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Adult female lesser grain borers (Rhyzopertha dominica [F.]) were observed in a mono-layer of wheat sandwiched between two layers of glass to determine if movement patterns and survival rates differed in wheat that was admixed with diatomaceous earth (DE) compared with untreated wheat. Observations were also made to determine if responses to DE differed depending on the commercial formulation of DE tested at the labeled rates. Mortality was higher in the DE treatments than in the untreated controls, and also varied according to the DE formulation. In wheat treated with 1000 ppm Dryacide®, 400 ppm Protect-It®, and 500 ppm Insecto™ (labeled rate for the individual products), mean percentage mortality was 100±0, 71.4±10.1, and 57.1±11.1, respectively. Although total distance traveled and the number of turns taken by the beetles was lower in the Dryacide treatment compared to the untreated controls, the movement patterns were not significantly different among the three DE treatments. Observed differences in mortality are likely related to DE products or amount applied rather than to differences in DE exposure resulting from movement behavior.  相似文献   

The efficacy of diflubenzuron (1 mg kg−1)+methoprene (1 mg kg−1) against Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in sorghum was evaluated in a silo-scale trial in southeast Queensland, Australia. Sorghum is normally protected from a wide range of insects by mixtures of grain protectants. The chitin synthesis inhibitor diflubenzuron was evaluated as a potential new protectant for S. oryzae in combination with the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene, which is already registered for control of R. dominica. Sorghum (ca 200 t) was treated after harvest in 2000 and assessed for treatment efficacy and residue decline during 6.5 months storage. The reproductive capacity of S. oryzae and R. dominica was greatly reduced in bioassays of treated sorghum throughout the trial, and efficacy remained relatively stable during the trial. An initial exposure of S. oryzae adults to treated sorghum for 2 weeks reduced F1 progeny production of all strains by 80.8-98.8%, but a second exposure of 4 weeks reduced F1 progeny production by 98.5-100%. In addition, the reproductive capacity of any S. oryzae progeny produced was greatly reduced. Exposure of R. dominica adults to treated sorghum for 2 weeks reduced F1 progeny production of all strains by 99.6-100%, including a methoprene-resistant strain. The results indicate that S. oryzae or R. dominica adults invading sorghum treated with diflubenzuron (1 mg kg−1)+methoprene (1 mg kg−1) would be incapable of producing sustainable populations.  相似文献   

Hard red winter wheat kernels were infested with eggs of Rhyzopertha dominica. After 20 d, when the larvae reached the fourth instar, they were killed by exposing the infested kernels to phosphine gas for 24 h. The infested kernels were then divided into four portions and treated as follows: one portion was immediately frozen at −80 °C to avoid myosin degradation; the other three portions were kept at 32 °C and 65% relative humidity, and then frozen at −80 °C after 14, 28, and 56 d post-fumigation, respectively. Each treatment was replicated five times. Myosin was measured using a commercial enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method that specifically detects this protein (Biotect®, Austin, TX). Myosin degradation was most rapid in the first 2 weeks after the larvae were killed, decreasing from 1.672 to 0.695 ng/well during this period (a 58.4% reduction). There were no significant differences in myosin degradation between samples that were 14, 28, and 56 d post-fumigation. Grain is often fumigated to control insects. Frequently, this occurs many weeks before the grain is milled and may be repeated during the storage period. Therefore, estimates using the ELISA test may underestimate internal insect infestation because of myosin degradation. Insect fragment estimates for previously fumigated grain could be underestimated by as much as 58%.  相似文献   

The movement and temperature preference of Rhyzopertha dominica was determined in a 56 cm diameter cylinder with 9 cm high sides containing 19.9 kg of hard red winter wheat. Two temperature gradients were tested over a 24 h period: 42 to 20 °C and 24 to 20 °C with the cooler temperature being on the periphery of the cylinder. No preference existed when there was no temperature gradient. Beetles preferred the moderate temperature region of the cylinder in the 42 to 20 °C gradient, but avoided the highest temperature region. In the 24 to 20 °C gradient, insects did not move very much during the 24 h period. When a longer duration was used (96 h) for the 24 to 20 °C gradient, there were significantly more insects in the warmest center region of the gradient compared to the middle or outer regions. Compared to other stored grain Coleoptera, such as Cryptolestes ferrugineus, R. dominica appears to move more slowly through the grain into preferred temperature regions.  相似文献   

Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), an important pest of stored grains, causes economic damage to rough rice through physical damage to the kernel, resulting in reductions in grain quality. In this test, 28 varieties of commercial rough rice (10 long grain, 11 medium grain, and 7 short grain) were examined for solid, split and cracked hulls, hull thickness, and adult emergence from neonate R. dominica introduced on each individual variety. The percentage of solid hulls ranged from 55.5% on Koshihikari variety to 92.8% on Akita variety, and the percentages of cracked and split hulls were correlated with increased susceptibility. The Dobie index for progeny production showed Wells, Jupiter, and Pirogue varieties as the most tolerant to R. dominica, while Rico and Francis were the most susceptible. The hull thickness of rough rice varied among varieties, but the tolerant varieties appeared to have thicker hulls than the susceptible varieties. There was no difference among rice types (long-, medium-, or short grain) regarding tolerance or susceptibility to R. dominica. Results show that the characteristics of the rough rice hull are important for conferring susceptibility of individual varieties to R. dominica.  相似文献   

Male Rhyzopertha dominica release an aggregation pheromone that is a blend of two components, Dominicalure-1 (D1) and Dominicalure-2 (D2). Factors leading to variation in the output of pheromone were investigated in order to improve the design of future experimental studies. Pheromone output from male R. dominica, during the photophase (08.00-20.00 h), was quantified for six 2-h periods to test for any diurnal rhythms. The amounts of components released were similar during the period 08.00-16.00 h but increased significantly in late afternoon (16.00-20.00 h). Measurements were also made of pheromone release during the whole scotophase and males were found to emit significantly less at this time but the D1:D2 ratio remained relatively constant at 1:1. Mean daily release rates for D1 and D2 were 1.22 and 1.09 μg, respectively for 8-9 day old males. Actual quantities of pheromone components varied 10-fold among individuals, but the blend composition was relatively constant with the mean proportion of D1 in the blend being 51.4% although extremes of 35.1-71.3% were recorded. Both body weight and boring rate were positively correlated with rates of pheromone release, although body weight and boring rate were themselves correlated. The blend ratio did not vary with body weight or boring rate. If experimenting on release of, or behavioural responses to, pheromone, then variation in output can be minimised by choosing males of similar body weight and by restricting study to times of the day when release rates would be expected to be most similar.  相似文献   

Rhyzopertha dominica is one of the most damaging insect pests in grain elevators and causes millions of dollars worth of stored grain losses annually in the USA. A simulation model was developed for predicting R. dominica population dynamics in concrete grain bins. The model used a two-dimensional representation of a cylindrical concrete bin (33 m tall×6.4 m wide), and used hourly weather data to predict changes in grain temperature. Output from the grain bin temperature and moisture module was used by the insect module to predict changes in insect density in 32 different bin regions. When compared to validation data from nine grain bins, the model accurately predicted insect vertical distribution and insect density. In December, the highest insect density was in the top center of the grain mass, and decreased steadily with increasing depth and towards the periphery of the grain mass. R. dominica attains this spatial distribution because immigration is primarily through the top of the bin, and higher populations occur in the interior of the grain mass because of warmer temperatures there. Initially, the model underestimated actual insect density in the grain bins. We increased the immigration rate by 50% and this resulted in a much better prediction of R. dominica density by the model. From 20 September to 14 December, populations of R. dominica increased from 0.1 to 3.5 insects per kg of wheat.  相似文献   

In the context of developing a behavioural bioassay, the effects of 1-5 days starvation on the locomotory responses of Rhyzopertha dominica were investigated. Movements in an experimental arena with airflow were videoed and analysed using computerised tracking and motion analysis software. Beetle velocity and angular velocity (turning) were influenced adversely following 3 or 4 days of starvation, resulting in a lower number of beetles arriving at food. The highest number of beetles arriving at food was when they were starved for 1 day. Gender had a statistically significant effect on velocity; on average males walked 37% faster than females and there were significant decreases in the velocity of females from the fourth day and male velocity from the fifth day of starvation. Starvation significantly reduced angular velocity of beetles although the effect of gender was not statistically significant. There was a decline in angular velocity following the first day of starvation, although the negative effect of starvation on turning is not as clear-cut as on velocity, with a more gradual decline with increasing starvation. For undertaking behavioural bioassays with R. dominica, starvation beyond 1 day is unlikely to improve responsiveness.  相似文献   

Developmental stages of Rhyzopertha dominica were exposed to atmospheres containing 1%, 2%, 3%, 5%, 10% or 15% oxygen (O2) in nitrogen at 30°C and 70% r.h. Respiration rates were determined with a gas chromatograph. The O2 intake and carbon dioxide (CO2) output by insects were expressed in μl/insect h or μl/mg h. Respiration of eggs, young and old larvae, pupae, and adults at normal atmospheric air were at rates of 0.0029, 0.41, 2.52, 0.82, and 2.86 μl CO2/insect h, respectively. Respiration rates of the same stages in terms of insect weight were 0.14, 4.83, 1.98, 0.64 and, 2.58 μl CO2/mg h, respectively. At reduced O2 levels respiration rates of eggs, larvae and pupae were proportional to the O2 levels. Adult respiration rates were high at 3% and 5% O2 levels almost reaching that of normal atmospheric air, and were 2.56 and 2.85 μl CO2/insect h, respectively. In adults, respiration quotient values for the same O2 levels were higher than at normal atmospheric O2 and were 1.5 and 1.02, respectively.Respiration of adults in normal air between 20°C and 35°C increased with temperature and gas values varied between 0.89 and 6.82 μl CO2/insect h, respectively, or 0.93 and 5.63 μl O2/insect h, respectively.  相似文献   

Treatments with conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae formulated in invert emulsion (water-in-oil formulation) or in wheat flour were applied to Rhyzopertha dominica adults infesting Cicer arietinum grains. The application rates were 4.1×105 conidia/cm2 of treated area using a concentration of 1.8×107 conidia/ml of the invert emulsion and 8.2×106 conidia/cm2 of treated area using a concentration of 6.5×108 conidia/g of the wheat flour formulation. Results have indicated significant mortality (P<0.05) when newly emerged R. dominica adults were introduced and then treated with the invert emulsion and wheat flour formulations (86.7-93.3%, control treatment 10.0-26.7% mortality). When treated grains were left until the emergence of F1 adults, there was also significant mortality (P<0.05) in both treatments (28.3-60.0%, control treatment 1.7-8.3% mortality). This indicates a residual effectiveness of the treatment with the two formulations against R. dominica adults which extended to >2 months (equivalent to the duration of the insect life-cycle at 23±2°C and 75±5% r.h.). Infestation rate of C. arietinum grains by R. dominica at 23±2°C and 75±5% r.h. was significantly reduced in the treatments with the fungal conidia formulated in invert emulsion (0.7%) or in wheat flour (1.0%) when compared with the control treatment (19.0-23.3%). The preventive treatments significantly retarded R. dominica development (P<0.05) by 8-12 days compared with the control treatment. The infection with the fungus thus delayed adult emergence of R. dominica by 8-12 days. Overall results give promise for control of R. dominica with M. anisopliae mixed with wheat flour or introduced into invert emulsion.  相似文献   

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