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<正>由于进口葡萄酒大量涌入国内市场,侵袭了国产葡萄酒的市场,国产葡萄酒市场份额日渐萎缩。业内人士表示,国产葡萄酒生产企业可以通过电商这个新兴渠道提高品牌知名度,提升产品销量。进口酒侵蚀国产酒市场据了解,目前,越来越多的进口葡萄酒品牌进入中国市场,预计2015年全年,中  相似文献   

正据中商产业研究院数据库数据显示,2013-2018年上半年我国葡萄酒的进口数量稳步上升,2018年上半年,我国葡萄酒进口量为38.54万千升,同比增长25.8%。在进口酒的持续冲击之下,国产葡萄酒则整体呈现出产量下降、营收微增的状况。具体到企业,既有一路高歌大幅增长者,也有暂时无力的翻身者,分化情况越发明显。中国葡萄酒巨头日子难过中葡控股子公司待售,王朝停牌中葡酝酿出售控股子公司股权,王朝则依然  相似文献   

正随着进口葡萄酒大举进入中国市场,并不断在价格端与市场端下沉,中外葡萄酒博弈在2018年日趋凸显。配合本土文化、风土等概念进行产品打造及营销,正成为国产葡萄酒的重要选择。2018年12月18日,记者从长城葡萄酒方面获悉,以长城葡萄酒为代表的众多葡萄酒企业,  相似文献   

2011年葡萄酒产量同比增长13.0%;2011年1-12月,中国葡萄酒累计产量115.7万千升,同比增长13.0%,增速比1-11月下降0.9个百分点,比上年同期上升0.6个百分点。葡萄酒1-11月进口累计版权国家葡萄酒及白酒、露酒产品质量监督检验中心增速为31.5%,进口酒占国产酒比重为25%;2011年12月,单月产量12.1万千升,同比增长10.2%,增速比11月下降17.1个百分点,  相似文献   

张恬熙 《葡萄酒》2020,(3):32-35
根据意大利葡萄酒联合会(UIV)、意大利酿酒师及酿酒技术协会(Assoenologi)和意大利农业和食品市场研究所(ISMEA)在2019年9月联合发布的《2019年意大利采收报告》显示:相比2018年,2019年意大利葡萄总产量下降了16%,预计葡萄酒产量为46亿升。虽然产量下降,但是意大利葡萄酒的出口市场仍然保持上涨趋势(出口量增长11%,出口价格增长5.5%,达到26亿欧元)。  相似文献   

2019年我国粮油生产及进出口情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对2019年我国粮油生产及进出口情况进行了整理论述。2019年我国粮食生产再创历史新高,产量达66 384万t,粮食进口量较2018年下降12.75%,粮食出口量较2018年增长28.16%。据预测,2019年我国八大油料的总产量为6 666.0万t,较2018年增长3.7%,利用国产油料榨油量为1 202.8万t,较2018年增加10万t。2019年我国进口油料9 330.8万t,较2018年下降1.25%,进口食用植物油1 152.7万t,较2018年增长42.54%。2019年我国出口油料116万t,出口食用油脂27万t,较2018年分别下降了3.3%和10%。2018/2019年度,我国食用油市场的总供给量为3 913.8万t,食用消费量为3 511.0万t,工业及其他消费为467.0万t,年度食用油需求总量为4 002.1万t,食用油的自给率为30.1%。另外,2019年我国人均年消费食用油为28.4 kg。  相似文献   

入世一年来,国产葡萄酒在与洋酒的对战中占尽了风头。以烟台张裕公司为首的中国葡萄酒业在国内葡萄酒业的垄断地位日益明显,占据了70%以上的市场份额,众多洋酒则分食了不到30%市场份额。中国葡萄酒的发展势头令人振奋,其发展前景更是诱人。据权威机构统计,1994到2000年世界葡萄酒产量增长6.5%左右,而同期中国的葡萄酒产量增长30%,消费量增长61.8%。国外葡萄酒商为进入中国市场已做了充分准备。葡萄酒关税将在未来五年内降至10%左右,真正的高品质洋酒大战还在后头。入世一年来的市场竞争态势国酒虽占了上风,而民族葡萄酒产业缺乏高品质高品位…  相似文献   

2011年春季全国糖酒商品交易会上周在成都正式落幕,其中,葡萄酒商可算是最活跃分子之一。今年葡萄酒参展商比去年大幅扩容50%,在其热闹背后,进口葡萄酒对中国市场的渗透已越来越深入,致使国产葡萄酒与进口葡萄酒之间的竞争进入胶着期。  相似文献   

当前很多传统酒水经销商正在积极寻找进口葡萄酒品牌。这是基于对中国将成为世界第七大葡萄酒市场的看涨心态,也是基于对国内市场混杂、企业不合格生产的“无奈”选择。2010年12月,央视曝光了昌黎酒企生产假酒的新闻,让国产葡萄酒再次遭遇寒潮。据行业数据统计,国产葡萄酒品牌的市场销量呈明显下滑,进口葡萄酒凸显上升优势,然而进口葡...  相似文献   

<正>日前,中澳自贸区协定的签署,意味着34.7%的葡萄酒关税将在2019年降为零。澳大利亚也成为继新西兰、智利后,又一个享受葡萄酒零关税待遇的国家。曾经"高高在上"的进口葡萄酒,随着进口量逐年攀升和价格降低,已经进入寻常百姓家。此次在"零关税"的政策红利之下,进口葡萄酒更是吹响了新一轮对国产酒的进攻号角。但与此同时,进口葡萄酒火热的市场背后,也隐藏着鱼龙混  相似文献   

新《规划环境影响评价技术导则总纲》(HJ 130-2019)的正式实施,明确提出规划环评应与区域"三线一单"内容和要求进行衔接,强调了"三线一单"工作在规划和规划环评中的作用。本文针对规划环评与"三线一单"在衔接要求、衔接内容以及衔接过程存在的问题几方面进行了浅析,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

本文以2019年度国家艺术基金"敦煌服饰创新设计人才培养"项目申报和实施为依据,通过探究项目的文化特质和艺术特色,提出项目以理论先行、融汇贯通、创新设计为主导的实施要旨,分析了代表性作品的创新风格,进一步明确了敦煌服饰文化研究及创新设计的基本趋向。  相似文献   

A ubiquitous feature of the survival curves of heat-treated Bacillus stearothermophilus and several other bacilli spores is the existence of a prominent ‘activation shoulder’. The shape of the survival curve alone, however, is insufficient to establish whether the observed initial increase in the number of ‘recoverable’ or ‘retrievable’ spores is due to heat activation, improved dispersion (‘de-clumping’) or both. But regardless of the mechanism, one can estimate a lower bound of the total recoverable spores using a crude empirical mathematical model. Estimates based on published data obtained with this model show that there can be 5–8 folds more recoverable spores in a heat-treated sample than the initial count would indicate, but this requires direct experimental verification. If correct, the model could serve as a tool to interpret the various possible shapes of ‘activation shoulders’ and to quantify the rate at which bacterial spores become ‘recoverable’.  相似文献   

本文是日本学术振兴会科学研究费基金项目中以“应用Anonymous Design来为卧床癌症患者设计的下装研究”阶段性成果。在这项研究中,笔者于2019年2月对中国开裆裤进行了实物调研。开裆裤通常被认为是幼儿使用的、裆部有开口的裤子,其原型具有很悠久的历史,有不同的样式。关于Anonymous Design,没有统一的定义,笔者在这项研究中将其界定为“没有特定的作者或设计师设计过的物品。典型的例子如传统服装,它是前人的创造力与智慧的结果、产物、或行为。虽质朴但其易于使用的功能性得以长期被沿用,现代人认为“理所当然”的事物原点”。开裆裤完全符合笔者定义的Anonymous Design。本文主要论述笔者在中国进行的开裆裤调研成果,以及整理归纳开裆裤的结构和款式,并提出开裆裤的设计具有“卧床癌症患者使用的下装”所需的应用可能性。  相似文献   

The effect of surfactant concentration on the ‘hold-up’ of a representative food liquid (sucrose solution) on various stainless steel surfaces was studied.Surface finish was found to have a significant effect on ‘hold-up’, but no correlation was found between Ra value and ‘hold-up’.Although surfactant concentration was found not to be a significant independent variable it did have a significant interaction with surface finish, the differences in ‘hold-up’ between the surface finishes being reduced by an increase in surfactant concentration.Differing surfactant concentrations in food soils is proposed as a possible explanation of the conflicting reports in the literature on the cleanability of stainless steel.An explanation of the effects of surface finish and surfactant concentration on ‘hold-up’ is proposed in terms of the effects on wetting and contact angle of surfactant and the nature of the surface.  相似文献   

With an ageing population in industrialised countries, there is a need to understand older consumers’ perceptions of foods in order to improve marketing and maintain nutritional status. Individual interviews may be a preferred elicitation method but are time-consuming to administer and analyse. A computerised adaptation of the repertory grid methodology (RGM) was utilised to elicit older consumers (65–75 years, n=48) perceptions of 14 meat and fish products. Generalised Procrustes and χ2 analysis found some differences in perceptions (P<0.01) by gender. Consequently two product maps were produced characterising perceptions, with two explainable dimensions on each map characterised, generally, as ‘processed’–‘good quality’ and ‘light’/‘healthy’–‘heavy’/‘fatty’. A cross-modality task and further analysis found no evidence of differences in responses according to computer mouse inexperience (52%). Hence, with meaningful results obtained, a computerised adaptation of RGM was considered an appropriate method to use with older consumers.  相似文献   

Product choice is influenced by the remembered liking for that product at the time that the choice is made. Little research has been carried out on memory for the liking of foods, and yet remembered liking at the time of purchase may be more influential on choice than liking ratings obtained during actual product consumption. A recent study examines how liking ratings made during consumption are integrated to produce an overall remembered evaluation. Its results enable quantifying differences between actual and remembered liking experiences.


Product choice is partly influenced by the remembered liking for that product at the time of consumption. The relationship between actual and remembered liking has received almost no attention in the food literature. How do my hedonic responses, made ‘on-line’ as I consume the product, become integrated to form a holistic retrospective memory? If we understood this process, we could design products so as to maximize remembered liking in order to ensure repeat purchase and use.From pain research it is known that the pattern of the pain intensity interferes with memory: an acute pain pattern with a peak just before the end of the pain experience scores higher on remembered pain intensity than a chronic pain pattern with no peak at the end (the so-called ‘peak-at-end effect’; Ariely, 1998 and Kahneman et al., 1993). The present study was an initial attempt to extrapolate these negative effect findings from pain research to the positive affective experiences in the food domain. We hypothesised that products that deliver the maximum of the sensory stimuli at the end (peak-at-end rule) of the eating experience will score higher on remembered liking than products that follow a constant or a different liking pattern. The food product used was a crunchy cheese snack filled with soft processed cheese. The cheese filling varied in salt and cheese flavour intensity (Low and High) to examine four different sensory patterns: (1) a high constant pattern, (2) a low constant pattern, (3) a peak-at-end pattern and (4) a drop-at-end pattern (see Table 1).  相似文献   

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