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真空和面工艺对面条质量的影响及参数优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用三元二次回归正交旋转组合设计,探讨真空度、加水量、和面时间等真空和面工艺参数对生鲜面条、冷藏面条感官和烹调特性的影响,依据生鲜面和冷藏面的评价结果确定最佳工艺条件。结果表明,真空和面能显著提升生鲜面、冷藏面的感官质量,降低烹调损失。和面最优真空度为0.06 MPa,过高的真空度会导致面条质量下降。加水量对面条的硬度、光滑性及感官总评分有显著影响;适当提高加水量可以显著改善面条质量;而过高的加水量会导致面条过软、咀嚼性降低。真空条件下,5~9 min和面时间对面条质量无显著影响。生鲜面的色泽和弹性主要受真空度影响;表观、硬度和光滑性主要受加水量影响。面条冷藏后,真空度对其表观、硬度和黏性的影响及加水量对弹性的影响均增大。真空和面对于延长生鲜面的保质期、保证产品质量稳定有重要作用;提高真空度可以减缓面条在冷藏过程中的质量劣变。真空和面最佳工艺条件为:真空度0.06 MPa,加水量35.3%,和面时间7.2 min。  相似文献   

为研究不同和面方式(真空、普通和手工)以及不同揉面方式(机器揉面、手工揉面和不揉面)对冷冻熟面蒸煮和质构特性的影响,采用低场核磁技术分析加工方法对面条中水分状态的影响,并通过高效液相色谱图分析面条内部蛋白质的变化。结果显示:采用真空和面的冷冻熟面质构性质和蒸煮特性最好,深层次结合水比例高,SDS(十二烷基硫酸钠)蛋白可提取率低,说明真空和面可以促进面筋蛋白的交联,使面筋形成更加充分均匀,与水分的结合更加紧密;揉面过程尤其是手工揉面可以使冷冻熟面的蒸煮特性和质构性质提高,使深层次结合水含量升高,SDS蛋白可提取率降低,说明揉面可以促进面筋蛋白与水的结合,使面筋蛋白形成更加充分。  相似文献   

为了了解不同含水量的面条蒸煮时间差异和煮后面条的口感不同的内在机制,本实验以相同面粉为原料,制作了四种含水量的面条,与半干面(29.3%、25.1%水分)、干面(13.8%水分)相比,鲜面(32.6%水分)的最佳蒸煮时间较短(是干面的26%),吸水率较低且蒸煮损失小(7.91%),煮后面条内部面筋蛋白网络结构致密、孔隙度小且连续性好,弹性和咀嚼性较好,感官评价得分最高,其次为半干面、干面。四种面条的水分组成在煮之前内部仅有较低比例的自由水(T23),主要以结合水(T21、T22)为主,其来自和面过程中加入的水分;蒸煮中从外部吸收水分;煮后面条水分组成均以自由水(T23)为主,结合水(T21、T22)比例减小,而鲜面(32.6%水分)内部还保留一大部分弱结合水(T22),其来自和面过程中加入的水分;随着面条自身水分含量减少,面筋网络结构致密度降低,质构和口感降低。因为蒸煮过程中从锅中吸收水分量大、煮面时间长、蒸煮损失大,干面的蒸煮品质比生鲜面差。  相似文献   

田宇  刘伯业  陈复生  曹涵 《食品科学》2022,43(16):26-35
为深入探讨碱性盐对生鲜湿面保质期和品质特性的影响,选用不同添加量的5 种碱性盐(碳酸钠、碳酸钾、磷酸三钠、磷酸三钾及碳酸氢钠)制作生鲜面条,通过将菌落总数、L*值和表观状态作为表征生鲜湿面变质的可视化参数,确定不同碱性盐在生鲜湿面中的最适添加量;通过测定贮藏期间生鲜湿面pH值、面团流变学特性、面条烹饪特性和质构特性、感官评价并用扫描电镜观察微观结构综合分析碱性盐对生鲜湿面品质的影响规律。结果表明:与对照组相比,碱性盐添加可有效抑制生鲜湿面中微生物的生长,添加2.0%的碳酸钠,能够将生鲜湿面保质期延长2.5 倍,碱性盐均使面条呈现明亮的浅黄色外观,明显改善其表观状态,确定碳酸钠在生鲜湿面中最适添加量为1.0%,其余4 种碱性盐最适添加水平均为1.5%。在贮藏期间,添加碱性盐调控且稳定面条pH值,显著增强面团吸水率和拉伸特性、降低面团弱化度,且延伸度随着醒发时间的延长而降低;增加了生鲜湿面蒸煮损失,降低面条吸水率、提高硬度、拉伸强度、弹性、黏性和适口性。扫描电镜发现,碱性盐的添加能够加强生鲜湿面中蛋白质和淀粉的交联程度,从而形成更加连续致密的面筋网络结构。其中碳酸钠对生鲜湿面品质改善效果最为突出。  相似文献   

以胖大海胶(胖大海的中层皮层吸水胀润后形成的胶状物)为对象,将胖大海胶以0%、0.2%、0.4%、0.6%、0.8%、1.0%(质量分数)的比例添加到面粉中,研究胖大海胶对面团热机械学特性、面粉糊化特性、鲜湿面质构特性、色泽以及蒸煮损失等品质的影响。结果表明,面粉中适量添加胖大海胶可增强淀粉糊化热稳定性,延缓淀粉老化速率;胖大海胶的添加可显著提高鲜湿面吸水率,使鲜湿面蒸煮损失率显著降低,改善鲜湿面滑口感;色泽方面,胖大海的添加使鲜湿面亮度减弱,但具有咖啡色色泽。综合考虑,当胖大海胶添加量在0.4%~0.6%时,鲜湿面的整体品质较为理想。  相似文献   

采用正交试验法,研究真空度、加水量、和面时间等工艺参数对非油炸青稞杂粮方便面品质特性和感官品质的影响,确定真空和面的最佳工艺条件。结果表明,真空和面能明显提升青稞杂粮方便面的复水率、糊化度及感官评分,降低复水时间、冲泡损失率及断条率。真空和面最佳工艺条件按影响程度大小依次为:真空度0.06MPa,加水量40%,和面时间6min,和面转速60r/min。  相似文献   

本文以复配水分活度调节剂为基本配方,探究热处理及不同浓度的食盐对生鲜面条水分含量、水分活度、水分分布、色泽、蒸煮以及质构、糊化特性的影响。试验结果表明:热处理和添加不同浓度的食盐降低了生鲜面的水分活度,当食盐的添加量为3%时,98 ℃热处理后生鲜面条的水分活度达到最低为0.884。热处理降低了生鲜面条中水分的自由度,增加了生鲜面条中结合水的含量;在不添加食盐的条件下,与未经热处理的样品相比,98 ℃热处理使生鲜面条的亮度从91.07提高至92.93,总色差ΔE从10.04降低为3.06。在88 ℃热处理条件下,随着食盐含量的增加,生鲜面条的硬度、拉断力和拉伸距离先增加后降低,当食盐的添加量为3%时,热处理后生鲜面条的硬度变化与未经热处理的生鲜面条硬度(4471.81 g)没有显著性差异,热处理使生鲜面条糊化特性中的峰值黏度降低,糊化温度升高。此外,热处理和一定浓度的食盐可延长生鲜面条的货架期,在食盐的添加量为2%,98 ℃热处理4 min的条件下制备的生鲜面条于25 ℃储藏其货架期可达96 h。  相似文献   

日本制面技术和面机设备。1.日本厂家在面条加工中逐渐采用真空和面技术,即和面过程在一定的真空度下(一般为500~600mm汞柱)进行,使面粉的吸水速度加快,相应缩短和面时间,减少和面机发热导致的温升,有利于保证面团的品质;真空和面可使面粉在和面过程中吸收更多的水分,即有利于提高和面时的加水率,有利于面筋网络的进一步形成。2.近年来,日本发明了一项新工艺,面团不经复合辊来形成面带,而采用了经特殊设计的螺旋挤出机,在  相似文献   

正蒸煮类面制品加工过程中色泽变化的研究面片在加工过程中的色泽变化一定程度上反映了蒸煮类面制品加工过程中的色泽变化。以2009年河北省生产推广种植的26个小麦品种的面粉及其轧制的面片为研究对象,测定了不同加工阶段、不同放置时间后面片色泽的变化,并分析了面粉色泽与面片色泽之间的相关性。结果表明:面  相似文献   

和面时加入不同质量分数的酸奶与水,制备生鲜湿面条。通过测定面条的蒸煮品质、质构特性以及贮藏过程中色泽与多酚氧化酶活性的变化,研究酸奶对生鲜湿面条加工及贮藏品质的影响。结果表明:当酸奶的质量分数为100%时,面条的吸水率最大为87. 43%,蒸煮损失率最小为2. 17%;酸奶的质量分数≥40%时,面条的硬度、黏聚性、咀嚼性显著增大,黏性、弹性、回复力显著减小,当酸奶质量分数为80%时,拉断力最大为28. 31g;酸奶的加入使面片的色泽变亮,延缓其褐变,并降低多酚氧化酶的活性,贮藏48 h后,当酸奶质量分数为100%时,多酚氧化酶活性较空白组降低了14. 2%。综合表明,较高比例酸奶的加入可改善面条的加工特性,降低其褐变速率,延长保鲜期。  相似文献   

Effect of vacuum mixing on the quality characteristics of fresh noodles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Effect of vacuum mixing on the physicochemical properties, microstructure and water status of fresh noodles was investigated. Color changes, moisture, water activity, cooking quality and texture properties were measured as affected by different vacuum degrees. In addition, effect of vacuum mixing on the water status in noodles was evaluated at macroscopic, structural and molecular levels. Noodle brightness, cooking and texture properties were significantly (P < 0.05) improved as vacuum degrees increased, except that −0.08 MPa imparted slightly larger cooking loss and worse texture to low protein noodles. Both high and low protein flour noodles presented the best cooking and textural properties while mixed at −0.06 MPa. Furthermore, vacuum mixing induced a more continuous and compact noodle structure, as shown in the SEM investigation. Water–solids interaction in the products was shown to be enhanced by the decreased water mobility, lower freezable water content (FW%), and the stronger proton density of T21.  相似文献   

目的:探究慈姑淀粉对鲜面条品质的影响,将不同比例的慈姑淀粉添加入麦芯粉中制得鲜面条。方法:对所制鲜面条蒸煮特性、色泽、感官品质、质构特性及挥发性风味成分等进行测定。结果:随着慈姑淀粉添加量增多,鲜面条的吸水率、断条率、蒸煮损失率整体呈上升趋势,风味物质、硬度和弹性增大,但咀嚼性、胶黏性、感官品质降低;慈姑淀粉添加量为5%时鲜面条感官品质最佳,其最佳蒸煮时间为4.5 min,面条断条率为0%,蒸煮损失率为5.28%,吸水率为70.09%,色差△E*为2.31,GC-MS检测表明慈姑淀粉鲜面条中富含烃类、醇类等风味物质。结论:添加适量的慈姑淀粉可以改善鲜面条品质。  相似文献   

为考察半干法磨粉过程中润米时间对大米粉粉质特性及鲜米粉质量的影响,本研究选用了不同润米时间条件下的大米原料进行半干法磨粉并制备鲜米粉。以可以实现半干法磨粉的24 h润米时间作为阳性对照,分析和比较不同润米时间的大米粉粒径分布、破损淀粉含量、糊化特性等粉质特性以及鲜米粉的蒸煮损失、感官评价等制品品质特性,以确定获得同样效果的最短润米时间。研究结果显示:润米6 h后进行半干法磨粉可以获得与24 h润米时间同样的大米粉粒度分布、破损淀粉含量、最高粘度和最低粘度等粘度特性。用此大米粉制备的鲜湿米粉产品,获得了理想的蒸煮损失率和可接受的感官评分值。以上结果表明,润米6 h是获得如润米24 h同样的大米粉及鲜湿米粉品质特征的理想润米时间。  相似文献   

The rheological and cooking properties of gluten-free noodles prepared with dry- and wet-milled rice flours were characterized. Dry-milled rice flour with a higher degree of starch damage exhibited greater water hydration properties than wet-milled rice flour at room temperature. However, the pasting results of rice flour suspensions demonstrated that wet-milled rice flour showed a higher value of peak viscosity due to its great swelling power upon starch gelatinization. The similar thermo-mechanical tendency was observed in a rice dough system by Mixolab. In the planar extensional test, the noodle dough sample prepared with dry-milled rice flour exhibited higher elongational viscosity which could be favorably correlated to more resistance of dry-milled rice noodle strands to extension. When rice noodles were cooked, increased cooking loss was observed in dry-milled rice noodles which was attributed to great water solubility derived from a higher degree of starch damage.  相似文献   

White salted noodles were prepared from reconstituted flours of various amylose content to determine the effects of amylose content on noodle dough properties and texture of noodles cooked for optimum cooking time. With decrease of amylose content from 26.5 to 3. 0%, optimum water absorption of noodle dough increased from 39 to 49% and cooking time of noodles decreased from 16 to 7 min. Hardness of cooked noodles prepared from reconstituted flour consistently decreased with increase in proportion of waxy starch. Noodles less than 12.4% amylose content exhibited higher springiness and cohesiveness than noodles greater than 17.1% amylose content. Cohesiveness and springiness of noodles prepared with partial waxy starches, of which amylose content ranged from 16. 6 to 22. 7%, were comparable to those of noodles prepared from <12. 4% amylose content. Amylose content of starch was significantly correlated with hardness, springiness, and cohesiveness of cooked noodles prepared from reconstituted flours.  相似文献   

According to the literature the protein nutritive value of triticale is higher than that of wheat. For this reason, and others, the possibility of using triticale in noodles was investigated. Regular noodles and egg noodles were prepared from all-purpose flour, durum flour, trititale flour, as well as from semolina and were evaluated by panels for flavor and firmness after cooking times of 10, 15, 25 and 30 min. Regular noodles made from triticale flour had the shortest cooking time and the best cooking tolerance. There were no statistically significant differences in the flavor of the noodles among the flours used. The regular triticale noodles had a higher cooking loss compared to the other noodle samples. However, the addition of eggs to the noodle recipe eliminated any statistically significant differences in cooking loss between noodles made from the different flours. It was concluded that triticale, which at present is used in animal feeds, can be used for the manufacture of noodles.  相似文献   

Wheat flour was supplemented with different levels of soy protein concentrate (SPC) and applied to precooked noodles for protein fortification whose quality attributes were characterised in terms of rheology, microstructure and water mobility. The wheat flours with high levels of SPC showed lower enthalpy values and higher temperatures derived from starch gelatinisation. They also exhibited lower values of the pasting viscosity and dynamic viscoelastic parameters. The mixolab measurements demonstrated that the supplement with SPC was effective in raising the water absorption and dough stability of wheat flour. In addition, the use of SPC-supplemented wheat flours produced precooked noodles with tight and dense structures, which were confirmed by scanning electron microscopic analysis. These microstructural changes were consequently related to higher maximum resistance to extension and lower extensibility of the noodles. However, the SPC-supplemented wheat flours did not significantly affect the cooking loss of the noodles. Furthermore, three water components with different mobility were observed in the precooked noodles whose spin-spin relaxation times were distinctly reduced with increasing levels of SPC. Overall similarities in the sensory noodle attributes were detected as wheat flour was supplemented with SPC at a level of 8% (w/w).  相似文献   

The objective of this study has been to investigate the effects of two ingredients i) acetylated potato starch (APS) and ii) sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) on the textural attributes and eating quality of instant noodles. Using low-protein soft wheat flour (Australian Soft) as the base material, samples of noodles incorporating varying proportions of APS and CMC were evaluated for product texture, colour and fat uptake. The variables were studied using a central composite design and textural characteristics were assessed using the TA-XT2, colour by the Minolta Chroma Meter. The results were analyzed by response surface methodology and showed that the two variables enhance the hardness and reduce adhesive values of cooked instant noodles. Electron microscopy also demonstrated the development of a more continuous network structure within the noodles. The addition of CMC had weakened the noodle inner structure and reduced the cohesiveness values of the cooked instant noodles. In contrast, APS provides hardness but does not affect cohesiveness. Marginal observable difference was found in product colour for the various treatment combinations, with a slightly dull appearance, viz less white and less yellow compared with the control. Trials to produce the lowest fat uptake rating indicated that 10% APS was optimal. The results may provide a basis for modifying formulations for use with low-protein soft wheat flours to provide eating quality and colour attributes to meet the preferences of specific customer groups. The conclusion of this study is that the combined use of APS and CMC primarily affects the textural attributes of hardness and adhesiveness rather than the other quality parameters of instant noodle that have been assessed. In addition, APS has the potential to enhance the performance of low-protein soft wheat flours for instant noodle manufacture.  相似文献   

为提高纯苦荞挂面的加工适应性及面条品质,将挤压处理后的苦荞粉与生苦荞粉混合后制作纯苦荞挂面,将挤压苦荞粉的添加量及和面加水量结合探究其对纯苦荞挂面加工品质及面条品质的影响。通过面带的质构品质、面条的蒸煮及质构特性评价纯苦荞挂面的加工性能和食用品质。结果表明,随着挤压苦荞粉添加量的增加,面带的表面黏附力和抗拉伸力及面条的蒸煮损失率显著(P<0.05)增加;随着和面加水量的增加,面带的表面黏附力显著(P<0.05)增加,抗拉伸力下降,面条的硬度、咀嚼性和蒸煮损失率均显著(P<0.05)增加,当挤压苦荞粉的添加量为30%,加水量为34%时,面带的表面黏附力最低,抗拉伸力适中,蒸煮损失率最小,质构品质较好,综合评价最高。  相似文献   

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