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橄榄油是一种绿色营养保健食用植物油脂。本文介绍了国内外橄榄油的发展现状、加工技术及其特征、橄榄油的等级、化学组成,以及橄榄油的食用及药用功能等,提出了油橄榄的综合利用和加工方向。  相似文献   

橄榄油的加工技术与开发利用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
橄榄油是一种绿色营养保健食用植物油脂。本文介绍了国内外橄榄油的发展现状、加工技术及其特征、橄榄油的等级、化学组成,以及橄榄油的食用及药用功能等,提出了油橄榄的综合利用和加工方向。  相似文献   

湘楚 《美食》2002,(3):15-15

橄榄油营养成分及其保健作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
橄榄油是地中海国家(主要包括希腊大部分和意大利南部)人群的主要食用油,是他们膳食脂肪的主要来源。流行病学调查发现尽管地中海国家人群脂肪摄入量并不低于其它欧洲国家或美国,但是冠心病发病率较低,如希腊人群的冠心病发病率仅为美国的1/10左右,因此,橄榄油可能具有预防冠心病的作用;另外,地中海国家人群的乳腺癌和胰腺癌的发病  相似文献   

橄榄油色呈黄绿色,气味清香,由于它是用新鲜油橄榄的果实直接冷榨而成,故而保留了所有的天然营养成分。  相似文献   

橄榄油色呈黄绿色,气味清香,由于它是用新鲜油橄榄的果实直接冷榨而成,故而保留了所有的天然营养成分。所以橄榄油是公认的绿色保健食用油,市场上也素有“液体黄金”的美誉。  相似文献   

数千年前,地中海国家的居民已经开始栽种橄榄树并使用橄榄制品,目前,地中海地区仍是世界油橄榄产品的中心。  相似文献   

就橄榄油、油橄榄果渣油产品国家标准制定中借鉴国际食品法典委员会和国际橄榄油理事会相关标准情况,结合我国橄榄油和油橄榄果渣油生产和进口现状,研究确定适合我国生产贸易及规范市场的标准.  相似文献   

橄榄油是从新鲜油橄榄果实中榨取加工的一种食用植物油,具有较高的营养价值,它含有丰富的不饱和脂肪酸,橄榄油中含有15%的饱和脂肪酸,75%的单不饱和脂肪酸和1O%多不饱和脂肪酸的构成比列,[第一段]  相似文献   

初榨橄榄油生产环境相对开放,榨取橄榄油的原料、环境及设备中的微生物群都可能进入初榨橄榄油,对油脂品质产生影响。为全面认识初榨橄榄油中微生物群以及从微生物层面控制初榨橄榄油品质,从食品微生物学研究的视角,综述了初榨橄榄油中酵母菌、细菌和霉菌等主要微生物群,分析了油橄榄枝叶、果实和初榨橄榄油中的微生物群对油脂品质的影响,介绍了采后储存的油橄榄果实及储存期的初榨橄榄油品质与微生物群之间的关系,探讨了对有害微生物群影响初榨橄榄油品质的防控措施。研究认为酵母菌对初榨橄榄油储存期间的品质起主要的影响作用。通过避免采摘和储存过程中油橄榄果实的损伤,保证加工过程中清洗用水和设备的洁净,控制储存环境温度、光照和氧含量等措施,可以有效防控有害微生物对橄榄油品质的负面影响。  相似文献   

为提高油橄榄果出油率、改善初榨橄榄油(VOO)品质,以甘肃陇南主栽的成熟度为7的莱星品种油橄榄鲜果为原料,考察压榨过程中新鲜橄榄叶(0、3%、5%)和复合果胶酶(0、0.01%、0.02%)添加量(以油橄榄果质量计)对油橄榄果出油率和VOO色泽、叶绿素含量、基本理化性质、总酚含量、脂肪酸组成及含量的影响。结果表明:添加适量的新鲜橄榄叶可提高出油率及总酚含量,降低酸值,但色泽加深,叶绿素含量和过氧化值升高;添加适量的复合果胶酶在提高出油率的同时,VOO的总酚含量上升,叶绿素含量和过氧化值降低,但酸值升高,色泽加深;压榨过程中添加新鲜橄榄叶和复合果胶酶对VOO脂肪酸组成没有影响,但对油酸、亚油酸、棕榈酸和棕榈烯酸等主要脂肪酸含量有一定影响。在压榨制取VOO时添加适量的新鲜橄榄叶与复合果胶酶可提高出油率,获得富含多酚的VOO。  相似文献   

This study investigated the correlation between total polyphenol content and the stability (ie induction time by Rancimat) of oil samples according to different regions, cultivars, extraction technologies and ripening times of raw material. Results indicate a correlation of oil stability with total polyphenols, (r=0·88), a chemical variable easy to determine. We have set up an oil quality index as a measure of desirability including legal parameters, especially the Council Olive Oil International score (COI Score), stability (phenol content) and process yield into account. The study of the effects of olive ripening and storage prior to processing and olive paste mixing times and temperatures on the quality index using an experimental factorial design (24) were investigated. The process variables selected in the experimental factorial design were studied and the main effects on desirability were identified. Based on this information, the extraction process was optimised for quality index in relation to fruit ripening and olive paste mixing time using a response contour to identify optimal experimental conditions. This innovative procedure shows that process conditions can be optimised as a function of Dtot, evaluated according to scientific determinations. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of the present work was to investigate the influence of fruit ripening on oil quality in an attempt to establish an optimum harvesting time for Chétoui olives, the second main olive variety cultivated in Tunisia. RESULTS: Our results showed that many analytical parameters, i.e., peroxide value, UV absorbance at 232 and 270 nm, chlorophyll pigments, carotenoids and oleic acid contents decreased during ripening, whilst oil content and linolenic acid increased. Free acidity remained practically stable with a very slight rise at the highest maturity index. The trend of oxidative stability, total phenols and o‐diphenols, showed an increase at the early stages followed by a reduction at more advanced stages of maturity. The major phenolic compounds, such as hydroxytyrosol, ligstroside aglycon, elenolic acid, acetoxy‐pinoresinol and oleuropein aglycon, seemed to have the same behaviour. In the case of tyrosol, a strong decrease was observed directly related with the ripening progress. CONLUSION: On the basis of the evolution of the analytical parameters studied, the best stage of Chétoui olive fruits for oil processing seems to be at ripeness index higher than 2.0 and lower than 3.0. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the malaxation time (Mt) and ripening stage on oil quality and phenolic compounds of Hojiblanca and Picual virgin olive oils. In both varieties of oil, phenolic content and oxidative stability decreased as ripening progressed. The total level of tocopherols diminished by up to 40% as fruit ripened. The compositions of palmitic, stearic, lignoceric, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids were significantly influenced by the ripening process. The present work shows that an increased Mt promoted the increase of free acidity (up to 13.3%) and tocopherols (up to 11.6%) and negatively affected the oxidative stability and the concentration of phenols. Further research is required to determine ripening stages and malaxation conditions for all olive oil varieties to achieve a satisfactory balance between the improvement of both oil yield and oil quality and composition.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is well known for its beneficial effects on human health. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of EVOO substitution for backfat on qualities of pork patty to avoid high consumption of animal‐originated fat, because it is closely related to development of cardiovascular disease and obesity. RESULT: Water‐holding capacity was higher in control (lean pork + 10% backfat) and T3 (lean pork + 5% backfat + 5% EVOO + 0.5% isolated soy protein + 0.5% carrageenan + 0.5% maltodextrin) than T1 (lean pork + 5% backfat + 5% EVOO + 0.5% isolated soy protein) and T2 (lean pork + 5% backfat + 5% EVOO + 0.5% isolated soy protein + 0.5% carrageenan). Hardness was higher in EVOO substitution for backfat patty samples than control. In sensory evaluation, the control was significantly higher in overall acceptability compared with EVOO substitution for backfat pork patty samples. CONCLUSION: The physical properties of pork patty made by EVOO substitution for backfat were stable as a commercial pork patty (control). However, sensory evaluation scores were higher in control compared to EVOO‐substituted pork patty samples. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

目的 针对橄榄油总迁移量测试参考的行业标准中的几个问题, 讨论并提出相关改进建议, 以提高测试的可操作性和结果的准确性。方法 采用控制变量法, 考察适宜性判定时不同橄榄油质量对试样中橄榄油干扰物定量结果的影响, 考察不同温度和时间对橄榄油中水分干燥程度的影响。结果 以45~55 mg橄榄油做单点标准曲线定量适宜性判定限量附近的试样时, 检测结果准确性欠佳, 由10.3、7.0、2.8 mg橄榄油做单点标准曲线定量试样中橄榄油干扰物的质量基本一致; 行业标准中橄榄油中水分的干燥条件要求高、操作困难, 较难实现。结论 适宜性判定时宜采用小于10 mg的橄榄油做单点标准曲线, 以此来定量试样中橄榄油干扰物的质量, 对于水分敏感性试样尽量避免采用干燥橄榄油的方法, 建议采用调理法确定试样的准确质量, 以提高橄榄油总迁移量测试结果的准确性。  相似文献   

花生油与橄榄油营养价值的比较   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
姚云游 《中国油脂》2005,30(4):66-68
花生、花生油中不仅富含油酸、亚油酸,而且白藜芦醇、β-谷固醇、辅酶Q、Mg2 、Zn2 、VE等含量也很丰富.这些营养成分具有多种药用价值和保健功能.花生油与橄榄油的理化特性指标相似,两种植物油的脂肪酸组成相近.花生油中SFA、MUFA和PUFA之比值,比橄榄油更接近1:1:1国际公认的膳食脂肪酸供能标准.花生油是中国人自己的非常经济的"橄榄油".  相似文献   

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