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研究表明,摄入更多的全谷物可降低慢性代谢性疾病的患病风险。近20余年以来,全谷物产业在主要发达国家及地区发展迅速。近年来,全谷物在我国也引发了广泛关注,我国全谷物标准研制力度不断加强。本文介绍了全谷物及全谷物食品全球定义共识的进展,概述了国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization,ISO)国际标准全谷物工作组、美国、加拿大、荷兰、国际食品法典委员会等国家和机构全谷物原料及全谷物食品相关标准的发展现状;介绍了我国全谷物及全谷物食品定义的制订现状,概述了我国包括国家标准、行业标准、地方标准和团体标准在内的20余个全谷物原料、全谷物食品、全谷物生产技术规程及其他全谷物标准的发布情况,还有一些正在制定中的全谷物相关标准。最后提出了我国全谷物标准体系建设的发展方向和建议,包括充分与我国全谷物食品实际生产情况相结合、与国际接轨、标准检测与认证相结合三个方面。逐步完善构建全谷物食品产业的标准体系,将有助于引导和规范我国全谷物产业的高质量健康发展,推动打造多样化健康谷物食品新生态,为全谷物产业的发展提供技术依据。  相似文献   

我国发展全谷物产业,既能够提高粮食资源的可食化利用率,有效节约粮食;又可以减少食物中B族维生素等微量营养素、生物活性成分及膳食纤维等天然营养物质的损失,改善我国居民“隐性饥饿”问题,降低慢病患病风险;是贯彻落实《中华人民共和国反食品浪费法》与“健康中国”战略,践行大食物观,推动乡村振兴战略实施的重要举措。当前,我国全谷物产业已初步形成了学界、产业界、政府、媒体和消费者等多方共同关注与联动的势头,但全谷物消费占比仍然极低。未来拟通过全产业链条设计与多维度布局,从科普与消费倡导、科技协同创新、标准标识认证体系、产业示范及典型场景推广等全方位推动,多举措合力,加快支持推动国家全谷物行动计划的落地实施,引导全民更合理的膳食及科学健康生活方式,保障国家粮食安全。  相似文献   

2013年10月19~20日,第二届全谷物食品发展国际论坛在北京中国科技会堂召开。会上,国内外相关专家学者围绕全谷物标准标识管理情况、科研推动、打通全流通环节和商超对接等涉及全谷物食品发展的议题进行深入研讨。中粮集团营养健康研究院首席科学家俞伟祖介绍了发达国家的全谷物产品类别和相关标准情况,为我国全谷物标准体系建设提供了颇具价值的经验。  相似文献   

全谷物产业近年来在国内外飞速发展,全谷物食品也因营养丰富及其对居民膳食平衡健康的明显改善作用而逐渐得到了社会广泛认可。本文先后介绍了世界全球全谷物产业的发展态势和国内全谷物产业的发展现状,简要分析了全谷物食品在加工推广中面临的问题,从营养和健康的角度,为全谷物产业发展以及产品推广提出了提升谷物原料营养品质、注重加工过程营养保全、膳食注重食物和营养搭配、开展全谷物营养教育等对策建议,助力保障粮食安全和实现健康中国。  相似文献   

什么是全食品?就是完整的食品,就是没有经过精加工,保留食物原来营养元素的食品,包括全谷物、全水果、全蔬菜。目前,美国市场上有全谷物标识的食品占谷物食品的40%左右,选择全谷物食品在发达国家已成潮流。而我国谷类食物消费却一直在下降。精细化加工让谷物中维生素、微量元素及植物化学元素大量丢失(精白面粉  相似文献   

我国全谷物食品发展的现状、问题与思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
口感细腻外观精白的谷物食品逐步成为老百姓健康的"双刃剑"。增加全谷物食品的摄入,可以减少代谢综合症相关疾病的危险已逐步成为欧美发达国家的共识。一场全谷物运动在欧美悄然掀起,近期我国的全谷物发展也日益引起了我国社会各界的关注,甚至成为我国社会发展的一件民生工程。对我国全谷物食品发展的现状、问题、障碍及有利形势与发展思路进行分析探讨,以期进一步促进我国全谷物食品的发展。  相似文献   

粮食加工的精细化造成了谷物中大量维生素、矿物质及化学元素的损失,长期食用精米白面带来的慢性病迅速上升,已成为世界范围内影响医疗与健康的社会问题。选择食用全谷物食品是全民膳食结构的健康回归。概述了全谷物食品在我国的发展、研究、推广情况,对我国全谷物食品的发展前景及面临的主要技术问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

谷物营养与全谷物食品的研究开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
深入分析了谷物营养摄入的重要性和我国全谷物食品发展的现状,提出馒头等传统主食品是我国全谷物食品的产品研发和市场推广的最佳载体,并对我国推进全谷物食品的发展提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

正1对全谷物食品的认识"五谷为养"、"安谷则昌",谷物作为我国人民膳食结构中最重要的食物资源,其科学合理的消费将对百姓的健康产生深刻影响。全谷物食品是营养健康食品的典型代表。我国目前还没有相应的标准,目前全球只有美国、瑞典和英国等国家有专门针  相似文献   

"五谷为养"、"安谷则昌",谷物作为我国人民膳食结构中最重要的食物资源,其科学合理的消费将对公众的健康产生深刻影响。全谷物食品是指完整、碾碎、破碎或压片的谷物,基本的组成包括淀粉质胚乳,胚芽与皮层,各部分组成的相对比例与完整颖果一样。全谷物食品是营  相似文献   

BackgroundWholegrain foods are known to be health-beneficial but their sensory characteristics may be a limiting factor for consumption. The scientific literature of factors influencing sensory quality of wholegrain foods is rather scarce.Scope and approachMany cereals like rye, oats, barley and sorghum are actually used mainly as wholegrain, whereas for wheat the situation is the opposite. This review deals with factors that differentiate the sensory properties of wholegrain and bran-rich foods from those of refined cereal foods.Key findings and conclusionsWholegrain and bran contain flavour-active compounds, flavour precursors and resistant cell wall structures causing changes in flavour and texture during processing. In wholegrain foods, different chemical constituents contribute to bitterness. Increased knowledge on flavour formation has led to the possibility to not only measure but actually also design the flavour. Structure and texture are also important determinants underlying eating quality and stability of cereal foods. Hitherto established means of modulating sensory quality and thus improving acceptability of wholegrain foods are presented.  相似文献   

粮食(全谷物)的营养与健康   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
几个世纪以来,谷类食物一直是人类膳食最重要的组成部分.从新石器时代到21世纪的现代文明,谷物加工技术与谷物营养科学经历了一个漫长的发展变化过程.近年来,大量的研究尤其是流行病学的研究表明,增加全谷物的消费与心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、癌症等慢性疾病的危险降低有关,同时全谷物的摄入有助于健康体重的控制.本文对粮食的营养组成与特点、粮食加工技术的变革、人类对粮食营养与健康的认识发展过程、粮食储藏与营养、粮食加工与营养、粮食营养与慢性疾病之间的关系等进行了综述与分析.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Wholegrain food may have an important role in the prevention of chronic diseases, and therefore its consumption should be increased. However, wholegrain products have a low consumption because of unfamiliar taste and poor understanding about the health benefits. Generally, adolescents unfamiliar with wholegrain bread dislike it. Food use in childhood correlates positively with practices in adult life, and therefore adolescents are an important target group for research. The aim was to study adolescents' attitudes towards wholegrain bread in a society where wholegrain products are widely used. RESULTS: A qualitative focus group method (n = 61) and a quantitative procedure (n = 104) with 13–15‐year‐old secondary school students indicated that Finnish adolescents considered wholegrain breads healthier and more acceptable than refined breads. The motives for wholegrain bread consumption were taste, feeling of fillingness and weight control. Girls were more interested in bread healthfulness than boys (P < 0.01), and participants who showed a more positive attitude towards general health interest reported using more rye and wholegrain breads than participants with negative attitudes. CONCLUSION: Adolescents familiar with the sensory properties and healthfulness of rye and wholegrain breads consumed them regularly and perceived them as pleasant and very acceptable. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

褐色脂肪组织(brown adipose tissue,BAT)是重要的能量代谢组织,不同于白色脂肪组织(white adipose tissue,WAT)的能量储存功能,BAT具有显著的产热能力,是消耗能量的脂肪组织,此外,在特定条件下,WAT会向BAT表型转变,形成米色脂肪细胞,同样可以消耗能量,因此,产热脂肪是治疗肥胖及相关疾病的有效靶标。许多食物成分可提高产热脂肪功能,全谷物中含有的酚酸、花色苷、膳食纤维、类胡萝卜素、植酸、芦丁等成分,目前已被报道能够促进脂肪组织的产热能力。介绍产热脂肪细胞的基本功能特征和主要调节因素,总结全谷物功能成分通过调节产热脂肪细胞功能影响能量代谢的研究进展,为全谷物膳食调节肥胖和全谷物功能食品的进一步开发提供依据。  相似文献   

Consumption of wholegrain foods has been recommended for healthy diets. The beneficial health properties of wholegrain products have been associated with the presence of higher amounts of dietary fiber and antioxidants and lower calories as compared to their respective refined ones. Phenolic compounds are mainly attributed to antioxidant properties of wholegrain foods. This review article provides a single comprehensive source that describes effects of milling and thermal processing on phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties in cereals. In general, milling and pearling processes affect the distribution of phenolic, compounds and thus antioxidant properties vary among the milling fractions. Thermal processes such as baking and extrusion could cause negative or positive effects on phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of the end product subject to grain type and processing conditions. Thus factors that enhance health benefits of wholegrain cereal products have been discussed.  相似文献   

S. Ragaee  I. Guzar  N. Dhull  K. Seetharaman 《LWT》2011,44(10):2147-2153
Wholegrain and high fiber foods are recognized as nutritious and healthful products due to their content of dietary fiber, antioxidants and bioactive compounds. In this study, wheat, rye, barley, oat wholegrain flours and two fibers namely cellulose (insoluble fiber) and xanthan gum (soluble fiber) were used to replace a portion of wheat flour in pan bread to study effects of fibers on phenolic compounds, antioxidant capacity, dietary fiber fractions, and starch digestibility in vitro. Incorporation of wholegrain flours increased free and bound phenolics and antioxidant capacity of all the breads examined to various extent depending on the source of fiber. Additionally, soluble, insoluble and total dietary fiber fractions and total minerals increased with the addition of wholegrain flours or fibers. Rapidly and slowly digestible and resistant starches were not significantly influenced by adding wholegrain flours or fibers to breads. The study demonstrates the importance of enriching wheat bread with wholegrain flours to boost antioxidants and dietary fibers. On the other hand, more research is required to better understand impact of wholegrain flours or fiber on starch digestibility in vitro and glycemic response.  相似文献   

全谷物糙米蒸煮时间长、不易熟化、适口性和消化性较差,且储藏周期短,限制了糙米粒食的消费与推广.为改善全谷物糙米蒸煮特性和满足消费者对全谷物糙米健康属性的追求,利用先进的加工技术提升其食用品质、营养功能性和储藏稳定性已成为当今全谷物糙米的研究重点.阐述了全谷物糙米的成分组成及结构特点,分析了影响全谷物糙米蒸煮品质的主要因素;重点介绍了近年国内外采用的生物和物理加工技术以及新型非热加工技术在全谷物糙米加工中的应用,并阐明其工作原理及作用特点,指出了各种加工技术存在的优缺点;对未来糙米粒食的研究方向进行了展望.本研究旨在为创制高品质、高营养、高生物利用度的易煮全谷物糙米产品提供参考.  相似文献   

在我国经济快速增长、消费方式多样化兴盛和旅游业快速拓展的社会环境中,休闲食品产业发展迅速,而泡椒风味休闲食品作为我国特有的一类发酵食品正异军突起,开始抢占休闲食品大市场。同时随着生活水平的提高,人们对食品安全也越来越重视。为此,该综述对泡椒风味休闲食品生产过程中可能产生有害物质的环节进行研究,从而提出针对提高其安全性的控制措施,促进产业发展。  相似文献   

The present work evaluates the potential of sorghum with high content of tannins for wholegrain flour production. Two types of mills were used: a roller mill (RM) and a blade (BM) mill. The impact of moisture and grinding on yield, physical, chemical and thermal properties were evaluated. Maximum yield was obtained using a BM with 25% moisture in the grain, resulting in 60.9% versus 28% (g flour g−1 of wholegrain sorghum) for the RM. Grain moisture and milling type affected flour colour and ashes. For both mills, the pasting and thermal properties of flour with grain moisture variation were significantly different from the untreated control sample. By studying the procedures for flour production and quality characteristics, it is possible to produce flour with good physical attributes, which can contribute to the development of gluten-free foods based on sorghum for the coeliac population.  相似文献   

卢凌霄  李太平 《食品科学》2016,37(7):213-218
发展环境友好型食品消费是建设环境友好型社会的重要组成部分,对保护生态环境、促进人类可持续发展具有十分重要的现实意义。本文采用文献分析法系统梳理了环境友好型食品的环境属性,在产业链各环节对环境保护的具体表现,以及国际社会为发展环境友好型社会而发起的各种食品消费运动。从中发现发达国家对环境友好型食品消费的关注程度正在不断提高,并且取得了显著成效。因此,我国应借鉴国外实践经验,大力倡导环境友好型食品消费,以缓解国内日益严重的资源与环境压力。  相似文献   

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