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为分析工厂化栽培金针菇的蛋白质营养,本研究测定6?种来自不同生产企业的市售金针菇样品中粗蛋白含量及氨基酸组成,分析其中呈味氨基酸的含量,并通过计算蛋白质的氨基酸评分、化学评分、氨基酸比值系数分和必需氨基酸指数,以及预测蛋白质校正氨基酸计分等非生物学指标,评价金针菇的蛋白质营养价值。结果表明,6?种金针菇样品均含有18?种水解氨基酸,其中呈味氨基酸含量比例为56.28%~57.37%。必需氨基酸含量接近WHO/FAO模式,其中蛋氨酸、赖氨酸含量丰富,限制氨基酸为缬氨酸和异亮氨酸。6?种市售金针菇的氨基酸比值系数分为72.61~82.07,必需氨基酸指数均高于90,与卵清蛋白接近。上述结果表明工厂化栽培的金针菇中呈味氨基酸含量丰富,含有利于人体吸收的优质蛋白,具有较大的风味食品开发潜力,适合与谷物、肉类等进行膳食搭配以促进人体对氨基酸的平衡摄取。  相似文献   

不同的加工步骤可能会影响肉品的物化性质及营养价值,甚至产生对人体健康有害的化合物。例如,已观察到某些热处理可增加自由基含量,降低抗氧化保护能力,促进蛋白质氧化。鉴于某些肉类加工保藏方法可能促进蛋白质氧化进而影响肉品食用品质乃至加速肉类劣变,本文探讨了常见肉品加工保藏方法及其相关新技术对蛋白质氧化的影响,及蛋白质氧化对肉品品质及人体健康的不利影响,旨在为加工保藏中有关蛋白质氧化及合理化食品加工技术提供相关参考。  相似文献   

类蛋白反应及其在肉类中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
类蛋白反应是食品科学领域涉及蛋白质的一个重要反应,可以通过肽键结合的方式对蛋白质中的必需氨基酸进行补充,一般认为是蛋白质水解的逆反应,可以提高肽的生物活性、改善蛋白的加工特性、减少酶解液苦味。到目前为止,类蛋白反应已应用到鱼蛋白、大豆蛋白、乳蛋白等多个领域,提高了食品的营养价值,很好地解决了蛋白肽存在的生物利用率有限、酶解液味苦等问题。我国是肉类消费大国,肉类消费量占全球消费量的1/4,类蛋白反应应用于肉类工业可以为人们提供更加优质的蛋白资源,具有很重要的研究价值。该文综述了类蛋白反应的3种作用机制,影响类蛋白反应的因素以及类蛋白反应在肉类中的应用和发展前景,以期为蛋白质的深度利用以及高值化研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

一、肉类——动物蛋白的主要来源蛋白质是组成人体的重要成分之一。人体每天所需的热能有14%来自蛋白质,根据测定结果60公斤体重的成年人每天从粪、尿、皮肤等途径排出3.5克氮,即相当于22克的蛋白质,所以每日通过膳食至少供给22克蛋白质,才能维持成年人体内蛋白质含量的平衡状态。肉类蛋白质的含量约占10~20%。肉类食品包括牲畜的肌肉、内脏及其制品,能供给人体所必需的氨基酸、脂肪酸、无机盐和维生素。有些氨基酸如精氨酸、组氨酸、赖氨  相似文献   

<正>蘑菇营养丰富,味道鲜美,自古以来被列为上等佳肴,是高蛋白、低脂肪,富含人体必需氨基酸、矿物质、维生素和多糖等营养成分的健康食品。而且经常食用蘑菇能很好地促进人体对其他食物营养的吸收。蘑菇富含18种氨基酸,有些蘑菇中蛋白质的氨基酸组成比例比牛肉更好。研究发现,蘑菇的营养价值仅次于牛奶。人们一般认为,肉类和豆类食品中才分别含有较高的动物蛋白和植物蛋白,其实蘑菇中的蛋白质含量也非常高。蘑菇含有多种维生素  相似文献   

在对马家沟芹菜加工下脚料的蛋白含量及其氨基酸组成进行分析的基础上,应用氨基酸评分法,对其营养价值进行全面评价和比较.结果表明:马家沟芹菜加工下脚料蛋白的必需氨基酸含量很丰富,第一限制性氨基酸为色氨酸;各种人体必需氨基酸与FAO/WHO提出的理想蛋白质模式进行比较,马家沟芹菜加工下脚料蛋白的IEAA为95.88,从氨基酸...  相似文献   

以大豆蛋白和牛奶蛋白为主要基料,确定双蛋白益生菌酸奶的生产配方并进行营养分析。结果表明,最优配方中,大豆蛋白:乳清蛋白(重量比)=1:2,乳糖添加量为1%。与市售酸奶相比,双蛋白益生菌酸奶蛋白质含量高22.8%,脂肪含量低37.3%,必需氨基酸含量高47.5%,蛋白质消化率修正的氨基酸评分(PDCAAS)高70%以上。双蛋白益生菌酸奶是一种新型营养健康食品,有助于营养改善、提高人体健康水平。  相似文献   

肉制品加工中的添加剂   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1 大豆蛋白的营养及功能 人体需要许多营养才能成长,使健康和正常的身体的功能维持在最佳状态。蛋白质就是其中的一种,大豆蛋白含有人体所必需而自身又不能合成的8种必需氨基酸,其含量也是其它谷物蛋白所不能比拟的,而且在大豆蛋白中矿物质和维生素的含量也较全。  相似文献   

烹调加工会加剧蛋白质氧化,导致蛋白质结构、理化性质等发生变化,从而影响其功能特性与营养价值。本文介绍了肉类烹调过程中蛋白质氧化机制、表现形式,探讨了其对肉类感官品质与营养价值的影响及对人体健康的潜在危害,最后进行总结与展望。  相似文献   

凝胶性作为肉类食品的重要特性之一,是影响肉制品外观、风味、质构的重要因素,增强肉制品的凝胶性对于改善肉制品的工艺和品质具有重要意义。肉制品加工中蛋白质形成聚集体的含量、结构、聚集速率等都会影响肉制品的凝胶性,而蛋白质添加剂可在一定程度上替代肌原纤维蛋白的凝胶和乳化作用,优化产品的感官和营养特性,并降低成本,成为肉制品研发和工艺优化的研究热点。本文对肌原纤维蛋白凝胶形成机理的研究进行汇总,并综述目前主要蛋白添加剂的性质和应用,以及蛋白添加剂与多糖胶体、酶制剂、磷酸盐进行复配增强肉制品凝胶性的研究进展,为凝胶肉制品的提质增效提供参考。  相似文献   

Thermal processing is an inevitable part of the processing and preparation of meat and meat products for human consumption. However, thermal processing techniques, both commercial and domestic, induce modifications in muscle proteins which can have implications for their digestibility. The nutritive value of muscle proteins is closely related to their digestibility in the gastrointestinal tract and is determined by the end products that it presents in the assimilable form (amino acids and small peptides) for the absorption. The present review examines how different thermal processing techniques, such as sous-vide, microwave, stewing, roasting, boiling, frying, grilling, and steam cooking, affect the digestibility of muscle proteins in the gastrointestinal tract. By altering the functional and structural properties of muscle proteins, thermal processing has the potential to influence the digestibility negatively or positively, depending on the processing conditions. Thermal processes such as sous-vide can induce favourable changes, such as partial unfolding or exposure of cleavage sites, in muscle proteins and improve their digestibility whereas processes such as stewing and roasting can induce unfavourable changes, such as protein aggregation, severe oxidation, cross linking or increased disulfide (S-S) content and decrease the susceptibility of proteins during gastrointestinal digestion. The review examines how the underlying mechanisms of different processing conditions can be translated into higher or lower protein digestibility in detail. This review expands the current understanding of muscle protein digestion and generates knowledge that will be indispensable for optimizing the digestibility of thermally processed muscle foods for maximum nutritional benefits and optimal meal planning.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》2001,75(4):405-409
Charqui is a typical salted and dry Brazilian meat product. A harsh condition for salting and drying during charqui processing could eventually damage its biological value. Therefore protein quality of raw and cooked charqui meat flours was chemically and biologically evaluated by rat growth and nitrogen balance studies. Proximate chemical compositions of desalted raw and cooked charqui flour samples showed protein content of 74.2 and 81.1%, respectively and lipid contents of 20.06 and 13.52%, respectively. There was a good balance of essential amino acids in both samples. Feeding of flour diets prepared from exhaustively desalted and dried cooked and raw charqui samples resulted in high protein efficiency ratios, in high net protein utilisations and high nitrogen balances thus showing a high biological value and also high true digestibility, with NPU similar to casein.  相似文献   

Z Dvorák 《Die Nahrung》1975,19(9-10):989-995
In certain cases, the proteins in meat products may be damaged during thermal processing to such an extent that their nutritional value is reduced. This might be caused above all by a loss in the availability of the essential and semi-essential amino-acids. Cooking of the meat produces no marked change in the availability of the amino acids. More marked changes are observed at temperatures needed for sterilization. The availability of cystine is in most cases affected by the length and temperature of sterilization, which is due to a reduction of its digestibility and to its degradation. The extent of the cystine degradation follows from the difference from the average reduction of the availability of the other amino acids. Since the sulphur-containing amino acids in meat proteins are limiting ones, this loss results in a reduction of the nutritional value of the proteins. Apart from cystine, lysine may also become less available if greater amounts of polysaccharides are present. The reduction of the availability can be so marked that lysine may be considered to be a limiting amino acid. In these cases, lysine is essential for the nutritional value of the proteins in such products.  相似文献   

随着国民生活质量的提高,人们对肉制品的需求也不再仅仅局限于感官质量和卫生质量等基本特性。肉制品中蛋白质含量高达10%-20%,是人体不可缺少的营养物质。近年来,如何提高肉制品的消化率这一问题受到了广泛的关注。目前,改善肉制品中蛋白质的结构和功能特性是提高消化率的主要可行性途径。在传统蒸煮、烘烤等加工方式的前提下,肉制品的制作过程中辅以新型加工技术(如超声波,超高压,脉冲电场,真空低温烹饪,酶解技术等),可以达到改变蛋白质结构、提高蛋白质分解酶活性的目的,从而提高肉制品的消化率。本文系统综述新型辅助加工技术在提高肉制品消化特性方面的研究进展,旨在探求更经济有效的加工方法,为改善提高肉制品的消化特性提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDCM) is a meat product obtained by crushing tissues after meat removal and is largely used in meat products. Protein quality of flour prepared from defatted MDCM and from fresh chicken breast meat (FCBM) was chemically and biologically evaluated by rat growth and nitrogen balance studies. Proximate chemical composition, on a dry basis, of MDCM and FCBM showed protein contents of 90.5% and 82.2%, lipid contents of 3.0% and 13.2% and ash contents of 6.1% and 4.2%, respectively. There was a relatively good balance of essential amino acids in both samples although lysine was in low concentration in MDCM being a limiting amino acid. Feeding of flour diets resulted in high protein efficiency ratio, a high net protein utilization and high nitrogen balance, thus showing a high biological value and also high true digestibility and, consistently, NPU for both samples is similar to casein.  相似文献   

Insoluble collagen (bovine Achilles tendon), gelatin and meat were each mixed with whole egg protein (about 50% of the nitrogen) and fed to rats. True digestibility was evaluated after inhibiting gastric acid secretion with omeprazole. Insoluble collagen, supplemented with small amounts of essential amino acids, was also given but without inhibiting gastric acid secretion. Egg protein was fully digested and not affected by inhibition. The true digestibility of insoluble collagen/egg was 85%, corresponding to 71% true digestibility for insoluble collagen alone. This was significantly lower than the value of 95% obtained for insoluble collagen without inhibiting gastric acid secretion. True digestibilities for gelatin/egg were 99% and meat/egg 98%. Inhibition of gastric acid secretion thus did not affect digestion of gelatin and meat.  相似文献   

目的评价坛子肉中氨基酸和脂肪酸的营养品质。方法运用多种方法对坛子肉中氨基酸和脂肪酸的组成及含量进行测定,并用必需氨基酸指数法(essential amino acid index method,EAAI)、氨基酸评分法(amino acid score, AAS)、化学评分法(chemical score, CS)评价坛子肉中蛋白质的营养价值。结果坛子肉中氨基酸总量为20.76%±0.21%, 8种必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的42.60%, 4种鲜味氨基酸占氨基酸总量的36.90%,AAS和CS均表明第一限制性氨基酸为色氨酸。坛子肉中粗脂肪含量为28.15%±0.31%,不饱和脂肪酸占脂肪酸总量的70.79%±0.31%。必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的38.15%,必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸的比值为61.68%。结论坛子肉是一种具有独特风味的优质蛋白源以及具有均衡脂肪酸的高营养价值的肉制品。  相似文献   

Three protein sources, casein, soya bean and rapeseed concentrates, were subjected to alkali treatment (0.2 M, 60° C) for 2 or 6 h. The impact of these treatments on protein digestibility and on release of amino acids, especially lysinoalanine, was evaluated by an in-vitro enzymic digestion method with simultaneous dialysis of digestion products. The impairment of digestibility was higher for casein and soya bean concentrate than for rapeseed concentrate. Whatever the amount of lysinoalanine produced in each protein, it was poorly released by proteolytic enzymes. The rate of release of other amino acids was reduced by the treatments, but to different levels for each protein. Arginine and lysine were particularly affected. As can be inferred from the release of the target amino acids, the hydrolytic capacity of chymotrypsin was not specifically impaired, in contrast to that of trypsin for casein and of elastase for all protein sources. This technique was useful to evaluate quickly the effects of processing on the digestibility of proteins.  相似文献   

2022年, 全中国鲍鱼产量为22.82万t, 其中福建鲍鱼产量最高, 达到18.15万t, 占全国总产量的79.54%。鲍鱼富含优质的蛋白质和所有的必需氨基酸, 是多不饱和脂肪酸、维生素和矿物质的良好来源。鲍鱼产品的品质特性不仅与不同的加工方式有关, 而且与其蛋白质的性质密切相关。因此, 本文综述了鲍鱼营养价值、加工制品、蛋白质性质、品质特性的研究进展; 阐明了不同加工方式下鲍鱼蛋白质和产品品质特性之间的联系, 主要包括蛋白质结构、非共价相互作用的破坏、肌原纤维蛋白的变性、结缔组织溶解等方面, 进而改变了鲍鱼肌肉质构特性、蛋白质消化率、结构轮廓等特性, 旨在为高品质鲍鱼制品加工提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

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