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正近期,在市场上流行吃大枣夹核桃,就是大枣剖开去核然后中间酿进核桃仁儿。由于大枣和核桃都很有营养,所以这种零食一时间大受欢迎。那么到底老年人该不该成为它的忠实爱好者呢?A.大枣补血核桃健脑作为食品,大枣和核桃的营养价值都是值得肯定的。从中医的角度来说,红枣具有补虚益气、养血安神、健脾和胃等作用。大枣能润心肺、止咳、补五脏、治虚损、除肠胃癖  相似文献   

进行了大枣成分定量分析环-磷酸腺苷(Camp)含量均值为21.43mg/100g大枣、蛋白质含量均值为2.86g/100g大枣、氨基酸含量在不同产地,不同种类的大枣各有不同.微量元素分别为Zn含量均值为66.9mg/100g大枣,Cu含量均值为44.5mg/100g大枣,Ca含量均值为74.8mg/100g大枣,Fe含量均值为1.8mg/100g大枣,各种维生素分别为维生素C含量均值为174.89mg/100g大枣,维生素B2含量均值为0.289μg/100g大枣,维生素PP含量均值为1.746mg/100g大枣.  相似文献   

为了探讨河南地区大枣中铅和镉的污染特征,分析居民潜在膳食暴露风险,对2012~2016年河南省3个大枣产区的大枣中铅和镉残留量的数据进行统计分析。结果显示,新鲜大枣中铅(0.005~0.095 mg/kg)和镉(0.001~0.010 mg/kg)的含量均低于国家限量标准,即所抽样品铅镉超标率均为0;不同产区间大枣铅残留量存在显著差异(P0.05);重金属单因子污染评估、综合评估、居民膳食暴露风险评估一致认为,河南大枣铅镉污染属于安全范围,且连续5年数据分析显示,大枣中铅、镉对居民健康暴露危害较小且未有增大趋势。河南省大枣中铅、镉含量较低,居民经食用途径所引入的健康风险甚微。  相似文献   

目的:研究影响大枣鸡蛋发糕质量和口感的因素,确定大枣鸡蛋发糕的最佳工艺。方法:进行单因素分析,并用正交试验进行产品配方的优化,通过对大枣鸡蛋发糕的感官评分,确定最佳配比。结果:大枣鸡蛋发糕的最佳配方是枣泥45g、面粉70g、蛋液20g、酵母0. 5g、红糖10g、食用油8滴。结论:此条件下制作的大枣鸡蛋发糕品质最佳。  相似文献   

大枣功效成分检测的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大枣具有很高的营养价值和保健作用。本文介绍了大枣中多糖、低聚糖、黄酮类、环核苷酸类、五环三萜类及多酚类物质等功效成分的提取检测方法以及检测结果的研究进展,为大枣功效成分的研究开发提供参考。  相似文献   

超声波提取条件对圆铃大枣多糖提取率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以圆铃大枣为原料,采用响应面设计法优化超声波提取大枣多糖,研究了液料比、超声功率、超声时间、提取温度对圆铃大枣多糖提取率的影响。结果表明:超声功率和超声时间的主效应显著,超声功率、超声时间、提取温度和液料比依次影响圆铃大枣多糖提取率;超声功率和提取温度之间的交互作用不显著,其余因素间的交互作用对多糖提取率的影响均为极显著。优化得到的圆铃大枣多糖提取条件为:液料比(g∶mL)12∶1,超声功率360 W,提取温度55℃,提取时间40 min;在此条件下,圆铃大枣多糖提取率为4.93%。  相似文献   

运用同一椭圆球体上的线速度和角速度的关系,设计了一种三杆三点式顺位机构,单片机控制的大枣去核机,实现对大枣去核速度控制的同时实现了大枣去核过程中的自动定位、自动去核、自动出料等。样机试验表明,该装置能满足大枣去核自动化操作,具有结构简单,定位准确、效率高、易于操作等特点。  相似文献   

大枣低聚糖对断奶仔猪生产性能和肠道内环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨大枣低聚糖对断奶仔猪生长性能和肠道内环境的影响.结果表明:与对照组相比,添加大枣低聚糖组平均日增重、乳酸菌数量增加显著(P<0.05),腹泻指数、大肠杆菌和肠球菌数量降低显著(P<0.05),0.2%、0.4%大枣低聚糖组平均日采食量提高显著(P<0.05).饲料中以添加0.4%的大枣低聚糖效果较好.  相似文献   

目的:以大枣、椰浆、马蹄粉为主要原料,研究影响大枣椰浆马蹄糕质量的主要因素,确定其最佳配方。方法:在单因素变量的基础上,采用正交试验,通过对大枣椰浆马蹄糕感官评分,确定最佳配方。结果:大枣椰浆马蹄糕的最佳配方是大枣汤与马蹄粉比例为3∶1、椰浆与马蹄粉比例为3∶1、隔水蒸制8min。结论:根据最佳工艺制作出色泽诱人、富有弹性、甜度适口具有营养保健作用的大枣椰浆马蹄糕。  相似文献   

探讨大枣低聚糖对断奶仔猪生长性能和肠道内环境的影响。结果表明:与对照组相比,添加大枣低聚糖组平均日增重、乳酸菌数量增加显著(P<0.05),腹泻指数、大肠杆菌和肠球菌数量降低显著(P<0.05),0.2%、0.4%大枣低聚糖组平均日采食量提高显著(P<0.05)。饲料中以添加0.4%的大枣低聚糖效果较好。  相似文献   

Microencapsulation is a relatively new technology that is used for protection, stabilization, and slow release of food ingredients. The encapsulating or wall materials used generally consist of starch, starch derivatives, proteins, gums, lipids, or any combination of them. Methods of encapsulation of food ingredients include spraydrying, freeze‐drying, fluidized bed‐coating, extrusion, cocrystallization, molecular inclusion, and coacervation. This paper reviews techniques for preparation of microencapsulated food ingredients and choices of coating material. Characterization of microcapsules, mechanisms of controlled release, and efficiency of protection/ stabilization of encapsulated food ingredients are also presented.  相似文献   

以湖北、安徽和四川地区小曲为研究对象,利用传统培养方法和分子生物学方法研究不同地区小曲中可培养细菌的种类。结果表明,湖北小曲pH值为5.35,含水量为9.93%,密度为0.87 g/mL,共分离出8株可培养细菌,其中枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)6株,泛菌属(Pantoea spp.)及丰年芽孢杆菌(Bacillus toyonensis)各1株;安徽小曲pH值为5.60,含水量为12.33%,密度为0.84 g/mL,共分离出5株可培养细菌,其中植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)3株,埃希氏菌属(Escherichia spp.)及枯草芽孢杆菌(B. subtilis)各1株;四川小曲pH值为5.59,含水量为9.41%,密度为0.92 g/mL,共分离出7株可培养细菌,其中枯草芽孢杆菌(B. subtilis)2株,B. toyonensis、普城沙雷氏杆菌(Serratia plymuthica)、炭疽芽孢杆菌(Bacillus anthracis)、蜡状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)及Burkholderia fungorum各1株。不同地区小曲中可培养细菌种类差异较大,但3种小曲均有芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus sp.)细菌。  相似文献   

Using nine primer pairs, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was conducted to characterize industrial, laboratory and type strains of Saccharomyces sensu stricto. S. cerevisiae, S. bayanus, S. carlsbergensis and S. paradoxus had species-specific AFLP profiles, with some variations among the strains. Nineteen wine, ale, bakery, whisky and laboratory strains of S. cerevisiae were differentiated by two primer pairs, while out of 19 strains of sake yeast, two groups consisting of two and eight strains were not differentiated using nine primer pairs. A phenogram of 41 strains of S. cerevisiae, two strains of S. bayanus, the type strain of S. pastorianus, three strains of S. carlsbergensis, one hybrid strain of S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus and the type strain of S. paradoxus was obtained by the unweighted pair group method, using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) based on the percentage of shared AFLP fragments of each sample pair. This phenogram demonstrated clear separations of S. cerevisiae, S. bayanus, S. carlsbergensis and S. paradoxus. However, S. pastorianus ATCC 12752(T) showed the highest percentages of shared fragments with the strains of S. bayanus, and formed a cluster with them. Except for the type strain of S. pastorianus, the percentages of shared fragments showed a similar tendency with reported data of DNA relatedness. The cluster of S. cerevisiae separated into three subclusters: one consisting of sake and shochu strains and a whisky strain; another consisting of bakery, wine, ale and whisky strains; and a third consisting of laboratory strains.  相似文献   

Functional foods are the focus of attraction for well-being. The healthy living of Asians may be attributed to a diet enriched with soy isoflavones viz. genistein and daidzein which fills the gap of proteinaceous diet in vegetarians. Several factors, such as administration, dosage, metabolism, ingestion of other pharmacological substances, type of estrogen receptors, and presence or absence of endogenous estrogen, affect the activities and bioavailability of isoflavones. The mode of therapeutic action could be either through the stimulation of estrogen receptors or by the non-involvement of estrogen receptors. Soy, due to its isoflavones content, serves as a balanced and remedial substitute in combating various lifestyle disorders, like cancer prevention, by interruption of the breakdown of extracellular matrix that surrounds growing vessels and tumors, lowering of lipid and blood insulin levels by regulating lipid and glucose metabolism, alleviation of menopausal symptoms, and osteoprotective effects by modulating estrogen receptors, thus acting as a safer switch to hormone replacement therapy, anti-hypertensive effect which may also contribute to cardioprotective, anti-oxidative effect, regulation of cognitive functions, and many others. Therefore, it could be regarded as a valuable therapeutics. However, since soy isoflavones also act as endocrine disruptors, they also possess some negative effects. Concerns have been raised in relation to thyroid function abnormality. In view of the previously mentioned facts an attempt has been made to review the literature available on both beneficial as well as deleterious role of isoflavones, soy derived bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the textural properties of processing tomatoes is crucial to ensuing product acceptability; measurement, control, and optimization of these properties through judicious selection of varieties and control of unit operations results in products that the consumer prefers. It is important to first define the terms texture, rheology, consistency, and viscosity prior to discussing principles of their measurement. The textural properties of processing tomatoes may be measured using both sensory and objective tests, and the latter may be either destructive or nondestructive in nature. The unique anatomy of tomato fruit (peel, pericarp, columella, and locules) in part dictates the method of texture measurement. Numerous factors, including variety, maturity, genetic modification, cultural particles, and environmental conditions, processing conditions, and calcium addition affect the textural integrity of tomatoes. Textural properties of raw tomatoes and most processed tomato products are reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

为解决苎麻氧化脱胶中纤维容易被过度氧化而性能受损的问题,在氧化脱胶液中添加了具有纤维素和半纤维素保护效果的试剂 1,8-二羟基蒽醌(丹蒽醌),并通过调节1,8-二羟基蒽醌的用量实现了对苎麻纤维理化性能(强伸性能、聚合度、半纤维素含量、制成率等)的调控。结果表明,1,8-二羟基蒽醌用量越高,纤维中半纤维素含量、制成率越高;但纤维强伸性能随1,8-二羟基蒽醌含量先升高后降低;当1,8-二羟基蒽醌的用量为2 %时,脱胶的综合效果最佳,此时纤维的断裂功、聚合度、半纤维素含量、制成率比不使用1,8-二羟基蒽醌时分别提高了41.0%、2.0%、17.3%、7.0%;此外,使用1,8-二羟基蒽醌后,脱胶废水的COD值降低了40%,大幅度提高了氧化脱胶工艺的环保性。  相似文献   

Food oral processing—A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Food oral processing is an essential procedure not only for the consumption and digestion of foods but also for the appreciation and pleasure of food texture and food flavour. The consumption of a food inside mouth involves various oral operations, including first bite, chewing and mastication, transportation, bolus formation, swallowing, etc. Exact mechanisms and governing principles of these oral operations are still not fully understood, despite of continuous efforts made by scientists from food, psychology, physiology, dental and clinical studies, and other disciplines. This article reviews recent progresses and literature findings about food processing and transformation in mouth, with particular attention on the physiology and rheology aspects of oral operations. The physiological behaviour of human's oral device is discussed in terms of biting capability, tongue movement, saliva production and incorporation, and swallowing. The complexity of oral processing is analysed in relation to the rheology and mechanical properties of foods. The swallowing and oral clearing process is also examined for its criteria, triggering mechanism, bolus deformation, and the rheology of swallowing.  相似文献   

Sample contamination as a consequence of abrasion of grinding tools during the homogenization of food materials to be analysed for trace elements was addressed. The possible release of 15 trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sn, V, Zn) from six different grinding and milling devices, operating either continuously or discontinuously, was evaluated. All the devices were commercially available and were representative of models usually employed in food and agricultural laboratories. Wheat grains belonging to one soft and one durum cultivar were used as test material. The determination of the analyte concentrations in subsamples submitted to the different preparation treatments was performed by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (Q-ICPMS). Accordingly, a suitable digestion method was developed and the ArC+ interference affecting Cr determination was evaluated and corrected. Statistical differences with respect to the control were detected for 10 elements (Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb) and in most cases contamination of the samples was traced back to the composition of the grinding equipment. None of the investigated devices was contamination-free with respect to all of the quantified elements. Abrasion of the grinding tools was higher with durum wheat than with soft wheat as a consequence of their different hardness.  相似文献   

Epidemiological and clinical studies suggest that the additive/synergistic effects of several bioactive compounds are responsible for the health benefits of rice. Among the leading contenders are phenolic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, tocotrienols, tocopherols, λ-oryzanol, and phytic acid, which all possess strong antioxidant activities in vitro. In this review, data related to health effects of rice antioxidants using cultured cells, rodents and humans models are first summarized. The evidence is strong that consumption of rice tocotrienols translates into improved health outcomes. Current research, however, does not strongly support the health-promoting effects of rice tocopherols and phenolic acids. The crucial limitations in studies using rice flavonoids, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, λ-oryzanol and phytic acid appear to be the appropriateness of the substance tested (i.e., purity), and the scarcity of animal and human interventions. In a second part, rice antioxidants are reviewed with an emphasis on their composition and contents. Taking into account the bioavailability of these compounds, it is evident that a number of factors affect the antioxidant composition of rice, making it difficult to estimate dietary intake. Before harvest, factors including soil type, atmospheric CO2, chemical inputs, temperature, and degree of ripening are important. After harvest, rice is subjected to processing methods that include drying, parboiling, storage, irradiation, milling, stabilization, soaking, germination, fermentation, boiling, steaming, roasting, baking, and extrusion. Quantitative knowledge about the effects of these processes is summarized in this review. Surprisingly, a high level of agreement was found among study results, which could be useful in manipulating the growing and processing techniques of rice grains to facilitate efficient and safe consumption of antioxidant compounds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of various parameters, that is, concentration of salt solution (2%, 3%, 4%[w/v]), boiling time (3, 5, 7 min), drying air temperature (80, 100, 120 °C), and size of shrimp, on the kinetics of drying and various quality attributes of shrimp, namely, shrinkage, rehydration ability, texture, colors, and microstructure, during drying in a jet-spouted bed dryer. In addition, the effects of these processing parameters on the sensory attributes of dried shrimp were also investigated. Small shrimp (350 to 360 shrimp/kg) and large shrimp (150 to 160 shrimp/kg) were boiled and then dried until their moisture content was around 25% (d.b.). It was found that the degree of color changes, toughness, and shrinkage of shrimp increased while the rehydration ability decreased with an increase in the concentration of salt solution and boiling time. Size of shrimp and drying temperature significantly affected all quality attributes of dried shrimp. The conditions that gave the highest hedonic scores of sensory evaluation for small dried shrimp are the concentration of salt solution of 2% (w/v), boiling time of 7 min, and drying air temperature of 120 °C. On the other hand, the conditions that gave the highest hedonic scores of sensory evaluation for large dried shrimp are the concentration of salt solution of 4% (w/v), boiling time of 7 min, and drying air temperature of 100 °C. The quality attributes of dried shrimp measured by instruments correlated well with the sensory attributes, especially the color of dried shrimp.  相似文献   

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