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全氟化烷基化合物(Perfluorinated alkyl substances, PFASs)是一类新型持久性有机污染物(persistent organic pollutants, POPs),对人体健康危害极大。近年来,随着PFASs被广泛应用于各个领域,全球范围内的多种介质中都普遍检出该物质。食物中PFASs污染水平的研究,已经成为国家和民众关注的重要课题。本文通过论述近年来国内有关食物中PFASs污染水平研究的进展情况,对国内主要动物源食品(蛋、水产、肉、乳制品等四类)和生活饮用水中PFASs的污染水平进行了分析,比较了不同食品中的PFASs污染特征,采用危害指数评估我国人群通过主要食品带来的PFASs暴露健康风险。  相似文献   

丁林玉  雷素珍  曾红亮 《食品工业科技》2020,41(20):336-341,350
全氟和多氟烷基化合物(Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances,PFASs)作为一类人工合成的化学物质,在食品接触材料中被广泛使用。越来越多的研究表明,食物可以作为PFASs的载体,使PFASs进入人体,在血液和器官中积聚分布,从而导致各类健康问题。本文对PFASs的危害及在食品中的污染研究进行了概述,综述了PFASs在饮用水、乳及乳制品、肉类、蛋类、水产品及果蔬等食品中的污染情况,分析了PFASs通过大气、水源、土壤等进入食物的途径,总结了PFASs对人体的危害:导致心肌发育毒性、使细胞膜病变和改变人体胆固醇水平。在此基础上,提出了减少食品中PFASs的应对措施。减少食品包装中PFASs的过度使用,寻找新的PFASs替代物,减少PFASs经食品摄入,正成为我国食品行业亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

摘 要:目的 了解甘肃省居民市售食品中二噁英类化合物污染现状。方法 按总膳食研究方法,对我省8类市售食品样品(水产及其制品、肉类及其制品、蛋及其制品、乳及乳制品、谷类及其制品、薯类及其制品、豆类及其制品、蔬菜类及其制品)中17种多氯代苯并二噁英和多氯代苯并呋喃(polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, PCDD/Fs)同系物和12种二噁英样多氯联苯(dioxin like polychlorinated biphenyls, dl-PCBs) 同系物进行含量测定和毒性当量浓度汇总分析和评价。结果 甘肃省送检的食物样品中水产、肉类均检出二噁英类化合物,其余6类食品样品个别同系物未检出。按TEQ 计时,肉类食品样品中PCDD/Fs和dl-PCBs毒性当量浓度最高,均为0.08pgTEQ/g。结论 甘肃省8类市售食品样品中动物性食品二噁英类化合物检出率高于植物性食品,肉类食品样品中PCDD/Fs和dl-PCBs毒性当量浓度均高于全国平均水平。建议对我省二噁英类化合物暴露水平高的食品进行长期监测,提出相应的风险管理措施。  相似文献   

目的 了解2010—2020年中国大陆由生熟交叉污染导致的食源性疾病暴发事件的流行病学特征,为有效防控生熟交叉污染食源性疾病暴发提供依据。方法 收集2010—2020年国家食源性疾病暴发监测系统报告的食物加工环节为生熟交叉污染导致的食源性疾病暴发事件,分析其流行病学特点。结果 2010—2020年国家食源性疾病暴发监测系统报告生熟交叉污染导致的食源性疾病暴发事件667起(1.85%),发病11 766例,死亡4例;高发季节为第二、三季度;高发地区为南方地区;发生场所以餐饮服务场所(66.4%,443/667)和集体食堂(22.6%,151/667)为主;原因食品(除去不明食品、多种食品、混合食品)主要为肉类(26.2%,175/667)和水产类食品(14.1%,94/667);致病微生物及毒素是导致生熟交叉污染食源性疾病暴发事件的主要致病因素,排在前3位的是副溶血性弧菌、沙门菌和金黄色葡萄球菌及其肠毒素;副溶血性弧菌事件的高危食品是水产类(55.1%,75/136)和肉类(37.5%,51/136);沙门菌事件的高危食品为肉类(62.2%,46/74);主要致病因子有地域性差异,其中华东、华南、西南地区副溶血性弧菌污染事件(χ2=26.3,P<0.001)和沙门菌事件(χ2=18.3,P<0.001)的构成比有差异。结论 生熟交叉污染食源性疾病事件是不容忽视的重要食品安全问题,在高温季节和南方地区,尤其要加强餐饮服务场所和集体食堂制备动物类食品时的卫生管理和食品从业人员的操作规范、微生物性食源性疾病的认知培训。  相似文献   

目的:了解恩施地区市售硒食品中重金属铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、汞(Hg)、砷(As)的污染情况,开展健康风险评估.方法:在恩施地区采集本地产硒食品包括谷物类、食用菌类、豆类、肉类、蛋类和茶叶类,采用相应国家标准规定的方法测定Pb、Cd、Hg、As重金属元素含量,采用美国环保署健康风险评估模型对本地居民经此6类食品摄入Pb...  相似文献   

全氟烷基化合物(Perflurorinated alkylated substances, PFASs)是一类人工合成的脂肪烃类化合物,自上个世纪50年代合成以来,该类化合物以其优良的稳定性及表面活性作为加工助剂被应用于多种民用及工业领域,如纺织品、灭火器和油漆等行业。近年来的研究发现,在空气、沉积物、饮用水、海水和食品等多种基质中均可检测出全氟类化合物,说明其已在生态系统中造成较为严重的污染。作为一类新型持久性污染物,全氟烷基化合物已引起了科学和法规上的研究兴趣。目前对食品中PFASs的污染调查主要集中在动物源性食品中,而对植物源性食品的调查尚缺乏。本文综述了中国及其他国家市场食品中全氟化合物的污染水平,比较国内外各种食品中全氟化合物污染水平的差异,并通过文献报道的污染水平对当地居民存在的健康风险进行评估,为全面了解并控制PFASs污染提供基础依据。  相似文献   

兽药残留(residues of veterrinary drug)是指禽畜等动物用药(如抗生素类、激素类等)后蓄积或存留于机体或动物性产品(如乳制品、蛋类以及肉类等)中原型药物或其代谢产物,包含与兽药相关的杂质残留。本文综述了近年来国内外研究人员对于动物性食品中兽药残留检测的常用技术,并探讨动物性食品中兽药残留检测技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

目的 了解上海市常见市售食品中反式脂肪酸(TFAs)含量,评估上海15岁及以上居民膳食TFAs的摄入水平及其潜在健康风险。方法 在本市超市、农贸市场、餐饮店等采样点采集11大类664份食品样品,采用《食品安全国家标准 食品中反式脂肪酸的测定》(GB 5009.257—2016)检测TFAs含量。结合“2013年上海市居民膳食与健康状况监测”消费量数据,采用简单分布模型(确定性评估)方法,计算每个个体每日TFAs摄入量及其供能比。结果 在各类食品中,植物油中TFAs平均含量最高,达0.7 g/100 g,乳及乳制品中TFAs平均含量次之,为0.67 g/100 g,牛羊肉及其制品中的TFAs平均含量也较高,为0.51 g/100 g。上海市15岁及以上人群TFAs平均摄入量为0.34 g/d,平均供能比为0.18%,远低于WHO的建议水平(1%)。从个体TFAs供能比在人群中的分布来看,大部分居民供能比在0.1%~0.3%范围内,最大值为0.68%。从不同类食品对TFAs摄入的贡献率来看,加工食品占总摄入水平的75.16%,其中植物油贡献率最高,约占51.58%。结论 植物油是上海市15岁及以上居民膳食TFAs的最主要来源;上海市15岁及以上人群膳食摄入TFAs的健康风险很低。  相似文献   

目的 探究2016~2019年吉林省食源性金黄色葡菌球菌污染现状。方法 采集2016~2019年吉林省9个地(市)级的餐厅、超市和零售市场等地点食品样本,共计2824件,根据GB 4789.10-2016《食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 金黄色葡萄球菌检验》进行测定,采用率、构成比和X2检验的方法对检出率进行统计描述和分析。结果 2016~2019共监测样本2824份,总检出率2.02%;9个地区中白城市总检出率最高(4.59%),其次为四平市(3.82%),白山市总检出率最低(0.51%);13类食品中有8类食品检出金黄色葡萄球菌,分别为焙烤及油炸类食品、餐饮食品、调味品、豆制品、冷冻饮品、肉及肉制品、乳与乳制品和速冻米面食品,其中速冻米面食品中金黄色葡萄球菌检出率最高(9.00%);餐饮服务环节阳性检出率为2.45%(22/898),流通环节阳性检出率为1.87%(36/1928);CFU(colony forming units,平板计数法)法测得金黄色葡萄球菌检出结果的中位数[四分位数间距]为5.29[2.65~7.94] CFU/g(mL),MPN(Most Probable Number,最大可能数法)法测得金黄色葡萄球菌检出结果的中位数[四分位数间距]为1.53[0.76~5.29]MPN/g(mL)。结论 2016~2019年吉林省各地市食品中金黄色葡萄球菌污染情况普遍存在,其中白城市污染相对严重,吉林省所有食品类别中,速冻米面制品污染相对严重,应给予高度重视,餐饮服务环节和流通环节还需加强监管。  相似文献   

目的 分析我国金黄色葡萄球菌及其肠毒素引起的食源性疾病暴发事件的流行病学特征。方法 收集整理2010—2020年国家食源性疾病暴发监测系统和文献检索的数据,对金黄色葡萄球菌及其肠毒素引起的暴发事件进行归因分析。结果 共纳入2010—2020年食源性疾病暴发事件703起(监测系统694起,文献数据9起),单维度归因分析发现原因食品中肉类食品最高,占28.3%(199/703),主要引发环节中因食品存储不当最高,占15.2%(107/703),主要发生场所中餐饮服务场所最高,占85.2%(599/703);多维度分析结果显示,华东地区各季节事件发生数均最多。除肉类食品外,我国华东和华南地区主要原因食品还有糕点类食品和米面食品,这两种食品多以存储不当而引发。发生在餐饮服务场所的暴发事件中肉类食品和米面食品主要是由于加工时污染致病因子引发,而糕点类食品主要是由于存储不当引发。结论 由金黄色葡萄球菌及其肠毒素引发的食源性疾病以肉类食品高发,应对餐饮服务场所、食品加工、储存等环节加强监管,降低发病风险。  相似文献   


In order to determine the baseline levels of perchlorate in major brands of baby food, 200 baby food products were collected from retail stores in Ottawa, Canada and analysed for perchlorate in 2010. The seven food groups tested were fruit, juices, vegetables, meat, yogurt, mixed (vegetable mixed with meat) and other (e.g. vegetable mixed with meat and cereal, cheese, egg,). Samples were extracted with a mixture of methanol and 1% acetic acid (4:1, v/v). Determination was conducted by stable isotope dilution ion chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (ID-IC-MS/MS). The complexity of different food matrices required additional method validation. The perchlorate levels in 46 samples were found to be lower than the quantification limit (0.2 ng g?1). The perchlorate levels in the other 154 baby food samples were also low; about 96.7% of the baby foods had perchlorate levels less than 10 ng g?1 (ranged from 0.2 to 22.4 ng g?1, median1.35 ng g?1); only 5 samples had perchlorate levels higher than 10 ng g?1. Dietary exposure to perchlorate from analysed baby food was conservatively estimated to range from 0.007 to 0.121 µg/kg bw/d based on the mean intake for children (1–5 years old).  相似文献   

目的 建立超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时检测水产制品中22种全氟烷基物质(perfluorinated alkyl substances,PFASs)定性定量检测方法.方法 选取基质成分复杂的水产制品作为检测目标.样品经乙腈(含1%甲酸)提取液涡旋振荡提取,分散固相萃取结合通过式固相萃取柱进行净化,C18色谱柱分离,甲...  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(3):1999-2010
Enrofloxacin, a veterinary antibiotic that persists in food, poses a risk to human health. Here, a monoclonal antibody against enrofloxacin, 1H12, was prepared based on the hapten ENR-1, and showed excellent sensitivity with a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.03 ng/mL. Using this antibody, 2 lateral-flow immunochromatographic assays were developed for determination of enrofloxacin in egg, milk, honey, and chicken meat samples. The detection ranges (IC20–IC80) were 0.16–0.82 ng/g, 0.24–1.8 ng/g, 0.25–3.6 ng/g, and 0.61–3.9 ng/g by colloidal gold-immunochromatographic sensor (CG-ICS) analysis, and 0.022–0.42 ng/g, 0.054–0.42 ng/g, 0.069–1.4 ng/g, and 0.19–2.2 ng/g by Eu-fluorescence-immunochromatographic sensor (EF-ICS) analysis. The intraassay and interassay recovery rates were 88.9 to 108.5% with coefficients of variation of 1.3 to 7.0% by CG-ICS analysis, and 88.6 to 113.6% with coefficients of variation of 1.3 to 8.1% by EF-ICS analysis. Thus, our newly developed ICS are sensitive and reliable, providing an option for rapid quantitative detection of enrofloxacin in food samples.  相似文献   

We and others recently began studying brominated flame retardant levels in various matrices in the US including human milk and other food. This paper reviews the food studies. In our studies, ten to thirteen polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners were measured, usually including BDE 209. All US women's milk samples were contaminated with PBDEs from 6 to 419 ng/g, lipid, orders of magnitude higher than levels reported in European studies, and are the highest reported worldwide. We compared our market basket studies of meat, fish and dairy products with other US food studies of meat and fish. US studies showed somewhat higher levels of PBDEs than reported elsewhere. Fish were most highly contaminated (median 616 pg/g), then meat (median190 pg/g) and dairy products (median 32.2 pg/g). However, unlike some European countries where fish predominates, dietary intake of PBDEs in the US is mostly from meat, then fish and then dairy products. Broiling can decrease the amount of PBDEs per serving. We also measured levels of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), another brominated flame retardant, in human milk. The levels are lower than PBDEs, 0.16-1.2 ng/g, similar to European levels, unlike PBDEs where US levels are much higher than European levels.  相似文献   

本研究利用当地的动植物资源,根据其生物学和生物化学特性,加工成复合动植物罐头.该产品是我国第一代天然营养型罐头食品.它富含营养成份和食物纤维,其蛋白质、脂肪、水份、维生素C、维生素E、β—胡萝卜素和葡甘露聚糖(Glucomannan)的含量分别为12~15%、15~20%、50~56%、1~5mg/100g、30~90μg/100g、0.1~0.15mg/100g和0.2~0.4g/100g.还含有多种微量元素和17种以上氨基酸,不含有任何防腐剂和人工合成色素,具有动植物成份互补的特点.  相似文献   

This study summarises the results of the levels of 21 perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in 50 selected pooled samples representing 15 food commodities with the special focus on those of animal origin, as meat, seafood, fish, milk, dairy products and hen eggs, which are commonly consumed in various European markets, e.g. Czech, Italian, Belgian and Norwegian. A new, rapid sample preparation approach based on the QuEChERS extraction procedure was applied. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) employing electrospray ionisation (ESI) in negative mode was used for the quantification of target analytes. Method quantification limits (MQLs) were in the range of 1–10 ng kg?1 (ng l?1) for fish, meat, hen eggs, cheese and milk, and in the range of 2.5–125 ng kg?1 for butter. Only 16 of the group of 21 PFASs were found in at least one analysed sample. From 16 PFASs, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was the most frequently detected analyte present in approximately 50% of samples (in the range of 0.98–2600 ng kg?1). PFCAs with C8–C14 carbon chain were presented in approximately 20% of samples. The concentration ranges of individual compounds in the respective groups of PFASs were: 2.33–76.3 ng kg?1 for PFSAs (without PFOS), 4.99–961 ng kg?1 for PFCAs, 10.6–95.4 ng kg?1 for PFPAs, and 1.61–519 ng kg?1 for FOSA. The contamination level in the analysed food commodities decreased in the following order: seafood > pig/bovine liver >> freshwater/marine fish > hen egg > meat >> butter. When comparing the total contamination and profiles of PFASs in food commodities that originated from various sampling countries, differences were identified, and the contents decreased as follows: Belgium >> Norway, Italy > Czech Republic.  相似文献   


Meat and meat products are included in a great number of human diets. However, the great consumption of meat needs to be controlled for the presence of traces of contaminants. The European Commission has not stated maximum limits for some environmental pollutants such as the perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE); the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Scientific Panel has recommended that more occurrence data for PFASs in food should be collected to improve the accuracy of future exposure calculations. Therefore, the distribution of PFASs and PBDEs trace contaminants from eight EU Member States were investigated through liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). No PFASs were detected, except perfluorooctanoic acid, in only one Austrian sample at the concentration of 0.531 ng g?1. PBDEs were detected in 3 out of 77 samples: one from Germany showed the presence of all congeners analysed in the concentration range 0.53–0.77 ng g?1, the others, from Netherland and Italy, respectively contained PBDE 153 (0.53 ng g?1) and PBDE 100 (0.62 ng g?1). The results show that the analysed samples do not pose a risk for human beings in regard to PFASs and PBDEs. Further studies are needed to keep monitoring their presence in foodstuff, as it has been suggested by European Commission.  相似文献   

目的探究我国与南共市动物源性食品重金属限量标准的异同。方法根据GB 2762—2014《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》以及南共市在2013年8月29日第42号合议理事会决议中制定的南方共同市场关于食品中无机污染物最大限量的技术法规,分析2个标准重金属检测项目、涉及动物源性食品种类和主要动物源性食品限量指标的异同。结果我国在动物源性食品重金属检测项目和涉及动物源性食品种类上均比南共市规定的多。在限量指标方面,南共市水产动物及其制品的砷限量、肉及肉制品、水产动物及其制品和蛋及蛋制品中铅限量、畜禽肾脏中的镉限量均比中国规定宽松。结论我国监管部门应对南共市规定较为宽松的检测项目予以关注。  相似文献   

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