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对速冻香蕉片加工工艺进行研究,确定最佳工艺条件为:以1.6%的氯化钠溶液为护色剂,浸泡时间3 min, 香蕉片的厚度8 mm,速冻风速6 m/s.  相似文献   

以速冻脆皮肠加工工艺作为研究对象,在产品感官质量评价标准下,进行了单因素试验,研究鸡胸肉添加量,以及工艺中干燥时间对脆皮肠脆度的影响.通过正交实验,确定了最佳的配比及工艺标准.试验结果表明,鸡胸肉添加量为35kg,干燥60℃、30min,烟熏65℃、20min,蒸煮82℃、30min.在此条件下的脆皮肠,香气纯正、口感...  相似文献   

蕨菜速冻保藏加工工艺高海生张小军李育华(河北农业技术师范学院食品工程系,昌黎,066600)蕨菜为蕨科多年生草本植物,野生于山坡草丛或林间隙地,属标准的“绿色食品”。蕨菜根状茎,紫黑色或暗褐色;叶片近革质,卵状三角形或宽卵形;叶柄粗壮,幼叶基部被毛。...  相似文献   

速冻苹果片加工工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文比较了浓度为0.5%的柠檬酸、0.005%的偏重亚硫酸钠、0.1%的抗坏血酸和0.9%的氯化钠溶液对苹果片的防褐变效果,并以速冻苹果片的食用品质和冻耗为依据,对其速冻工艺进行了优化,得到速冻苹果片的最佳制备工艺为:苹果片厚度为6mm,0.9%氯化钠溶液中浸泡5 min,速冻时的风速为6m/s.在此条件下得到的速冻苹果片的硬度适中,有甜的口感和苹果风味,口感评价得分16.86分(满分20分).  相似文献   

速冻蔬菜加工工艺潘正权0引言速冻蔬菜的加工,在江苏、山东等地巳形成一定的规模,盐渍、保鲜、脱水、速冻等很多品种的深加工蔬菜受到了日本等国的欢迎,为企业带来了较高的经济效益。通常蔬菜在人们的心目中没有什么奥秘,常常忽视加工工艺对产品质量的影响,因而质量...  相似文献   

速冻牛蒡的加工工艺   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
0前言牛蒡别名大力子、树根菜、蝙蝠刺等,属于菊科,牛蒡属,以肉质根为产品器官。肉质根细长呈圆柱形,长度一般为60~100cm,皮呈黄褐、黑褐等色;肉质为灰白色,稍粗硬,如果采收迟了易空心。据分析,100g鲜牛蒡根中含蛋白质2.8g、脂肪0.1g、碳水...  相似文献   

速冻山药的加工工艺   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以山药为原料,经去皮、护色、杀菌等处理后,进行速冻,制定技术标准并研究提出质量控制的工艺参数。  相似文献   

速冻水饺加工工艺及配方研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为提高速冻水饺品质,本文通过对速冻水饺生产过程中面粉、食盐添加量、淀粉添加量、添加剂的种类、加水量及和面时间、冻藏温度等工艺进行对比研究,结果表明:速冻水饺生产中,选择湿面筋含量为30 %的面粉,添加1 %的食盐提高面粉的筋力、10 %的淀粉增加面粉的吸水性、0.10 %的蔗糖酯作乳化剂,然后加入47 %的水,和面20 min后,成型,并在-20℃速冻保藏,能得到品质较佳的速冻水饺.  相似文献   

速冻扇贝串的加工工艺李志军(烟台大学水产学院,烟台,264001)0前言扇贝在我国沿海均有出产,尤以山东省产量最丰质量亦佳,长岛扇贝更是全国闻名。山东半岛现主要有两大扇贝品种供加工和鲜销食用。其一是栉孔扇贝,此贝盛产于我国北方沿海,其干制品是我国传统...  相似文献   

In 367 domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) eggs collected from 61 farms, residues of 10 pesticides were detected in various combinations and in the following order of frequency: p,p′-DDE (in 100% of the eggs), p,p′-DDT (98%), dieldrin (95%), Indiane (66%), p,p′-DDD (46%), o,p′-DDT (17%), β-HCH (9%), γ-HCH (5%), endrin (4%) and aldrin (0–5%). No residues of heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, HCB or PCBs were found. The mean concentration (0–70 mg kg?1 eggs; range <0–01–10–25) of total DDT exceeded the extraneous residue limit (ERL) of 0–50 mg kg?1. The mean dieldrin residue level (0–35 mg kg?1; range 0–01–14–90) was 3–5 times higher than the ERL (0–10 mg kg?1). Only 3% of the eggs exceeded the ERL for Indane. The 156 eggs from free-range hens had significantly (P<0–05) higher residue concentrations of total DDT, dieldrin and Iindane than eggs collected from hens kept in enclosures. The mean ratio [p,p′-DDT]/[p,p′-DDE] in eggs from enclosed hens (0–97) was significantly higher (P<0–01) than in eggs from free-range hens (0–53), indicating that the former had a more direct exposure to p,p′-DDT, whereas the latter obtained more of it after environmental conversion to p,p′-DDE. Eggs from a rice-growing area had the highest concentrations of all pesticide residues detected. Accumulation ratios indicated that the levels of DDT and Iindane in the feed of enclosed hens could account for the levels in the corresponding eggs. The much higher accumulation ratios calculated for the free-range hens demonstrated that the feed ingested by these chickens obviously contained ingredients additional to those sampled, and revealed probable extensive environmental contamination by these persistent pesticides. The present results indicate that there is a need to identify sources of dieldrin in the eggs of domestic fowls and, where necessary to investigate local wildlife samples. The amounts of total DDT and dieldrin in eggs in this study seem to be higher than reported from any other country. Toxicological evaluation of the results indicates that, at lest in parts of KEnya there is a need for improved practices in the use of some organochlorine pesticides.  相似文献   

对黄圃腊味进行了概述,包括其定义和发展状况,重点探讨了黄圃腊味的生产工艺,常见质量安全问题和质量监控,最后提出了黄圃腊味的发展对策。  相似文献   

中药现代化事关中医药的生存和发展,与中药走向世界密切相关,目前中药制剂存在着多方面的难题,比如生物利用度低、不良气味、药物毒性作用大和药物配伍禁忌等诸多问题。介绍了微胶囊技术的特点和微胶囊技术在解决中药制剂的诸多问题中的应用。随着微胶囊技术的不断发展及其在中药方面应用的深入研究,微胶囊技术对中药现代化起着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

Melanin isolated from the muscles of Taihe Black-bone silky fowl (TBSF) was examined by amino acid analyzer, ICP-AES, UV–VIS absorption spectroscopy, infrared spectrometry, and elemental analyzer. The data obtained indicated that the isolated pigment contained 25% protein and many metal ions, and it was rich in Ca, Fe, Mg, and Zn. This pigment mostly consisted of eumelanin. Its spectroscopic and solubility properties were very similar to those of typical melanin. In addition, the antioxidant activities of TBSF melanin were evaluated in vitro by DPPH radical-scavenging assay, superoxide-radical scavenging assay, and lipid peroxidation assay. TBSF melanin exhibited a strong antioxidant activity. This study suggested that the TBSF melanin could potentially be used as a natural antioxidant in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.  相似文献   

Black-Bone Silky Fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson) is both consumed as a healthy food and used particularly as a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. Carnosine in the muscles of Black-Bone Silky Fowl was identified by HPLC–MS/PAD. The carnosine content in the meat of Black-Bone Silky Fowl was determined by HPLC and compared with that contained in the meat of White Plymouth Rock, which were bred under the same condition. The results showed that the contents of carnosine in the mixed meat, breast meat and thigh meat of Black-Bone Silky Fowl were all remarkably higher than that in the White Plymouth Rock. These findings indicate that Black-Bone Silky Fowl would be a better chicken breed for carnosine supplement.  相似文献   

金银花饮料生产工艺研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨了金银花饮料的生产工艺及配方 ,并研究了金银花浸提工艺、甜味剂、矫味剂和品质改良剂的选择等  相似文献   

中药生物转化是我国传统中药优势和现代生物技术的成功融合,较传统的物理、化学炮制中药更能较好地改变药性、提高疗效、降低毒副作用、扩大适应症。用生物转化的方法处理中药中的化学成分,修饰它们的结构或活性位点,获得新的活性化合物用于新药或保健食品的开发,对充分发挥我国中药的资源优势,获得具有自主知识产权的健康产品具有十分重要的意义。该文概述了近些年中药生物转化技术的应用,并对相关的传统转化技术演变和当代转化技术发展进行了总结,为中药生物转化技术的推广提供了参考和依据。  相似文献   

鸽肉的营养成分分析及其评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对鸽肉中的一般营养成分以及脂肪酸、矿物质和微量元素进行分析。结果表明,鸽肉中含有丰富的营养物质,粗蛋白含量为67.8%,粗脂肪含量为38.8%,其中不饱和脂肪酸含量在65.12%~65.22%之间,油酸含量特别高,占脂肪酸总量的39.93%,矿物质及微量元素高于一般动物性食物。   相似文献   

苹果醋的功能和工艺探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
陈春香 《中国调味品》2007,(10):65-65,74
主要介绍苹果醋的功能和生产工艺。  相似文献   

鸡蛋素食肠生产工艺的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了5种食品添加剂、加水量和加热情况对鸡蛋素食肠凝胶性的影响,得出了鸡蛋素食肠的配方。  相似文献   

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