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High pressure pretreatment (100–700 MPa) was applied to enhance mass transfer rates during osmotic dehydration of pineapples and accelerate the process. Experimentally determined diffusivity values, based on a Fickian model, increased fourfold for water and twofold for sugar. Diffusivity values were correlated with pretreatment pressure by an equation of the form D=A exp(–B/P), which suggests that diffusivity would level after an initial increase in pressure. The increase was attributed to breaking-up of cells walls which facilitated the transport of water. Evidence for the extent of cell wall break-up with applied pressure was based on differential interference contrast microscopic examination of tissue. Preliminary experiments on rehydration characteristics showed high pressure pretreated samples did not absorb as much water as controls.  相似文献   

超声波强化紫薯渗透脱水工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李俊先  张莹  董全 《食品科学》2012,33(14):73-77
分别以蔗糖质量分数、渗透温度、渗透时间和超声波功率为单因素,研究其对紫薯超声波渗透脱水的脱水率和固形物增加率的影响。以各因素为自变量,以脱水率和固形物增加率为因变量,对紫薯渗透脱水进行响应面工艺研究,得出最优工艺参数。结果表明:影响脱水率和固形物增加率的主次顺序均为渗透时间>渗透温度>糖液质量分数>超声波功率;响应面优化最优工艺参数为糖液质量分数56.29%、渗透液温度65℃、渗透时间2.46h、超声波功率142.33W。结合实际操作,响应面优化的最优工艺调整为糖液质量分数56%、渗透液温度65℃、渗透时间2.5h、超声波功率140W,经验证,此条件下脱水率为40.79%,固形物增加率为8.33%。  相似文献   

蘑菇渗透脱水规律的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对蘑菇片在糖溶液中的脱水规律进行初步的试验研究。通过多因素正交试验,得出影响蘑菇渗透脱水因素的主次顺序及因素间交互作用的关系;通过应用均匀试验,建立了蘑菇渗透脱水的回归数学模型,其理论值与实测值具有很好的一致性;利用回归模型,建立了不同条件下的渗透脱水规律预测表。  相似文献   

J. M. Barat    P. Talens    C. Barrera    A. Chiralt    P. Fito 《Journal of food science》2002,67(8):3046-3052
ABSTRACT: The candying process usually takes a long time and is accomplished at high temperatures, implying damage in the product sensory properties. Sample vacuum impregnation, followed by successive osmotic steps (2 or more) in sucrose solutions of increasing concentrations, at 15 and 30 °C, has been used in order to improve pineapple candying process. Sample weight (and volume in some cases) has been controlled throughout the process till no notable changes occurred. Then, sample composition and water activity were analyzed. A 3-step process (VI with 25 °Brix followed by successive immersions in 55 and 65 °Brix solutions) provided good process yield, with better sensory properties when working at 15 °C.  相似文献   

徐鑫  吴越  陶阳  苏丽娟  韩永斌 《食品与机械》2017,33(5):198-203,210
以苏龙一号樱桃番茄作为试材,通过比较烫漂划线、针刺、划线、超声波预处理方法,确定了烫漂划线作为真空渗透预脱水的预处理方法。在该基础上,运用单因素试验研究了真空度、糖液浓度、渗透温度、渗透时间对樱桃番茄渗透预脱水效果的影响,进而确定真空度为0.080MPa,并应用响应曲面法优化其它参数,得出樱桃番茄真空渗透预脱水的最佳工艺条件为:糖度50°Brix、温度53.37℃、时间4.88h,该条件下樱桃番茄失水率与固形物增加率比值最大,为7.24。  相似文献   

以白桃片为实验材料,追踪分析了单阶段(糖液浓度不变)和多阶段(糖液浓度逐渐增加)渗透脱水循环处理后糖液特性和桃片理化特性的变化。糖液循环利用5次,期间不做任何调整。结果表明:随着糖液循环利用次数的增加,单阶段渗透脱水处理过程中糖液黏度降低、稀化现象严重,导致渗透压力差减小,使桃片水分损失率和固形物增加率逐渐降低,同时桃片中可溶性物质的溶出致使糖液电导率、浊度、色差值显著增加;多阶段渗透脱水循环处理基于多浓度糖液组合利用,有效降低了循环利用过程中糖液稀化现象的发生,保持了较好的渗透压力差,进而有利于桃片更多固形物的获得和更多水分的散失,且糖液的电导率、浊度等特性得到了较好的保持,但是多阶段渗透脱水循环处理会使桃片与空气接触更多,不利于产品色泽的保持,且长时间的高渗透压导致桃片中可滴定酸含量显著改变。从糖液循环利用中桃片渗透脱水效率和糖液特性保留角度出发,多阶段渗透处理可在桃片渗透方式的选择上提供一种新颖的思路,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

常压、真空和脉冲真空渗透脱水加工芒果脯   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在24℃下,以60%蔗糖水溶液作为渗透溶液,在常压、真空和脉冲真空(压力为510 mmHg)条件下对芒果进行渗透脱水,然后置于热风干燥箱中70℃干燥制成芒果脯,测定芒果脯的硬度、颜色、含水量、复水率.通过感官评定及统计分析得出,真空和脉冲真空渗透脱水制成的芒果脯品质明显优于常压渗透脱水制成的芒果脯.  相似文献   

真空、脉冲真空和常压下蓝莓渗透脱水的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
董全  陈宗道 《食品科学》2007,28(9):92-95
研究了真空渗透脱水、脉冲真空渗透脱水和常压渗透脱水下蓝莓水分含量和水分活度的变化规律,结果表明:真空渗透脱水时,蓝莓的水分含量和水分活度降低得最快。真空渗透脱水、脉冲真空渗透脱水、常压下渗透脱水蓝莓的有效水分扩散率分别为1.6777×10^-9、1.3629×10^-9、0.5679×10^-9m^2/s。真空渗透脱水、脉冲真空渗透脱水、常压下渗透脱水的有效固性物扩散率分别为9.1705×10^-10、6.3919×10^-10、5.1007×10^-10m^2/s。  相似文献   

Minimized experiments with Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy were used to describe mass transfer of isolated carrot protoplasts from at the usual conditions of the Osmotic Treatments (OT). Carrot protoplasts during OT with 30, 40 and 50% sucrose solutions were monitored. The ratio of cellular volume before and after OT with 30, 40 and 50% sucrose solutions was 0.86 ± 0.12, 0.41 ± 0.04 and 0.17 ± 0.02, respectively. Trans‐membrane water flux was determined from cellular shrinkage, and the coefficient for water membrane permeability was (5.2 ± 0.9) 10‐6 mol2/Jm2s. To describe water transport in protoplasts at transient conditions, the diffusional approach was used. The effective water diffusivity during OT with 50% sucrose solutions was in the (0.8‐1.8) 10‐12 m2/s range.  相似文献   

High intensity electrical field pulse (0.22 to 1.60 kV/cm) pretreatment was tested to accelerate the osmotic dehydration of carrot. Applied energy in the range of 0.04 to 2.25 kJ/kg, increased cell disintegration index in the range of 0.09 to 0.84 with < 1 °C rise in the product temperature. The effective diffusion coefficients of water and solute, determined using a Fickian diffusion model, increased exponentially with electric field strength according to D = A exp(-B/E). The rise in effective diffusion coefficient may be attributed to an increase in cell wall permeability, facilitating transport of water and solute. Such increase was evidenced by cell disintegration index and softening of product.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The proportion of intact, damaged, and ruptured (non-intact) cells (Zp) due to osmotic stress during osmotic treatment of potato was monitored using electrophysical measurement based on electrical impedance analysis. Osmotic stress on potato cell culture made cell membranes shrink thereby damaging the cells. The proportion of the ruptured and shrunk cells within the samples increased with the increase in concentration of solute in the osmotic solution. The osmotic removal of water from thin potato slices started at a critical osmotic pressure. Once the critical osmotic pressure was exceeded, mass transfer was rapid and the cells lost substantial amounts of water due to rupture of cell membranes.  相似文献   

Because of the microstructural complexity of plant tissue, osmotic dehydration cannot simply be explained as a pure osmotic process in which cell membranes act as a semipermeable barrier allowing water to pass through. Instead, osmotic dehydration is considered a process in which many simultaneous mechanisms, acting at different levels, are responsible for mass transport. Different compositional and structural profiles are induced in fruits and vegetables, depending on process variables and the tissue microstructure. Compositional-structural profiles that are developed with gas-liquid exchanges in the tissue during osmotic process have a significant impact on physical (optical), textural and chemical properties (e.g., flavour profile) of the final product, which is in part influenced by the differences in the number of cells that are altered and unaltered during the treatment. This review focuses on changes in the physical, chemical, and cellular structure of fruits and vegetables, some technologies commonly applied to increase mass transfer during osmotic dehydration (OD), potentials and industrial applications of OD, and the challenges of osmo-drying technology.  相似文献   

雪莲果超声波辅助渗透脱水工艺参数的优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石启龙  赵亚  郑亚琴 《食品科学》2011,32(14):124-129
以渗透脱水温度、时间、蔗糖质量分数、超声波功率和处理时间为因素,以失水率(water loss,WL)和固形物增加率(sugar gain,SG)为指标,通过单因素试验,研究雪莲果的渗透脱水工艺参数。以渗透脱水温度、时间、蔗糖质量分数、超声波处理时间为因素,以WL、SG和二者比值(WL/SG)为指标,通过二次回归正交旋转组合试验设计建立雪莲果超声波辅助渗透脱水过程中各响应值(WL、SG和WL/SG)与各因素之间的回归方程,并得到超声波辅助渗透脱水的最优工艺参数。结果表明,超声波辅助处理可显著提高雪莲果渗透脱水效果;影响WL的因素主次顺序是温度>时间>蔗糖质量分数>超声波处理时间;影响SG的因素主次顺序依次是渗透脱水时间>超声波处理时间>温度>蔗糖质量分数;影响SG/WL的因素主次顺序是渗透脱水时间>蔗糖质量分数>超声波处理时间>温度。雪莲果超声波辅助渗透脱水的最佳工艺参数为渗透脱水温度41℃、时间1.7h、蔗糖质量分数60.18%、超声波处理时间35min。在此组合参数条件下,SG/WL平均值为0.059。  相似文献   

蓝莓渗透脱水的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在不同的渗透温度 ( 4 5~ 65℃ )条件下 ,高果糖浆和蔗糖的有效水分扩散率 (Dm)分别为( 4 90 60~ 5 2 3 66)× 1 0 - 10 m2 /s和 ( 3 5 5 1 8~ 4 0 1 0 9)× 1 0 - 10 m2 /s,有效固形扩散率 (Ds)分别为( 2 7740~ 3 691 5 )× 1 0 - 10 m2 /s和 ( 1 3 1 63~ 2 691 5 )× 1 0 - 10 m2 /s的规律。在渗透脱水处理过程中Dm 和Ds 随处理温度升高而增加。经高果糖浆 ( 70°Brix)渗透脱水的蓝莓的平均体积比随温度升高而稍微下降。其相对密度随温度的升高也略有增加  相似文献   

Water loss (WL), solid gain (SG), weight reduction (WR) and shrinkage were quantitatively investigated during osmotic dehydration of plum using response surface methodology with the sucrose concentration (30–60g/100 g sample), temperature of sucrose solution (40–60°C) and immersion time (60–240 min). Experiments were designed according to Central Composite Rotatable Design with these three factors. For each response, second order polynomial models were developed using multiple linear regression analysis. With respect to water loss, solid gain, weight reduction and shrinkage, both linear and quadratic effects of four variables were found to be significant. In most cases, an increase of sucrose concentration, temperature and immersion time increased WL, SG, WR and shrinkage, except the increasing of immersion time for osmotic treatment has no effect on shrinkage. It was found that immersion time and temperature were the most significant factors affecting the WL during osmotic dehydration of plum followed by concentration of sucrose solution. This was also true for WR. Effect of temperature and time were more pronounced for SG than the concentration of sucrose solution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Mango ( Mangifera indica  L.) is a fruit rich in flavor and nutritional values, which is an excellent candidate for producing chips. The objective of this study was to develop high-quality mango chips using vacuum frying. Mango (" Tommy Atkins ") slices were pretreated with different maltodextrin concentrations (40, 50, and 65, w/v), osmotic dehydration times (45, 60, and 70 min), and solution temperatures (22 and 40 °C). Pretreated slices were vacuum fried at 120, 130, and 138 °C and product quality attributes (oil content, texture, color, carotenoid content) determined. The effect of frying temperatures at optimum osmotic dehydration times (65 [w/v] at 40 °C) was assessed. All samples were acceptable (scores > 5) to consumer panelists. The best mango chips were those pretreated with 65 (w/v) concentration for 60 min and vacuum fried at 120 °C. Mango chips under atmospheric frying had less carotenoid retention (32%) than those under vacuum frying (up to 65%). These results may help further optimize vacuum-frying processing of high-quality fruit-based snacks.  相似文献   

Rehydration kinetics of high‐pressure pretreated (100, 300, and 500 MPa for 10 min) and osmotically dehydrated pineapple (Ananas comsus) cubes (2 × 2 × 1 cm) were studied at different temperatures (5, 25, and 35°C), and compared with ordinary osmotically dehydrated samples. The effective diffusion coefficients for water and solute were determined, assuming the rehydration process to be governed by Fickian diffusion. Diffusion coefficients for water absorption into the tissue as well as for solute diffusion out of the tissue were found to be lower in the samples subjected to high‐pressure treatment. Further, the diffusion coefficients decreased with increase in treatment pressure. A possible explanation for the observed decrease in diffusion coefficients can be attributed to the permeabilization of cell membranes, the release of cellular components, and structural changes of the cell materials. The diffusion coefficients were correlated with rehydration temperature (T) and treatment pressure (P) by an Eq. of the form D = A exp[–(B.P + C/T)], where A, B, and C are constants.  相似文献   

While various mechanisms have been proposed for the water transfer during osmotic dehydration (OD), little progress has been made to understand the mechanisms of solute transfer during osmotic dehydration. The transfer of solutes has been often described only by the diffusion mechanism; however, numerous evidences suggest the participation of a variety of mechanisms. This review deals with the main issues of solute transfer in the OD of vegetables. In this context, several studies suggest that during OD of fruits and vegetables, the migration of solutes is not influenced by diffusion. Thus, new theories that may explain the solute transport are analyzed, considering the influence of the plant microstructure and its interaction with the physicochemical properties of osmotic liquid media. In particular, the surface adhesion phenomenon is analyzed and discussed, as a possible mechanism present during the transfer of solutes in OD.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Processing times required to achieve a target level of soluble solids were determined in apple pieces during sequential osmotic dehydrations carried out with reused sucrose syrup, in which new loads of fruits were charged in each turn. Effective diffusivities for water and sucrose in apple pieces were experimentally determined as a function of syrup soluble solids. A computer program was written to predict soluble solids change both in apple pieces and in syrup during the sequential osmotic dehydration process. Experimental data on the change of soluble solids for apples and syrup for 10 batches arranged in 2 sets of 5 were obtained. A good agreement between observed and predicted values of soluble solids in both fruit and the syrup was obtained, with root mean square values ranging from 1.3% to 4.6%.  相似文献   

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