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海泡石的活化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李静  高玉杰  任继春 《上海造纸》2003,34(1):23-24,32
本文论述了纤维状海泡石的特性、常用的海泡石活化改性方法及活化机理.  相似文献   

海泡石的热活化与酸活化实验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
海泡石是一种纤维状富镁硅酸盐矿物.可利用其优良的吸附性能、耐热性能等性质生产液体过滤滤纸、环境除臭纸、香烟滤嘴,开发高吸水层尿片纸、卫生巾,抄造耐高温纸、阻燃纸,生产密封垫片等[1].  相似文献   

探讨了海泡石经高温处理和酸处理后吸附性能的变化,实验结果表明高温处理和酸处理能很大程度上提高海泡石的吸附性能,并且处理脱墨废水效果明显。  相似文献   

海泡石的性质、活化及其在造纸中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海泡石是近年来应用广泛,应用领域扩展迅速的矿产之一,由于它具有特殊的结构,决定了它较高的比表面积和吸附性能等性质。而且它无毒,耐高温,不易燃,使其在造纸中生产特殊用途的纸(如滤纸,阻燃纸等)成为可能,而且由于它较强的吸附性,也让它应用于废水处理成为可能。  相似文献   

海泡石的开发利用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
海泡石是一种纤维状含水的镁硅酸盐,具有吸附性、流变性和催化性以及耐高温、阻燃等性能。本文就海泡石的某些性能,论述了它在造纸中的应用。  相似文献   

本文对海泡石纤维与针叶木纤维配抄滤纸的特性进行了研究。将海泡石作为一种特殊的矿物纤维原料加入到针叶木浆料中而抄造出含有海泡石的滤纸.探讨了滤纸的两项重要性能——强度和透过性能的变化。通过改变海泡石的加入量、调整针叶木浆的打浆度、筛除针叶木纤维中的部分细小纤维、加入增强剂等方法来改善纸页的性能.提高纸页强度和透过性能.确定实验室最佳的工艺条件。  相似文献   

探讨了高吸附性的海泡石对造纸脱墨废水中CODCr的去除情况,为造纸废水的处理提供了新的思路和方法。实验结果表明,经高温或酸活化后的海泡石处理脱墨废水,可使废水中的CODCr,去除率达80%以上。海泡石用于造纸脱墨废水处理具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

王爱萍  高玉杰 《黑龙江造纸》2005,33(2):24-24,26
目前,卷烟滤嘴材料主要是醋酸纤维丝束和聚丙烯丝束。介绍了以海泡石为卷烟滤嘴材料的纸质滤嘴的开发前景。  相似文献   

海泡石抄纸性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用海泡石对卷烟烟气优良的选择吸附性,将它与木材纤维混合抄纸,研究了成纸性能。  相似文献   

海泡石作为一种天然含水的镁硅酸盐粘土矿物,对卷烟烟气有优良的吸附性,本文实验就是利用海泡石的这一特性,先将海泡石进行高温活化,再将其与木浆混合配抄吸附型薄页纸,此纸可以卷制成滤嘴棒作卷烟滤嘴,实验得出,海泡石:针叶木浆=20:80,CMC添加量为0.075%时所抄纸页性能最佳。  相似文献   

In this study, for the first time, the function of acid‐activated sepiolite clay was evaluated for clarification of pomegranate juice. The optimum conditions of clarification process were achieved using response surface methodology based on juice turbidity as a response. After that, under optimal condition, efficiency of sepiolite, bentonite and combination of these fining agents with gelatin and kieselgel was compared for clarifying pomegranate juice. The results showed that the best conditions for juice clarification were 0.05% (w/v) clay concentration, temperature of 50 °C and time of 2 h. The results revealed that treatments of bentonite–gelatin–kieselgel and sepiolite–gelatin–kieselgel were the most active fining agents that their use led to a reduction of 99.7% in turbidity of pomegranate juice. Kinetic study for different features was performed, and the results indicated that rate of changes in turbidity, viscosity, total phenolic contents and colour with time followed first‐, first‐, zero‐ and zero‐order kinetic models, respectively.  相似文献   

海泡石的性能及在造纸中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
海泡石是一种纤维状含水的镁硅酸盐 ,具有吸附性、流变性、催化性以及耐高温、阻燃等性能。简述了海泡石的结构与性能 ,并就海泡石的某些性能 ,论述了它在造纸中的应用  相似文献   

分散剂对海泡石纤维的化学松解效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同打浆时间、浓度及设备条件下,不同分散剂对海泡石纤维的松解效果,筛选了最佳分散剂及其最佳用量和打浆温度.结果表明,在海泡石纤维化学松解工艺中,阴离子表面活性剂OT和阳离子表面活性剂GSY对纤维的松解效果接近,但二者的松解效果均不及水溶性磷酸盐的效果好.所用磷酸盐分散剂中以磷酸三钠及六偏磷酸钠松解效果最好,且后者的松解效果更佳;以前者为分散剂且低速打浆时,高浓打浆效果较好;以后者为分散剂且高速打浆时,浓度高低对纤维松解效果的影响不大.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Novel composite hydrogels, poly(acrylamide)–sepiolite (PAS), poly(acrylamide/acrylic acid)–sepiolite (PAAS), and poly(acrylamide/itaconic acid)–sepiolite (PAIS) were prepared and used for the immobilization of invertase. The parameters of equilibrium swelling, diffusional exponent, and diffusion coefficient of these hydrogels were calculated from swelling experiments. Invertase was immobilized onto PAS, PAAS, and PAIS and immobilized invertases (PASI, PAASI, and PAISI) were prepared. Optimum pH values for free invertase, PASI, PAASI, and PAISI are found to be 5, 5.5, 4.5, and 6, respectively, and the optimum temperatures were 30, 50, 50, and 35 °C for free invertase PASI, PAASI, and PAISI. It was found that  Km  values of free invertase, PASI, PAASI, and PAISI were 11.3, 41.0, 94.5, and 56.0 mM, respectively.  V max values were 2 μmol/min for free invertase, 8.10 μmol/min for PASI, 1.30 μmol/min for PAASI, and 0.42 μmol/min for PAISI, respectively. The invertase immobilized hydrogels showed excellent, temperature, storage, and operational stability.  相似文献   

以几种进口催化剂(PRICAT9908、PRICAT9910、HarshawNysosel222、HarshawDM-Ⅱ)分别用于大豆油、玉米油氢化,对氢化过程中催化剂活性进行研究。实验结果表明:催化剂活性比为不同催化剂单位质量表面上活性中心的总数目N总值的比值;催化剂活性不仅与比表面有关,还与其活性中心分布情况、内表面利用率有关。  相似文献   

Yue Shen 《纺织学会志》2013,104(9):1144-1149
Intended to study the influence of different production parameters on sound absorption of activated carbon fiber felts, viscose-based activated carbon fiber felts acquired from different production parameters were prepared and taken to test the sound absorption coefficients in normal incidence by means of transfer function method, within an acoustic range of 250–6300 Hz in the impedance tube. Analysis was made to find the influence of carbonization temperature, carbonization rate, activation temperature, and activation time on sound absorption properties. Sound absorption coefficients at medium–low frequencies strikingly climbed with the increasing frequency, while fluctuating at high frequencies. Other production parameters remaining constant, sound absorption coefficients increased at medium–low frequencies with the rising carbonization temperature and the extended activation time, while subsequently decreased with the rising carbonization rate and carbonization temperature. At the same time, sound absorption coefficients decreased at high frequencies with the rising carbonization temperature and carbonization rate, while increased but later decreased with the rising activation temperature, and increased again with the added time in activation.  相似文献   

A novel cysteine protease D3, which was purified from germinating soybean cotyledons, showed high homology with cathepsin L and cathepsin K. In our previous study, because of the specificity of the enzyme, hydroly‐sates treated with D3 treatment showed a prominent property of less bitterness than other hydrolysates treated with commercially available proteases. However, active recombinant D3 prepared from Escherichia coli inclusion bodies was so intricate and less productive that it made further studies on this protease and hydrolysates difficult. In the concrete, the refolding process of the immature proD3 from inclusion bodies takes more than a day, and autocatalytic activation of refolded immature proD3 at low pH was difficult to control. In this study, we aimed to establish an efficient refolding and activating method of protease D3. In the refolding step, the procedures could be simplified by using a size‐exclusive column‐based method. In the activation step from immature proD3, we utilized another protease, subtilisin, rather than autocatalytic activation by D3 itself. After subtilisin treatment, the peptide having 12 amino acids‐length of N‐terminal pro sequence was initially cleaved, and residual proD3 showed only a half proteolytic activity of active D3. However, when the pH was shifted lower (pH4.5), D3 automatically changed to have the same proteolytic activity as active one, and this activated recombinant had the same N‐terminal sequence as purified D3 from germinating soybean cotyledons. By using this method, all preparation processes of D3 from inclusion bodies to active D3 could be completed within a few hours, and it became possible to carry out the investigation on hydrolysates on a large scale.  相似文献   

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