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水牛乳蛋白质的组成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了摩拉水牛(M)、尼里-拉菲水牛(N)、一代杂交水牛(F1)、二代杂交水牛(F2)和高代杂交水牛(Fh)5个品代水牛的乳蛋白主要组分的相对百分比含量.同时分析了总氨基酸组成及钙、磷含量。结果表明,水牛乳蛋白的主要组分有:α-乳清蛋白(α-LA)、β-乳球蛋白(β-LG)、免疫球蛋白轻链(IgG—L)和重链(IgG—H)、αs1-酪蛋白(αs1-CN)、αs2-酪蛋白(αs2-CN),β-酪蛋白(β-CN)、κ-酪蛋白(κ—CN)、血清白蛋白(SA)和乳铁蛋白(LF)等;CN在水牛乳蛋白中占优势,与荷斯坦牛乳相比,水牛乳中CN的质量分数稍低,而且各品代水牛乳中的CN有显著性差异(P〈0.05);乳清蛋白中β-LG含量最高;杂交水牛乳蛋白高于纯种摩拉水牛和尼里一拉菲水牛,差异显著(P〈0.05):各品代水牛乳的氨基酸比例比较接近;不同品代水牛乳中钙、磷含量没有显著性差异。  相似文献   

Κ-酪蛋白基因多态性与牛乳加工性能的关联   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为比较不同κ-酪蛋白基因型牛乳在加工特性上的差异,采用流变仪等仪器检测不同基因型牛乳的流变性能、热稳定性、表面疏水性、抗氧化性及乳化性。研究结果表明这几种κ-酪蛋白基因型牛乳之间热稳定性、表面疏水性和抗氧化性没有显著差异,而κ-酪蛋白基因型AB和AA牛乳的流变性能显著好于AE和BE,且AE的乳化性能显著强于其它3种基因型的牛乳,这表明κ-酪蛋白基因多态性与乳品加工之间存在关联。  相似文献   

不同品种原料乳理化特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要分析荷斯坦牛、牦牛、娟珊牛、摩拉水牛、尼里-拉菲水牛、Ⅰ代杂交水牛、高代杂交水牛等7个品种的原料乳的常规营养成分,并对原料乳中蛋白质和氨基酸组成及牛乳缓冲能力进行测定。结果显示:摩拉水牛、尼里-拉菲水牛、Ⅰ代杂交水牛和高代杂交水牛的乳脂肪含量分别为6.86%、7.99%、8.34%、8.69%,蛋白质含量分别为5.75%、5.14%、5.78%、5.58%,干物质含量分别为17.07%、18.79%、19.73%、19.88%,显著高于其他3种牛乳;牦牛和娟珊牛乳中乳糖含量分别为5.09%、5.17%,显著高于其他5种牛乳。SDS-PAGE显示:水牛乳中除含有牛乳血清蛋白(BSA)、α-酪蛋白(α-CN)、β-酪蛋白(β-CN)、κ-酪蛋白(κ-CN)、β-乳球蛋白(β-Lg)和α-乳白蛋白(α-La)主要蛋白外,还含有一些未定性蛋白;且水牛乳具有最好的缓冲性能,其次是牦牛乳和娟珊牛乳,荷斯坦牛乳缓冲性能最差。  相似文献   

β-酪蛋白具有低温溶出的特性。本文通过低温微滤处理制备了β-酪蛋白脱除率为10、20、30%的牛乳,运用HPLC、场发射扫描电镜、流变仪以及激光共聚焦研究了这些牛乳的蛋白组分、酪蛋白胶束结构及凝乳性质变化。结果表明:脱脂乳与低温微滤处理得到的牛乳样品的脂肪含量,总钙含量及pH值无显著性差异,但总蛋白含量有显著性差异,其中κ-酪蛋白和αs2-酪蛋白浓度无差异,αs1-酪蛋白浓度有显著差异,但低温处理样品间αs1-酪蛋白浓度则无差异,β-酪蛋白及乳清蛋白浓度差异极显著,其浓度随处理时间增加显著减小。脱脂乳与牛乳样品均可形成致密的具有空隙的凝胶结构,且其酸凝乳及酶凝乳所表现的流变学变化趋势相似,但随着β-酪蛋白脱除率升高,表征凝乳块硬度的最大G''逐渐下降,凝胶结构逐渐变疏松,出现的孔隙则更大更多。  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱法检测牛乳中6种主要乳蛋白的多态性。奶样来自102头泌乳中国荷斯坦奶牛。研究发现,酪蛋白中αs2-酪蛋白存在A型和B型两种类型,β-酪蛋白存在A1,A2,B,C和F5种类型,κ-酪蛋白存在A/E型和B型两种类型,而αs1-酪蛋白仅有1种,未发现其多态性;乳清蛋白中,β-乳球蛋白存在多态性,有A,B和C3种类型,但未发现α-乳白蛋白的多态性。研究结果表明,在本试验条件下,中国荷斯坦奶牛乳中除αs1-酪蛋白和α-乳白蛋白外,αs2-酪蛋白、β-酪蛋白、κ-酪蛋白以及β-乳球蛋白均存在多态性,以β-酪蛋白类型最多。  相似文献   

牛乳蛋白过敏原改性的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对牛乳中的主要过敏原酪蛋白、β-乳球蛋白(β-LG)及α-乳白蛋白(α-LA)进行了介绍。重点论述了热处理、蛋白水解、糖基化作用和乳酸发酵等技术对乳蛋白过敏改性的研究现状,提出了牛乳中过敏蛋白原改性的研究方向。  相似文献   

采采用新鲜和复原的牛羊乳为原料,等电点沉淀,通过洗涤、干燥等步骤分别制得牛乳和羊乳酪蛋白,用凯氏定氮法对其进行定量检测,应用十二烷基硫酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS—PAGE)分析比较牛羊乳酪蛋白组分差异。结果表明:牛乳酪蛋白得率为86.75%,羊乳酪蛋白得率为90.55%,高含量的酪蛋白主要集中在电泳图谱的中分子量组,可分为ds,CN、as2-CN、β-CN和K—CN,牛羊乳as2-CN分子量羊乳大于牛乳,牛乳a-CN含量比较多,羊乳β—CN含量比较多,鲜乳与复原乳全蛋白主要组分在电泳图谱中除酪蛋白差别外,上端的高分子量组清蛋白区羊乳IgG重链的分子量比牛乳小。应用蛋白质电泳分析技术可以区分羊乳和牛乳的蛋白质组分,等电点沉淀法制备酪蛋白的方法简单,易于操作。  相似文献   

综述了乳蛋白基因多态性和检测方法以及其对乳品加工及人类营养影响的研究进展。酪蛋白的基因型较多,除了基因差异外,还有磷酸化水平与糖基化程度等其他影响因素。乳清蛋白部分,β-乳球蛋白(-βLG)的基因型较多,而α-乳白蛋白(-αLA)的基因型较少。乳蛋白基因多态性可从蛋白水平和基因水平两方面进行检测。乳蛋白基因型会显著影响乳的加工特性,包括热稳定性、凝乳性能及干酪的产率和品质。乳蛋白基因与人类营养息息相关,随着分子技术的发展,基因多态性的应用会更广,需进一步的研究来更好地描述多态性与乳品加工及营养之间的关系。  相似文献   

以水牛的乳蛋白多态性规律,κ-CN/A、α_(s2)-CN、κ-CN/B、α_(s1)-CN、β-CN、β-LgB、α-La在液相色谱中的分离特征和峰面积作为评价指标,对不同来源的水牛乳和荷斯坦牛乳建立指纹图谱快速区分鉴别水牛乳掺假。选择ZORBAX 300SB-C8(4.6 mm×150 mm,3.5μm)色谱柱;检测波长为215 nm;柱温:45℃;流速:0.5 mL/min;流动相:0.1%TFA水溶液:0.1%TFA乙腈进行梯度洗脱。结果:在精密度、重复性和稳定性实验中,分离出的κ-CN/A、α_(s2)-CN、κ-CN/B、α_(s1)-CN、β-CN、β-LgB、α-La峰面积相对标准偏差(RSD%)5%;根据水牛与荷斯坦蛋白多态性的差异,对乳蛋白进行分离后建立指纹图谱,通过相似性计算水牛乳和荷斯坦牛乳样品间的相似性均大于0.95,相关性高。通过指纹图谱对比发现特征峰,作为掺假标记,当荷斯坦牛乳掺入2%时可被检测到,在掺入5%~40%荷斯坦牛乳的范围内,相关系数大于0.99。该方法具有良好的重现性和专属性,能够得到样品间具有代表性的指纹图谱,能快速稳定地分析水牛乳中是否掺入荷斯坦奶源。  相似文献   

复原脱脂牛乳经德氏乳杆菌保加利亚亚种发酵至凝乳,然后在4℃下冷藏5d.用间接竞争ELISA法测定了其中β-酪蛋白(β-CN)的抗原残留量,并且对发酵样品的蛋白水解程度与滴定酸度进行了分析.结果表明,复原脱脂乳经90~95℃处理5min后,β-CN的抗原残留量为60.25%,发酵过程中其抗原残留量持续下降,凝乳时下降到55.46%,而冷藏1d后降到了最低值54.03%,随后又缓慢上升,冷藏3d后为55.87%,继续冷藏至5d,β-CN的抗原残留量基本没有变化,维持在55.5%与55.9%之间.因此采用德氏乳杆菌保加利亚亚种发酵能够在一定程度上降低牛乳中β-CN的抗原性,但是在冷藏5d的过程中其抗原性又有一定程度的升高.  相似文献   

Effects of milk protein polymorphism and composition, casein micelle size and salts distribution on the coagulation properties of milk from 99 Norwegian Red cattle (NRF) were studied. Genetic variants of αS1-casein (CN), β-CN, κ-CN and β-lactoglobulin (LG) affected rennet coagulation properties of milk. Significant effects of κ-CN and the composite genotype αS1-β-κ-CN were observed on acid coagulation properties. Relative concentrations of milk proteins were significantly affected by individual casein genotypes and the composite genotype of αS1-β-κ-CN while, the relative concentration of β-LG was only affected by β-LG genotypes. The salts distribution in milk and the concentration of milk proteins affected both rennet and acid coagulation properties. Milk protein genotypes associated with better rennet coagulation, impaired the acid coagulation properties. However, αS1-β-κ-CN BB-A1A2-BE and BB-A2A2-BB were associated with poor rennet and acid coagulation properties. Breeding programs should focus on decreasing these genotypes in NRF cattle.  相似文献   

A gel-based proteomic approach consisting of 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry was applied for detailed protein characterization of a subset of individual milk samples with extreme rennet coagulation properties. A milk subset with either good or poor coagulation abilities was selected from 892 Danish Holstein-Friesian and Jersey cows. Screening of genetic variants of the major milk proteins resulted in the identification of common genetic variants of β-casein (CN; A(1), A(2), B), κ-CN (A, B), and β-lactoglobulin (LG; A, B), as well as a low frequency variant, κ-CN variant E, and variants not previously reported in Danish breeds (i.e., β-CN variant I and β-LG variant C). Clear differences in the frequencies of the identified genetic variants were evident between breeds and, to some extent, between coagulation groups within breeds, indicating that an underlying genetic variation of the major milk proteins affects the overall milk coagulation ability. In milk with good coagulation ability, a high prevalence of the B variants of all 3 analyzed proteins were identified, whereas poorly coagulating milk was associated with the β-CN variant A(2), κ-CN variant A or E, and β-LG variant A or C. The β-CN variant I was identified in milk with both good and poor coagulation ability, a variant that has not usually been discriminated from β-CN variant A(2) in other studied cow populations. Additionally, a detailed characterization of κ-CN isoforms was conducted. Six κ-CN isoforms varying in phosphorylation and glycosylation levels from each of the genetic variants of κ-CN were separated and identified, along with an unmodified κ-CN form at low abundance. Relative quantification showed that around 95% of total κ-CN was phosphorylated with 1 or 2 phosphates attached, whereas approximately 35% of the identified κ-CN was glycosylated with 1 to 3 tetrasaccharides. Comparing isoforms from individual samples, we found a very consistent κ-CN isoform pattern, with only minor differences in relation to breed, κ-CN genetic variant, and milk coagulation ability.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported a very high frequency of noncoagulating milk in Swedish Red cows. The underlying factors are not fully understood. In this study, we explored rennet-induced coagulation properties and relative protein profiles in milk from native Swedish Mountain and Swedish Red Polled cows and compared them with a subset of noncoagulating (NC) and well-coagulating (WC) milk samples from modern Swedish Red cows. The native breeds displayed a very low prevalence of NC milk and superior milk coagulation properties compared with Swedish Red cows. The predominant variants in both native breeds were αS1-casein (αS1-CN) B, β-CN A2 and β-lactoglobulin (β-LG) B. For κ-CN, the B variant was predominant in the Swedish Mountain cows, whereas the A variant was the most frequent in the Swedish Red Polled. The native breeds displayed similar protein composition, but varied in content of αS1-CN with 9 phosphorylated serines (9P) form. Within the Swedish Mountain cows, we observed a strong inverse correlation between the relative concentration of κ-CN and micelle size and a positive correlation between ionic calcium and gel firmness. For comparison, we investigated a subset of 29 NC and 28 WC milk samples, representing the extremes with regard to coagulation properties based on an initial screening of 395 Swedish Red cows. In Swedish Red, NC milk properties were found to be related to higher frequencies of β-CN A2, κ-CN E and A variants, as well as β-LG B, and the predominant composite genotype of β- and κ-CN in the NC group was A2A2/AA. Generally, the A2A2/AA composite genotype was related to lower relative concentrations of κ-CN isoforms and higher relative concentrations of αS1-, αS2-, and β-CN. Compared with the group of WC milk samples, NC milk contained a higher fraction of αS2-CN and α-lactalbumin (α-LA) but a lower fraction of αS1-CN 9P. In conclusion, milk from native Swedish breeds has good characteristics for cheese milk, which could be exploited in niche dairy products. In milk from Swedish Mountain cows, levels of ionic calcium seemed to be more important for rennet-induced gel firmness than variation in the relative protein profile. In Swedish Red, lower protein content as well as higher fraction of αS2-CN and lower fraction of αS1-CN 9P were related to NC milk. Further, a decrease in the frequency of the composite β-κ-CN genotype A2A2/AA through selective breeding could have a positive effect on milk coagulation properties.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to study the underlying causes of noncoagulating (NC) milk. Based on an initial screening in a herd of 53 Danish Holstein-Friesians, 20 individual Holstein-Friesian cows were selected for good and poor chymosin-induced coagulation properties; that is, the 10 cows producing milk with the poorest and best coagulating properties, respectively. These 20 selected cows were followed and resampled on several occasions to evaluate possible changes in coagulation properties. In the follow-up study, we found that among the 10 cows with the poorest coagulating properties, 4 cows consistently produced poorly coagulating (PC) or NC milk, corresponding to a frequency of 7%. Noncoagulating milk was defined as milk that failed to form a coagulum, defined as increase in the storage modulus (G′) in oscillatory rheometry, within 45 min after addition of chymosin. Poorly coagulating milk was characterized by forming a weak coagulum of low G′. Milk proteomic profiling and contents of different casein variants, ionic contents of Ca, P and Mg, κ-casein (CN) genotypes, casein micelle size, and coagulation properties of the 4 NC or PC samples were compared with milk samples of 4 cows producing milk with good coagulation properties. The studies included determination of production of caseinomacropeptide to ascertain whether noncoagulation could be ascribed to the first or second phase of chymosin-induced coagulation. Caseinomacropeptide was formed in all 8 milk samples after addition of chymosin, indicating that the first step (cleavage of κ-CN) was not the cause of inability to coagulate. Furthermore, the effect of mixing noncoagulating and well-coagulating milk was studied. By gradually blending NC with well-coagulating milk, the coagulation properties of the well-coagulating samples were compromised in a manner similar to titration. Milk samples from cows that consistently produced NC milk were further studied at the udder quarter level. The coagulation properties of the quarter milk samples were not significantly different from those of the composite milk sample, showing that poor coagulation traits and noncoagulation traits of the composite milk were not caused by the milk quality of a single quarter. The milk samples exhibiting PC or NC properties were all of the κ-CN variant AA genotype, and contained casein micelles with a larger mean diameter and a lower fraction of κ-CN relative to total CN than milk with good coagulation properties. Interestingly, the relative proportions of different phosphorylation forms of α-CN differed between well-coagulating milk and PC or NC milk samples. The PC and NC milk samples contained a lower proportion of the 2 less-phosphorylated variants of α-CN (αS1-CN-8P and αS2-CN-11P) compared with samples of milk that coagulated well.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of variations in milk protein composition on milk clotting properties and cheese yield. Milk was collected from 134 dairy cows of Swedish Red and White, Swedish Holstein, and Danish Holstein-Friesian breed at 3 sampling occasions. Concentrations of αS1-, β-, and κ-casein (CN), α-lactalbumin, and β-lactoglobulin (LG) A and B were determined by reversed phase liquid chromatography. Cows of Swedish breeds were genotyped for genetic variants of β- and κ-CN. Model cheeses were produced from individual skimmed milk samples and the milk clotting properties were evaluated. More than 30% of the samples were poorly coagulating or noncoagulating, resulting in weak or no coagulum, respectively. Poorly and noncoagulating samples were associated with a low concentration of κ-CN and a low proportion of κ-CN in relation to total CN analyzed. Furthermore, the κ-CN concentration was higher in milk from cows with the AB genotype than the AA genotype of κ-CN. The concentrations of αS1-, β-, and κ-CN and of β-LG B were found to be significant for the cheese yield, expressed as grams of cheese per one hundred grams of milk. The ratio of CN to total protein analyzed and the β-LG B concentration positively affected cheese yield, expressed as grams of dry cheese solids per one hundred grams of milk protein, whereas β-LG A had a negative effect. Cheese-making properties could be improved by selecting milk with high concentrations of αS1-, β-, and κ-CN, with high κ-CN in relation to total CN and milk that contains β-LG B.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the role of milk protein fractions in the coagulation, curd firming, and syneresis of bovine milk. Analyses were performed on 1,271 individual milk samples from Brown Swiss cows reared in 85 herds classified into 4 types of farming systems, from the very traditional (tied cows, feed manually distributed, summer highland pasture) to the most modern (loose cows, use of total mixed rations with or without silage). Fractions αS1-casein (CN), αS2-CN, β-CN, κ-CN, β-lactoglobulin (LG), and α-lactalbumin (LA) and genotypes at CSN2, CSN3, and BLG were obtained by reversed-phase HPLC. The following milk coagulation properties were measured with a lactodynamograph, with the testing time extended to 60 min: rennet coagulation time (RCT, min), curd firming time (min), and curd firmness at 30 and 45 min (mm). All the curd firmness measures recorded over time (total of 240 observations/sample) were used in a 4-parameter nonlinear model to obtain parameters of coagulation, curd firming, and syneresis: RCT estimated from the equation (min), asymptotic potential curd firmness (mm), the curd firming and syneresis instant rate constants (%/min), and the maximum curd firmness value (CFmax, mm) and the time taken to reach it (min). All the aforementioned traits were analyzed with 2 linear mixed models, which tested the effects of the protein fractions expressed in different ways: in the first, quantitative model, each protein fraction was expressed as content in milk; in the second, qualitative model, each protein fraction was expressed as a percentage of total casein content. Besides proteins, additional nuisance parameters were herd (included as a random effect), daily milk production (only for the quantitative model), casein content (only for the qualitative model), dairy system, parity, days in milk, the pendulum of the lactodynamograph, and the CSN2, CSN3, and BLG genotypes. Both αS1-CN and β-CN showed a clear and favorable effect on CFmax, where the former effect was almost double the latter. Milk coagulation ability was favorably affected by κ-CN, which reduced both the RCT and RCT estimated from the equation, increased the curd firming and syneresis instant rate constants, and allowed a higher CFmax to be reached. In contrast, αS2-CN delayed gelation time and β-LG worsened curd firming, both resulting in a low CFmax. The results of this study suggest that modification of the relative contents of specific protein fractions can have an enormous effect on the technological behavior of bovine milk.  相似文献   

Effects of milk protein variants on the protein composition of bovine milk   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of β-lactoglobulin (β-LG), β-casein (β-CN), and κ-CN variants and β-κ-CN haplotypes on the relative concentrations of the major milk proteins α-lactalbumin (α-LA), β-LG, αS1-CN, αS2-CN, β-CN, and κ-CN and milk production traits were estimated in the milk of 1,912 Dutch Holstein-Friesian cows. We show that in the Dutch Holstein-Friesian population, the allele frequencies have changed in the past 16 years. In addition, genetic variants and casein haplotypes have a major impact on the protein composition of milk and explain a considerable part of the genetic variation in milk protein composition. The β-LG genotype was associated with the relative concentrations of β-LG (A » B) and of α-LA, αS1-CN, αS2-CN, β-CN, and κ-CN (B > A) but not with any milk production trait. The β-CN genotype was associated with the relative concentrations of β-CN and αS2-CN (A2 > A1) and of αS1-CN and κ-CN (A1 > A2) and with protein yield (A2 > A1). The κ-CN genotype was associated with the relative concentrations of κ-CN (B > E > A), αS2-CN (B > A), α-LA, and αS1-CN (A > B) and with protein percentage (B > A). Comparing the effects of casein haplotypes with the effects of single casein variants can provide better insight into what really underlies the effect of a variant on protein composition. We conclude that selection for both the β-LG genotype B and the β-κ-CN haplotype A2B will result in cows that produce milk that is more suitable for cheese production.  相似文献   

β-Lactoglobulin (β-LG) genotypes are associated with differences in bovine milk protein composition. Therefore, β-LG genotypes are of direct relevance for the dairy industry. In this study, we predicted β-lactoglobulin genotypes based on routinely recorded milk Fourier transform infrared spectra using 500 calibration samples. The results show that 76% of the cows carrying the β-LG AA genotype, 80% of the cows carrying the β-LG AB genotype, and 66% of the cows carrying the β-LG BB genotype were predicted correctly. Furthermore, the prediction of β-LG genotypes based on Fourier transform infrared spectra showed a repeatability of 0.85. We discuss how the combined use of predicted β-LG genotypes, pedigree information, and β-LG genotypes derived using other methods could lead to further improvement in the percentage of correctly predicted β-LG genotypes. The presented methodology is easy and inexpensive and could ultimately provide β-LG genotypes at the individual cow level.  相似文献   

The effect of the contents of casein (CN) and whey protein fractions on curd yield (CY) and composition was estimated using 964 individual milk samples. Contents of αS1-CN, αS2-CN, β-CN, γ-CN, glycosylated κ-CN (Gκ-CN), unglycosylated κ-CN, β-LG, and α-LA of individual milk samples were measured using reversed-phase HPLC. Curd yield and curd composition were measured by model micro-cheese curd making using 25 mL of milk. Dry matter CY (DMCY) was positively associated with all casein fractions but especially with αS1-CN and β-CN. Curd moisture decreased at increasing β-CN content and increased at increasing γ-CN and Gκ-CN content. Due to their associations with moisture, Gκ-CN and β-CN were the fractions with the greatest effect on raw CY, which decreased by 0.66% per 1-standard deviation (SD) increase in the content of β-CN and increased by 0.62% per 1-SD increase in the content of Gκ-CN. The effects due to variation in percentages of the casein fractions in total casein were less marked than those exerted by contents. A 1-SD increase in β-CN percentage in casein (+3.8% in casein) exerted a slightly negative effect on DMCY (β = ?0.05%). Conversely, increasing amounts of αS1-CN percentage were associated with a small increase in DMCY. Hence, results suggest that, at constant casein and whey protein contents in milk, the DMCY depends to a limited extent on the variation in the αS1-CN:β-CN ratio. κ-Casein percentage did not affect DMCY, indicating that the positive relationship detected between the content of κ-CN and DMCY can be attributed to the increase in total casein resulting from the increased amount of κ-CN and not to variation in κ-CN relative content. However, milk with increased Gκ-CN percentage in κ-CN also shows increased raw CY and produces curds with increased moisture content. Curd yield increased at increasing content and relative proportion of β-LG in whey protein, but this is attributable to an improved capacity of the curd to retain water. Results obtained in this study support the hypothesis that, besides variation in total casein and whey protein contents, variation in protein composition might affect the cheese-making ability of milk, but this requires further studies.  相似文献   

The effects of milk protein genetic polymorphisms on the rennet and acid coagulation properties of milk after protein standardisation were investigated. Skim milk samples were adjusted to a protein concentration of 6.07 ± 0.06% by ultrafiltration (UF) before evaluating rennet coagulation and acid coagulation properties. Only the β-lactoglobulin (β-LG) genotypes influenced the rennet-clotting time before standardisation for the total protein concentration by UF; however, this effect was confounded with the β-LG concentration. After UF-concentration, a similar protein concentration between the samples was achieved in the retentate, then the rennet clotting time and rennet curd firmness at 30 min were significantly influenced by both the κ-casein (κ-CN) and β-LG genotypes. κ-CN genotypes significantly influenced the acid coagulation properties of both skim milk and retentate. Variations in the concentration of milk proteins (mostly αS2-CN-12P) explained most of the differences in the rennet and acid coagulation properties of milk after protein standardisation by UF.  相似文献   

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