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新的卷烟生产工序品质评价方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
为适应我国卷烟生产技术发展的需要 ,更客观全面地判定在制品各工序的加工品质 ,将感官品质指标引入卷烟生产工序品质评价体系。新制定的卷烟生产工序品质评价方法将物理指标与感官品质指标结合起来进行评价 ,为各工序工艺技术参数的设置与优化提供了一种新方法 ,对实现产品在加工过程中感官品质的可控性具有指导意义  相似文献   

薄荷制品是我国人民喜爱的消费品,薄荷烟也同样拥有一定的消费市场。但是,过去由于加工工艺技术上的问题,大大限制了薄荷卷烟的发展,远远不能满足消费者的需求。本文就目前国内外较普遍应用的薄荷烟加工工艺技术和本人的实践体会作一介绍,供同行参考,以期能有益于进一步开发我国的薄荷卷烟。  相似文献   

形势与未来:烟草科技发展展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述中国烟草过去几十年、特别是近十年重要科研突破,总结中式卷烟产品在关键技术领域取得的重要创新成果,分析了我国烟草科技发展的现状与形势,在此基础上,遵循科技发展一般规律,围绕卷烟产品这一核心和中式卷烟产品开发基本原则,研判提炼各领域技术创新的共同要素特征,提出并阐释了"烟叶生产精准化,卷烟加工智能化,产品设计数字化,降焦减害持续化"的"烟草科技四化"发展趋势。结合中国烟草发展实际,得出今后相当长时间内中式卷烟仍将是我国烟草消费主流形态的判断,而实现"烟草科技四化"是支撑中式卷烟品牌稳定发展的必然选择,是进一步巩固卷烟民族品牌的认同度和市场竞争力的有力保障。   相似文献   

论中式卷烟开发、品牌扩张和维护   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从提高叶组配方的技术含量、提高加工工艺技术水平、提高加香加料技术水平、提高辅料选择技术水平以及品牌的扩张和维护5个方面论述了如何开发中式卷烟问题,对中式卷烟的发展具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

当前制约我国混合型卷烟产品发展的几个技术问题   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
论述了制约我国混合型卷烟发展的有关技术问题:白肋烟化学成分不协调、感官质量较差、产品设计方法落后、白肋烟处理工艺不过关。提出了加强应用基础及产品系统设计研究、提高白肋烟质量及加工工艺水平等发展我国混合型卷烟亟待解决的技术问题。  相似文献   

为进一步综合协调感官质量和物理质量,稳定提高卷烟加工工艺技术水平、工艺管理水平和卷烟产品质量,控制在制品和最终产品质量。柳州卷烟分厂设计并应用研究了工序质量评价方案,该方案重点对评价使用的标准的组成、评价的条件、人员和评价的指标和评价的效果等方面进行研究。并运用行为科学中的"激励理论"充分调动员工的积极性,建立工序质量评价结果数据库,对工序质量实行系统管理。通过卷烟工序质量评价技术的推广应用研究,工艺质量保证能力不断增强,在线质量控制水平有了较大幅度提高,能够较好地满足产品质量要求,生产过程已基本实现"连续、均匀、稳定、受控"的在线质量控制目标。  相似文献   

李涛  管仲  马路 《烟草科技》2006,(12):20-22
通过对烟草制丝线的需求和发展方向进行分析,提出了卷烟制丝线的柔性制造技术和加工模式,并对传统制丝线、半柔性制丝(分组加工技术)和柔性制丝生产系统进行了对比分析。着重探讨了柔性制丝生产系统3个子系统(加工系统,物流系统,控制与管理系统)及实现的功能,并提出卷烟制丝的柔性化加工将成为今后卷烟制丝生产的重要方式之一。  相似文献   

介绍了建立卷烟在线质量管理系统的方法、运作程序及在卷烟质量管理中的作用.该系统的建立不仅减轻了质量检验员的劳动强度,也使工艺技术部门和质量管理部门可以快速取得产品质量信息,及时指导现场操作,达到了提高产品加工质量的目的.  相似文献   

采用烟叶加工特性试验方法和评价方法,对某卷烟厂所使用烟叶的主要产区、品种、等级进行了原料特性分析和加工特性研究,建立了适合企业实际的烟叶原料分组加工和分组加料的原则和方法.将这套原料分组加工和分组加料方法投入应用后,卷烟产品感官质量和风格特征稳定,减少了进口烟叶的使用比例,拓宽了原料使用范围,降低了卷烟配方成本.  相似文献   

手工老火腿熟肉制品,在我国东北三省、山东、天津等地具有广泛市场。介绍了手工老火腿批量生产的配方、加工工艺技术、操作要点、质量指标等,重点讨论保留该产品原始口感、形态的加工要点。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to develop a tomato-based beverage and to investigate the effect of thermal (pasteurization) and non-thermal (ultrasonication, ultra-violet (UV), atmospheric cold plasma (ACP)) processing on the quality of a tomato-based beverage. The ultrasonication and ACP processing for 10 min put significant effect on L* and a* color values of the tomato beverage. All the processing techniques applied degraded ascorbic acid but maximum retention (95%) of ascorbic acid was found in ACP processed beverage. Furthermore, ACP processing of 10 min also had significant (p ≥ 0.05) effect on bioactive compounds like chlorogenic acid, sinapic acid and gallic acid in comparison to thermal and other non-thermal processing. Moreover, ACP for 10 min and ultrasonication for 15 min was found equivalent to thermal processing in microbial reduction and ACP processing for 10 min was found equivalent to pasteurization in reduction of yeast and mold count. Both thermal and non-thermal processing had insignificant (p ≥ 0.05) effects on pH, TSS and sugars of developed beverage. In summary, ACP processing for 10 min has emerged as the best processing method for retaining as well as improving the quality of the developed beverage.  相似文献   

采用双向凝胶电泳技术结合基质辅助激光解析电离-串联飞行时间质谱,研究了以宣威杂交猪后腿按传统工艺加工的宣威火腿在腌制前(24 h)、腌制结束(18 d)、风干结束(125 d)、成熟中期(250 d)、成熟结束(360 d)等5个阶段的股二头肌的蛋白质降解规律。也分析了组织蛋白酶在宣威火腿加工过程中的活性变化规律。研究显示,宣威火腿在各个阶段的蛋白质斑点数分别为1533、1523、1402、1196与1018个,而组织蛋白酶B和L的潜在活力在火腿加工结束时的残余活力分别为腌制前的10.25%和8.56%。可见,肌肉蛋白质在宣威火腿加工过程中存在明显的降解情况,其中成熟中期到成熟结束阶段的蛋白降解更为突出,而组织蛋白酶B和L的潜在活力在加工过程中均逐渐下降。  相似文献   

The cost of high pressure processing (HPP) and the environmental impact of pulsed electric fields (PEF), HPP and thermal pasteurization of orange juice were estimated in the US. The cost analysis was based on commercial processing conditions that were validated for a 2-month shelf-life of orange juice under refrigeration conditions. Total electricity consumption was estimated to be 38,100 and 1,000,000 k Wh/year for thermal and HPP processing, respectively. Total pasteurization cost of HPP was estimated to be 10.7 ¢/l for processing 16,500,000 l/year (3,000 l/h). Of this, capital costs accounted for 59 % (6.3 ¢/l), labor costs accounted for 37 % (4.0 ¢/l) and utility charges, mainly electricity, accounted for 4 % (0.4 ¢/l). The total HPP cost was 7-folds higher than that of conventional thermal processing (1.5 ¢/l). The equivalent CO2 emission was 90,000 kg for thermal processing and 700,000 and 773,000 kg for PEF and HPP, respectively. This corresponds to an increase between 7- and 8-folds in comparison to the thermal processing. Increasing the production output by 2- to 6-folds reduced the total production costs of nonthermal processing by 50–75 %. A deeper knowledge of the processing costs and environmental impact of nonthermal technologies will afford companies a better understanding of the benefits and limitations of these novel systems.  相似文献   

为明晰不同加工工艺西湖龙井茶的品质特性差异,采用全机制、一青机制后手工、二青机制后手工、全手工等4种方式加工西湖龙井茶,比较分析感官品质和理化成分含量,并分析色差值与汤色的关系。结果表明,一青机制后手工、二青机制后手工工艺的茶外形优于纯手工工艺的茶叶,一青机制后手工工艺的西湖龙井茶滋味、香气与纯手工工艺的茶叶相当,且优于全机制工艺,即扁形炒制机青锅1次与手工辉锅结合的一青机制后手工工艺有利于提升西湖龙井茶品质;4种方式加工的西湖龙井茶的茶多酚含量、咖啡碱含量、游离氨基酸含量、L值差异不显著(P>0.05),a值、b值差异显著(P<0.05);一青机制后手工工艺有利于西湖龙井茶EGCG、GCG、谷氨酰胺、茶氨酸等关键风味化学物质的保留。采用一青机制后手工的创新工艺,显著改善了全机制西湖龙井茶滋味和香气品质,与全手工工艺的西湖龙井茶品质相当,可为西湖龙井茶品质提升提供技术支持和理论依据。  相似文献   

不同部位新疆褐牛肉的品质差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确新疆褐牛不同部位肉的营养品质、食用品质和加工特性等方面的差异,测定新疆褐牛黄瓜条、臀肉、外脊、牛腩、霖肉、肩肉和牛腱7 个部位的蛋白质、水分、脂肪、胶原蛋白含量、质构、剪切力、色差、pH值及加工特性。结果表明:不同部位新疆褐牛肉的蛋白质含量19.57%~22.90%,脂肪含量0.98%~2.85%;牛腱脂肪含量显著高于其他各部位,臀肉脂肪含量较低(不足1%);胶原蛋白含量7.01%~18.86%;牛腱水分含量最高(76.48%),臀肉水分含量最低(73.40%);不同部位新疆褐牛肉的加工特性也有较大差异性,其中霖肉解冻损失率最大(9.17%),牛腱最小(1.87%);臀肉蒸煮损失率最大(34.39%),牛腩最小(24.55%);乳化能力为7.66~13.91 mL/g;肩肉的乳化稳定性最好(51.43%),牛腩的乳化稳定性最差(27.78%);黄瓜条凝胶的硬度和弹性最好,外脊凝胶的硬度和弹性最差;臀肉的凝胶保水性最好(93.69%),牛腩的凝胶保水性最差(86.70%)。其他指标,如pH值、剪切力、质构、色差都有较大差异,决定了不同部位肉的适宜加工方式不同,牛腩适宜酱卤、扒烧类型产品加工,肩肉和黄瓜条适宜干制品加工,霖肉和臀肉适宜卤煮类型产品加工,外脊适宜肉糜类产品加工,牛腱适宜酱卤类型产品加工。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this research was to investigate the extent of novel non-thermal food processing technologies usage in the United States. A survey was conducted to food experts to study the major reasons for using novel technologies, the limitations for not implementing specific technologies, and the main drivers for innovation of non-thermal food processing technologies. The survey study focused on the high-pressure processing, pulsed electric field, pulsed light, irradiation, ultrasound, oscillating magnetic fields, and cold atmospheric plasma technologies. High pressure processing (35.6%) was the most commonly used non-thermal food processing technologies, followed by pulsed electric field (20%). Rapidly increasing novel technologies included cold atmospheric plasma (14.1%) and oscillating magnetic fields (14.1%). More than 70% of the respondents indicated that the main factor for choosing non-thermal food processing technology was better nutrient and sensory properties. High investment (41%) was the major limitation for implementing non-thermal food processing technologies. The results indicated the main drivers for innovation were equipment manufacturers (43.8%) and government research (42.3%). The results emphasized the need for new and improved innovative, non-thermal technologies to provide a balance between safety and minimal processing.Industrial relevanceThis research provides industry with an overview of perceptions food managers, scientists and technologists of novel non-thermal food processing technologies. This research investigated factors that food companies use to implement particular food processing technologies and the limitations prohibit them from using such technologies. There are technologies which are still under development and are currently being conducted to extend the shelf life of certain foods while preserving freshness and natural nutrients. This study investigated technologies currently being used, ones still under development, and the main drivers for innovation of these technologies within the United States.  相似文献   

The stability of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus after thermal processing of formulated comminuted beef products, such as, Salisbury steak, beef loaf and cured beef prepared from FMD-infected cattle, was examined. Virus survival after product processing in flexible plastic tubes varied with the ingredient present in the product formulation. The virus was completely inactivated in those products containing inorganic salts (sodium chloride, tripolyphosphate or nitrite), farinaceous material or spices after thermal processing to a core temperature of 79.4°C. In those formulated products that contained either FMDV virus-positive milk or heart tissue from infected cattle, the virus survived the above processing conditions. However, the virus was inactivated in these same products after processing to a core temperature of 93°C.  相似文献   

Contamination analysis of persistent and nonpersistent Listeria monocytogenes strains in three meat processing plants and one poultry processing plant were performed in order to identify factors predisposing to or sustaining persistent plant contamination. A total of 596 L. monocytogenes isolates were divided into 47 pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) types by combining the restriction enzyme patterns of AscI (42 patterns) and ApaI (38 patterns). Persistent and nonpersistent strains were found in all plants. Nonpersistent PFGE types were found mostly at one sampling site, with the processing environment being the most common location, whereas the persistent strains were found at several sampling sites in most cases. The processing machines were frequently contaminated with persistent L. monocytogenes PFGE types, and it was of concern that surfaces having direct contact with the products were contaminated. The role of the processing machines in sustaining contamination and in contaminating the products appeared to be important because the final product of several processing lines was contaminated with the same L. monocytogenes PFGE type as that found in the processing machine. The proportion of persistent PFGE types in heat-treated products was eight times higher than in the raw products, showing the importance of the persistent PFGE types as contaminants of the final heat-treated products. The contamination status of the processing lines and machines appeared to be influenced by the compartmentalization of the processing line, with poor compartmentalization increasing L. monocytogenes contamination. The separation of raw and post-heat treatment areas seemed especially important in the contamination status of post-heat treatment lines.  相似文献   

不同品种胡萝卜切分加工物理性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭宽  胡云峰  李喜宏  关文强 《食品科学》2004,25(11):184-187
本文通过对天津地区胡萝卜切分加工性能研究,筛选出适合于切分胡萝卜加工的专用品种及其加工技术指标。研究结果表明,可溶性固形物、个体形状、质地、感官评价和耐藏性等作为胡萝卜评价指标,简易、实用、可靠性强,其中王庆坨22号(荷兰1067)综合性能最佳。  相似文献   

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