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随着市场经济的发展,人们的意识形态也在发生着变化.在巨额利益的诱惑下,一些不法分子铤而走险,利用先进的印刷技术对假冒名优商品的外包装进行复制,骗过人们的眼睛,侵害人们的合法权益,还要非法印制国家名片--人民币.  相似文献   

沈阳市标牌制造厂,是国内标牌行业在东北地区的重要生产基地.这个有着30多年生产历史的老厂,无论是在发展的初期,还是在现在的快速成长期,企业最重要的发展驱动力始终依赖于持续的技术创新,依赖于一个与科研单位强强联合,激发企业创新潜力的独特的创新机制,依赖于企业为员工提供的人才施展才能和成长的空间,依赖于企业前瞻性的技术创新战略,依赖于企业一直保持的创新活力和激情.  相似文献   

在遥控汽车比赛的日子里,将汽车轮胎打磨精准是一件十分重要的工作.你肯定听到过有的赛车轮胎在跑道上发出嗡嗡的声音,许多商店为此设立可供任何人使用的打磨轮胎的车床.但为什么你要多花好多钱去给别人呢?不如自己来打磨.打磨修整轮胎是为了延长它的使用寿命,修整后的轮胎可以减少轮胎胎壁变形,减少赛车在行驶中的阻力,保证轮胎不去掘地和出现拖拉滚动的现象.减少轮胎自身的重量就等于减少轮胎旋转时的阻力,那么你最大的收获就是让赛车提速.  相似文献   

打开武汉兴源犬舍的网站,一幅中式卷轴缓缓拉开,兴源的名犬像天兵天将一样依次展现,充满浓郁的古朴气息,可以窥见主理人伊向东的品位。其实金毛繁殖纯属他的个人爱好,他的主业是建筑装饰材料的生产经营。作为一家以金毛寻回猎犬为主的犬舍,兴源拥有数只国内外获奖的名犬,这也是采访过程中伊总最引以自豪的一点。人说从偏好的犬种,可以看出主人的性格,一点不假,伊总给人的感觉就是很随和、儒雅、谦逊的一个人。  相似文献   

纵观卡地亚百年发展史,如同回顾现代珠宝百年变迁的历史,百年以来,美誉为皇帝的珠宝商,珠宝商的皇帝的卡地亚仍然以其非凡的创意和完美的工艺为人类创制出许多精美绝伦、无可比拟的旷世杰作。  相似文献   

豆豆在生态园生活的第三个月里,它见到了它这辈子最欣赏的人类——老周的孙子小小。五岁的小小颇神似《故乡》中的闰土,有着紫色的圆脸,乍看上去很怕羞的神情,以及熟了之后满肚子别人想也想不到的古怪经验谈。小小刚看见豆豆的时候是面无表情的,他沉浸在园中各种难得一见的动物所带来的惊讶与兴奋中,不停地摸摸看看,可两小时之后,人们就发现小小在和豆豆一起晒太阳了。  相似文献   

王宏付  高庆 《纺织学报》2008,29(5):127-129
针对泳衣等对季节性敏感的服装商品市场需求波动较大,企业难以对需求量进行准确预测的问题,通过对企业历史销售数据进行归纳整理,按照销售季的时期,采用静态分析法着重研究生命周期较短的服装———泳衣的需求预测。结果表明,对于和泳装这类季节性需求明显的产品有相同变化规律的其他时尚类产品,如羽绒服,也可以通过该方法进行需求量的预测。  相似文献   

易伟 《西部皮革》2008,30(3):44-45
随着2008寒冷的春节渐渐过去,有关企业用工难的话题也成热门,而且似乎比起几十年一遇的寒冬来得还猛烈,中国庞大的鞋业界也严重遭遇此低寒,年前我们才听闻:被称为世界鞋都的东莞市由于民工荒电荒等原因导致上千家的鞋企倒闭,其实这也不是什么骇人听闻的新鲜事情了,早在年前打算收拾行李回家过年的时候,更多的老总或者更多的鞋企人力资源部正为来年的招工焦头烂额,并为这场"抢人"的战争而投入了大量的心血.  相似文献   

洪玺 《中国食品》2008,(8):36-37
(接上期续) 据说鱼子酱的食用,一开始的时候是由于它的催情作用被伊朗皇帝所喜爱,后来法国国王路易十四发现了这种气质高贵的食物,于是乎鱼子酱在法国皇室中也流行起来,将鱼子酱抹在法国白面包或者圆饼干上,再配上优雅的香槟,这是只有在法国国王的餐桌上才有的美食.当这种吃法传到俄罗斯后,俄国皇室便疯狂地爱上了鱼子酱,以至于俄罗斯的鱼子酱曾经一度是鱼子酱中最高品质的代表.  相似文献   

在你的居家生活中,茶饮都引发了怎样的故事,亲情的、友情的、怡性的还是健康的?把你的故事写出来吧,那都是生活的积淀,文化的结晶,让我们一起分享。投稿信箱:chinaeat@gmail.com该信箱收到的一切投稿均按参  相似文献   

BackgroundThe increased demand by consumers for clean labels has encouraged industry to search for replacements of synthetic ingredients in food products, and in particular, colorants. Lutein, a xanthophyll found in marigolds and corn, can be used in food products as a natural colorant replacing yellow food dyes. Moreover, lutein is considered a nutraceutical due to its potentially beneficial health effects, such as prevention of macular degeneration, role in the development of the visual and nervous systems of fetuses, and its antioxidant properties. However, incorporation of lutein into foods is often limited because of its low-water solubility, chemical instability, and poor oral bioavailability. For this reason, colloidal encapsulation systems have been developed to facilitate the incorporation of lutein into aqueous food and beverage products.Scope and approachThis review focuses on exploring encapsulation options for lutein using various emulsion-based, nanoparticle- and microparticle-based and molecular inclusion encapsulation systems, as well as additives that can be used to increase its chemical stability in these systems. This review covers all aspects of lutein encapsulation, including both food-grade and pharmaceutical-grade encapsulation systems.Key findings and conclusionsThough lutein-loaded encapsulation systems are extensively explored in this review, emulsions are of the most interest in industry as they are cost efficient and can be designed to increase the stability of lutein by selecting the proper emulsifiers and emulsification techniques. Despite the extensive amount of research carried out on the encapsulation of hydrophobic bioactive molecules such as lutein, there are still opportunities to develop encapsulation systems that further protect these molecules during storage and also increase their bioavailability after ingestion.  相似文献   

叶黄素酯在体内消化吸收过程中水解的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张艳  惠伯棣  张凌霄 《食品科学》2007,28(8):461-465
叶黄素已经证实具有对视网膜黄斑衰退症的防治作用,被认为是一种在食品或药品中有前景的功能因子。叶黄素的制备原料为万寿菊的花,并以叶黄素酯的形式存在。在本研究中,首先从万寿菊干花颗粒中制备叶黄素酯,然后与食用油配制成灌胃液,给SD雄性大鼠一次灌胃,2h后采血,萃取其中的类胡萝卜素,HPLC分析萃取物。分析结果显示:在血清中只能检测到叶黄素单体。这个结果证实:叶黄素酯在消化和吸收过程中被水解成单体,客观上证明了在功能性食品和药品中直接应用叶黄素酯的可能性。  相似文献   

A Biological Role of Lutein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Lutein, a non-provitamin A carotenoid, is found in dark green, leafy vegetables. Lutein, being fat soluble, follows the same intestinal absorption path as dietary fat and is affected by the same factors that influence fat absorption. Unlike β-carotene, another major carotenoid in diet and tissue, the bioavailability of lutein appears to be less influenced by food processing. Lutein has been strongly implicated as being protective against eye diseases, age-related macular degeneration, and cataracts. In the eye, lutein may act as a blue light filter to protect the underlying tissues from phototoxic damage. The mechanism by which lutein is involved in the prevention of eye diseases may also involve its role as an antioxidant. Dietary surveys indicate that average intakes of lutein in the United States may be below levels that are associated with disease prevention. Therefore, increased intakes of food sources rich in lutein may be warranted.  相似文献   

为检测烘焙类食品中的叶黄素酯以及筛选无乙醚的萃取溶剂,本文对烘焙产品中的叶黄素酯皂化时间、KOH浓度以及不同萃取溶剂的萃取效果进行研究。结果表明检测烘焙食品中叶黄素酯的皂化最优条件为:2 g样品(面糊/面团),0.2 g BHT,10 mL无水乙醇,10 mL 60 g/100 mL KOH水溶液,室温振荡3 h。萃取溶剂环己烷:正己烷:乙酸乙酯=1:2:2为最佳萃取剂,回收率为94.31%~103.83%,精密度实验相对标准偏差均小于5%。表明该方法适合于烘焙类食品中叶黄素酯的提取及检测。  相似文献   

万寿菊花中叶黄素酯的提取及皂化工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶黄素具有调节人体的免疫能力、防治老年性视黄斑退化和白内障等作用,目前天然叶黄素的提取原料主要为万寿菊花,万寿菊花的有机溶剂提取物含有大量叶黄素酯,经皂化后可转变为叶黄素,广泛用于食品、食品添加剂、药品及饲料等工业.本文采用甲醇处理万寿菊鲜花后直接用正己烷提取叶黄素酯,并通过L9 (34)正交实验选择了叶黄素酯皂化的最佳条件,即KOH/甲醇浓度为20%,提取液﹕KOH为4 : 1,时间为40min,温度为50℃时,叶黄素酯皂化进行的比较完全.皂化得到的叶黄素在丙酮﹕甲醇(v : v)为1 : 1的混合溶剂中进行重结晶,得到叶黄素晶体,纯度为97.2%.  相似文献   

叶黄素 (lutein)及其护眼功能   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
类胡萝卜素中有一种叶黄素 ,它广泛存在于绿色蔬菜和人体的血浆和眼球中。它不仅有和类胡萝卜素相似的抗氧化活性 ,而且对视网膜色斑褪化引起的视力下降和失明有明显的保护作用。目前在欧美以叶黄素为功能因子的护眼食品已大量商品化。鉴于从蔬菜中提取不仅含量低成本过于昂贵 ,成熟的技术是从叶黄素含量较高的万寿菊 (金盏花 )中提取。本文简要介绍叶黄素性质功用、不同来源含量以及国内外发展状况。  相似文献   

杨铃  陈金伟 《食品科技》2012,(5):199-203
叶黄素属于类胡萝卜素类色素,具有多种生物活性,是当今国际上研究的热点之一。叶黄素的提取技术较多,主要有溶剂抽提法、微波提取法、超临界CO2萃取法、酶介质有机溶剂提取等。近年发现其具有保护视力,预防动脉硬化,抗氧化,抗癌等作用。叶黄素的性状及提取方法,功能特性及其在饲料、食品、药品、保健品等中的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

Flowers and Leaves of Tropaeolum majus L. as Rich Sources of Lutein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT: As increasing evidence supports the role of lutein and zeaxanthin in reducing the risk of cataract and macular degeneration, food sources of these carotenoids are being sought. In the present study, the lutein content of the edible flowers and leaves of Tropaeolum majus L. was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDAD), complemented by HPLC-mass spectrometry (MS) for identification. Chemical reactions were also used as identifying parameters. The yellow and brownish orange flowers had 450 ± 60 μg/g and 350 ± 50 μg/g lutein, respectively. Violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, zeaxanthin, zeinoxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin, α-carotene, and β-carotene were also detected at very low levels. The leaves had 136 ± 18 μg/g lutein, 69 ± 7 μg/g β-carotene, 74 ± 23 μg/g violaxanthin, and 48 ± 13 μg/g neoxanthin. Lutein was partly esterified in the flowers and unesterified in the leaves. The flowers of T. majus are therefore excellent food sources of lutein and the leaves good sources of both lutein and the provitamin A β-carotene.  相似文献   

目的建立高效液相色谱法测定保健食品中叶黄素含量的分析方法。方法使用60℃水溶解后用0.1%丁基羟基甲苯(butylatedhydroxytoluene,BHT)乙醇溶液作为提取液,甲醇+水(95:5,V:V)作为流动相,用C18柱在445 nm检测波长下等度分离。采用高效液相色谱法测定保健食品中叶黄素的含量。结果叶黄素在0.2597~2.597μg/mL浓度范围内线性关系良好(r=0.9990),精密度相对标准偏差低于5%,重复性相对标准偏差为2.9%,回收率为96.57%~98.67%。结论本检测方法操作简便、灵敏度好、准确性高,适用于保健食品中叶黄素的测定。  相似文献   

Lutein is a human serum carotenoid which is not synthesized by humans and thus must be obtained by the ingestion of food containing it such as fruits and vegetables. Lutein is present in different forms in those foods as all-trans-lutein, cis-lutein, epoxi-lutein, and lutein linked to proteins. It discusses if the intake of lutein or diets supplemented with lutein or diets rich in fruits and vegetables are important in the prevention of diseases like some cancers, cardiovascular diseases, etc., that may be affected by the antioxidant effect of lutein; or in the prevention of age-related macular degeneration and other eye diseases. The concentration of lutein in fruits and vegetables depends on the species. We've included the concentration of lutein in 74 species reported by different authors since 1990. Currently the quantification of lutein is mainly performed by HPLC, but more investigations into a quantification method for lutein, lutein isomers, and epoxi-lutein are necessary. Improvement of lutein extraction methods is important as well. Methods commonly used in the vegetable and fruit industry like heat treatment, storage conditions, etc. can change lutein concentrations; other factors depend on the plant, for instance the variety, the stage of maturity, etc.  相似文献   

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