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欧盟最新化学品法规对纺织印染助剂的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近几年,欧盟成为我国纺织品服装四大出口国之一,2006年更一跃超过美国.历年欧盟不断发布化学品限制的法令,直接影响纺织印染助剂的使用,也影响纺织品服装对欧盟的出口.欧盟自2003年6月18日起先后发布了有关APEO限用的2003/53/EC指令、2003年2月15日的2003/11/EC指令和2006年7月1日起实行的关于十溴二苯醚的RoHS法规、2006年12月12日的2006/122/ECOF关于PFOS的限制.同时,Oeko-Tex Standard 100的2005年和2007年修正本,分别限用和禁用十溴二苯醚和Pu材料中的致癌芳胺.有关内容应引起印染助剂制造商重视,印染企业应关注助剂供应商提供的产品是否超标.  相似文献   

2006年10月3日,欧盟修订食品甜味剂专用纯度标准的96/77/EC指令的委员会指令,具体内容为:  相似文献   

陈占光 《北京皮革》2003,(12):31-31
欧盟于2002年9月11日在其《官方公报》上公布了2002/61/EC号指令,禁止四氨基联苯等22种偶氮染料以及使用这些偶氮染料的皮革和纺织品进入欧盟国家,并明确指出2003年9月11日正式实施。  相似文献   

近日,欧盟发布第2008/121/EC号指令,对关于纺织品名称的第96/74/EC号指令作出修订,分别对纺织纤维的名称、纺织品标签内容和其他标记3个方面提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

欧盟近日公布了2008/121/EC号指令,对关于纺织品名称的第96/74/EC号指令作出修订,并列出各类纺织纤维的名称,以及关于纺织品标签内容和其他标记的规定。该指令制订了一套总则,规定生产商必须在纺织品标签列明纤维含量,符合指令规定的产品才能在欧盟市场销售。指令还设立检查制度,检验纺织品的纤维含量是否与所提供的资料相符。  相似文献   

<正>欧洲委员会修改某些家用电器安全标准的决议已于2015年8月3日生效。2015年7月13日,《欧盟官方公报》公布关于液体加热器特别规定的第2015/1143号欧委会实施决议,该决议是根据欧洲议会和欧盟理事会第2006/95/EC号指令制定的。第2006/95/EC号指令涉及设计在一定电压范围内使用的电气设备。2014年9月,塞浦路斯对涵盖液体加热器安全性的EN 60335-2-15:2002标准正式做出投诉,指出该标  相似文献   

<正>2013年8月28日,欧盟发布2013/46/EU号委员会指令,修订2006/141/EC号指令,批准羊奶蛋白质作为婴儿配方奶粉和较大婴儿配方奶粉的蛋白质来源,最终产品在面市之前应符合2006/141/EC号委员会指令的营  相似文献   

2010年3月25日欧盟发布委员会条例(EU)No257/2010,对已批准的食品添加剂制定重新坪估计划、最新评什工作山欧盟食品安全委员会(EFSA)负责。已批准的食品添加剂,具体包括在2009年1月20日前已获得批准的食品添加剂,以及欧洲议会和理事会指令94/35/EC中规定的食品中使用的甜味剂、欧洲议会和理事会指令94/36/EC中规定的可在食品中使用的色素、欧洲议会和理事会指令95/2/EC中规定的除甜味剂和色素以外的其他食品添加剂.  相似文献   

最近,欧盟《官方公报》公布新的“电池及蓄电池指令(2006/66/EC)”,并宣布废止1991年实施的原“电池指令(91/157/EC)”。相对于“旧指令”只适用于含若干汞、镉及铅的电池,“新指令”的适用范围包括了所有市场上出售的电池,同时增加了对生产商责任及产品标签的规定。欧盟规定,成员国须于2008年9月26日前将“新法令”转化为本国法律。  相似文献   

前不久,欧盟官方公报刊登了第2012/12/EU号指令,修订关于供人饮用的果汁及同类产品的理事会指令2001/112/EC。据悉,第2001/112/EC号指令旨在保障消费者权益,以及促进果汁和同类产品在欧盟市场自由流动。为此,指令订立具体条文,涵盖这些产品的生产、成分和标签事宜。不过,鉴于相关国际标准时有修订,以及为了防范标签在产品成分方面误导消费者,新指令更新了有关条文。  相似文献   

《食物内除害剂残余规例》是香港首部除害剂管理法规,本文从香港《规例》的形成背景着手,介绍了其制定历史,探讨了国际食品法典委员会、中国内地、美国和泰国4方标准的具体内容及《规例》的采标情况,同时介绍了香港《食物内除害剂残余规例使用指引》中的食物分类概况。本文针对香港的食物监察计划逐一讨论,介绍了监察计划的种类及监察项目;同时介绍了香港政府有关规例检测的技术规范要求及相关的参考标准体系,并对中国内地的农残标准修订、检测技术规范及执行评判标准提出了建议。  相似文献   

果蔬贮藏保鲜产业现状、研究进展与科技支持   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了我国果蔬贮藏保鲜的现状,指出了当前果蔬贮藏的主要问题。论述了国内外有关果蔬贮藏保鲜的新技术及研究进展情况,包括:天然果蔬保鲜剂的研究、利用调压技术贮藏、臭氧及负氧离子保鲜、利用生物技术保鲜、静电场处理贮藏、低剂量辐射处理和紫外线处理保鲜以及细胞水结构化气调保鲜等国内外近几年发展起来的现代果蔬贮藏保鲜技术。并阐述了科技对我国果蔬贮藏保鲜产业的支撑作用。  相似文献   

采用高通量测序技术对不同地区自然陈化1年广陈皮表面微生物群落多样性进行分析,比较群落结构的差异。结果表明,不同地区自然陈化1年广陈皮微生物丰富度和多样性差异不显著(P>0.05),群落结构相似,但相对丰度存在差异。北京地区优势细菌属为Methylocella、苔藓杆菌属(Bryobacter)等,优势真菌属为短梗霉属(Aureobasidium)、炭疽菌属(Colletotrichum)等;四川地区优势细菌属为甲基杆菌属(Methylobacterium)、鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、乳球菌属(Lactococcus)等,优势真菌属为Symmetrospora、曲霉属(Aspergillus)等;广东地区优势细菌属为Rubellimicrobium、乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus)等,优势真菌属为假尾孢属(Pseudocercospora)、毛壳菌属(Chaetomium)等;云南地区优势细菌属为罗尔斯顿菌属(Ralstonia)、Glutamicibacter等,优势真菌属为平脐疣孢属(Zasmidium)、拟暗球腔菌属(Phaeosphaeriopsis)等。  相似文献   

以库房贮存为对照,将同一种浓香型基酒用陶缸分装好后,分别置于室内库房和露天平坝上贮存,贮存过程中跟踪分析两种环境下基酒的主要酸、醛、醇、酯的含量变化情况,以考察贮存过程中(6个季度)露天贮存对浓香型基酒的影响。结果表明,与库房贮存相比,露天环境对基酒中主要醇类物质和大部分酯类物质的含量影响很小。相反,露天环境对主要酸类物质和醛类物质的含量影响却是显著的。另外,从变化趋势上来看,浓香型基酒在两种环境下贮存时的酸、醛、醇、酯的含量变化趋势基本相同。感官品尝结果表明,库房贮存对基酒的去杂速度不及露天贮存。  相似文献   

A qualitative exposure assessment for Salmonella in eggs produced on the island of Ireland was developed. The assessment was divided into three main modules (production and packing, distribution and storage, and preparation and consumption), and each of these stages into defined steps in the exposure pathway. In the production and packing stage the initial prevalences of Salmonella in the contents and on the shell of eggs were estimated to be negligible and low respectively. Numbers of Salmonella both in and on eggs were estimated to be low. At each subsequent step in the pathway, qualitative assessments were made of the impact of events on the probability and level of Salmonella contamination on the shells and in the contents of eggs. At the end of each module assessments were combined to give an overall probability and level of Salmonella contamination. In the first two modules the assessment focused on the effect of the duration and temperature of storage on yolk membrane integrity and the likelihood of shell penetration. During the final stage the influence of factors such as safe-handling procedures, pooling practices, consumption patterns and the effectiveness of cooking, on the prevalence and level of Salmonella contamination in a food item at time of consumption was assessed. The outcome of this assessment was an estimate of a low probability and level of Salmonella contamination of egg-containing foods, prepared with eggs produced on the island of Ireland.  相似文献   

何丽杭 《食品工程》2008,(4):3-6,11
食品安全是我国现今面临的一大问题。一方面消费者的健康和自我保护意识逐渐提高,另一方面食品安全事故频频发生,消费者对食品安全的信任程度日渐减弱,政府的公信力受到极大挑战。试图从行政监管的组织机构角度分析我国食品安全法律法规中存在的漏洞,借鉴发达国家特别是德国的先进经验,提出解决问题的方案。  相似文献   

Mobilization and deposition in cows are different strategies of metabolism; hence, the aim was to study the possibility of reducing the crude protein (CP) supply during deposition to limit the use of protein supplements and minimize the environmental impact. A total of 61 Jersey and 107 Holstein cows were assigned to 4 mixed rations in a 2 × 2 factorial design with 2 concentrate to forage ratios (CFR) and 2 CP levels: high CFR (40:60) and recommended CP [16% of dry matter (DM); HCFR-RP], high CFR (40:60) and low CP (14% of DM; HCFR-LP), low CFR (30:70) and recommended CP (16% of DM; LCFR-RP), and low CFR (30:70) and low CP (14% of DM; LCFR-LP), where RP met the Danish recommendations. Cows were fed concentrate in an automatic milking unit. After calving, cows were fed HCFR-RP until entering deposition, defined as 11 kg (Jersey) or 15 kg (Holstein) of weight gain from the lowest weight after calving. Subsequently, cows either remained on HCFR-RP or changed to one of the other mixed rations. Comparing strategies during wk 9 to 30 of lactation showed higher dry matter intake (DMI) of mixed ration on HCFR compared with LCFR and on RP compared with LP. The DMI of the concentrate was higher on LCFR than on HCFR and higher on LP than on RP, resulting in overall higher DMI on HCFR and RP than on LCFR and LP. Crude protein intakes were higher on RP than on LP and starch intakes were higher on HCFR than on LCFR. Intakes of neutral detergent fiber tended to be higher on LCFR than on HCFR. Intakes of net energy for lactation were affected by CFR and CP level, with a higher intake on HCFR and RP than on LCFR and LP. No interactions were found between CFR and CP level for any feed intake variables. Yields of milk and energy-corrected milk were higher on RP than on LP, with no difference in yield persistency after the ration change. Milk composition did not differ among strategies but the protein to fat ratio was higher on HCFR than on LCFR and tended to be lower on RP than on LP. Differences in fatty acid composition were small, and de novo synthesis was high (>60%). Energy efficiency was higher on LCFR than on HCFR and no interaction with breed or parity was found. The N efficiency was higher on LP than RP, but with an interaction with breed due to lower N efficiency in Jersey than Holstein cows on HCFR-RP but higher N efficiency in Jersey than Holstein on LCFR-LP. In dairy production, concentrate in the mixed ration can be substituted with high-quality forage during deposition without negative effects on milk yield and composition when a sufficient CP level is ensured.  相似文献   

研究以t-BAMBP为萃取剂,萃取分离Rb、Cs,同时考察料液中碱金属元素Na、K对铷、铯萃取效果的影响。研究得出:碱金属元素Na对实验体系中铷、铯的萃取没有影响:碱金属元素K对体系中铷的萃取影响较大,随着溶液中K浓度的增大,铷的萃取率逐渐减小;碱金属元素K对铯的萃取率影响较小,可忽略。该研究主要针对江陵凹陷富钾卤水中铷、铯的提取技术进行探索。  相似文献   

Automatic milking systems (AMS), first introduced on dairy farms in the 1990s, rapidly spread across many countries. This technology is based on the voluntary milking of dairy cattle in a completely automated process, which relies on computer management, with a substantial average increase in milking frequency. Compared with conventional milking, AMS significantly alters herd management, with important implications on economic, technical, and social aspects of farming, on animal physiology, health, and well-being. These aspects are explored in an extensive body of research. In contrast, the effects of AMS adoption on milk quality are often overlooked. This review draws together both positive and negative effects of AMS on the milk production chain, particularly emphasizing the variations of hygienic and compositive characteristics of raw milk and their interplay, as compared with milk obtained with conventional milking. Scattered and sometimes conflicting literature exists on whether and how these variations may influence quality and yield of the derived dairy products. Current scientific knowledge on these crucial aspects is thus reviewed, with particular focus on milk technological suitability for being processed into dairy products having the target characteristics in terms of taste, structure, on-storage stability, and sustainability. Provided the managing conditions are optimized, AMS allow increased milk production, mostly due to more frequent milking, without compromising the milk characteristics that are crucial to food industry for processing. Nevertheless, specific biochemical aspects related to the changed milking interval, which determines the duration of enzyme activities and bacterial growth in milk, need further research.  相似文献   

烟粉虱MED隐种是近年来烟草上的重要害虫,为明确不同烟草品种对烟粉虱的抗性水平,应用微虫笼研究了烟粉虱在6个烟草品种上的寿命、产卵量、卵-成虫存活率、发育历期等重要生物学参数,比较了烟粉虱对不同烟草品种的适合度差异。结果表明:除卵孵化率外,烟粉虱MED隐种在供试烟草品种上的寿命、产卵量、卵-成虫存活率、发育历期均存在显著差异。雌成虫寿命和产卵量均以在翠碧1号上最高(35.9 d,236.5粒),在NC89上最低(9.6 d,27.8粒);雄成虫寿命在K326上最长(7.2 d),在云烟87上最短(1.8 d);卵-成虫存活率在红花大金元上最高(91.6%),在云烟87上最低(81.4%);发育历期在红花大金元上最短(19.5 d),在云烟99上最长(21.1 d)。烟粉虱MED隐种对不同烟草品种的适合度高低顺序为翠碧1号、K326 > 红花大金元 > 云烟99、云烟87 > NC89。  相似文献   

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