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为了进一步规范欧盟以外国家有机食品出口到欧盟国家的程序,欧盟制定了新的、更加严格的对进口有机食品实行管理的第1788/2001号法令,预计在今年的11月1日开始执行.  相似文献   

正第25届德国纽伦堡有机食品博览会见证了欧盟有机食品市场的火爆。在这个全球最大的有机食品博览会上,近90%的参展商来自欧盟。那欧洲人为何如此青睐有机食品呢?原因是其法规很严格。根据欧盟2007年的1项法律规定,只有达到标准的有机产品才允许使用"有机"一词。根据现行的欧盟标准,农产品的有机成分至少要达95%以上才能打上欧盟统一的有机标  相似文献   

有机食品走俏欧美  近几年,有机食品——不使用农药和杀虫剂等化学品而种出来的食品风靡全球,渐渐变得深得人心。  有机食品对大气、水土等生产地的要求更严格。农民常常需要成天在地里为庄稼除草而不能直接喷洒除草剂;为了防止害虫的侵袭,还得盖上植物做的防护网;有机食品生产区和以往的常规农田之间还要有隔离带等等。而绿色食品的生产则没有这些规定,而且对化学物质,也只是限制使用,并没有完全禁止。总之,在技术要求、原料来源、加工、认证等方面,有机食品比绿色食品要求得更严、档次更高。  目前,有机食品的市场主要在…  相似文献   

中国有机食品产业近年发展迅猛。截至1999年,中国通过国家环境保护总局有机食品发展中心(OFDC)认证的有机食品生产基地总面积接近100万亩,以谷物、豆类、蔬菜、茶叶、中草药为主的近百个品种的有机食品行销于日本、美国、加拿大、欧盟等发达国家,中国有机食品出口量自1996年一直以每年30%以上的速度增长。  相似文献   

食品技术欧盟发明一种混合型食品配料包装薄膜欧盟已经生产出了一种水溶性薄膜,以满足食品加工工厂搅拌和计量生产中干配料包装的需求。这个新型的F—100可食用性配料薄膜可以被用做成袋食品配料的包装,为面包师和其他加工商提供一种可以利用已经计量好的数量,并帮助他们节约加工成本的方法。因为这种薄膜是可溶性的并且是可食用的,那么就减少了包装物质材料对食品造成污染的危险。另外,这些标准单位也提高了搅拌生产中的精确度,帮助食品加工商生产具有统一性的高质量产品,而且,控制搅拌过程中的灰尘将增强工人的安全性,并降低了清洁要求。…  相似文献   

受欧盟资助的中国食品加工标准项目第二次工作组会议2004年12月16日至12月17日在北京翠宫饭店举行。来自中国和欧盟40多位来自政府、协会、科研机构和企业的代表参加了这一研究中国食品(主要是果汁制品)加工标准的顶级研讨会。欧洲专家来自奥地利、法国、英国、意大利等国.国内专家则聚集了农业部农产品质量安全中心、国家环保总局有机食品发展中心、  相似文献   

欧洲有机食品在上海展出,您将品尝到来自欧洲的美食!欧盟诚邀国内政府及有机食品方面的行业商会,协会,新闻工作者以及食品进口商,经销商餐饮业,管理人员以及酒店管理人员和厨师等与有机食品相关的人士光临本届巡展。  相似文献   

我国有机农业和食品发展战略的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近10年来,世界有机农业正在经历着引人注目的发展,欧盟有机食品贸易组织预计,世界有机食品市场值,现在为每年11亿美元;10年后将增至1000亿美元。 欧盟发展有机农业较早,要求也较严格。欧盟15国的有机农业耕地面积平均约占其总面积的2%。有的成员国发展速度较快,如瑞典的有机农业耕地面积占其总面积的12%,奥地利为9%。瑞典、奥地利、意大利、芬兰,西班牙和希腊6个国家的有机农业耕地面积约占欧盟总有机农业耕地面积的70%,平均年增长速度也较高,为50%。1996年6月,欧盟通过有机农业法规,对有机农业产品的生产、加工、销售和标签作了详细的规定。各成员国一般都按此法规管理自己的有机农业。  相似文献   

根据欧盟1169/2011号指令的规定,自2Q14年12月13日起,食品生产商在欧盟市场进行销售时必须将产品配料列表中的某些信息进行突出标识。无论生产商坐落在欧盟境内外.都必须遵守这一指令。强制公开的食品信息必须在食品包装袋或标签上明显突出或附加显示,以使消费者更好地了解肉类原料的来源、食品的营养价值和食品内所含过敏原。  相似文献   

BCC有机认证加强与中国绿色食品合作 BCS是一个对有机食品项目进行检查和认证的专门机构,总部设在德国,1996年进入我国,目前有4名专业认证员负责我国境内的有机食品项目的认证检查工作。 BCS根据欧洲2092/91号有机法规条例及其附属规则,对欧盟境内及非欧洲国家内的有机食品项目进行检查和认证,认证的范围是农业生产(包括种植、养殖、野生资源的采集)、加工和贸易。  相似文献   

Consumers have become more aware of healthy and safe food produced with low environmental impact. Organic agriculture is of particular interest in this respect, as manifested by 5.768 million hectares managed pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 in Europe. However, there can be a considerable risk that the avoidance of chemical inputs in organic farming will result in poor food quality. Here the results of a study on the quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in a 21 year agrosystem comparison between organic and conventional farming in central Europe are reported. Wheat was grown in a ley (grass/clover) rotation. The 71% lower addition of plant‐available nitrogen and the reduced input of other means of production to the organic field plots led to 14% lower wheat yields. However, nutritional value (protein content, amino acid composition and mineral and trace element contents) and baking quality were not affected by the farming systems. Despite exclusion of fungicides from the organic production systems, the quantities of mycotoxins detected in wheat grains were low in all systems and did not differ. In food preference tests, as an integrative method, rats significantly preferred organically over conventionally produced wheat. The findings indicate that high wheat quality in organic farming is achievable by lower inputs, thereby safeguarding natural resources. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In the last decade, the production and consumption of organic food have increased steadily worldwide, despite the lower productivity of organic crops. Indeed, the population attributes healthier properties to organic food. Although scientific evidence is still scarce, organic agriculture seems to contribute to maintaining an optimal health status and decreases the risk of developing chronic diseases. This may be due to the higher content of bioactive compounds and lower content of unhealthy substances such as cadmium and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in organic foods of plant origin compared to conventional agricultural products. Thus, large long-term intervention studies are needed to determine whether an organic diet is healthier than a diet including conventionally grown food products. This review provides an update of the present knowledge of the impact of an organic versus a conventional food diet on health.  相似文献   

<正> 十年来,中国有机产业蓬勃发展的态势令世人瞩目,但快速发展的同时,也存在着产品单一、深加工产品缺乏、生产规模小、销售渠道窄等问题。如何让中国的有机产业逐渐成熟,走上健康发展的道路,既需要全行业的携手努力,也需要相关行业协会的指导与帮助。中国有机农业产业发展联盟(CFOAM)由中国农业大学有机农业技术研究中心发起,联合国内外多家有机产品生产和销售企业,充分利用政府机构、高等学院、有机生产企业、流通企业等多项资源,于2007年在香港注册成立。  相似文献   

<正> 在5月29日至31日于上海光大会展中心成功举办的中国国际有机食品博览会(BioFach China)上,有机食品行业展示了一派欣欣向荣的景象。随着生活水平的提高和健康意识的增强,消费者对食品的安全和健康提出了愈来愈高的期望,这也使得有机食品成为了食品行业中的一颗新星。作为高品质食品的代表,有机食品的价格是国内常规食品的3~5倍,是食品行业中不折不扣的"新贵",而因为具有健康、天然、环保等  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) legislation regarding sustainable development moves along two distinct lines: the impact of industries (food industries included) on the environment (release of gases and green house effect and the effect of cultivating genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on the environment. EU voted three communications [ COM(2002)524 , COM(2003)301 , COM(2004)38 ] in an attempt to set an action plan based on technologies to manage pollution, by promoting less polluting and less resource‐intensive products and services and ways to manage resources more efficiently. As such environment‐friendly technologies pervade practically all economic activities and sectors it is anticipated that they will reduce effectively energy and resource consumption thereby creating fewer emissions and less waste. As regards the cultivation and/or importing of GMOs, EU legislation was based on two directives ( E.U. 90/219/EEC, E.U. 2001/18/EC) and four regulations [ Regulation (EC) No. 258/97 , Regulation (EC) No. 1830/2003 , Regulation (EC) No. 1830/2003 and Regulation (EC) No. 1946/2003 ]. The directives aimed at adopting measures for limited use of GM micro‐organisms, making the procedure for granting consent to the deliberate release and placing on the market of GMOs more efficient and more transparent, making GMO labelling compulsory and thereby enhancing GMOs traceability along the entire food chain.  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,食品安全问题越来越受到人们的关注。在现代农业生产中,化学肥料的使用,为保证粮食稳产、高产等做出了重要的贡献,但粮食品质下降、生态污染、食品安全等一系列问题也随之显现。发展有机农业,生产安全、健康的绿色食品成为我国乃至世界农业发展的趋势。作为一种新型肥料,生物有机肥在粮食作物、经济作物、林业生产和园林绿化等领域均受到人们的重视。本文主要介绍了生物有机肥的功能微生物,论述了生物有机肥检测方面的问题和对食品质量安全等的影响,希望生物有机肥在减少化肥污染、改善生态环境、确保食品质量安全等方面发挥更好的作用。  相似文献   

The overall migration from a wide range of commercial five-layer coextruded packaging films into aqueous food simulants (distilled water, 3% aqueous acetic acid) and alternative fatty food simulant (iso-octane) was studied. The overall migration from commercial plastics cups (PS, HIPS, and PP) used for ice-cream or yogurt packaging into distilled water and 3% aqueous acetic acid was also studied. Test conditions for packaging material/food simulant contact and method of overall migration analysis were according to the EU directives and CEN-standards. The results showed that for all tested five-layer films and plastics (PS, HIPS, and PP) cups values of overall migration into aqueous simulants (0.11-0.79 mg/dm2, 2.3-15.9 mg/l) and (<0.10-0.41 mg/dm2, <0.80-3.1 mg/l) were significantly lower than the upper limit (10 mg/dm2) for overall migration from plastic packaging materials and articles into food and food simulants set by the EU Directive 90/128/EEC and their revisions. The overall migration values from five-layer materials into iso-octane were significantly higher (0.94-8.23 mg/dm2, 18.8-164.7 mg/l) than the above values but are still lower than the upper limit for overall migration. Global migration values of five-layer films into aqueous food simulants seems to be independent of material thickness. In contrast, overall migration into iso-octane increases with film thickness.  相似文献   

The quality of agricultural products is of high importance in terms of consumer interest, determining market acceptance, and thus, directly affects storage and post-harvest processing operations. Quality measurement of fruits, vegetables and food products is at the center of attention by the food industry. Non-destructive measurements of quality parameters have been conducted on many agricultural products and have proved to be rapid and accurate in estimating the quality factors involved. While, non-destructive methods are very useful for quality testing, the recent interest by consumers, researchers, and the food industry in the application of new portable and/or handheld non-destructive devices for quality assessment of agricultural products has added a new dimension to the issue. Because these devices are small-sized, low-cost, low-weight, and easy to use, they can be utilized by farmers, quality inspectors, and even consumers. Thus, researchers have focused on developing portable non-destructive devices for a variety of food items. This review, examines the latest reports on the design and development of dedicated non-destructive portable and/or handheld devices for quality monitoring of agricultural products.  相似文献   

食品中天然含有食品添加剂成分,如苯甲酸、硝酸盐、二氧化硫等,但目前对食品中天然产生的这些物质的本底值数据还较少。本文重点介绍苯甲酸、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、丙酸、二氧化硫在食品中天然存在的情况,这些成分的产生途径,在食品中的含量范围。其中苯甲酸在部分水果中的含量很高,如红莓、青梅、李等中约有0.5 g/kg,接近GB 2760-2014《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》对其的限量要求(0.2~2.0g/kg);蜂蜜和发酵乳等乳制品中也天然含有苯甲酸。硝酸盐在果蔬中的含量远高于亚硝酸盐,部分果蔬中天然含有的硝酸盐的量超过了国家对硝酸盐的规定。丙酸、二氧化硫也天然存在于水果、果酒、食醋等食品中。随着食品中食品添加剂天然本底研究的深入,会发现越来越多的食品添加剂成分是天然存在的,了解这些情况将有助于更科学、更准确地进行食品安全综合判定,有利于更有效地进行市场监管。  相似文献   

A method for the determination of ergot alkaloids in food   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A suitable method has been developed for the routine analysis of the ergot alkaloids ergometrine, ergometrinine, ergosine, ergosinine, ergotamine, ergotaminine, ergocornine, ergocorninine, alpha-ergocryptine, alpha-ergocryptinine, beta-ergocryptine, beta-ergocryptinine, ergocristine and ergocristinine in cereal products. The method consists of food extraction, cleaning of the crude extract by a modified form of the Extrelut method, and identification and quantitative determination of the alkaloids by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results are confirmed by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Market investigations have shown contaminations in ecological as well as in conventional products, with rye products mainly being contaminated. Within the EEC, a maximum value of 0.05% ergot respectively a total alkaloid content of 1 mg/kg in cereals used for food production is prescribed. This value was not exceeded in any of the investigated samples.  相似文献   

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