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我国食品安全教育体系的构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了食品安全的概念及内涵、食品安全发展现状,阐述了我国食品安全学科与食品科学、食品卫生学、食品营养学等之间的关系,重点研究了我国食品安全教育发展现状,提出构建我国食品安全教育体系的思路和方法,即由公众食品安全普及教育、行业食品安全教育培训、食品安全本科教育和创新型、研究型高级食品安全人才培养等构成的金字塔型食品安全教育体系。  相似文献   

正追溯是在生产、加工、流通和销售等各个阶段中,对食品、饲料以及有可能成为食品或饲料组成成分的所有物质的溯源或追踪掌握能力。食品安全可追溯体系对企业和政府都具有重要意义。正确认识国内外食品安全追溯现状,可以促进我国食品安全追溯系统完善和发展,能有效缓解我国食品安全事件多发的现状。欧盟食品安全可追溯体系建设概况欧盟食品安全可追溯体系是上世纪末欧盟国家为了防治疯牛病危害而  相似文献   

食品安全追溯体系作为食品安全治理体系的重要组成部分,在传递食品安全信息、缓解食品安全市场信息不对称和增强消费者信心方面起到了重要作用。我国食品安全追溯体系经过十多年的发展,在法律法规的完善、标准体系的建设以及追溯系统的试点示范等方面取得了一定的成果,但是在推行过程中也显现出诸多困境。本研究从食品安全追溯法律法规和标准、追溯系统建立与应用情况、现有追溯技术及应用情况以及追溯体系认证等方面梳理了我国食品安全追溯体系的现状,在此基础上对目前主要存在的问题进行了分析,最后结合我国实际情况提出相应的建议,旨在为我国食品安全追溯体系建设以及监管提供参考依据,以促进我国食品安全追溯体系的进一步发展和完善。  相似文献   

我国食品安全预警体系和溯源体系发展现状及建议   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
建立和发展食品安全预警体系和溯源体系,是提高我国食品安全与风险管理水平的要求,是全球食品安全管理的发展趋势。本文着重论述了我国食品安全预警体系和溯源体系的发展现状,针对存在的问题提出了一些切实建议。  相似文献   

食品安全与质量控制体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要阐述了食品安全和质量控制的概念和涵义,详细论述了食品安全质量控制体系在国内外的应用发展现状,并提出了解决我国当前食品安全问题,实施质量控制体系的具体措施.  相似文献   

<正>虽然食品安全的问题一直备受关注,但我国食品安全监管体系并不是十分完善。随着经济社会的发展,原本的食品安全监管法律和预防机制已不再能够完全套用于当今的现实发展情况,这就需要国家、消费者、经营者三方合力稳定食品安全的健康发展。本文分析我国食品安全监管的现状和部门职能分工,并针对其存在的主要问题提出相应的解决措施。我国食品安全监管体系的现状随着我国经济发展速度的日益迅  相似文献   

从芬兰食品安全监管体系的历史沿革、运行机制和现状特点等三个方面深入分析芬兰食品安全监管体系特点及其对我国的启示,为我国食品安全监管体制的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

从中国食品安全监管体系的发展历程和中国食品安全现状入手,指出中国食品安全监管体系存在的一系列问题,如食品安全监督机构不健全、食品安全教育缺失、食品安全法律及其相关制度设计不健全、行业自律机制不健全、新闻媒体社会责任和科学态度的缺失等,针对上述问题提出有效的应对措施,希冀在政府和社会公众的有效协同作用下,建立一个更加完善的食品安全监管体系。  相似文献   

我国焙烤食品安全管理现状与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍我国焙烤食品安全现状,从食品安全法律法规体系、食品安全管理机构、标准建设、食品安全检测技术等方面深度剖析我国焙烤食品行业的食品安全管理现状,并提出加强焙烤食品安全管理的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外食品安全事故频发,建立食品安全可追溯体系是保障食品安全的重要方式之一,受到了越来越多的关注。就我国的食品安全可追溯体系进行探析,从食品安全可追溯体系的含义出发,分析建立食品安全可追溯体系的意义,并介绍国内外可追溯体系发展的历程及现状。针对目前我国食品安全可追溯体系存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的完善对策与建议。  相似文献   

Research has shown that traditional food safety training programs and strategies to promote hand hygiene increases knowledge of the subject. However, very few studies have been conducted to evaluate the impact of food safety training on food handlers' attitudes about good hand hygiene practices. The objective of this meta-analytical study was to assess the extent to which food safety training or intervention strategies increased knowledge of and attitudes about hand hygiene. A systematic review of food safety training articles was conducted. Additional studies were identified from abstracts from food safety conferences and food science education conferences. Search terms included combinations of "food safety," "food hygiene," "training," "education," "hand washing," "hand hygiene," "knowledge," "attitudes," "practices," "behavior," and "food handlers." Only before- and after-training approaches and cohort studies with training (intervention group) and without training (control group) in hand hygiene knowledge and including attitudes in food handlers were evaluated. All pooled analyses were based on a random effects model. Meta-analysis values for nine food safety training and intervention studies on hand hygiene knowledge among food handlers were significantly higher than those of the control (without training), with an effect size (Hedges' g) of 1.284 (95% confidence interval [CI] ~ 0.830 to 1.738). Meta-analysis of five food safety training and intervention studies in which hand hygiene attitudes and self-reported practices were monitored produced a summary effect size of 0.683 (95% CI ~ 0.523 to 0.843). Food safety training increased knowledge and improved attitudes about hand hygiene practices. Refresher training and long-term reinforcement of good food handling behaviors may also be beneficial for sustaining good hand washing practices.  相似文献   

利用多学科交叉提高食品学科学生创新能力的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马海乐 《食品与机械》2017,33(9):213-215
发挥多学科交叉优势进行学生创新能力的培养得到国内外高等教育的高度重视。针对目前中国高等教育人才培养中存在的重视知识传授、忽视学生创新能力培养的不足,根据食品学科人才培养及食品科学技术研究面临的挑战,通过与工程学和物理学的交叉,阐述跨学科人才培养模式研究的必要性和重要性,介绍食品学科在利用多学科交叉提高学生创新能力的一些研究与实践。  相似文献   

简要阐述了生物技术目前在食品工业中应用的几个主要领域,介绍了现代生物技术对食品加工工艺、改善食品营养组分、食品添加剂的功效和食品安全等方面的影响。  相似文献   

浅谈生物技术在食品工业中的应用及其影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要阐述了生物技术目前在食品工业中应用的几个主要领域,介绍了现代生物技术对食品加工工艺、改善食品营养组分、食品添加剂的功效和食品安全等方面的影响。  相似文献   

针对食品专业工程人才培养过程重科学轻工程的问题,为培育新时期食品产业发展急需的创新型复合工程人才,以新工科的全新视角探索食品工程人才的培养新模式。在食品工程人才专业培养方案中,充分发挥食品物理类课程群在工程人才培养过程的支撑作用,以物理类知识体系为主线,从基础物理、工程物理、应用物理三个层面打造食品人才工程教育课程体系,强化食品产业优质资源融入高校人才培养、高校智力资源融入产业创新与创业的机制,激活产业与高校之间共同创新、融通育人的生态系统。  相似文献   

Southern California is a diverse region that is home to a high concentration of food science companies, with an increasing demand for additional food scientists and technologists to join this workforce. Despite this abundance of food science companies and the high demand for jobs, there is currently a shortage in the number of qualified food scientists and technologists in the region. This shortage is also observed within higher education, with declining enrollments in the food science graduate and undergraduate programs across Southern California. Here, we conduct a case study to explore the factors that influence students from Southern California to pursue or not pursue careers in food science. We surveyed both undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled in food science as well as industry professionals in the region to determine sources of knowledge about the discipline, and motivations and barriers for pursuing careers in food science. We also surveyed high school educators in the region to gain additional perspectives on how food science is being introduced at the secondary level, if at all. Our results demonstrate that many students and high school educators are not knowledgeable about career options within food science and that students who are pursuing food science largely report similar motivations for pursuing the discipline as those currently working in the food science industry. We conclude by discussing implications for the food science education community within Southern California and beyond.  相似文献   

目的调查分析当前高等院校在校生对食品安全的态度及行为,提高高校学生对食品安全的关注度。方法通过网上发放调查问卷,对我国609名高校学生的食品安全知识态度现状进行调查,根据调查结果和相关文献分析高校学生食品安全知识态度中存在的问题以及影响因素,并探究高校学生食品安全知识态度教育提升的对策。结果仅有1.1%的学生对校内食品安全十分满意,25%的学生对未来食品安全具有信心;6.5%的学生在遇到食品安全问题时不会采取任何有效的举措维护自身的合法权益;对于《食品安全法》21%的学生比较了解,12%的学生完全了解《食品安全法》当中的内容,其余67%的学生表示对于《食品安全法》几乎不了解或完全不了解;33%的学生表示学校经常组织食品安全培训,35%的学生会经常参加食品安全培训。结论目前高等院校在校生对于食品安全知识关注和认知水平较低、维权意识薄弱并且教育效果不明显,需要运用多种管理方法和教育手段,端正高等院校在校生对食品安全的态度,提升安全卫生意识。  相似文献   

One sixth of the world's population is food insecure with many of these people living in Sub‐Saharan Africa. Food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition have multiple reasons, many of which are beyond the reach and capacity of the food science community to remediate. Knowledge of food science and technology can dramatically improve the situation wherever food insecurity exists. This knowledge can increase our understanding of the conditions under which agricultural produce has to be handled, processed and distributed after harvesting. To develop practical measures, the Food Security Task Force of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) is developing a strategy to expand and broaden the Food Science/Technology knowledge base in neglected geographical areas. Specifically, IUFoST is offering Food Science/Technology training material for non‐academic food industry entrepreneurs utilising distance education technology. Part of IUFoST's effort is the transfer of appropriate technologies for pilot‐scale processes which foster linkages between farmers and food industries and stimulate growing high value crops.  相似文献   

朱宇 《食品与机械》2016,32(7):230-233
从食品安全教育入手,开展教育和宣传,培养社会对于食品的安全意识和安全责任,可在一定程度上缓解甚至避免食品安全恶性事件发生。对于食品安全教育机制的构建可以从以下几个方面着手:政府依法主导食品安全教育体系;以公众参与促进企业自律;全面科学地制定食品安全教育体系和内容,多元化教育途径和方式;强化对农村的食品安全教育。  相似文献   

从食品学科教育走向国际化的必要性和重要性入手,对国内外高校食品学科教育国际化建设的现状和国内食品学科教育国际化建设存在的不足进行分析,并从师资队伍建设、人才培养途径、课程体系完善、教学资源拓展、教学方法改革和管理队伍建设6个方面,探讨了食品学科教育国际化的具体路径。  相似文献   

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