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通过测定和分析市售火腿肠、肉片和肉松3类熟肉制品的氧化产物丙二醛穴MDA雪和亚硝酸钠盐穴NO2雪这两种致癌物质,对市售肉制品的安全性进行了分析和评估。13个产品中,只有一个鸡肉卷火腿肠的NO2残留量超标穴36mg/kg雪,其余肉制品的NO2含量均在允许范围。火腿肠类的MDA值低于0.5mg/kg熏未出现异味,说明其是安全的,但是脂肪和蛋白质含量普遍偏低,影响了口感和应有的品质。肉干及肉松类的MDA值均超过0.5mg/kg,已出现热异味(WOF),具有潜在的安全危害,应引起重视。  相似文献   

超市肉类加工食品酸价安全期与氧化安全期比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对超市出售的鱿鱼丝、肉片、鱼片、卤鸡腿、火腿肠、午餐肉罐头、广式腊肠7大类15种肉类加工食品的营养组成、酸价(AV)、过氧化值(POV)、硫代巴比妥酸值(TBA)以及感官品质进行测定和分析,根据国标对被测食品的酸价安全期和氧化安全期进行分析比较.在保存期为货架期的1/3~1/2时,盐焗卤制鸡腿、广式腊肠、油炸牛肉干、火腿肠、鱿鱼丝、鱼片等9个样品的感官评分为良好,但其AV已接近或超过酸价国标值,AV安全期仅为货架期的1/5~1/3;同样的产品,其POV值却大大低于国标值,POV氧化安全期多数超过货架期;TBA值与感官评分结果相近,TBA氧化安全期比较接近于货架期.结果表明,AV不宜作为肉类加工食品安全指标,POV因其不稳定性,也不宜作为氧化安全指标,TBA值因其具有安全学意义并更接近于氧化安全实际,可作为肉类加工食品的氧化安全指标.  相似文献   

主要研究了用猪肉和鸡肉模拟腌肉制品在出品率150%情况下,通过对实验数据进行统计分析,可以得到的亚硝酸钠残留量的预测模型,分别为:Y=5.972+0.375X1-0.028X2,Y=25.678+0.287X1-0.026X2,其中Y,X1,X2分别为测定亚硝酸钠残留量,亚硝酸钠添加量(mg/kg),肉样处理时间(h),方程在0.0001水平下显著,预测模型的常量和自变量的回归系数显著P≤0.05。同时得出无论原料肉是猪肉或鸡肉,亚硝酸钠的添加量不高于150 mg/kg情况下,模拟腌肉制品的亚硝酸钠残留量均不会超过西式火腿类≤70mg/kg的标准;,以猪肉为原料制成的模拟腌肉制品在亚硝酸钠添加量为80mg/kg时,亚硝酸钠残留量符合标准肉灌肠类≤30mg/kg不会超标,而以鸡肉为原料必须将亚硝酸钠添加量限制为到50mg/kg以下。  相似文献   

以高档火腿肠为对象,研究肉制品氧化机理;并通过减少脂肪、添加抗氧化剂、火腿肠套袋等方式考察脂肪含量、抗氧化剂及光照强度对其氧化程度的影响。结果表明:实验组与正常组相比pH值由6.37降至6.33,过氧化值由5.53meq/kg降至5.01meq/kg,丙二醛由0.653mg/kg降至0.619mg/kg,总巯基从58.64mg/kg增至60.12mg/kg,游离巯基由31.03mg/kg增至34.25mg/kg。这说明火腿肠的氧化主要是脂肪氧化,蛋白质氧化程度相对较轻,且减少脂肪、添加抗氧化剂、火腿肠套袋能够一定程度降低高档火腿肠的氧化程度。  相似文献   

托盘包装上浆鸡肉片冷藏中品质的变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建军 《食品科技》2011,(10):111-115
以冷鲜鸡的胸脯肉为原料加工上浆鸡肉片,装入托盘,置4℃条件下冷藏,序时测定其细菌菌落总数、TVBN含量、pH值的变化并作感官检验,结果在放置96h时,细菌菌落数2.1×104cfu/g,肉浸汁TVBN含量16mg/100g,pH值为6.3,超过标准值。对其细菌菌相的鉴定分析表明,由肠杆菌(Enterobacter)、乳酸杆菌(Lactobacillus)、假单胞菌(Pseudomonas)构成腐败菌相,其中假单胞菌为优势菌,最终由假单胞菌和肠杆菌履行腐败变质。在此基础上拟定出上浆鸡肉片托盘包装制品4℃下冷藏的适宜保质期为84h。  相似文献   

为平衡腊肠营养,提升腊肠品质,本文以川味腊肠为研究对象,研究41.5%鸡肉、兔肉、鱼肉添加对川味腊肠品质特性改良的影响。测定指标包括水分、粗脂肪、粗蛋白含量、pH、Aw、颜色、质构、硫代巴比妥酸值(TBARS)、蛋白质羰基、游离巯基含量、脂肪酸组成和感官评定。结果表明,猪肉和兔肉混合组硬度(76.37,68.01 kg)显著高于其他2组腊肠(P<0.05)。鸡肉和鱼肉混合组TBARS值(0.60,0.63 mg MDA/kg)显著高于兔肉混合组(P<0.05)。仅鱼肉混合组检出花生五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸,鸡肉混合组∑多不饱和脂肪酸总量(19.96%)、∑n-6:∑n-3(22)显著高于其他3组腊肠(P<0.05)。兔肉和鸡肉混合组的总体可接受程度(7.33,7.05分)显著高于(P<0.05)鱼肉混合组。因此,兔肉混合组川味腊肠的品质改良效果更好,后续研究可以将出品率要求考虑在内,通过添加液态油脂(植物油、鱼油)改善其营养品质,鱼肉混合组川味腊肠脂肪酸组成较好,而脂肪氧化程度较高,感官总体可接受程度较低,后续研究可考虑添加抗氧化剂、去腥物质...  相似文献   

六类鱼制品中生物胺的HPLC法测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对不同类型的鱼制品建立同时检测腐胺、尸胺、精胺、亚精胺、酪胺、苯乙胺、组胺和色胺8种生物胺含量的高效液相色谱(HPLC)法。应用该方法,测定了干燥制品、油炸制品、烘烤制品、发酵制品、混揉制品以及萃取制品6类鱼干制品中的生物胺含量。结果显示,萃取制品-鱼油中未检测出生物胺,其余5类产品中生物胺含量最高的为发酵制品(73.42~70.59 mg/kg)和混揉制品(55.48~49.88 mg/kg),其次为油炸制品(17.72~14.32 mg/kg),而鱼干制品(5.28~5.17 mg/kg)和烘烤制品(4.75~4.69 mg/kg)中的生物胺含量相对较少;另外,尸胺、组胺、精胺和亚精胺四种生物胺为除萃取制品之外的5类鱼制品中普遍存在的4种生物胺成分;其中尸胺是鱼制品中变化最大、影响最为明显的单体生物胺,检测产品中尸胺含量有利于监控、评判鱼干制品的质量。  相似文献   

通过对市售冷冻鸡肉及其调理制品中磷酸盐水平进行分析,探讨了目前肉制品中磷酸盐残留量高的原因及煮制时间对原料肉中磷酸盐残留变化的影响。结果表明:95%的原料鸡肉样品的磷酸盐含量为5.09-7.95g/kg,且不同部位鸡肉中磷酸盐含量差异显著(P<0.05),其规律为鸡胸>鸡腿>鸡翅;抽查的12种鸡肉调理制品中的腌制类和油炸类产品的磷酸盐残留量均超过5g/kg,而蒸煮类鸡肉丸磷酸盐水平均低于5g/kg,并显著低于其他两类产品;原料肉中游离磷酸盐占总磷含量的平均水平为74.22%;经热处理后原料肉的磷酸盐残留量均呈下降趋势,游离磷溶出居多,且不同部位的溶出率差异显著(P<0.05)。蒸煮可有效降低原料肉中磷酸盐水平。  相似文献   

目的了解淀粉制品中铝含量的基础水平,为制定淀粉制品的铝限量标准和加强淀粉制品的安全监督提供依据。方法 2014年采集郑州及其周边县市的大中型连锁超市、居民区菜店、大型批发市场、农贸市场等所销售的保质期内的粉条、粉丝等定型包装和散装淀粉制品共256份,按GB/T 5009.182—2003《面制食品中铝的测定》方法检测,按GB 2760—2011《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》进行判定,并以GB 2762—2005《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》所规定的面制品(干重)中铝含量不超过100 mg/kg作为参考标准。结果 60份粉丝样品中,铝检出率为66.67%,含量范围ND~267.50 mg/kg,铝含量均值为27.16 mg/kg,中位数为16.40 mg/kg;114份粉条样品中,铝检出率达到92.11%,含量范围ND~696.30 mg/kg,最高检出值超过参考限量值约6倍,铝含量均值为171.36 mg/kg,中位数为123.50 mg/kg;12份粉皮样品的铝检出率为75.00%,含量范围ND~1 041.80 mg/kg,均值为113.95 mg/kg,中位数为22.55 mg/kg;10份焖子样品的铝检出率为100.00%,含量范围46.10~235.20 mg/kg,均值为96.88 mg/kg,中位数为69.95 mg/kg;60份凉粉、拉皮样品的铝检出率为90.00%,含量范围ND~393.70 mg/kg,最高检出值超过限量值约3倍,样品均值为57.62 mg/kg,中位数为46.65 mg/kg。结论部分淀粉制品中的铝残留量较高,主要与使用含铝食品添加剂有关,应加强含铝食品添加剂的监管。  相似文献   

分析了四川成都某一大型超市售卖的5种知名品牌的腊肉、川味腊肠和广味腊肠共15个样品中亚硝酸盐、组胺、甲醛的含量和酸价,以了解四川腌腊肉制品的质量安全情况。13.3%样品中组胺含量超过FDA规定标准;15个样品中亚硝酸盐残留量在2.1~5.3mg/kg之间,均未超标;100%样品甲醛检测呈阳性,其含量在4.89~35.93mg/kg之间;73.3%样品的酸价超过卫生标准最高限值。分析表明,传统四川腌腊肉制品酸价超标比较严重,且含有组胺、甲醛、亚硝酸盐等有害物质,质量安全状况比较严重。腌腊肉制品传统加工工艺应进行改良,以消除或减少亚硝酸盐、组胺、甲醛等有害物质,从根本上解决腌腊肉制品食用安全性问题。  相似文献   

中国肉制品分类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据我国肉制品最终产品的特征和产品的加工工艺,可以将肉制品分为以下十大类:香肠制品、火腿制品、腌腊制品、酱卤制品、熏烧烤制品、干制品、油炸制品、调理肉制品、罐藏制品、其他类制品。  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella are pathogenic bacteria that can contaminate food products during or after processing. Ready-to-eat (RTE) food does not undergo any treatment to ensure its safety before consumption, and therefore risk of foodborne disease must be considered if these pathogens are present in the food. To evaluate the prevalence of these pathogens in RTE food, 140 RTE fish product samples, 501 RTE meat product samples, 462 RTE dairy samples, and 123 RTE dishes and desserts, providing a total of 1,226 samples, were collected from retail stores and food industry and analyzed for the presence of L. monocytogenes. A total of 1,379 samples consisting of 187 RTE fish products and 569 RTE meat products, 484 RTE dairy products, and 139 RTE dishes and desserts were collected and analyzed for the presence of Salmonella. L. monocytogenes was isolated from 20% of frozen Atlantic bonito small pies, 7.9% of smoked salmon samples, 11.1% of the pork luncheon meat samples, 6.2% of frozen chicken croquettes, 16.9% of cured dried sausage samples, 12.5% of cooked ham samples, and 20% of cooked turkey breast samples. L. monocytogenes was also found to be present in 1.3% of fresh salty cheese samples and 15.1% of frozen cannelloni samples. Salmonella was isolated from 1.2% of smoked salmon samples, 1.5% of frozen chicken croquettes, 2% of cooked ham samples, and 11.1% of cured dried sausage samples. Overall, occurrence of these pathogens in RTE foods was similar to that previously reported in the literature.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to evaluate the efficiency of six extraction methods for the quantification of total lipid content in meat and meat products: standard Soxhlet method (with and without previous acid hydrolysis), continuous Soxhlet method (with and without previous acid hydrolysis), and those methods based in the use of a mixture of chloroform and methanol, and described by Folch, Less, and Sloane (1957) and Bligh and Dyer (1959). Lipid content was determined in nine different meat products with different fat contents and physico-chemical features: cooked turkey breast, fresh pork loin, cooked ham, dry-cured ham, mortadella, beef burger, fresh sausage, dry-cured sausage and salami. The most effective methods for determining fat content in the studied meat products were the method described by Folch et al. (1957) and the Soxhlet with previous acid hydrolysis method. The Soxhlet method without previous acid hydrolysis adequately extracted lipids only in those meat products with very high fat content. The use of the method described by Bligh and Dyer (1959) gave rise to the lowest lipid contents in all the studied meat products.  相似文献   

Djinovic J  Popovic A  Jira W 《Meat science》2008,80(2):449-456
The contents of the16 EU priority PAHs in six different meat products from Serbia (beef ham, pork ham, bacon without skin, bacon with skin, cajna sausage and sremska sausage) were examined during the process of smoking. All these meat products from meat industry Zlatiborac, Mačkat, Serbia presented in this study, have not previously been analysed concerning to their contents of PAH compounds. Determination and quantification of PAHs in meat products were performed by a Fast GC/HRMS method. The maximum level for benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) of 5 μg/kg in smoked meat products was not exceeded in any samples. BaP comprises in general 4.6% of the total sum of the 16 EU priority PAHs and 15.2% of the total sum of the 12 IARC PAH compounds. The suitability of BaP as a marker both for 16 EU priority PAHs and 12 IARC probably and possibly carcinogenic PAHs was checked by applying correlation analysis.  相似文献   

提出一种基于最优最劣和熵值法的肉制品中重金属污染综合评价模型,该方法首先从毒性、含量2个方面构建评价体系,然后用最优最劣法评价各类肉制品的重金属污染程度,用熵值法对各地区肉制品中重金属污染程度进行综合评价。以某省5个城市4类肉制品重金属检测数据为例进行案例研究,对4类肉制品重金属污染程度排序发现,按内梅罗指数法和超标率两种评价方法计算的结果分别为熟肉干制品>腌腊肉制品>酱卤肉制品>熏煮香肠火腿制品和腌腊肉制品>酱卤肉制品>熟肉干制品>熏煮香肠火腿制品;而用文中综合评价方法计算的结果为酱卤肉制品>腌腊肉制品>熟肉干制品>熏煮香肠火腿制品。对5市肉制品重金属污染程度进行排序发现,按内梅罗指数法和超标率两种评价方法进行计算的结果均为A市>C市>B市>E市>D市,与文中方法的排序结果一致。对比方法和文中综合评价方法排序结果既有联系又有差异,造成差异的原因是对比方法考虑因素单一,而文中所提模型能较全面客观反映重金属污染情况,并可以有效突出不同地区重金属污染程度的差距。  相似文献   

Honkavaara M 《Meat science》1988,24(3):201-207
PSE pork (pH(1) ≤ 5·8) and non-PSE pork (5·8 < pH(1) ≤ 6·4) were used for cooked, cured ham production and, with beef, in a 48 52 mixture for fermented dry sausage manufacture. Technological yields of PSE and non-PSE hams were, respectively, 94·0 and 105·9% which corresponded to 5·0 FMK/kg loss for the PSE ham compared to the non-PSE ham. In addition, cooked PSE ham had a poorer organoleptic quality compared to non-PSE ham. However, PSE meat could be mixed with normal meat for the production of fermented dry sausage without quality defects.  相似文献   

Biogenic amines in foods may pose a public health problem. Therefore, histamine, tyramine, putrescine, cadaverine, spermine, and spermidine concentrations were measured in selected food items commonly consumed in Egypt. Foods examined were dairy products (blue cheese and Mesh cheese), meats (fermented and smoked cooked sausage), and fish (smoked and salted fermented fish [Feseekh], salted sardines, and anchovies). Egyptian fermented sausage had the highest concentration of total biogenic amines (2,482 mg/kg), followed by Mesh cheese (2,118 mg/kg) and blue cheese (2,084 mg/kg). The lowest concentration was found in smoked cooked sausage (111 mg/kg). Histamine was found at a high level (521 mg/kg) in Feseekh, and tyramine was highest (2,010 mg/kg) in blue cheese. These results indicate that some traditional Egyptian foods may pose a health risk due to the concentration of biogenic amines, especially histamine.  相似文献   

红曲色素在肉制品中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于红曲色素具有良好的着色性能以及较好的抑菌作用,红曲色素现广泛的应用于各类食品中。本文主要概述了红曲色素在几类常见肉制品:香肠、腊肉、火腿、火腿肠中的应用。  相似文献   

火腿是由腌制或熏制的动物后腿制成的,是世界三大发酵肉制品(火腿,香肠和培根)之一,其制作过程一般需经过鲜腿肉的选择、修整、上盐腌制、晾挂和发酵等工序。火腿中的蛋白质在长期发酵过程中会受组织内源性酶和微生物酶的作用,从而降解产生小分子肽类,许多体外抗氧化实验表明这些肽类具有抗氧化活性。本文主要综述了火腿中抗氧化肽的提取方式、分离纯化、抗氧化活性及其抗氧化机制的研究进展,旨在为火腿中抗氧化肽的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The application of a protective lactic acid bacterium (LAB) during the commercial production of cooked meat products is described. The LAB, a strain of Lactobacillus sakei, was previously isolated from cooked ham and inhibited growth of Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7 in this product. L. sakei was applied to the cooked products at a concentration of 10(5)-10(6) cfu/g immediately before slicing and vacuum-packaging using a hand-operated spraying bottle. The LAB strain inhibited growth of 10(3) cfu/g of a cocktail of three rifampicin resistant mutant L. monocytogenes strains both at 8 degrees C and 4 degrees C. Consumer acceptance tests of cooked ham and of servelat sausage, a Norwegian non-fermented cooked meat sausage, showed that control and inoculated products were equally acceptable. The products were still acceptable after storage for 28 days at 4 degrees C and, after opening the packages, for a further 5 days at 4 degrees C. The findings presented here confirm that the L. sakei strain is suitable for use as a protective culture and may technically easily be implemented in the commercial production of cooked meat products.  相似文献   

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