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使用聚乙酸乙烯酯乳液(PVAc)、单组份聚氨酯(PUR)和热熔胶(EVA)3种胶黏剂粘结金属卡头与试件,检测并分析它们对强化木地板和地板基材用纤维板内结合强度检测结果的影响。结果表明:使用PUR粘结时检测的内结合强度值比使用PVAc、EVA高,其中强化木地板内结合强度高出0.47MPa,地板基材用纤维板内结合强度高出约0.40MPa。  相似文献   

设计了3种超低游离甲醛含量的三聚氰胺-尿素-甲醛(MUF)树脂基本工艺配方,合成和调配MUF树脂胶黏剂,用于生产超低甲醛释放量地板基材,并压贴强化木地板,检测分析树脂、地板基材及其强化木地板质量指标。结果表明,采用物质的量之比F/(U+1.5M)=0.83、三聚氰胺添加量7.0%~8.0%(占液体树脂的总质量)、尿素与三聚氰胺分3次添加的工艺配方,合成MUF树脂,其综合性能最佳,对应的地板基材的内结合强度(IB)、静曲强度(MOR)、吸水厚度膨胀率(TS)均达到现行地板基材标准要求,甲醛释放量能够稳定控制在3.5 mg/100 g以下,对应的强化木地板的吸水厚度膨胀率在14%以下,甲醛释放量为0.3~0.4 mg/L。  相似文献   

使用新的树脂合成工艺生产出高防潮纤维板用脲醛树脂,大大降低了纤维板的吸水厚度膨胀率,提高了大幅面家具板的尺寸稳定性和防霉能力;强化木地板基材的24 h吸水厚度膨胀率、成品地板的尺寸稳定性符合LY/T 1700-2007《地采暖用木质地板》要求。  相似文献   

3月31日,《浸渍纸层压木质地板(强化木地板)》标准送审稿通过专家审定,现将部分内容公布如下,供业内人士参考。1 定义1.1 表层 表层包括下述两种材料: —热固性树脂装饰层压板 —浸渍胶膜纸1.2 基材 浸渍纸层压木质地板(强化木地板)的芯层材料通常是刨花板、中密度纤维板或高密度纤维板。1.3 底层  相似文献   

运用t检验法,对比分析试件平衡处理对高密度纤维板和强化木地板静曲强度、内结合强度和表面胶合强度性能检测结果的影响。结果表明在试件厚度较大时,平衡处理对人造板力学性能测试结果有显著影响。其中,平衡处理对高密度纤维板试样的静曲强度、内结合强度和表面胶合强度的检测结果有显著影响,仅对于强化木地板的内结合强度检测结果有显著影响,其他性能影响不明显。  相似文献   

强化木地板是装饰装修用地面铺装材料的主要品种之一,以一层或多层专用纸浸渍热固性氨基树脂,覆贴在刨花板、中(高)密度纤维板等人造板基材表面,背面加平衡层,正面加耐磨层,经热压而成的地板。强化木地板具有安装方便、外形美观、经久耐用、价格低廉等优点,深受消费者欢迎。  相似文献   

强化木地板是装饰装修用地面铺装材料的主要品种之一,以一层或多层专用纸浸渍热固性氨基树脂,覆贴在刨花板、中(高)密度纤维板等人造板基材表面,背面加平衡层,正面加耐磨层,经热压而成的地板。强化木地板具有安装方便、外形美观、经久耐用、价格低廉等优点,深受消费者欢迎。  相似文献   

一、木地板的分类1.实木地板2.实木复合地板:1)三层实术复合地板; 2)多层实术复合地板;3)集成材(指 接)地板。3.浸渍纸饰面层压地板:1)以中密度纤维 板,高密度纤维板为基材的浸渍纸饰面 层压地板,2)以刨花板为基材的浸渍纸 饰面层压地板。  相似文献   

PUR热熔胶主要的优点有耐热耐寒性好、耐化学品(油墨)腐蚀性强、粘结强度高、翻平性好等。目前主流的EVA热熔胶在这些性能方面不如PUR热熔胶,尤其是要做到在保持对纸张很高的粘结强度的同时还具有良好的翻平性,是一件难度要求很高的事,EVA热熔胶一般是无能为力的。一般而言,PUR  相似文献   

生产E0级强化木地板基材的三聚氰胺改性脲醛树脂胶黏剂对热压温度和热压时间非常敏感。当热压温度和热压时间在较小范围内波动时,使用此类胶黏剂制造的中/高密度纤维板内结合强度和24h吸水厚度膨胀率均变化较大。少量固化剂的添加也会影响强化木地板基材的两项指标。相同工艺制造的不同批次的胶黏剂其凝胶时间变化较大,不同的凝胶时间应对应不同的热压温度和热压时间。  相似文献   

采用GB/T 17657-1999《人造板及饰面人造板理化性能检测方法》等标准中有关方法,检测不同厚度强化木地板及其基材表面结合强度,并对试验结果进行分析,以探讨不同检测方法对不同厚度试样检测结果的影响。  相似文献   

The effects of hydroxymethylated resorcinol (HMR) on the tensile shear strength of wood joints treated with montan ester wax were studied with polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and melamine formaldehyde (MF) adhesives. Untreated specimens which were bonded with MF and PVAc had similar bond strength properties under dry conditions, but MF bonded specimens’ tensile shear strength values were higher than that of PVAc glued specimens under wet conditions. With both adhesives tested, dry tensile shear strengths of wax-treated specimens were in a comparable range to those of untreated wood, while under wet conditions the strength values of wax-treated specimens were significantly lower than those of the controls. HMR priming increased the shear strength of PVAc bonded specimens under wet conditions and of MF-bonded specimens under dry and wet conditions. The effect on MF-bonded specimens, however, was much more pronounced under wet conditions.  相似文献   

竹木复合集装箱底板表层材料的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何文  蒋身学 《中国人造板》2006,13(7):33-35,37
根据复合材料层合板理论中表层材料力学性能越好对整个层合板的力学性能贡献越大的理论,用一定厚度的竹帘按照一定的组坯方式,采用正交设计方案对热压工艺进行优化,试验结果得出:用6层0.8mm厚的竹帘按照上面4层纵向竹帘和下面2层横向竹帘的组坯方式,在压力5MPa、时间8min、温度150℃的热压工艺下可以制成纵、横向弹性模量分别为13558MPa、5430Mpa,纵横向静曲强度分别为180MPa、110MPa的集装箱底板表层材料(竹帘板)。  相似文献   

利用正交试验考查分析了热压三因素对低密度纤维板内结合强度和吸水厚度膨胀率的影响,进而得出最优热压工艺为热压时间10 s/mm,最大热压压力3 MPa ,最高热压温度230℃,制得的低密度纤维板性能优异,其中内结合强度达到0.62 MPa,吸水厚度膨胀率为7.1%。  相似文献   

In this study, the properties of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) made from oil palm trunks (OPT) were evaluated in comparison with rubberwood using cold setting adhesives, namely, emulsion polymeric isocyanate (EPI) and polyvinyl acetate (PVAc). The evaluations were based on either dry or after cold water, hot water and cyclic pre-treatment. The density of the OPT LVL was slightly higher than that of solid OPT. Thickness swelling and water absorption of OPT LVL were greater than of rubberwood LVL. Pre-treatment increased the water absorption and thickness swelling. The OPT LVL bonded with EPI without toluene showed greater water absorption and thickness swelling than EPI with toluene. Pre-treatment significantly reduced the tensile strength of OPT LVL. The OPT LVL bonded with EPI without toluene showed higher tensile shear strength, but a greater reduction of tensile shear strength after pre-treatment, than the OPT LVL bonded with EPI and toluene. The PVAc adhesive had greater wettability than the EPI. The EPI without toluene showed a lower contact angle than the EPI with toluene. The loose side of the OPT veneer was found to have greater wettability than the tight side.  相似文献   

Bonding of untreated, intermediate (hydro-thermolysed) and heat treated wood with melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF), phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde (PRF) and polyurethane (PUR) adhesives was studied. An industrial heat treatment process (Plato ®) was used, which included two separate heat treatment stages and a drying stage in-between. Laminated beams having four lamellas were prepared from untreated and treated timber for mechanical testing of the bond lines. The results of the tests showed that heat treatment affected the shear strength and the delamination of the laminated wood depending on the adhesive system used for bonding. The PUR and MUF adhesives performed in a rather similar way, and better than the PRF adhesive. The shear strength of laminated wood bonded with the waterborne MUF and PRF adhesives decreased for the specimens made of hydro-thermolysed timber and decreased further for the specimens made of fully heat treated timber. The difference in adhesive bond shear strength between untreated, intermediate and fully treated wood was less obvious in the case of the PUR adhesive. Delamination of the PRF bond line decreased drastically for all the specimens made of heat treated timber.  相似文献   

强化木地板锁扣结合力测试方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实验,研究测试强化木地板长短边锁扣结合力的方法。  相似文献   

采用大环境舱模拟实际室内空气环境,研究室内装修用强化木地板甲醛的散发规律,并研究环境因素对处于稳定散发期的木地板甲醛散发的影响,同时对VOCs化学成分进行检测。研究结果有助于人们对强化木地板的正确认识和正确使用。  相似文献   

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