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阐述了国内外正常生产的小麦碾皮制粉厂概况,论述了碾麦工艺和碾麦机,着水润麦工艺和设备以及碾皮麦的制粉工艺,根据论述提出了几点结论。  相似文献   

小麦碾皮制粉的发展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
阐述了国内外正常生产的小麦碾皮制粉概况,论述了碾麦工艺和碾麦机,着水润麦工艺,设备和皮麦的制粉工艺,并得出了几点结论。  相似文献   

碾皮与传统制粉工艺生产的面粉食用品质比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对碾皮制粉工艺和传统制粉工艺生产的同一精度的面粉,通过制作面包、镘头、面条,并分别评分,进行比较,得出碾皮制粉工艺生物 面粉品质优于传统制粉工艺。  相似文献   

小麦碾皮制粉工艺简介   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用碾皮制粉工艺对国产小麦进行生产试验,所获得产品的质量和产量指标符合国家标准,表与传统制粉工艺相比均有提高,具体的制粉工艺粉路短,入磨小麦纯度高,碾皮率控制灵活,可以生产各种等级面粉。  相似文献   

采用小麦分层碾磨制粉新工艺,分别改造了一个日处理小麦60t面粉厂一个日处理小麦140t的面粉厂;并且研制开发了一种新型碾麦厂。与传统制粉工艺比较,投资减少30% ̄40%,出粉率提高3% ̄5%。新碾麦机产量达3.5 ̄4.5t/h,电耗比原来碾麦机降低10kW·h,面粉含砂量0.01%以内,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

小麦加工方法对面粉品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了小麦脱皮制粉方法与传统制粉方法的根本区别,分析了影响面粉品质和干扰制粉工艺的主要因素,阐述了小麦脱皮制粉方法对面粉品质的改善。  相似文献   

小麦制粉工艺是决定面粉品质的重要条件,制粉工艺参数的选择对后续研磨筛分流程影响较大。通过从小麦物理特性和磨粉机操作参数等方面探讨小麦制粉工艺参数的研究进展,并对未来发展提出展望,为我国小麦制粉工艺技术进一步的发展提供理论指导。  相似文献   

通过对小麦磨粉品质与制粉适应性的探讨,揭示了影响小麦生产、小麦加工品质性状、制粉工艺,小麦出粉率、面粉的颜色和灰分、电耗诸多因素之间的相关性。  相似文献   

制粉技术试验室试验室制粉和实验制粉的发展 顾尧臣1一5改造清理流程提高制粉效果吴英峰1一巧小型风力提粉厂改用高方筛的作法和体会 商喜年商彦恒1一16发芽小麦对面粉品质的影响赵晓敏1一17我国小麦碾皮制粉技术研究与应用概况 张晋民l一18谈减少高档面粉中数星的几点经验 李俊峰王华1一21合理调整粉路提高生产效益毛树德1一22中国传统食品专用面粉的品质特点与加工技术2一32一72一8自上料磨粉机的更新换代 陈红东刘红俭房阳宇等容积式配麦器的改进与应用王洪福打包秤喂料系统的改进伊国鑫扬华磨粉机磨辊的一级传动窦履豫确保MDDK气压磨…  相似文献   

小麦清理是制粉工艺中的重要技术条件,它具有左右面粉质量的重要作用本文主要介绍“小麦分层碾磨系统”制粉新工艺中的小麦清理工艺、着水、碾剥、通风除尘等工序中的主要技术参数及措施。以便更好的推广和应用“分层碾磨制粉”新工艺这项科研成果。笔者就近几年来的应用实践班门弄斧,奉献给读者。  相似文献   

Two Canadian cross-pollinating common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) varieties, Koban and Koto, and two self-pollinating lines, BR01 and BR06, were dehulled and roller milled on a pilot mill to produce three distinct milled products, white flour, dark flour and whole groat flour. The white flours contained mostly starch (79.2–87.2%), whereas the dark flours were rich in proteins (37.1–38.7%), dietary fibre (15.2–22.0%), ash (5.49–5.99%), and fagopyritols (1420–2220 mg/100 g). The buckwheat flours were blended with wheat flour (Canada Western Red Spring straight grade flour) at 60:40 ratios and evaluated for soba noodle properties. Significant differences in milling properties, and in raw noodle colour and texture were detected among cultivars, although the impact of flour type on noodle properties was far greater. The self-pollinating lines exhibited comparable milling and soba noodle properties to Koban. Koto exhibited slightly higher white flour yield and generally firmer noodle texture compared to the other lines. White flours produced the brightest noodles, followed by whole groat and dark flours. Dark flours yielded the thickest cooked noodles with the largest maximum cutting stress and greatest resistance to compression. Noodles prepared with white flour offered the best chewiness, springiness and recovery parameters. Soba noodles prepared with dark flours contained considerably higher amounts of minerals, proteins, dietary fibre, and fagopyritols than noodles prepared with white flour.  相似文献   

Detection of insect fragments in wheat flour by near-infrared spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insect fragments in commercial wheat flour are a major concern to the milling industry because consumers expect high quality and wholesome products at the retail level. Thus, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has established a defect action level of 75 insect fragments per 50 g of flour. Millers routinely test their wheat flour to comply with this federal requirement and to deliver sound flour to their consumers. The current standard flotation method for detecting fragments in flour is expensive and labor intensive. Therefore, we examined the possible use of a rapid, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) method for detecting insect fragments in wheat flour. We also compared the sensitivity and accuracy of the NIRS method with that of the current standard flotation method. Fragment counts with both techniques were significantly correlated with the actual number of fragments present in flour samples. However, the flotation method was more sensitive than the NIRS method with fragment counts below the FDA defect action level. We were unable to predict whether the number of fragments in a sample exceeded the FDA action level with our NIRS instrumentation. However, we were able to predict accurately whether flour samples contained less than or more than 130 fragments. Although current NIRS instruments are unable to detect insect fragments at the FDA action level, this method should be re-examined in the future because NIRS technology is rapidly improving.  相似文献   

对制粉生产中不同制粉系统的42个小麦粉样品以及不同类型的实验磨磨制的20个小麦粉样品分别进行麸星及灰分含量测试.测试结果表明,麸星仪可以敏锐地感应出制粉生产线不同系统小麦粉中麸星含量及麸星斑点的细微变化,并通过数据和图像显示出来.不同制粉系统小麦粉的麸星含量与灰分含量呈正相关,其相关系数达0.8097,但不同实验磨粉机磨制的小麦粉样品,二者的相关系数变幅较大.麸星仪对白麦麦皮的感应相对较差.  相似文献   

面粉厂配粉工艺与技术的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从配粉原料、产品、配粉工艺设计、各配粉工段有关技术问题进行了论述,并提出了配粉生产线技改值得注意的问题。  相似文献   

采用机械分层碾磨和石磨制粉2种加工方式,对"贵紫4号"紫粒小麦加工的面粉和麸皮进行淀粉、粗蛋白、脂肪、粗纤维、维生素、矿物质、氨基酸、总酚、花青素等营养功能成分的对比分析。结果表明,机械分层碾磨和石磨制粉,对面粉和麸皮的营养功能成分影响显著(P<0.05),机械一等粉和机械麸皮的常规营养成分、钙、铁、锌和维生素含量分别高于石磨面粉和石磨麸皮,而石磨面粉的硒含量比机械一等粉高113.90%,石磨制粉的花青素含量比机械制粉高4.90%,说明2种加工方式各有优缺。从氨基酸组成看,"贵紫4号"紫粒小麦的AAS评分高于普通小麦9.70%,且麸皮中的赖氨酸评分大于1(变为非限制性氨基酸),花青素含量达2 904.93 mg/kg,是麸皮入粉进行全麦加工的优质原料。  相似文献   

结合我国粮食加工实际情况和现代制粉原理,本工艺不仅强调分级筛的作用,而且强调逐道分级,轻碾细分,皮磨造渣,心磨出粉,实现早出粉、多出粉及出好粉的制粉新思想在吸收先清粉后入渣再清粉,再入心磨的制粉工艺的优点同时,加宽前路心磨,发挥磨撞结合技术,渣磨系统与清粉系统科学配置。  相似文献   

The objective of wheat flour milling is to produce the most favorable distribution of salable product, which means producing as much flour as possible within the end-users’ specifications. Naturally, a flour miller looks for clean, sound, high flour yiel…  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Starch and gluten, the major components of wheat flour, greatly influence the structural characteristics of food products made with wheat flour. The effects of ball‐milling on the change in the semicrystalline structure of starch granules to the amorphous state have been reported. However, the effects of ball‐milling of native wheat flour on physicochemical changes in wheat flour constituents have not been elucidated. Therefore in this study the effects of ball‐milling on the glass transition of wheat flour constituents were investigated. RESULTS: Crude gluten, non‐gluten proteins and separated starch were obtained from wheat flour ball‐milled for 0–10 h, and the glass transition temperature (Tg) of these constituents was evaluated. The Tg of all wheat flour constituents decreased with increasing ball‐milling time. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that changes in band position and intensity did not occur for gluten but did occur for non‐gluten proteins. X‐ray diffraction revealed decreased crystallinity and greater plasticisation by water in separated starch as the ball‐milling time was prolonged. CONCLUSION: The results showed that the ball‐milling process decreased the Tg of wheat flour constituents as a function of milling time. The decrease in Tg was probably due to changes in conformation of protein subunits in gluten and depolymerisation of the non‐gluten protein fraction. The information obtained here about the physical alteration of wheat flour constituents may enhance the ability to successfully use ball‐milled wheat flour in food applications. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

除蛋白质、淀粉、脂类物质外,戊聚糖对小麦及其面粉品质也起着非常重要的影响。综述了戊聚糖对小麦加工及面粉品质、烘焙品质产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

小麦粉破损淀粉含量的影响因素   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
分别以软、硬麦为原料,采用在正常生产情况下改变工艺条件并在线取样的方法,取得多组不同样品,样品处理后分别测定破损淀粉含量,研究影响小麦粉淀粉破损的重要工艺因素。研究结果表明:硬麦加工后淀粉破损率高,而软麦则相对较低,硬麦粉的淀粉破损率较软麦粉高出20%左右;面粉越细则淀粉破损率越高;研7磨道数越多,研磨强度越大,淀粉破损越严重;齿辊所造成的淀粉破损程度要比光辊为重,但差距不是很大;撞击机在正常生产时对淀粉破损影响较小,如反复撞击也会使破损淀粉增加,但其影响程度较研磨强度缓和。  相似文献   

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