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陕西科技大学胡连华等人针对某造纸厂150~1500g/m^2纸板定量的测量需求,设计了一种四量程大范围高精度定量传感器。通过采用进口关键器件、空调恒温和温度补偿等技术,使其在150~1500glm^2定量范围内均有较高的测量灵敏度和测量精度,达到了进口QCS定量传感器的同等性能水平。  相似文献   

根据国家标准GB/T451.2-2002,对175g/m2进口铜版纸进行定量测量,并根据标准JJF1059-1999对其进行了不确定度的评估。不确定度主要来源是:重复性测量、仪器自身示值准确度、数值修约。这批175g/m2进口铜版纸定量测量扩展不确定度为0.8266g/m2。  相似文献   

1感传感器稳定性的校准用定用定量样板检查传感器的稳定性,该样板是用质量一定的塑料薄膜制成,定量有16.37g/m2、29.83g/m2、30.48g/m2、50.28g/m2等多种,其定量不会受环境的影响而发生变化。根据传感器测量不同样板得出的数值与样板的实际值比较,用以确定传感器的特性是否发生了变化。用定选择与纸张定量较接近的样板(3个以上),在标准化位置逐件测量样板定量,每件测量3次(拿出再放入为1次),其中使用最接近纸张定量的样板测10次,并对其计算重复性相对偏差。用定Bm-计算平均值;Bmi-测量值;n-测量次数。用定重复性相对偏差:用…  相似文献   

蒋鹏  周耘  邹哲明 《中华纸业》2012,33(5):28-31
近几年,新闻纸轻量化是国际发展的趋势,目前发达国家新闻纸的定量多在45g/m2至至46g/m2之间,甚至部分国家已经开始研究定量为38g/m2的新闻纸,而我国在低定量新闻纸技术上还有不少难题亟待突破。广州造纸集团有限公司首次尝试用100%废纸脱墨浆生产45g/m2低定量胶印新闻纸项目,在工艺和设备上进行了突破,并最终成功生产高质量的45g/m2低定量胶印新闻纸。  相似文献   

高产梳棉机生条定量问题的探讨   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
统计了30年来梳棉机高产化进程中生条定量变化情况,资料表明生条定量只是略有增加。提高产量的主要措施是提高道夫速度(生条输出速度)。根据实际情况建议将生条定量范围做如下划分:4.0g/m以下为轻定量,4.0g/m~5.2g/m为中定量,5.2g/m以上为重定量。  相似文献   

德国图林根R udolstadt-Schwarza的A dolf Jass纸厂与V oith合作的新包装纸生产线成功投入运行。2005年2月12日,第1张定量为100g/m2的纸以1105m/m in的车速卷绕在了卷纸机上。这台Schwarza的#1机已创下了包装纸生产线开机车速新的世界纪录。纸机的设计车速是1500m/m in,网宽8250m m,年产量40万t。生产定量为90~120g/m2的挂面纸板以及定量为75~110g/m2的瓦楞芯纸。在板纸和包装纸领域,这是第1台根据V oith造纸技术工业设计标准制造的纸机。从浆料制备系统到复卷机,包括自动化部件在内的全部工艺技术,都是由V oith造纸技术基于同一平台…  相似文献   

日本低定量新闻纸的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着印刷技术不断革新,日本新闻纸向低定量化发展,从52g/m2推进到49g/m2,1980年已占到90%以上;次年,出现46g/m2的低定量纸,5年后约占90%;1990年,出现43g/m2的超轻量纸,4年后已占到80%以上;2006年,43g/m2的低定量纸约占85%,40g/m2的超级低定量纸占6%~7%.抄纸技术方面采用中性抄纸、DIP高配比等.  相似文献   

2006年2月,南纸公司在国产3150纸机上成功开发生产出45g/m2低定量新闻纸,从而开创了国产纸机开发生产低定量新闻纸的先河。一年来,根据市场需要公司已生产了3.22万t 45g/m2低定量新闻纸,与49g/m2的纸张相比,相当于节约了1773t浆,合4255m3木材或  相似文献   

正俄罗斯制浆造纸生产商Ilim集团表示,其在俄罗斯国内的首条不含磨木浆涂布纸生产线开始投产。Ilim集团的高质量亚光和光泽双面涂布纸年产量将达9万t,纸张定量80~150 g/m2。Ilim集团的涂布纸品牌"Omela"在俄罗斯国内将以卷筒纸和不同尺寸平板纸的形式供应。  相似文献   

采用细纱大牵伸工艺纺制CJ 9.7 tex纱的几点体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我公司在CJ9.7tex品种推广粗纱重定量,细纱大牵伸工艺,收到了较好的效果.其作法是:生条到精梳条定量不变,主要在并条工序调整并合数及牵伸倍数,使末疲乏并条定量由15.73g/5m增加到17.36g/5m,粗纱定量由2.6g/10m先增加3.47g/10m,在增加到3.91g/10m.  相似文献   

The effect of beeswax (BW) content of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC)–BW edible coatings on stand-alone film properties and on postharvest quality of coated ‘Angeleno’ plums was studied. The coatings contained BW at 4 lipid content levels (0, 20, 40 and 60 g/100 g, dry basis). Coated and uncoated plums were stored 4 weeks at 1 °C and transferred to 20 °C for 1–3 weeks. Addition of BW to the HPMC film matrix reduced film mechanical resistance and oxygen barrier, and improved film moisture barrier. Film mechanical properties showed a good fit with an exponential and/or linear model that could provide a useful tool to predict mechanical properties with others HPMC–BW composition mixtures. Coatings with BW reduced plum weight loss compared to HPMC-based coatings with no BW. Plum weight loss decreased as BW content increased from 20 to 40 g/100 g, but above 40 g/100 g BW content, weight loss was not further reduced. Whereas, water vapor permeability of stand-alone films decreased significantly as BW content increased to 60 g/100 g. Coatings reduced plum softening and bleeding, with those with lower BW content being more effective, which could be related to the ability of coatings to create a modified atmosphere in the fruit. Flavor was not affected by coating application. Results indicate that HPMC–BW coatings with 20 g/100 g BW would provide the best compromise to extend shelf life of ‘Angeleno’ plums.  相似文献   

选用新闻纸常用浆种(如BKP、BGP、DIP、CTMP等)进行配抄实验,并对比常规填料和新型填料(白碳黑)对低定量新闻纸不透明度的影响;同时综合考虑经济因素,最终确定适合生产低定量新闻纸的浆料及填料配比,以及适当的助留剂和增强剂。用优选出的配方和工艺条件在200mm小长网纸机上连续抄造,生产出了各项指标均满足要求的低定量新闻纸。  相似文献   

Hypokalemia occurs commonly in lactating dairy cows. The objectives of this study were to determine (1) whether a 24-h oral KCl dose of 0.4 g/kg of body weight (BW) was effective and safe in hypokalemic cattle; (2) whether potassium was best administered as 2 large doses or multiple smaller doses over a 24-h period; and (3) the effect of oral KCl administration on plasma Mg concentration and urine Mg excretion in fasted lactating dairy cattle. Plasma K and Cl concentrations were decreased, and blood pH increased, in 15 lactating Holstein-Friesian cows by administering 2 intramuscular (i.m.) 10-mg injections of isoflupredone acetate 24 h apart followed by 2 i.m. injections of furosemide (1 mg/kg of BW) 8 h apart and by decreasing feed intake. Cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups with 5 cows/group: untreated control (group C); oral administration of KCl at 0.05 g/kg of BW 8 times at 3-h intervals (group K3); and oral administration of KCl at 0.2 g/kg of BW twice at 12-h intervals (group K12). A 24-h KCl dose rate of 0.4 g/kg of BW increased plasma and milk K concentration and plasma Cl concentration, and corrected the metabolic alkalosis and alkalemia, with no clinically significant difference between 2 large doses (group K12) or multiple small doses (group K3) of KCl over 24 h. Oral KCl administration decreased peripheral fat mobilization in cattle with experimentally induced hypokalemia, as measured by changes in plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentration, and slightly augmented the fasting-induced decrease in plasma Mg concentration. Our findings support recommendations for a 24-h oral KCl dose of 0.4 g/kg of BW for treating moderately hypokalemic cattle. Additional Mg may need to be administered to inappetant lactating dairy cattle being treated with oral KCl to minimize K-induced decreases in magnesium absorption.  相似文献   

Sixty calves were assigned to a comparative slaughter study to determine the changes in composition of milk replacer-fed Holstein bull calves from birth to 105-kg body weight (BW). Six calves were slaughtered on day of birth and served as a baseline for comparison of compositional changes. Fifty-four calves were assigned to one of three treatments (18 calves per treatment). Calves were fed milk replacer containing 30% crude protein (CP) and 20% fat. Target growth rates for treatments 1, 2, and 3 were 500, 950, and 1400 g/d, respectively. Six calves from each treatment were slaughtered and analyzed for energy, nitrogen, ether extract, and ash when they reached 65, 85 and 105 kg of BW. Actual daily gains from birth to slaughter were 560, 973, and 1100 g, and net deposition of CP and fat were 140 and 44, 204 and 154, and 247 and 161 g/d for treatments 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Results were used to develop equations to predict retained energy [retained energy = (empty BW(0.223)) x (empty BW gain(1.32))], and retained protein, [retained protein = (184 x empty BW gain (kilograms/d)) + (17.2 x (retained energy)/empty BW gain] where retained energy is in Mcal/d, retained protein is in g/d, and empty BW and gain are in kilograms. The composition of gain observed was compared to predictions from the 1989 Dairy NRC and 1996 Beef NRC equations and demonstrated the equations do not represent the composition of gain in calves of this weight.  相似文献   

研究菌质水溶性膳食纤维对小鼠肠蠕动与吸收的影响,为其在食品工业和医药保健领域应用提供理论依据。选取75只昆明种小鼠,随机分成5组:空白对照组、阳性对照组和3个受试组,分别灌胃生理盐水、50 mg/kg·BW的酚酞溶液、2.5g/kg·BW的水溶性膳食纤维、5g/kg·BW的水溶性膳食纤维、15g/kg·BW的水溶性膳食纤维。试验时间共13d,每天记录小鼠体重,小鼠小肠吸收试验和蠕动试验分别测定计算血清中木糖浓度、碳末推进率。结果表明:1菌质水溶性膳食纤维具有一定的抑制小鼠体重的作用(P0.05),且抑制小鼠体重与菌质水溶性膳食纤维剂量呈正相关(P0.05);2中剂量的菌质水溶性膳食纤维组小鼠小肠吸收功能的影响达显著水平(P0.05);3菌质水溶性膳食纤维能促进小鼠小肠蠕动(高、中剂量达到极显著水平,P0.01;低剂量达到显著水平,P0.05),且小鼠小肠蠕动与菌质剂量呈正相关性(高剂量与低剂量的菌质水溶性膳食纤维组之间差异显著,P0.05)。因此,一定量的菌质水溶性膳食纤维能抑制小鼠体重,具有促进小鼠小肠蠕动与吸收的作用。  相似文献   

以废旧短棉纤维为主要原料,并在抄造过程中添加一系列助剂制备出新型的高湿强型纸基功能性地膜。研究了废棉纤维打浆度、原纸定量及助剂加入量对地膜相关性能的影响。结果表明:制备该新型纸基地膜的最佳工艺条件为:棉纤维打浆度60°SR,原纸定量为30g/m 2,阳离子淀粉用量1.3%,增强剂阳离子聚丙烯酰胺用量0.7%,湿强剂P A E用量0.4%,经湿法抄造得到的纤维原纸在液体石蜡中浸渍以改善其透明度,该条件下制得的高湿强型纸基功能性地膜性能优良,撕裂指数为12.5m N.m2/g,干抗张指数为23.7N.m2/g,湿强度指数为7.9N.m2/g,湿强度保留率达到了33.4%,透明度为65.2%,透气量为1.8mm/s。  相似文献   

谭志超  张连富 《食品与机械》2018,34(7):148-150,163
沙棘原花青素软胶囊(沙棘籽提取物、沙棘油、紫苏籽油组方)按人群推荐摄入量(人均3g/d)确定摄入剂量为0.05g/kg·BW(成人体重均值以60kg计),并按照人群推荐日摄入量的10,20,30倍设置低、中、高3个剂量组(即0.5,1.0,1.5g/kg·BW),连续灌胃SPF级昆明种小鼠30d后,以50%乙醇建立雄性小鼠化学性肝损伤模型,16h后测定各项指标。结果显示各剂量组间小鼠体重增长均无显著性差异(P0.05);在模型成立的情况下,高剂量组小鼠肝匀浆中MDA和TG含量显著降低(P0.05),还原性GSH含量显著升高(P0.05);病理组织学显示,高剂量组能显著减轻肝脏脂肪变性程度(P0.05)。说明沙棘原花青素软胶囊对酒精性肝损伤有保护作用。  相似文献   

纸机改造后纸袋纸的性能及其探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄涛 《中国造纸》2000,19(1):7-14
介绍了青山纸股份有限公司1984年和1998年两次纸机改造后生产的70g/m^2、80g/m^2普通纸袋纸,80g/m^2半伸纸袋纸,80g/m^2、90g/m^2、105g/m^2伸性纸袋纸的性能特征,,并就其生产过程进行了探讨。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(9):7917-7926
The objective of this study was to evaluate nutrient intake and digestibility, and growth performance of calves when fed a milk replacer (MR) at 2 feeding rates. Male Holstein calves [n = 49; 45.0 ± 5.2 (mean ± SD) kg of body weight (BW); 3 to 4 d of age] were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 MR [27% crude protein (CP), 18% fat, dry matter (DM) basis; 14% solid] feeding programs: (1) 0.66 kg of DM/d for first 39 d divided into 2 equal a.m. and p.m. meals followed by one-half of the allotment per day for 3 d fed in the a.m. feeding only (moderate); (2) 0.96 kg of DM/d for the first 42 d divided into 2 equal a.m. and p.m. meals followed by one-half of the allotment per day for 7 d fed in the a.m. feeding only (high). A textured starter fed to calves contained whole grains with 20% CP and 44% starch (DM basis). At d 56, calves were moved into groups by treatment (4 calves/pen) and fed the same starter blended with 5% hay until d 112. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design, or as a completely randomized design with repeated measures when applicable. Over the entire nursery period (d 0–56), there were no differences in average daily gain (0.63 vs. 0.64 kg/d) and hip width change (4.44 vs. 4.57 cm) for moderate- versus high-fed calves. Apparent digestibility of DM (76.5 vs. 70.3%), organic matter (77.4 vs. 71.2%), CP (78.8 vs. 72.6%), and neutral detergent fiber (37.2 vs. 22.7%) differed between moderate- and high-fed calves when estimated at d 51 to 55. From d 56 to 112, average daily gain (0.99 vs. 0.91 kg/d), hip width change (5.32 vs. 4.68 cm), and gain/DM intake (0.335 vs. 0.307 kg/kg) were greater, but DM intake per kg of BW (0.028 vs. 0.028 kg/kg) did not differ for calves previously fed moderate versus high. Feeding calves more than 0.66 kg of DM/d from a 27% CP, 18% fat MR did not improve BW gain and structural growth in the nursery period (d 0–56), and decreased these in the grower period (d 56–112) partially through reduction in digestibility of the starter.  相似文献   

工业化纺粘技术研究的回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纺粘法是所有非传统纺织材料成形工艺中生产能力最大的一种加工方法。按不同的工艺技术、树脂类型和产品定量 ,其生产速度的变化范围是 5 0m/min~ 6 0 0m/min ,比传统的加工方式速度快很多倍。考虑到生产效率的因素 ,长丝的生产速度为 2 0 0 0m/min~ 80 0 0m/min ,产品幅宽不小于 3 0m ,最宽达 5 2m。尽管最普遍的定量范围是 17g/m2 ~ 180g/m2 ,而该产品的定量是 10g/m2 ~ 80 0g/m2 。超细纺粘非织造布 (纤维直径小于 10 μm)的纤网均匀度和强力得到进一步的改善。本文阐述了工业化纺粘技术的发展、主要应用和技术含量。  相似文献   

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