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通过探讨转速、分散液浓度、分散时间和分散剂用量等对微米SiO2和纳米SiO2分散效果的影响,得出分散液浓度是影响分散效果的最重要因素,微米二氧化硅分散液的稳定性要明显优于纳米二氧化硅分散液。微米二氧化硅的适宜分散浓度为15%,合理的存放时间为不超过2h;纳米二氧化硅适宜的分散浓度为1O%,合理的存放时间为不超过1h。  相似文献   

谢峥  唐昱 《印染》2004,30(10):48-49
聚乳酸织物采用C.I.分散红82、分散蓝79、分散黄42、分散黄86和分散蓝56,在110℃,pH值5、6、7、8条件下进行染色,以确定合适的染浴pH值。染色pH值对PLA织物分散染料颜色深度的影响见图4。  相似文献   

分散松香胶在造纸厂的制备与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分散松香胶在造纸厂的制备与应用山东省造纸工业研究设计院250100关键词分散松香胶造纸厂自制高温常压法生产工艺造纸施胶剂近年发展很快,象AKD、ASA、分散松香胶、阳离子分散松香胶等,但应用量最大的还是松香系列,由皂化松香、强化松香发展到现在的分散松...  相似文献   

分散剂对颜料分散液流变特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分散剂是加工纸涂料调制必不可少的成分。本文采用六偏磷酸钠和聚丙烯酸钠作为分散剂,分别对瓷土和碳酸钙分散液进行了分散剂用量和分散液流变性的研究。随着分散剂用量加大,分散液粘度降低,并最终达到最佳分散状态。处于最佳分散状态的白色颜料分散液是一种假塑性流体,分散液粘度和剪切速率及分散液固含量三者关系可用函数式表达。  相似文献   

介绍了为解决分散黄SE-4RL替代分散黄RGFL后与分散红3B和分散黄RGFL拼色染涤棉混纺织物存在着染色色光稳定性差和左中右色差出现频繁的问题,采用了分散红SE-2BL替代分散红3B,并经过工艺试验解决了上述问题,结果表明分散红SE-2BL完全可以替代分散红3B。  相似文献   

采用三种分散剂对炭黑进行直接分散制备炭黑分散液,讨论了分散剂和炭黑质量分数,以及球磨时间对炭黑分散液稳定性的影响;采用弛豫反演的核磁共振波谱判断炭黑分散液中氢质子的横向弛豫时间,讨论炭黑分散体中炭黑粒子与水的相互作用,并测试炭黑分散液的稳定性和流变性。结果表明,制备的三种炭黑分散液经过工艺优化,在-20℃和60℃条件下的粒径为110~182 nm,黏度为1.4~2.2 mPa·s,具备良好的粒度和黏度稳定性;由氢质子弛豫谱分析得知,水基炭黑分散液中,水主要以结合水的状态存在;由高分子聚合物DISPERBYK-190作为分散剂,制备的炭黑分散液分散效果最好。  相似文献   

朱勇 《造纸化学品》1998,10(4):22-23
1概论分散松香胶是松香和马来松香(一种强化松香)经分散剂作用分散在水中的非均相浊液,属亚稳态体系。在这个体系中,松香以固体状微粒分散在水中,微粒线度在0.1~0.2μm左右,所以可把它归为悬浊液。分散松香胶依据所用分散剂类型,又可分为阴离子分散松香胶和阳离子分散松香胶二大类,国内目前以阴离子分散松香胶为主,本文所讨论的为阴离子型分散松香胶(以下简称分散松香胶)。分散松香胶主要用作纸浆内施胶剂,它与皂化松香胶比较,在达到同样施胶度时,前者干松香用量比后者可减少30%左右,成品纸张白度也较后者有所提高。前者之…  相似文献   

郝登伟 《现代家电》2005,(10):13-15
二、业务经营风险 1、资产、业务和人员分散导致的管理风险 随着家电连锁企业经营规模的不断扩大,其资产、业务和人员逐渐分散的特征越发明显,这种分散的特征对企业的采购供应环节、零售终端的销售环节和物流配送服务环节提出了更高的要求,从而企业面临着资产、业务和人员分散引发的管理和控制风险。  相似文献   

造纸工业用涂料高岭土分散制浆工艺的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文针对膏状高岭土不易分散及分散过程中出现增稠现象,叙述了三种不同分散剂的化学特性、分散机理,操作工艺和条件及成本对比,对涂料制备厂家具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

孙飞  许海育 《印染助剂》2006,23(10):37-39
研究了不同分散剂在不同条件下对纳米二氧化钛粉体在整理液中分散稳定性的影响,采用分散相的沉降高度和分散体系中粒子的粒度分布进行评价,结果表明:六偏磷酸钠、硅酸钠、NK-1是纳米二氧化钛粉体较好的分散剂.通过测定分散相在分散递质中的Zeta电位,分析了分散剂的分散机理,说明六偏磷酸钠和硅酸钠可显著提高整理液中二氧化钛颗粒表面Zeta电位的绝对值,NK-1在纳米二氧化钛颗粒表面形成良好的溶剂化层,使纳米二氧化钛颗粒在水溶液中获得优良的分散稳定性.  相似文献   

Influence of pectin modification on water binding properties   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water can be bound to food components and products as non-freezing, freezing-bound and free water. The interactions are crucial for any application as well as for food consumption and digestion. DSC was applied to examine the amounts of the different types of water bound to pectin, a biomacromolecule that is used as gelling and stabilising agent in many food products. One commercial high-methoxylated citrus pectin and three modified samples, prepared by acidic and alkaline demethoxylation as well as amidation, were tested. The water content of dry samples depended mainly on the molecular parameters, especially the content of hydrophilic groups at the galacturonic acid that was increased by demethoxylation and amidation, as well as on monovalent cations of the pectins. The water–pectin interactions of wetted materials were additionally influenced strongly by the availability of hydrophilic groups that depended on material properties such as amorphous or crystalline state, powder bulk and solid density and porosity as well as particle size, surface and porosity. Small amorphous porous particles, whose polar groups were rapidly available without prior softening and swelling, accelerated water uptake. Non-freezing and freezing-bound water, bound closely to the pectin molecules, depended on the number and type of polar groups. Free water, bound in micro- and macro-capillaries as well as voids within and between the pectin particles, was influenced by hydrophilic as well as hydrophobic groups of the samples. There was a strong impact of the pre-treatment during processing and modification.  相似文献   

Bacillus probiotics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bacterial spore formers are being used as probiotic supplements for use in animal feeds, for human dietary supplements as well as in registered medicines. Their heat stability and ability to survive the gastric barrier makes them attractive as food additives and this use is now being taken forward. While often considered soil organisms this conception is misplaced and Bacilli should be considered as gut commensals. This review summarises the current use of Bacillus species as probiotics, their safety, mode of action as well as their commercial applications.  相似文献   

基于中国传统医学"天人合一""四季养生"的理念,研究选用药食同源的原料,结合秋季燥邪当令的特点,以感官评分为指标,研制一款适合秋季调理的天然草本养生饼。采用单因素及正交试验确定并优化了秋季草本养生饼配方:馅以板栗仁质量为基准,加入山药9%,百合2%,藕粉4%,木糖醇20%,混合油(玉米油:黄油为1:1)10%;皮以白芸豆质量为基准,加入21%的混合粉(低筋面粉:乳粉为1:1),24%木糖醇,14%混合油(玉米油:黄油为1:1)。动物实验结果显示:原料提取液能显著降低高血脂小鼠血清中总胆固醇、甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白含量(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

松香胺作功能单体阳离子无皂苯丙乳液表面施胶剂的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以丙烯腈改性淀粉作分散剂,苯乙烯(St)为硬单体,丙烯酸丁酯(BA)为软单体,松香胺(RA)为功能单体,甲基丙烯酸二甲基氨基乙酯(DM)为阳离子单体,丙烯酰胺(AM)为交联单体,过硫酸钾(K2S2O6)为引发剂,采用无皂乳液聚合技术合成了一种阳离子苯丙乳液表面施胶剂,并对施胶纸张各种性能做了测试。最佳合成工艺是:m(St)/m(BA)=2.5,w(RA)=0.5%,w(DM)=0.9%,w(AM)=0.4%,w(K2S2O8)=0.5%,m(单体)/m(淀粉)=2。  相似文献   

生态织物整理剂--聚醚/氨基硅油的性能研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以聚醚/氨基硅油中的哌嗪基聚醚硅油PEAS-1为例,对其性能与氨乙基氨丙基硅油ASO-1、羧基硅油CAS-2、聚醚/环氧硅油CGF。进行了比较研究.结果表明:PEAS-1能与阴离子树脂、助剂配伍使用,柔软效果虽然不及ASO-1好,但能赋予织物理想的吸湿性、抗静电性能和耐洗性.PEAS-1整理的织物.经0.5%的汰渍洗衣粉-水洗涤10次后,静态吸水时间仍可达到3s56,而且室温放置多日吸湿性变化不大.  相似文献   

Almond fruit consists of three or correctly four portions: kernel or meat, middle shell, outer green shell cover or almond hull and a thin leathery layer known as brown skin of meat or seedcoat. The nutritional importance of almond fruit is related to its kernel. Other parts of fruit such as shells and hulls were used as livestock feed and burned as fuel. In the past decades, different phenolic compounds were characterised and identified in almond seed extract and its skin, shell and hull as almond by-products. In addition, polyphenols are abundant micronutrients in the human diet, and evidence for their role in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases is emerging. The health effects of polyphenols depend on the amount consumed and on their bioavailability. In this contribution, various phenolic compounds present in almond and its by-products, their antioxidant properties and potential use as natural dietary antioxidant, as well as their other beneficial compounds and applications are reviewed.  相似文献   

吴军玲  金佳 《印染》2009,35(15)
超支化聚合物具有特殊的结构和性能.其包含大量的枝化结构,可提高溶解度;其大量的链端官能团.可提高反应性.因此,超支化聚合物在纺织印染行业中的研究和应用受到广泛关注,如超支化聚合物可作为双氧水漂白稳定剂,在涂料染色和印花中作为黏合剂,与聚丙烯共混纺丝改善其可染性,对棉、麻、真丝等天然纤维改性以实现无盐染色,对纤维表面进行功能性后整理,以及利用其絮凝和螯合作用而用于印染废水处理等.  相似文献   

活性染料冷轧堆染色工艺   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
王永武 《印染》2006,32(7):18-20
对活性染料冷轧堆染色工艺的主要问题,如染料的选择、工艺控制、存在问题及解决方法等,并结合生产,对缩小大小样差异等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于稳健设计理论的平面机构优化设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
刘文军  陶薇 《轻工机械》2009,27(2):53-55
运用稳健设计理论,以连杆机构的几何参数为设计变量,以满足曲柄摇杆机构及传动角条件为约束。以再现轨迹精度最佳为目标函数。同时考虑连杆件制造精度对轨迹精度的影响。采用蒙特卡罗法采样和多目标遗传算法对机构进行稳健优化设计。计算结果表明:该方法更符合实际情况,且当设计变量发生变异时,能有效保证机构的运动轨迹精度。  相似文献   

Epidemiological reports as well as experimental studies have demonstrated the significant health benefits provided by regular berry consumption. Berries possess both prophylactic and therapeutic potential against several chronic illnesses, such as cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, and neoplastic diseases. Berries owe their health benefits to phytoconstituents, such as polyphenolic anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and a diverse array of phytochemicals bestowed with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects as well as the ability to engage a multitude of signaling pathways. This review highlights the principal chemical constituents present in berries and their primary molecular targets. The article presents and critically analyzes the chemopreventive and therapeutic potential of berry extracts, fractions, and bioactive components on various cancers of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), including esophageal, stomach, intestinal, and colorectal cancers as well as cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract, such as oral cancer. The current status of clinical studies evaluating berry products in several aforementioned cancers is presented. Various emerging issues including dose-ranging and dosage forms, the role of synergy and the usage of combination therapy as well as other relevant areas essential for the development of berry phytoconstituents as mainstream chemopreventive and therapeutic agents against aerodigestive and GIT cancers are critically discussed.  相似文献   

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