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介绍了吹灌旋一体机的主要结构及其组成和工艺流程,同时说明环保型轻量瓶技术产生的必要性和意义,进一步说明吹灌旋一体机在环保型轻量瓶装水生产线上应用情况。  相似文献   

我厂生产的CP—12型自动定量灌瓶机,是先将样机在贵阳洒厂试用,然后方经贵阳市科委、贵州省轻工科研所、贵州省机械厅和轻工厅,贵阳市机械局、贵阳酒厂、贵阳花溪酒厂  相似文献   

汪明 《饮料工业》2013,16(3):29-31
灌瓶厂在生产过程中,有些工序环节需要吸收热量进行升温,而在另外一些工序环节则需要进行热量释放或输入冷量进行降温。如果在升温和降温工序之间展开适当的能量转换利用,无疑会对充分利用工厂热能及节能降耗工作产生重要的影响。实践证明:实施能量转换综合利用技术,平均投资回收期为一年半,每年可为企业节约能耗总费用达58万元。实为一项值得推广的好项目。  相似文献   

啤酒瓶中的玻璃渣不仅仅是产品是否合格的问题,更是严重的食品安全问题,产生玻璃渣酒的最主要的设备就是装酒机,而降低玻璃渣酒出现的最重要的措施是爆瓶喷冲。本文针对爆瓶喷冲展开研究,首先分析爆瓶喷冲的控制原理,分析西门子PLC移位程序在啤酒灌装机中的应用;通过爆瓶喷冲、灌半瓶、爆瓶报警等改造,有效降低了爆瓶误检率,实现了玻璃渣酒反馈率为零的目标。  相似文献   

华源蕾迪斯有限公司科技人员经过半年多试验和反复调整配方 ,最近试验成功了耐热PET聚酯切片。日前经上海德胜联兴容器有限公司试验鉴定 ,制成的热灌瓶达到了优良的性能。在工业化生产过程中 ,为厂保证容器无菌和控制微生物污染。除了添加防腐剂、无菌低温处理和进行杀菌以外 ,较安全可靠、便捷的方法就是进行热灌装 ,即将饮料瞬时加热到 1 2 0℃至 1 40℃ ,持续几秒后再冷却到灌装温度 ,通常为 80℃至 90℃之间进行灌装。而一般矿泉水聚酯瓶和可乐聚酯瓶 ,在 70℃左右即开始变形 ,造成封口不严而泄漏 ,在冷却时形成的低压真空会使瓶子凹…  相似文献   

浅析PET瓶在啤酒包装上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,PET瓶因为时尚、个性化的造型越来越受到人们的追捧,在饮用水、软饮料的包装上得到广泛的应用。随着制瓶技术的不断提高,PET瓶在啤酒包装上的应用,也有快速的发展。韩国的PET瓶啤酒比例已接近50%;在欧洲,特别是俄罗斯,啤酒PET瓶的使用也占了60%~70%的比例,而传统的玻璃瓶啤酒被作为高档消费品才出现在餐桌上。  相似文献   

高速无菌灌装生产线上建立的喷嘴压力智能传感器SMARTSENSOR控制系统,是针对PET瓶无菌吹灌旋生产线远程诊断与维护的研制与示范应用,建立的故障数据采集、故障数据模型等,而形成的高速无菌灌装设备喷嘴压力检测智能化控制系统,该系统目前国内还没有相关的技术基础。该项研究设计,已应用在了“十三五”国家重点研发计划重点专项(2018YFD04000904)示范线上。  相似文献   

近几年,计算机辅助设计(CAD)技术得到不断发展.并在包装行业应用广泛.尤其是在纸盒包装领域.但专门针对瓶类包装的CAD软件却几乎没有。目前,我国瓶类包装设计以传统的经验设计为主,瓶体外轮廓的设计仍是徒手勾画,很难适应由于市场激烈竞争而带来的产品不断推陈出新的要求,开发瓶类包装CAD软件已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

啤酒经过过滤后灌装,有时能装满,有时装不满,有时啤酒入瓶后又从瓶里大量冒出来,其主要原因分析如下:1.首先是啤酒瓶的质量和温度当酒瓶入灌装机后,由于瓶温高或瓶口歪或瓶身倾斜都会造成灌不满或灌不进去。瓶  相似文献   

一、概述在美国,一种新型喷涂涂层技术开始得到应用,第一台样机已制造,安装完毕。经过该装置加工的塑料容器有较高的阻隔性能与较好的经济性。试验表明,0.5升PET瓶使用这种叫Barrier Gard Impact的喷涂设备进行PVDC涂层后,使得瓶中内容物的货架寿命达26个星期,而未涂层瓶中的内装物的货架寿命只有8~10个星期。与复合材料瓶  相似文献   

The commercial aspects of aseptic processing and packaging of milk showing only a slow rise in the market are assessed. The paper describes three types of process plant, the indirect plate heat exchanger, indirect tubular heat exchanger and direct steam injection plants and the various advantages are evaluated. Simplification of plants with the removal of de-gassers, flash cooling vessels etc. is emphasized in the modern indirect plant which will heat, cool and homogenize as simply as possible. Differences between operation of a UHT carton dairy and an average bottling dairy are described. ( Editor's summary )  相似文献   

The efficiency of bottling plants typically ranges between 40 to 70%. Automatic conditioning monitoring helps to find critical points in a plant and supports the operator in optimizing the plant. But bottling plants are complex lines of several linked machines and currently critical points can only be identified manually. This paper presents a model‐based efficiency analysis tool. It automatically localizes critical points that decrease the efficiency of the whole plant and the tool is adaptable to different plants solely through parameterization. The algorithm compares the behaviour of a plant with an OK‐model of the plant. If there are inconsistencies, the commercial tool RAZ'R finds a failure model that is consistent with the observed plant behaviour, thus localizing the component that causes downtime of the filler. The algorithm succeeds in identifying the cause of the downtime in 90% of the cases. A demonstrator application, which runs on different plants, has been implemented and requires only simple adaptation steps. The algorithm only needs information about the configuration of the plant and the production data, which normally exists in automated plants. In the future, it is expected that the project partners will integrate the algorithm with their PDA‐systems, such that the model‐based analysis will help to increase the efficiency of bottling plants.  相似文献   

In the wine industry, bottling is a phase of the production cycle characterized by high levels of noise, mostly owing to repeated collisions between the bottles. In Italy, the Law Decree 81/2008 defined the requirements for assessing and managing noise risk, identifying a number of procedures to be adopted at different noise levels to limit worker exposure. This study was aimed at evaluating the equivalent and peak noise level inside the bottling plant area of a modern Italian winery. In particular, the influence of the working capacity (number of bottles produced per hour) on noise levels was evaluated. Three test conditions were considered: T1 with a working capacity of 4000 bottles/h; T2 with working capacity of 5000 bottles/h; and T3 with working capacity of 6000 bottles/h. Fifteen measurement points were identified inside the bottling area. The instrument used for the measurements was a precision integrating portable sound level meter, class 1, model HD2110L by Delta OHM, Italy. The results indicated that, as the bottling plant working capacity increased, noise levels increased. The measured sound levels exceeded the limits allowed by the regulations in all of the test conditions. Values exceeding the threshold limit of 80 dB(A) were recorded, increasing to a maximum value of 95 dB(A) in test T3. In this case, the operator working along the bottling line was obliged to wear the appropriate personal protective equipment. Copyright © 2014 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

根据纺织厂空调制冷系统能耗大的特点提出了在冷水系统中利用大温差技术,减少空调输配系统能耗的技术方案,理论分析了冷水大温差技术对车间温湿度、喷水室热交换效率和冷水机组效率的影响;以某空调制冷系统为例,进行了两种不同水温方案的比较,并进行了节能效果分析,结果认为该技术能节约输配能耗,对空调效果没有大的影响.  相似文献   

Over a span of roughly 30 years the dairy industry has been steadily advancing in its technology. Two main areas in this advance have affected the employee. They are the development of high speed processing and bottling, and the steady progress of the carton in gradually speeding up production and the use of less and less manual labour.
The high speed bottling plant has on the plus side done away with a lot of manhandling of a heavy product and helped to improve the pay with less hours worked. On the minus side, a lot of processing jobs were lost. These things had relatively little effect on the milkman.
Cartoning has a plus side for processing workers in that it replaced some jobs which otherwise have been lost. For retail milkmen the carton that was first produced for very good reasons is now, with improved productivity and the interest shown in it by the supermarkets, posing a threat to retail distribution which would make the processing job losses minimal by comparison.  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,中国食品工业发展迅速,而紧随着食品科技的进步,食品包装也得到快速的发展,不断改革创新,以配合各方面的需求。就以PET聚酯瓶为例,各式各样的聚酯瓶均已开发。在市场需求量日增的情况下,聚酯瓶的生产,其质量及产量,已成为研究新技术的中心要  相似文献   

轻工部门冷冻系统中使用的立式水冷器较多,其流速很低,水垢比较严重,效率较差。为解决这一问题,研究了高可靠性内循环流态化水冷器结构,底室采用泡罩板加大孔均布板取代筛孔容易堵塞的筛板,水冷管出口安装挡粒调匀罩。通过优化试验,结果表明:采用直径120 mm的泡罩、流态化粒子层厚度150 mm以上、孔径8 mm的均布板、高度30 mm的挡粒调匀罩,能够有效地防止出口室跑失流态化清洗粒子,各水冷管内的流速分布的均匀性较好,可以满足稳定运行的可靠性要求。在一般水冷器流速范围内,冷却强化幅度60%以上,在线自动清洗效果好,节水节能的综合效益较高。  相似文献   

谈啤酒风味稳定性的改进措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
主要从原料控制、工艺操作等方面对啤酒风味稳定性的影响进行了讨论 ,并从理论与实践相结合的角度 ,立足于当前国内的现状 ,找出与国际先进水平的差距  相似文献   

人造板企业热能中心工艺设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了热能中心的基本原理、工艺流程和系统结构,根据我国人造板企业的实际,以中高密度纤维板企业10万m3/a和20万m3/a两种规模配套热能中心为例,从热负荷平衡计算、燃料平衡计算、工艺流程、设备配置诸方面对工艺进行了系统的设计和计算,并对其进行了经济效益和环境效益分析。  相似文献   

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