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彭凯 《中国调味品》2008,33(3):66-67
主要介绍了对以野生红豆为主要原料生产红豆果醋的生产工艺进行分析,探索了通过酵母菌的梯次添加,使酒精发酵过程缩短25%,使果醋的产量和质量都得到了提高。  相似文献   

浅谈果醋生产应注意的几个方面   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就果醋的生产,对原料、原料处理、发酵、检验、果醋配制等问题进行了论述,为果醋生产提供了参考。  相似文献   

<正> 果醋的背景及加工意义果醋,顾名思义就是以水果作为主要原料酿制而成的醋。果醋因品种多样的水果原料而呈现不同的风味而倍受人们青睐。它不但具有传统粮食醋所没有的特殊果香,而且更好的保留了水果中的营养和保健成分。果醋的历史源远流长,最古老的记载是公元前古巴比伦开始用蜜枣树液或果汁生产果酒,用葡萄生产葡萄酒,同时也产生了葡萄醋。17世纪以后,欧洲各国结合各自的物产和饮食习惯生产出不同品种的果醋。日本的酿酒制醋技术源于我国,1979年公布的《日本农林规划》中对食醋进行了分类,将果醋纳入国家标准,并归为酿造醋。在我国,果醋的历史也比较长,在宋代即有乌梅醋制法的记载。  相似文献   

醋饮料的国标正在制定当中,而国标的名称或将定为"果醋饮料",征求意见稿中也明确将果醋饮料定义为以水果或其浓缩果汁(浆)等为主要原料,经发酵制成的果醋,再添加不同辅料,经加工制成的饮料.  相似文献   

利用果类资源生产果醋的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文报告了利用果品加工上的下脚料及果品生产上的残次、落果等原料,并采用了固态发酵法生产食醋的工艺,并对工艺加以适当改造,用于果醋生产。简化了生产王艺、降低了生产投资和生产成本,对于合理利用资源,增加农民收入,繁荣市场,将起到一定的促进作用。报告中介绍了工艺流程,选用的菌种、果醋成品的成分含量。  相似文献   

以甘蔗汁为主要原料发酵酿制甘蔗果醋,探讨甘蔗果醋的生产工艺并优化其饮料配方,研制出营养丰富、柔和爽口的甘蔗果醋饮料。  相似文献   

以甘蔗汁为主要原料发酵酿制甘蔗果醋,探讨甘蔗果醋的生产工艺并优化其饮料配方,研制出营养丰富、柔和爽口的甘蔗果醋饮料。  相似文献   

水蜜桃果醋的研制   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
本文介绍了以水蜜桃为主要原料,采用液态发酵和固态发酵相结合的特殊工艺,生产出品质优良的水蜜桃果醋。该工艺既提高了原料的利用率又保持了水蜜桃果醋所特有的风味。  相似文献   

以甘肃特产的冬果梨为原料,经过酒精发酵、乳酸发酵和醋酸发酵过程,制得了冬果梨保健果醋。通过在冬果梨汁中添加果胶酶、淀粉酶和糖化酶进行酶解处理,解决了梨汁中果胶不利于发酵和原料利用率低的问题。添加适量增香酵母和乳酸菌进行发酵,增加了果醋中酯类和不挥发酸的含量。使制得的果醋风味纯正,并具有冬果梨的香味,是一种价值较高的营养保健型果醋。  相似文献   

以新鲜苹果和梨为主要原料,通过酒精发酵和醋酸发酵,生产出苹果和梨复合型果醋.并对苹果和梨的复合型果醋的生产工艺过程和工艺参数进行了研究,最终确定该果醋的最佳发酵条件.  相似文献   

Perspectives for chitosan based antimicrobial films in food applications   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recently, increasing attention has been paid to develop and test films with antimicrobial properties in order to improve food safety and shelf life. Active biomolecules such as chitosan and its derivatives have a significant role in food application area in view of recent outbreaks of contaminations associated with food products as well as growing concerns regarding the negative environmental impact of packaging materials currently in use. Chitosan has a great potential for a wide range of applications due to its biodegradability, biocompatibility, antimicrobial activity, non-toxicity and versatile chemical and physical properties. Thus, chitosan based films have proven to be very effective in food preservation. The presence of amino group in C2 position of chitosan provides major functionality towards biotechnological needs, particularly, in food applications. Chitosan based polymeric materials can be formed into fibers, films, gels, sponges, beads or even nanoparticles. Chitosan films have shown potential to be used as a packaging material for the quality preservation of a variety of food. Besides, chitosan has widely been used in antimicrobial films to provide edible protective coating, in dipping and spraying for the food products due to its antimicrobial properties. Chitosan has exhibited high antimicrobial activity against a wide variety of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms, including fungi, and Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The present review aims to highlight various preparative methods and antimicrobial activity including the mechanism of the antimicrobial action of chitosan based films. The optimisation of the biocidic properties of these so called biocomposites films and role of biocatalysts in improvement of quality and shelf life of foods has been discussed.  相似文献   

张莉 《中国皮革》2006,35(15):33-35
探讨了皮革产品的环保质量指标,总结了目前国际上有害物质法规、法令以及一些知名买家的环保质量要求,分析了皮革生产加工过程中可能带入的有害物质的来源和种类,并对皮革的环保质量保证提出一些建议。  相似文献   

张莉 《中国皮革》2006,35(13):52-54
探讨了皮革产品的环保质量指标,总结了目前国际上有害物质法规、法令以及一些知名买家的环保质量要求,分析了皮革生产加工过程中可能带入的有害物质的来源和种类,并对皮革的环保质量保证提出一些建议。  相似文献   

介绍了细菌型腐乳的主要原料,详细分析了原料成分和生产工艺对产品质量的影响,提出了提高成品质量的方法。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to prepare and evaluate furcellaran beads as an encapsulation material for β-carotene from sea buckthorn (Hippophaë rhamnoides L.) juice. Beads were prepared by ionotropic gelation. The influence of bead formulation factors on the particle size and firmness was investigated and the encapsulation efficiency of β-carotene in beads was studied. The nature of the cation, the polymer and cation concentration, and the proportion of volumes of the outer to the inner phase influenced the size and firmness of furcellaran beads. With increasing proportion of sea buckthorn juice in the formulae, firmness of furcellaran beads decreased. The encapsulation efficiency of β-carotene from sea buckthorn juice in furcellaran capsules was 97%. It suggested that furcellaran beads may be applied for β-carotene encapsulation.Industrial relevanceEncapsulation is a rapidly emerging area with multitude of applications in biotechnology, one of them being the controlled release of active biomolecules. The sensitivity to the environmental factors makes furcellaran a promising material for the controlled release of pharmaceuticals, (pro)biotica, and bioactive materials. Entrapment of these materials into the furcellaran beads by protecting them against degradation processes could solve the problem to incorporate health promoting ingredients into food without reducing their bioavailability or functionality. The change of pH in the digestive system could cause degradation of the beads followed by release of bioactive materials in the organism. It does create a basis for new product development in food industry. However, more work regarding to the improvements of bead stability and the release of entrapped materials are required.  相似文献   

食品中基体标准物质研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内食品行业问题频出,为了保障食品质量安全,食品标准物质在产品检验和质量控制中不可或缺。由于食品基质复杂,使得许多食品单纯采用纯品标准品已难以满足校准检测体系要求,需结合基体标准物质进行校准。与纯品标准物质相比,基体标准物质为目标化合物和基体结合,与真实检测样品更一致,可以保障测试结果的准确性和质量控制的有效性。我国在纯度标准物质方面的研究已经比较完善,但在复杂基体方面的研究与发达国家仍存在一些差距。本文综述了食品中基体标准物质研究进展,包括国内外食品基体标准物质现状及要求、标准物质研究存在的问题,以期为食品基体标准物质的研制及发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

GTG种衣剂在烟草种子包衣生产中的应用试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步提高我国烟草包衣种子质量,进行了常规种衣剂和进口GTG种衣剂的不同配比试验。结果表明:GTG种衣剂生产的包衣丸化种子裂解度、裂解时间、强度、均匀度等外观质量综合指标优于常规种衣剂;不同配比的GTG种衣剂,生产的烟草包衣种子的外观质量也存在差异,以50%GTG种衣剂 50%国产种衣剂及辅料生产的烟草包衣丸化种子综合质量较好。  相似文献   

A feasibility study of the preparation of quality control materials for the analysis of medicated feeds has been carried out. Two analytical methodologies for the analysis of sulfonamides in feeds were developed, validated and applied to homogeneity and stability studies. Pig feeds spiked with sulfadiazine and sulfadimidine were prepared. The drugs were spiked at 500 µg g?1, representing what can be expected in a commercial medicated feed, and at 2 and 5 µg g?1, which roughly correspond to drug-free feeds cross-contaminated during the fabrication process. The homogeneity of both the bulk and the bottled materials was verified. A stability study of the materials containing 2 and 5 µg g?1 of sulfonamides was carried out over an 18-month period at room temperature, at 4°C and ?20°C. The determination of sulfadiazine and sulfadimidine in samples coming from these homogeneity and stability studies of the quality control materials was carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with either ultraviolet light or fluorimetric detection, depending on the concentration of the analytes in the samples.  相似文献   

近年来生料酿酒技术突飞猛进,在节约能源,提高原料利用率,降低劳动强度等方面取得了显著成效,但生料酒品质存在的一些问题始终困扰着生料酿酒业的发展。本工艺采用生、熟料复合法生产多粮型小曲白酒,既利用了生料酿酒技术的优点和各种粮食原料的特性,又运用了传统小曲白酒生产的特点,提高了出酒率,改善了酒的品质,具有很好的应用推广价值。  相似文献   

饮料酒的包装材料直接影响到饮料酒的品质与安全, 从而对人体健康产生一定程度的影响。本文从塑料材料、纸类及木质材料、陶瓷材料、玻璃材料、金属材料和生产工艺6个方面分析饮料酒包装存在的安全问题, 并提出了改进措施, 以提高我国的食品安全保障, 让饮料酒包装行业健康持续地发展。如今, 科学技术的突飞猛进让未来饮料酒包装材料的发展朝着更加注重安全和环保的方向迈进, 多功能、价格合理的饮料酒包装材料会有一个广阔的应用范围。合适的包装材料能开拓低成本、高质量的饮料酒市场。  相似文献   

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