豆蔻月桂桂皮牛至茴香;以生姜、甘草、迷迭香、丁香乙醇提取物以及VE两两复配试验发现,天然抗氧化剂复配具有增效效果,其中迷迭香-生姜效果更优于BHT单独作用效果;抗氧化效果较好的三种复配天然抗氧化剂组合为:迷迭香-生姜BHT甘草-迷迭香VE-迷迭香。  相似文献   

香辛料的抗氧化成分提取分离的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香辛料作为食品添加剂是因为它们含有一定的抗氧化成分,对油脂及富含油脂食品有一定的防止酸败、抗氧化的作用,本文综述了各种香辛料的不同抗氧化成分,以及提取分离这些成分的方法。  相似文献   

Contamination of spices with pathogens has been reported worldwide, and Salmonella might result in foodborne infections. In this study, we investigated the survival of Salmonella in black pepper and red pepper, and the growth of the surviving Salmonella in cooked food. Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Weltevreden and Salmonella Senftenberg were inoculated into spices, and their survival during storage was examined. In black pepper, S. Enteritidis was no longer viable after storage for 28 days, but S. Weltevreden and S. Senftenberg remained viable. In red pepper, S. Weltevreden and S. Senftenberg survived for 28 days although S. Enteritidis was not viable after 7 days. Salmonella Weltevreden and Salmonella Senftenberg were inoculated into cooked food, and their survival during storage was determined. In potato salad, egg salad, namul and kimchi as cooked foods, both pathogens grew at 30 degrees C, but not at 10 degrees C. Our results indicate that cooked food should be stored at low temperature after addition of spices, such as black pepper and red pepper, following the cooking.  相似文献   

The present study estimated in vitro antioxidant activities of 68 common Chinese herbals both for medical and food uses, using Folin–Ciocalteu, ferric-reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging assays. The results showed different extraction had various antioxidant properties. Six plant materials including Chinese White Olive, Clove, Pricklyash Peel, Villous Amomum Fruit, Chinese Star Anise and Pagodatree Flower appeared highest total phenolics (>45 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g) and flavonoids content (>45 mg rutin equivalents (RE)/g), which also showed highest antioxidant activity (FRAP value > 2.5 mmol/g, DPPH radical-scavenging capacity > 85%), indicating they have potentials for use as natural sources of antioxidant foods. The total phenolics content of these 68 plant extracts was significantly positively correlated (r2 = 0.9467) with their antioxidant capacity. Therefore, the content of phenolic compounds could be used as an important indicator of its antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

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