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本文首先分析了外墙保温材料的相关内容,进而论述了几个常用的外墙保温材料,最后详细论述了外墙保温材料的常规施工工艺,以供参考。  相似文献   

王元荪  陈黎 《非织造布》2007,15(1):48-48
※专利名称:山羊毛非织造/经编复合保温材料及其生产方法申请号:CN200510012420·2;公开号:CN1664209;申请日:2005·03·25;公开日:2005·09·07;申请人:山西暖神绒毛精品有限责任公司一种山羊毛非织造/经编复合保温材料,先将改性山羊毛经针刺工艺加工成非织造布,再将山羊毛非织造布用工业化纤丝束通过针织经编工艺加工成非织造/经编复合保温材料,复合保温材料的厚度为5~12mm,其结构层次为:衬经丝束—衬纬丝束—非织造布—束缚丝。本发明将100%的经改性处理的山羊毛加工成非织造布,显著提高了非织造材料的保温性能;并通过工业化纤丝束加工…  相似文献   

非织造保温材料市场兴旺据美国《非织造布工业》杂志1994年8月刊报导,玻璃纤维保温材料市场已成为非织造布工业中最大、最强劲的领域之一,仅北美地区的销售量即超过30亿磅,销售额超过20亿美元。90年代初,因受世界经济萎缩的影响,玻璃纤维保温材料市场曾一...  相似文献   

本文结合实验结果,叙述了棚室用非织造布二道保温材料的开发意义和效果,通过与传统材料的对比,证明了采用非织造布保温材料在应用和效益上的可行性。  相似文献   

近年来常发生建筑保温材料火灾事件,有的发生在施工阶段,有的发生在使用阶段。引发了各界对保温材料防火的重视,建筑工程保温材料的防火性能史无前例的引起了建筑、建材领域业内各界的高度重视。依据公安部发布《民用建筑外保温系统及外墙装饰防火暂行规定》《外墙外保温建筑构造10J121》等,结合我公司承监的新建工程和原有建筑改造中的外墙保温工程总结下经验。  相似文献   

利用真丝纤维轻、软、吸湿、透湿性好的独特性能,开发集保暖性、舒适性、方便性、保健性于一体的真丝非织造絮毯具有很大的实用意义。真丝非织造絮毯的研制,不仅扩大了真丝纤维的应用领域,而且为非织造技术开发新产品提供了新一代的保温材料。  相似文献   

简述国内建筑外墙保温材料的发展概况,介绍建筑外墙外保温材料的组成、品种及国内生产与施工技术发展现状。着重对薄抹灰外墙外保温系统上直接粘贴面砖的问题进行了探讨,并就该系统粘贴面砖中采用相关材料的性能指标与施工工艺提出了调整建议。  相似文献   

为了适应我国当下建筑外墙保温工作的需要,进行建筑外墙保温体系的健全是必要的,从而满足我国建筑节能需要,在北方地区进行保温材料及保温方法的良好选择,保证冬季采暖工作的正常开展,保证夏季空调能耗的控制,从而提升建筑的使用效益及经济效益,满足我国建筑节能的工作需要,这是我国建筑外墙保温工作的迫切需求,通过对建筑节能体系的健全,保证合理化的保温材料及其方法的应用,实现建筑整体应用性能的提升。  相似文献   

建筑墙体保温节能工程是新型材料及新的施工工艺,建筑外墙节能的特点、优点及缺点和避免出现缺陷的方法,对于在今后的外墙节能施工中有所帮助。新型保温材料有酚醛保温板、挤塑板、苯板、岩棉板、硬泡聚氨酯等。  相似文献   

文章主要介绍一款用于外墙及屋面的A(A2)级保温材料——无机改性保温板的设计、施工。  相似文献   

为开发综合性能优异的复合保暖非织造材料,以聚酯-聚乙烯(PET-PE)双组分皮芯结构复合纤维为主体,通过热风工艺,采用自然沉降法使SiO2气凝胶粉末粘附于复合纤维表面,制得SiO2气凝胶/聚酯-聚乙烯纤维复合非织造材料。对复合非织造材料表面SiO2气凝胶粉末质量分数、微观结构、保暖性能、压缩回弹性能、拉伸性能、透气性能进行测试与分析。结果表明:SiO2气凝胶粉末与聚酯-聚乙烯复合纤维可有效结合,SiO2气凝胶粉末的加入对纤维网具有一定的支撑作用,提升了复合非织造材料的压缩回弹性能、拉伸性能,同时因增加了纤维间静止空气的含量,使复合非织造材料的保暖性能得到提升。  相似文献   

The heat transport properties observed in nanostructured materials such as aerogel-treated nonwoven fabrics are promoting revolutionary breakthroughs as thermal insulators. This article is focused on the thermal transport characteristics of nonwoven fabrics treated with aerogel for potential uses in thermal protective applications. Highly efficient aerogel thermal blankets are now considered a viable option in applications such as clothing, building, and pipelines. A variety of fiber and fabric structures or finishing parameters influence the functional properties of nonwoven materials. In order to assess the thermal properties of aerogel-treated nonwoven fabrics, the KES Thermolabo II and NT-H1 (plate/fabric/plate method for thermal conductivity, qmax cool/warm feeling, and thermal insulation) was used. Fabrics of higher thicknesses show lower heat conductance and therefore higher thermal insulation properties. It has been found that thermal insulation is also related to the weight and compressional properties of the fabric. To make an insulating material effective, it should have low compression set and high resiliency to make the still air to be entrapped into the fibrous material.  相似文献   

Acoustic properties of textile materials have been studied for several decades. But, mostly used materials were synthetic, and hence, they were not eco-friendly in nature. Therefore, an attempt was put forward to try the sound absorption property of natural fibres and their blends by needle-punched nonwoven techniques. Nonwoven fabrics of ideal materials are used as acoustical insulation products because they have high total surface area. The effect of blend proportion of kapok and milkweed fibres with cotton, fabric GSM, bulk density and distance of fabric from sound source on sound reduction of nonwoven fabrics was investigated. The sound reduction increases with increase in blend proportion of kapok and milkweed fibres. A nonwoven fabric of cotton/milkweed 40/60 shows the highest sound reduction potential. As the distance between the fabric and sound sources increases, the sound reduction also increases linearly due to reduction of sound intensity which reduces the transmission of sound through the fabric. There is a positive correlation between fabric GSM and sound reduction and negative correlation between bulk density and sound reduction. Further, the thermal conductivity of nonwoven samples decreases with increase in kapok and milkweed blend proportion due to increase in thickness of samples. Hence, the kapok- and milkweed-blended nonwoven samples provide sound as well as thermal insulation characteristics.  相似文献   

Thermal-bonded airlaid nonwoven webs consisting of fiber glass and polyester bicomponent fibers were manufactured, and then multilayer webs were formed into composite panels using compression molding technique. The consolidation process was optimized and the effect of bulk density on air permeabilites, mechanical properties, and thermal resistance was studied. Increasing binder amount and bulk density improved the flexural and tensile strength. Thermal resistance of the panels were found to be very dependent on the bulk density such that the resistance increased exponentially with an initial increase in density, then leveled off and decreased linearly with further increment in density. Depending on the composition and bulk density, the panels provided thermal resistance between 0.52 and 0.88 Km2/W, tensile strength between 2 and 7 MPa, and flexural strength between 600 and 3500 kPa. The findings revealed that airlaid nonwoven panels can be designed to use as structural thermal insulation materials in constructions.  相似文献   

为研究蜂窝织物聚氯乙烯(PVC)复合材料的隔音性能,选用58.3 tex×2的棉纱为经纬纱,在自动织样机上织造面密度基本相同而组织循环数不同的蜂窝织物,以埃洛石纳米管(HNTs)填充的PVC为基体,制备蜂窝织物/PVC复合材料,再以蜂窝织物/PVC复合材料为芯材,制备三明治结构复合材料.采用双声道声学分析仪,对制备样品...  相似文献   

为满足轨道交通轻量化需求,实现芳纶蜂窝夹心复合结构在高速列车中的隔声应用,本文通过热压成型法和四传感器阻抗管法分析蜂窝芯规格(密度和边长)、面板材料(碳纤维,玻璃纤维,聚苯硫醚(PPS))和玻璃微珠改性对蜂窝夹芯板隔声性能的影响。结果表明,蜂窝芯密度增大,隔声性能提升,而蜂窝芯边长对隔声性能几乎无影响;在100~2 500 Hz区域,以PPS为内层,碳纤维为外层,玻璃微珠质量分数为5%时蜂窝夹芯板隔声性能最优,平均提高5~8 dB。与目前时速350 km/h动车内采用的标准铝蜂窝夹芯板相比,芳纶蜂窝板不仅具有相近的隔声性能且能实现30%左右减重。因此,芳纶蜂窝夹芯板具有替代标准铝蜂窝成为高速列车新一代隔音地板的应用前景。  相似文献   

王璐  丁笑君  夏馨  王虹  周小红 《纺织学报》2019,40(10):79-84
为研究SiO2气凝胶对芳纶非织造布抗压、阻燃防护功能的影响,以芳纶非织造布为骨架材料,将SiO2气凝胶施加到芳纶非织造布表面,制备出SiO2气凝胶混杂芳纶非织造布防护材料。通过扫描电子显微镜对其结构形貌进行表征,借助万能材料试验机对其抗压性能进行分析,最后利用热常数分析仪和火焰手系统,测试并评估了制备的防护材料的阻燃隔热性能。结果表明:SiO2气凝胶以不同大小的块状、颗粒状填充进入芳纶非织造布纤维间的空隙;SiO2气凝胶可增强芳纶非织造布的抗压性能,且降低其导热系数;混杂SiO2气凝胶后芳纶非织造布总的吸收能量值降低,说明SiO2气凝胶可明显增强芳纶非织造布的热防护效果。  相似文献   

以玻璃纤维为增强材料,以镁基无机矿物质为基体材料,制备了新型纤维增强镁基无机复合板.研究了短切纤维、纤维网格布以及短切纤维结合纤维网格布3种增强方式对镁基复合板的物理力学性能和耐湿热性能的影响.结果表明,纤维增强方式对镁基无机复合板的密度、含水率、吸水率等性能影响较小,对复合板的力学性能和耐湿热尺寸稳定性影响较大,采用...  相似文献   

The combined effect of two structure forming process parameters i.e. punch density and needle penetration on properties of Mesta needle punched nonwoven fabric has been studied using central composite rotatable design. As properties are structure dependent, the relationship between compressional behavior and other functional properties was studied. It was observed that compressional (α) and recovery (β) parameters are well correlated with tensile, air permeability and thermal insulation value of Mesta needle punched fabric. The regression equations were also suggested. Therefore, the α and β may be used for indirect approximation of these properties with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

为了提高芳纶纤维纸基材料的导热性,通过水热合成法在对位芳纶纤维(PPTA)表面生长氧化锌纳米线(ZnO NWs),进一步用硅烷偶联剂KH550对PPTA@ZnO NWs进行功能化修饰,采用湿法造纸技术制备PPTA@ZnO NWs-KH550纸基复合材料并研究其导热性能、绝缘性能及力学性能。结果表明,ZnO NWs成功地均匀包覆在PPTA表面。与PPTA纸基复合材料相比,PPTA@ZnO NWs纸基复合材料的导热系数可达0.455W/(m·K),提高115.64%,且介电强度满足绝缘要求。经硅烷偶联剂KH550功能化修饰后,PPTA@ZnO NWs-KH550纸基复合材料导热系数较修饰前基本保持不变,呈现优异的绝缘性和良好的力学性能,介电强度增加3.69%,拉伸强度提高58.75%。  相似文献   

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