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无公害农产品、绿色食品、有机食品和农产品地理标志(以下简称"三品一标")是我国重要的安全优质农产品公共品牌。发展"三品一标"是践行绿色发展理念的有效途径,是实现农业提质增效的重要举措,是适应公众消费的必然要求,也是提升农产品质量安全水平的重要手段。基于此,文章对葫芦岛市"三品一标"发展状况进行分析,提出相关对策与建议,希望能够为绿色农业的发展献计献策。  相似文献   

电商平台下“三品一标”农产品质量安全监管模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来我国生鲜电商迅猛发展,认证登记的"三品一标"农产品在生鲜电商中占的份额越来越大,但与之对应的农产品质量安全监管却相对滞后。为了提高"三品一标"农产品质量安全,树立农业品牌形象,本文从生产者、管理者、消费者和第三方平台的角度探讨了电商平台下"三品一标"农产品质量安全监管的现状与难点,提出从提升农产品质量安全意识、完善监管机制,来优化原有监管模式,并通过升级宣传方式、引入信用评价体系、实现农产品质量安全追溯,构建管理部门、电商平台、生产者三方利益共同体,打造电商平台下"三品一标"农产品质量安全新型监管模式,以不断满足消费者对安全优质品牌农产品的需求。  相似文献   

正"三品一标"是政府主导的安全优质农产品公共品牌,是当前和今后一个时期农产品生产消费的主导产品,是农业发展进入新阶段的战略选择,也是传统农业向现代农业转变的重要标志。本文根据山西省近年来"三品一标"发展中出现的问题,进行了分析,并结合实际,提出合理化建议,为推动山西省"三品一标"发展提供借鉴。无公害农产品、绿色食品、有机农产品和农产品地理标志统称为农产  相似文献   

随着化学农药等投入品的大量使用,出现了臭氧层破坏、温室效应等环境问题,导致我国农业环境污染日趋严重,由此而引发的农产品污染、农产品质量与安全问题越来越受到人们的高度关注。加强农业环境保护,确保农产品生产安全,是安全消费的保障。"三品一标"倡导绿色、减量和清洁化生产,遵循资源循环无害化利用,严格控制和鼓励减少农业投入品使用,注重产地环境保护,在推进农业可持续发展和建设生态文明等方面,具有重要的示范引领作用。本文通过对当前北京市农业环境现状、"三品一标"发展情况进行阐述,指出农业环境与"三品一标"的相互关系,得出发展"三品一标"能达到农产品质量安全及农业环境良好的双赢状态;能推动北京都市型现代化农业发展。以期在今后的发展中,相关部门能正确引领"三品一标"的发展,充分发挥"三品一标"的生态效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

我国“三品一标”产业发展与对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"三品一标"是我国政府主导的农产品精品品牌,是保障农产品安全优质的有效手段。本文通过对我国"三品一标"产业发展的背景及其现状的分析,指出了影响当前我国"三品一标"产业发展存在的问题及制约因素,并对该产业未来发展提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

无公害农产品、绦色食品、有机农产品和地理标志农产品,我们统称“三品一标”。“三品一标”是政府主导的安全优质农产品公共优质品牌,也是农业系统在农产品方面主推的四个官方认可性品牌。“三品一标”以标准化生产为载体,在推进农产品生产规模化、基地化和保障农产品质量安全方面发挥了非常重要的引领、示范作用。  相似文献   

<正>根据《农业农村部关于实施农产品“三品一标”四大行动的通知》(农质发[2022]8号),为进一步推动贵州省农产品“三品一标”高质量发展,制定本实施方案。一、重大意义发展绿色、有机、地理标志和承诺达标合格农产品(以下称农产品“三品一标”)是践行“大食物观”的重要举措,是适配人民群众安全优质营养健康农产品消费需求的必然要求,是提高农产品质量品质品牌的有效途径,是提高贵州省农业竞争力的重要载体,是提升农产品质量安全治理能力的创新举措。  相似文献   

正关于《农产品地理标志登记审查若干问题的说明》通知根据全国农产品质量安全监管暨"三品一标"工作有关精神,为进一步规范农产品地理标志登记审查工作,农业部农产品质量安全中心组织专家对农产品地理标志登记审查有关问题进行了专题研究,制定了《农产品地理标志登记审查若干问题的说明》。《说明》对产品受理问题、地域范围交  相似文献   

无公害农产品、绿色食品.有机农产品和农产品地理标志产品(简称“三品一标”)是政府主导安全优质农产品公共品牌.在保障农产品质量安全方面发挥引领、示范作用。  相似文献   

湖北绿色无公害农产品认证品牌超4000个——每年可供质量安全认证农产品近1600万吨无公害农产品、绿色食品、有机食品和农产品地理标志保护农产品(简称三品一标)是我国安全优质农产品认证品牌,也是农产品市场准入的重要条件之一,日益受到广大消费者关注  相似文献   

本文简介了"三农"问题、食品安全问题、绿色贸易壁垒问题,分析了发展绿色、有机食品是解决上述问题的有效措施之一,并提出了发展绿色、有机食品的具体措施。  相似文献   

Organic green tea, one of the most-consumed beverages worldwide, is rich in bioactive compounds (flavonols and flavanols) with healthy properties. Broccoli byproducts, consisting of leaves and stalks, are rich in bioactive compounds, including nitrogen–sulphur compounds (glucosinolates and isothiocyanates) and phenolics (chlorogenic and sinapic acid derivatives, and flavonoids), as well as essential nutrients (minerals and vitamins). They are of high interest as a source of health-promoting compounds, useful as ingredients for the development of functional foods. This work analyses minimally-processed broccoli byproducts as a source of bioactive ingredients to design novel beverages, using organic green tea as a food matrix. Green tea enriched with broccoli concentrates showed improved physical quality, phytochemical composition and antioxidant capacity. The functional quality of these novel beverages depends on the proportion of broccoli extracts added to the green tea. The results obtained in the present work should encourage the use of broccoli byproducts as ingredients in novel functional foods.

Industrial relevance

The industrial use of broccoli byproducts as an ingredient in the development of novel, functional foods may help to add value to the large amount of plant wastes generated in every cropping season, thus reducing their environmental impact. The objectives and aims of the EU producers, industry and stakeholders on the relationships between foods, nutrition and health, and therefore, the use of suitable ingredients from the agriculture to have impact on human health and the environment, with a sustainable use of natural resources are in agreement with this work, adding value to broccoli byproducts and encouraging the production of novel products and applications for nutritional and/or health claims under the EU Regulations (EC) No. 1924/2006 and 834/2007.  相似文献   

Given the significant increase in consumer interest in organic food products, there is a need to determine to what extent there is a scientific basis for claims made for organic produce. Studies comparing foods derived from organic and conventional growing systems were assessed for three key areas: nutritional value, sensory quality, and food safety. It is evident from this assessment that there are few well-controlled studies that are capable of making a valid comparison. With the possible exception of nitrate content, there is no strong evidence that organic and conventional foods differ in concentrations of various nutrients. Considerations of the impact of organic growing systems on nutrient bioavailability and nonnutrient components have received little attention and are important directions for future research. While there are reports indicating that organic and conventional fruits and vegetables may differ on a variety of sensory qualities, the findings are inconsistent. In future studies, the possibility that typical organic distribution or harvesting systems may deliver products differing in freshness or maturity should be evaluated. There is no evidence that organic foods may be more susceptible to microbiological contamination than conventional foods. While it is likely that organically grown foods are lower in pesticide residues, there has been very little documentation of residue levels.  相似文献   

有机酸是一类来源丰富且安全的天然抗血栓因子,广泛存在于水果、蔬菜、谷物等各种植物源食物中,具有抗凝血、抑制血小板聚集、溶栓等抗血栓作用,对防治心脑血管疾病具有潜在的保健品开发价值和临床应用价值。本文综述了有机酸及其衍生物的食物来源和抗血栓机制,对有机酸的抗血栓效果进行了比较,并对有机酸的抗血栓研究进行了总结与展望,以期为有机酸抗血栓机制的深入研究和富含有机酸类食品的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

真菌毒素常见于食品和各种粮食作物中,具有致癌性、诱变性、致畸性等危害,严重威胁人类和动物的健康。由于真菌毒素在食品基质中存在种类多、浓度低、极性范围广等特点,因此建立快速高效的食品样品前处理方法对真菌毒素的痕量分析十分重要。磁性固相萃取(magnetic solid-phase extraction,MSPE)是一种基于磁相互作用的样品前处理技术,凭借简单快速、绿色安全、高效经济等特点,已广泛应用于食品样品真菌毒素分析的前处理中。本文介绍了MSPE的萃取过程和磁性纳米材料的制备和修饰,综述了以无机材料(氧化硅基和碳基)、有机材料(印迹型、有机高分子、表面活性剂和有机小分子)和其他材料(离子液体和单克隆抗体)为代表的MSPE吸附剂在食品样品真菌毒素检测中的应用,并对MSPE技术的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

胡越  陈倩  刘骞  孔保华  刁新平 《食品科学》2021,42(11):271-277
日益严峻的生物膜污染给食品和医疗等行业的生产安全带来了巨大的威胁。与一般存在于食品中的浮游微生物不同,微生物形成的生物膜有其独特的结构和功能性质,因此生物膜对杀菌处理具有更强的抵抗能力,而寻找绿色环保的抗生物膜技术也成为人们日益关注的问题。作为一种新型的杀菌技术,冷等离子体杀菌操作简单、杀菌效果显著、能耗低,还可以很好地保持食品颜色、质地以及营养价值,在食品领域引起了广泛关注。本综述主要对冷等离子体破坏生物膜形成的机理、影响因素以及应用情况3 个方面进行介绍,旨在为冷等离子体抗生物膜技术在食品工业中的应用提供理论支持。  相似文献   

The paper is based upon a study of European consumers’ behavioural intentions towards food purchase for four food products in six countries. The analytical method employs a structural equation model within the marketing framework of the quality-value-satisfaction-loyalty (QVSL) paradigm. The paper focuses on country-based versions of the model. The sample consists of 5072 regular consumers of the four products and includes consumers of conventional foods, quality low-input foods and organic foods. The model establishes the determinants of behavioural intentions towards foods that consumers purchase regularly. In addition, it provides the facility to examine the potential of quality low-input foods and organic foods. The results reveal the contribution of satisfaction, perceived value and perceived quality to improving behavioural intentions and how these constructs could contribute to the improved effectiveness of marketing conventional, quality low-input and organic foods to existing and potential consumers.  相似文献   

随着人们对健康的重视, 绿色食品受到广泛地关注, 成为最受欢迎的食物之一, 而网络营销为绿色食品营销提供了新思路。绿色食品营销商家积极开拓新的网络营销的方式, 促进绿色食品的销售。但目前绿色食品网络营销存在部分地区互联网技术不发达、绿色食品网络营销商缺乏专业的营销知识和手段、绿色食品质量无法保证、网络营销法制不完善等问题。本文对目前我国绿色食品网络营销模式种类及其优缺点进行了分析, 提出需要改进的方面, 并为构建新型绿色食品网络营销模式提供了新思路。  相似文献   

发展绿色食品和有机食品丰富食物构成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 针对食品污染的状况和严峻的现实,早在20世纪60年代国际上就开始了生态农业的尝试。在1972年斯德哥尔摩联合国人类环境会议上,首次提出了生态农业的概念。随后,生态农业在许多国家兴起,提倡在食品原料生产、加工过程中树立“食品安全”的思想,生产无公害污染的食品。欧美国家称之为有机食品、生态食品,日本则称为自然食品。叫法称谓虽不同,但基本上都是指在产品生产过程中限制了化学肥料、农药和其他化学物质的使用的食品。 我国的绿色食品始于1990年。开发绿色食品首先要从改善农业生态环境  相似文献   

The relationship between domain specific innovativeness scale (DSI) and social representation (SR) components of new foods (suspicion of new foods; adherence to natural food; adherence to technology; eating as an enjoyment; eating as a necessity) was explored in a survey with Finnish consumers (N = 1156). Both DSI and SR were used to predict willingness to try/use new foods, categorized into six subgroups of which three were functional (cereal-based and otherwise functional foods; functional drinks), and the remaining three categories were modified dairy products, organic products, and energy drinks. Enjoyment and low suspicion predicted 27% of variation in DSI, which, in turn, predicted up to 6% of willingness to try categories of new foods, excluding organic products. When added to the predictive model, SR components increased the prediction of all food categories, particularly functional cereal-based and organic products (up to 20.4%). Thus, DSI predicted willingness to try new foods to some extent, but SR components, most of all low suspicion of new foods and adherence to natural food, significantly improved the prediction.  相似文献   

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