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中国谷物真菌毒素污染研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谷物易受多种真菌毒素污染且消费量巨大,是人畜真菌毒素的主要摄入来源。本文统计了2009年至今关于我国谷物中真菌毒素污染的研究报道,发现国内的研究大多集中在水稻、小麦和玉米,而杂粮作物少之又少。其中,水稻受真菌毒素污染情况较轻;小麦主要受镰刀菌毒素污染,尤其是脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇和玉米赤霉烯酮;玉米则易感染多种真菌毒素。此外,小杂粮薏米、燕麦、谷子和高粱也有不同程度的污染。为明确谷物质量安全隐患,有效缓解谷物中真菌毒素的污染,我们应进一步加强对重要杂粮作物中真菌毒素的监管力度,建立更全面的真菌毒素筛查方法,建设真菌毒素防控标准化体系,强化农民对真菌毒素防控的意识与技术。  相似文献   

玉米油因其营养价值高而倍受消费者的青睐,但玉米油在加工过程中真菌毒素污染带来的质量安全风险隐患也是当前关注的焦点。随着真菌毒素新的阻控技术工艺研究的不断深入和应用,玉米油在加工过程中的真菌毒素控制也取得了显著效果。文章结合玉米油在加工过程中真菌毒素的污染特征和迁移变化规律,系统归纳了污染玉米油的主要真菌毒素种类和污染现状,以及国内外相关的法律法规和限量标准,并结合玉米油的加工技术工艺特点,重点阐述了国内外相关的去除技术工艺。旨在为我国玉米油加工过程中真菌毒素阻控新技术、新工艺的研发及应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

真菌毒素是由曲霉菌、青霉菌和镰刀菌等丝状真菌在适当的环境条件下产生的有毒次生代谢产物,是谷物、水果、坚果等食品中常见的污染物,可引起广泛的毒性效应,主要表现为致癌性、致突变性、肝毒性、肾毒性、免疫毒性、神经毒性、致畸性等,对人类和动物的健康构成威胁。近些年来,由于自然气候的改变及检测技术的创新发展,一些新出现的真菌毒素逐渐引起大家的广泛关注,如已报道的交链孢毒素、新兴镰刀菌毒素等。这些尚未得到监管,并且如何产生、浓度水平和毒理数据有限的真菌毒素被定义为“新兴”真菌毒素。本文综述了两大类12种新兴毒素的结构性质、检测分析技术进展及在食品中的污染状况,以期为真菌毒素污染的全面评估及防控提供思路。  相似文献   

脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)是最常见的一种污染粮食、饲料和食品的霉菌毒素之一,严重影响人和牲畜的健康。分析粮食从农田到餐桌的生产加工过程DON毒素的转移、降解规律,评价不同污染程度的粮食及其制品加工后的健康风险,及通过合理加工降低食品中毒素污染程度,成为保证粮食及其制品食用安全的重要方法。该文主要论述了国内外有关DON毒素在食品加工过程中的变化规律,为食品加工提供合理去除DON毒素方法并为完善食品中DON毒素的安全风险评估提供参考。  相似文献   

谷物水分活度及加工过程对于储藏期谷物的微生物安全性具有重要作用。本研究的目的是对稻谷和糙米接种高产毒黄曲霉菌孢子来模拟黄曲霉菌污染过程,比较不同储存水分活度(0.85、0.90、0.95)稻谷和糙米霉变过程中的呼吸速率(R)、干物质损失(DML)和黄曲霉毒素B1(AFB1)累积风险的差异。研究结果表明,霉变过程中稻谷和糙米的干物质损失和AFB1含量都随水分活度的增加而增加,但糙米中的干物质损失水平更大。所有接种过黄曲霉菌的样本中检测到的AFB1累积水平都高于欧盟立法限制的谷物及其制品中的AFB1水平(2 μg/kg),但在稻谷中只检测到了少量的AFB1累积,而糙米中检测到大量的AFB1累积污染。这些研究结果表明谷物等大宗商品中的霉菌毒素污染风险受到谷物是否加工的影响,另谷物呼吸速率(R)用于预测谷物霉变过程中真菌毒素累积的风险具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

食品中主要真菌毒素生物合成途径研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
真菌毒素是真菌重要的次生代谢产物。食品和饲料等农产品在收获、储藏、加工过程中广泛受其污染,造成品质下降、经济损失巨大,并严重威胁人身健康。本文对食品中5种常见真菌毒素(黄曲霉毒素、赭曲霉毒素、伏马菌素、玉米赤霉烯酮和脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇)的生物合成途径分别进行阐释。采用克隆基因的传统分子生物学方法和基因组测序的现代测序技术研究发现,真菌毒素的生物合成基因大多成簇存在,该簇中包含控制合成基因表达的调控基因,并受多种应对外部环境的调控基因所控制。因此本文还结合5种真菌毒素的生物合成基因簇及其基因功能进行综合解析。真菌毒素生物合成的研究将为食品和饲料等农产品的防控、预警以及脱毒提供理论基础和指导方向。  相似文献   

腌腊肉制品在加工和贮藏过程中容易受到真菌的污染,部分丝状真菌在一定条件下能够代谢产生真菌毒素,使肉制品存在毒素污染的安全风险,严重威胁人体健康。本文对腌腊肉制品真菌毒素的来源、种类(包括黄曲霉毒素、赭曲霉毒素A、桔青霉素和环匹阿尼酸等)及危害进行了简述,调查了国内外腌腊肉制品真菌毒素污染的现状,并对腌腊肉制品中真菌毒素的防控措施进行了综述,以期为腌腊肉制品的安全生产提供参考。  相似文献   

茶叶在国内外有着广泛的消费基础,对人体有益作用明显,但生产加工过程中茶园管理、鲜叶采摘、茶叶加工、流通和储存不当易造成真菌毒素污染,影响茶叶品质及消费者健康。开展茶叶真菌毒素风险评估研究及控制对于促进茶叶产业健康持续发展有重要意义,研究显示通过饮用茶叶摄入真菌毒素健康风险较低。本文综述了茶叶中真菌毒素污染来源、危害、安全限值设置及防控措施,重点对茶叶中真菌毒素检测方法、迁移溶出规律、常用暴露评估方法和风险描述进行归纳梳理。在此基础上,分析茶叶真菌毒素暴露风险评估存在的问题,对其研究方向进行展望,以期为茶叶中真菌毒素的评估和污染控制领域后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

小麦是全球三大谷物之一。由镰刀菌引起的小麦赤霉病是我国最主要的小麦病害之一,能造成小麦严重减产、品质下降,而且镰刀菌还能产生多种真菌毒素,进一步危害小麦及其制品的质量安全,其中,呕吐毒素(deoxynivalenol, DON)是小麦中检出率最高、危害最严重的真菌毒素之一,已成为关系小麦及其制品食用安全的重要问题。DON在小麦等谷物及其制品中的污染和防控是全球面临的严峻挑战,对DON进行定期检测和污染分析,研究高效、安全的降解技术,确保消费者安全,已成为目前世界各国政府和公众广泛关注和高度重视的热点问题。本文综述了DON的理化性质及毒性、影响产生的因素、污染现状及防控与脱毒方面的研究进展情况,以期为小麦中DON的风险评估及防控策略的制定提供有利参考。  相似文献   

真菌侵染是造成水果腐烂和水果及其制品中真菌毒素残留的根本原因。全球由于真菌侵染而腐烂的水果损失约占新鲜水果的20%~30%,而真菌毒素也成为危害人体健康的潜在风险。本文首先综述了水果制品中常见的6种真菌毒素的来源、稳定性及毒性,包括展青霉素、赭曲霉毒素A、黄曲霉毒素B1、交链孢酚、交链孢酚单甲醚、细交链孢菌酮酸、赭曲霉毒素A和黄曲霉毒素B1展青霉素,并分析了各种真菌毒素在不同种类水果制品中的污染状况。其次,重点从控制霉菌生长、产毒和毒素消减3个层面,综述了目前在水果采前、采后和加工3个环节真菌毒素的防控措施,并提出真菌毒素防控领域尚需进一步开展的研究,明确安全、无污染和精准的绿色防控手段为防控真菌毒素污染的发展方向,采取传统控制手段结合生物防控等新技术有望实现对真菌毒素的有效控制。  相似文献   

霉菌毒素是一种由霉菌产生且广泛存在于食物的有毒次级代谢产物,是膳食质量安全的重要危险因子之一,严重威胁了人类和动物的健康。本文主要对亚洲和欧美地区中几种主要的霉菌毒素毒性及暴露量进行系统的论述,指出亚洲地区膳食中黄曲霉毒素、赭曲霉毒素、脱氧雪腐镰刀烯醇均可能存在风险;欧美地区为黄曲霉毒素和脱氧雪腐镰刀烯醇。亚洲和欧美地区膳食中黄曲霉毒素及脱氧雪腐镰刀烯醇应该重点关注。通过对比发现欧美地区霉菌毒素暴露的风险小于亚洲。  相似文献   

Wheat is fundamental to human civilization and has played an outstanding role in feeding a hungry world and improving global food security. The crop contributes about 20 % of the total dietary calories and proteins worldwide. Food demand in the developing regions is growing by 1 % annually and varies from 170 kg in Central Asia to 27 kg in East and South Africa. The developing regions (including China and Central Asia) account for roughly 53 % of the total harvested area and 50 % of the production. Unprecedented productivity growth from the Green Revolution (GR) since the 1960s dramatically transformed world wheat production, benefitting both producers and consumers through low production costs and low food prices. Modern wheat varieties were adopted more rapidly than any other technological innovation in the history of agriculture, recently reaching about 90 % of the area in developing regions. One of the key challenges today is to replace these varieties with new ones for better sustainability. While the GR “spared” essential ecosystems from conversion to agriculture, it also generated its own environmental problems. Also productivity increase is now slow or static. Achieving the productivity gains needed to ensure food security will therefore require more than a repeat performance of the GR of the past. Future demand will need to be achieved through sustainable intensification that combines better crop resistance to diseases and pests, adaptation to warmer climates, and reduced use of water, fertilizer, labor and fuel. Meeting these challenges will require concerted efforts in research and innovation to develop and deploy viable solutions. Substantive investment will be required to realize sustainable productivity growth through better technologies and policy and institutional innovations that facilitate farmer adoption and adaptation. The enduring lessons from the GR and the recent efforts for sustainable intensification of cereal systems in South Asia and other regions provide useful insights for the future.  相似文献   

The overarching challenges of mycotoxin contamination in food necessitate the development of strategies to be implemented to combat their effects thereof. Common processing techniques have been utilised but do not necessarily meet the desired efficacy. This review appraises studies on novel non-thermal food processing techniques, particularly high pressure processing, pulsed electric filed, cold plasma and ultrasound processing for the decontamination of mycotoxins in food. Although available studies on these techniques have suggested a reduction of mycotoxins and in some instances, complete decontamination of mycotoxins was also reported. The mechanisms by which reduction/elimination occurs include through decomposition of toxins after collision with ions/electrons leading to cleavage of bonds, structural degradation of the mycotoxins structure and cleavage of functional groups. Additional studies into the toxicity of degraded products and the composition of the food products are still required to ensure a more widespread adoption of these techniques to enhance food safety.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins contamination in cereal‐based food is ubiquitous according to systematic review of the scientific documentation of worldwide mycotoxin contamination in cereal and their products between 2008 and 2018, thus representing food safety issue especially in developing tropical countries. Food processing plays a vital role to prevent mycotoxin contamination in food. Therefore, it is with great urgency to develop strategies to inhibit fungi growth and mycotoxin production during food processing. This review begins by discussing physicochemical properties of five most common mycotoxins (aflatoxins, fumonisins, ochratoxins, deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone) found in cereal grains, regulation for mycotoxins in food, and their potential negative impact on human health. The fate of mycotoxins during major cereal‐based food processing including milling, breadmaking, extrusion, malting, and brewing was then summarized. In the end, traditional mitigation strategies including physical and chemical and potential application of biocontrol agent and essential oil nanoemulsions that can be applied during food processing were discussed. It indicated that no single method is currently available to completely prevent mycotoxin contamination in cereal foods.  相似文献   

Mycotoxin-producing fungi are a significant source of crop and food contamination, posing a significant threat to global food safety and security. Essential oils, plant extracts and phytochemicals have emerged as green preservatives to extend the shelf-life of foods due to their unique antimicrobial properties. Unlike conventional synthetic preservatives, they are a sustainable and safe way to preserve food with no or little harmful effects on the environment. Use of nanoformulations containing essential oils and phytochemicals offer enormous potential as a mitigation strategy to lower mycotoxin contamination incidences in food and crop with enhanced release behaviour to efficiently transport them to the target location for a rapid reaction without much impact from environmental variables. Hence, this review overviews various essential oils and phytochemicals utilized through nanoformulations to control the mycotoxigenic fungi, probable mechanism of actions involved as well as emerging mycotoxins and associated safety concerns to ensure food sustainability.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the level of acrylamide from coffee, potato chips and French fries in Romanian food. According to the European Food Safety Authority, coffee beans, potato chips and French fries have the highest levels of acrylamide. For this survey, 50 samples of coffee beans, 50 samples of potato chips and 25 samples of French fries were purchased from different producers from the Romanian market. Acrylamide levels have been quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) method, using water as mobile phase. Health risk assessment was achieved by computing the average daily intake, hazard quotient, cumulative risk, carcinogenic risk and cancer risk. For coffee, potato chips and French fries, acrylamide was not shown to pose a health risk in Romanian food.  相似文献   

优化和稳定产业链供应链是保障经济发展必须具备的重要措施.优化食品产业链供应链,稳定食品制造和保障体系,是战胜新冠疫情、保证经济可持续发展、稳定我国制造业优势的基础和前提.介绍了产业链和供应链的概念和相互关系;讨论了在新冠病毒疫情防控常态化背景下,如何优化和稳定食品产业链供应链,控制食品产业链供应链传播新冠病毒的风险;提...  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by moulds in food that are considered a substantial issue in the context of food safety, due to their acute and chronic toxic effects on animals and humans. Therefore, new accurate methods for their identification and quantification are constantly developed in order to increase the performance of extraction, improve the accuracy of identification and reduce the limit of detection. At the same time, several industrial practices have shown the ability to reduce the level of mycotoxin contamination in food. In particular, a decrease in the amount of mycotoxins could result from standard processes naturally used for food processing or by procedures strategically introduced during processing, with the specific aim of reducing the amount of mycotoxins. In this review, the current methods adopted for accurate analyses of mycotoxins in cereals (aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, fumonisins) are discussed. In addition, both conventional and innovative strategies adopted to obtain safer finished products from common cereals intended for human consumption will be explored and analysed. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(12):9297-9326
Ruminant livestock are an important source of anthropogenic methane (CH4). Decreasing the emissions of enteric CH4 from ruminant production is strategic to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5°C by 2050. Research in the area of enteric CH4 mitigation has grown exponentially in the last 2 decades, with various strategies for enteric CH4 abatement being investigated: production intensification, dietary manipulation (including supplementation and processing of concentrates and lipids, and management of forage and pastures), rumen manipulation (supplementation of ionophores, 3-nitrooxypropanol, macroalgae, alternative electron acceptors, and phytochemicals), and selection of low-CH4-producing animals. Other enteric CH4 mitigation strategies are at earlier stages of research but rapidly developing. Herein, we discuss and analyze the current status of available enteric CH4 mitigation strategies with an emphasis on opportunities and barriers to their implementation in confined and partial grazing production systems, and in extensive and fully grazing production systems. For each enteric CH4 mitigation strategy, we discuss its effectiveness to decrease total CH4 emissions and emissions on a per animal product basis, safety issues, impacts on the emissions of other greenhouse gases, as well as other economic, regulatory, and societal aspects that are key to implementation. Most research has been conducted with confined animals, and considerably more research is needed to develop, adapt, and evaluate antimethanogenic strategies for grazing systems. In general, few options are currently available for extensive production systems without feed supplementation. Continuous research and development are needed to develop enteric CH4 mitigation strategies that are locally applicable. Information is needed to calculate carbon footprints of interventions on a regional basis to evaluate the impact of mitigation strategies on net greenhouse gas emissions. Economically affordable enteric CH4 mitigation solutions are urgently needed. Successful implementation of safe and effective antimethanogenic strategies will also require delivery mechanisms and adequate technical support for producers, as well as consumer involvement and acceptance. The most appropriate metrics should be used in quantifying the overall climate outcomes associated with mitigation of enteric CH4 emissions. A holistic approach is required, and buy-in is needed at all levels of the supply chain.  相似文献   

A number of countries are setting legislations on mycotoxins. In order to reduce dispute between importing and exporting countries, the analytical data should be as comparable as possible, especially when levels are close to the regulatory limits. The present trend in the analysis of mycotoxins is to use immunoaffinity column (IAC) as a clean-up and enrichment technique, and Association of Official Analytical Chemists and European Union have validated methods which address a few food commodities. This study describes our experience using both conventional and IAC approaches in the analysis of three mycotoxins. Aflatoxins (AFs): Aflatoxin G1 has been detected by liquid-liquid partitioning methods with HPLC detection as false-positive in some maize. On IACs, this compound behaves as an AF, lowering the amount of the AFs trapped. The problem was solved using either TLC or HPLC with detection in the Kobra cell. Depending on the additives to food during the processing and cooking, the AFs might appear as an opened ring not recognised by the antibody. Fumonisins (FB): Compounds interfering with the FB's antibodies were also observed while analysing breakfast cereals leading to underestimation of FB. Ochratoxin A (OTA): Depending on the food composition and extraction techniques, OTA is underestimated with IAC in some breakfast cereals and coffee. These data strengthen the necessity to validate methods using IAC for each complex matrix.  相似文献   

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