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学龄农民工子女膳食营养状况及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨学龄农民工子女膳食营养状况,了解该人群食物结构,为改善学龄农民工子女营养状况提供科学依据.结果表明学生能量摄入量普遍不足,各年龄、性别组能量摄入量均未超过90%RNI.能量来源比例不合理,蛋白质供能比例不足,而碳水化合物供能比校偏高.膳食维生素A、硫胺素,核黄素摄入量均不足.膳食钙摄入量低于30%AI,锌摄入量不足60%RNI.女生的膳食铁摄入量低于AI,动物性食物来源的铁不足总膳食铁的10%,膳食铁来源不平衡.学生的膳食结构不合理,豆类及制品、肉类及制品和蛋类摄入量均不足,谷类摄入偏高,食物种类单调.  相似文献   

根据卫生部的中国营养状况调查,中国人由于膳食习惯造成的营养素缺乏主要有铁、锌、钙和B族维生素.这些营养素是人体重要的酶和介质,如缺乏就会造成人体机能障碍,从而导致人体机能性病变.为此国务院、国家发改委制定了一系列改善公众营养状况的政策.国家"十一五"规划也明确提出推行主食营养强化发展营养强化大米.  相似文献   

目的:探讨苏氨酸铁(Thr-Fe)对缺铁性贫血(IDA)大鼠铁营养状况的改善作用。方法:以低铁饲料饲喂雄性初断乳斯泼累格·多雷(SD)大鼠建立IDA模型,设置3个不同Thr-Fe剂量组和阳性对照组、低铁对照组、空白对照组,每组6只,每天灌胃1次,连续给药21 d,Thr-Fe剂量组分别给予8、16、32 mg/kg·bw的Thr-Fe,阳性对照组给予32 mg/kg·bw硫酸亚铁。结果:较低铁对照组,Thr-Fe高剂量组大鼠体重及血红蛋白、血清铁蛋白等血液指标显著提高(p<0.01),血清转铁蛋白(p<0.01)和总铁结合力(p<0.05)显著降低,各Thr-Fe剂量组大鼠游离原卟啉显著降低(p<0.01)。Thr-Fe高剂量组IDA大鼠各项指标改善优于阳性对照组。结论:低铁膳食补充Thr-Fe可以改善IDA大鼠的铁营养状况,提高功能铁及贮存铁含量,促进机体铁转运。Thr-Fe对IDA大鼠体重及血红蛋白等的影响呈剂量相关性,Thr-Fe对IDA大鼠铁营养状况的改善效果优于硫酸亚铁。  相似文献   

临床数据表明婴幼儿和少年儿童缺铁性贫血发病率较高,而常用口服铁剂由于其铁腥味、胃肠刺激和生物利用率差等原因,限制了其在特殊人群中的应用。本文重点介绍了新型铁剂乙二胺四乙酸铁钠(NaFeEDTA)的特性、毒理安全性和人体吸收代谢过程等。国内外许多营养专家通过在食物中添加铁营养强化剂NaFeEDTA的方式,明显有效的改善婴幼儿、3~8岁儿童和11~17岁学生等人群的铁营养状况,而对铜、锌、钙等离子代谢没有影响,同时还能促进人体的锌吸收和铅排出;因此,NaFeEDTA被推荐用于改善人群铁营养状况和预防缺铁性贫血的最佳铁剂之一。  相似文献   

为了改善我国人民的铁营养状况,进行了铁盐强化酱油的研究。载体为包头市第一副食品厂生产的普通酱油,其本身含铁量为4.13mg/100m1,在此酱油内加入40mg—60mg铁,观察16周,无沉淀,pH和感观性状无变化。缺铁性贫血是世界上普遍存在的营养缺乏性疾病,尤以孕妇及儿童患病率较高。包头市区儿童患病率高达51.05%。用铁强化食品是预防缺铁性贫血和改善人民铁营养状况的一种常用方法。因此,我们以酱油作为载体进行硫酸亚铁强化,并对其感官性状进行了研究。  相似文献   

缺铁性贫血对青少年体力能力影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文对15例缺铁性贫血和15例正常男生的有氧能力和日常体力活动状况进行研究. 根据铁营养状况进行分组,铁营养指标包括血红蛋白、血清铁蛋白、血清铁和血清转铁蛋白受体,研究两组学生的最大耗氧量、相对体重最大耗氧量、相对瘦体重最大耗氧量、最大作功时间、最大心率以及在工作(学习)和休闲时的净心率、能量消耗和有氧活动时间等指标. 结果表明,缺铁性贫血学生的最大耗氧量,相对体重最大耗氧量、相对瘦体重最大耗氧童、最大作功时间显著下降;休闲时的净心率和能量消耗较正常对照组明显降低,有氧活动时问显著少于正常对照组. 结果提示,缺铁性贫血男性青少年的有氧能力受到损伤,日常体力活动减少.  相似文献   

铁的食品营养强化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
众所周知,铁是人体必需的微量营养素,然而机体缺铁却是全世界、特别是发展中国家最主要的营养问题之一。值的幸慰的是由于人的对铁营养研究的深入,在改善铁营养实际应用方面已经采取了不少重要措施,并取得了很好的成效。我国正式颁布的食品营养强化剂使用性标准中,确定并增加了铁强化剂品种及其使用范围和使用量,这对改善我国公众营养状况必将发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

一、铁的吸收、运转、贮存和丢失维持生理的铁平衡、主要是靠胃肠道调节铁的吸收。在肠道铁被吸收到肠粘膜细胞内,于四小时之内最为显著。一般情况下,机体铁营养状况与其对铁的需要而决定肠道铁的吸收量。但实际铁的吸收受食物中铁存在形式,铁的含量以及所吃食物成分的影响。健康人铁的贮存与摄入,铁的吸收,维持机体铁量在相当稳定的水平。多量摄入铁,则吸收率降低,但是也要比摄入低量时吸收多,而且铁的贮存量增加。缺铁的人,铁的吸收率比健康人高2—3倍。胃内酸性环境使食物铁呈溶解状态,同时使铁能化为可  相似文献   

从托幼机构随机抽取68名,4~5岁健康儿童分成两组,对比观察铁强化健康果食用效果。对照组每人每日食用25克由精制马铃薯粉,低聚糖,蔗糖、大米蛋白等制成保乐果。铁Vc健康果组在保乐果基础上加元素铁4.3mg,维生素c23.3mg(实测值),观察两个月。实验后,铁Vc强化组,体重和身高增长值显著高于对照组。但红蛋白浓度也显著高于对照组。尿负荷实验,铁Vc组,实验后,总抗坏血酸解出量显著增加。提示铁V_c健康果对改善儿童铁和维生素c的营养状况有良好效果。  相似文献   

强化蛋黄粉营养价值评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对强化了铁、钙、维生素E、C的强化蛋黄粉及普通蛋黄粉分别进行了包括动物喂养及人体服用两方面的营养评价,2种蛋黄粉各以30%量拌于奶糕粉中喂饲大鼠6周,与全喂饲奶糕粉组比较,均有明显促进大鼠生长的作用,且体内铁、钙 V_E。等的营养状况优于对照组,尤以强化蛋黄粉组为甚,对血清胆固醇含量无影响。以每人每天10g蛋黄粉替代日常点心喂养幼儿园儿童3月后发现;食用蛋黄粉的2组儿童其身高、体重增加高于对照组,但未达统计学差异,血红蛋白浓度增值,食用2种蛋黄粉者显著高于对照组(p<0.05),尤以食强化蛋黄粉者为明显。提示:长期食用蛋黄粉尤其是强化蛋黄粉对生长及体内铁、钙v_E等的营养状况有一定的改善作用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了铁对人体健康的影响、铁营养的强化及铁强化酱油。  相似文献   

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies worldwide, in both developing and developed regions. Although the aetiology of iron deficiency and resultant anaemia may be multifaceted, inadequate iron intakes, poor iron absorption and disease status may all be underlying causes. Whilst nutrition and supplement interventions may go some way towards improving iron status in ‘at‐risk’ populations, their efficacy can be questioned. New approaches, including food‐based strategies, may be an alternative means of improving the iron status and health of the public sectors. Economically, food‐based approaches may also be more cost‐effective than iron supplements. This paper aims to discuss how the food industry may play an important role in improving the iron status of public sectors, helping to prevent iron deficiency and need for tablet‐based iron supplements.  相似文献   

妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)不仅对母儿结局造成不良影响,还会威胁母亲及其后代的远期健康。饮食的管理及血糖的控制对GDM尤为重要。特殊医学食品是满足特定患者和人群营养需求专门加工配制而成的特殊食品,可通过营养支持起到辅助治疗的作用。本文综述了糖尿病特殊医学食品的发展现状,以及碳水化合物、维生素及铁与GDM关联,并分析了GDM特殊医学食品的研究现状,以期为未来GDM专用特殊医学食品的研制及应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   


Iron deficiency is one of the commonest worldwide nutritional disorders and anemia is a frequent manifestation of its presence. Children and menstruating women are most commonly affected due to their increased iron requirements. The incidence of iron deficiency is greatest in developing countries due to the ingestion of a diet from which iron is poorly bio‐available. Besides anemia, other nonhematological complications of iron deficiency may occur which have uncertain long‐term consequences. While iron supplementation is beneficial in targeted segments of a population, iron fortification of the diet is a preferable method to prevent iron deficiency. A battery of laboratory measurements are necessary for assessing iron status in population studies, and careful long‐term screening is recommended to examine the effects of iron fortification programs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Poor bioavailability of dietary iron, especially from diets rich in cereals and legumes, is a major factor contributing to the high prevalence of nutritional iron deficiency in developing countries. Dietary modification to increase intake of components that promote iron absorption from low-bioavailability meals is an effective strategy for combating nutritional iron deficiency. Prebiotics are nondigestible oligosaccharides that selectively stimulate the growth and activity of specific species of bacteria in the colon with benefits to human health. Common prebiotics such as inulin and fructooligosaccharides occur naturally in a wide variety of plant-based foods and have recently been suggested to have an enhancing effect on iron absorption. The hypothesis that prebiotics enhance iron absorption is biologically plausible because fermentation of prebiotics by natural microflora present in the colon may decrease the pH of the luminal content, promote reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II), stimulate proliferation of epithelial cells to expand the absorptive surface area, and potentially stimulate expression of mineral-transport proteins in epithelial cells. However, data available in the literature characterizing the enhancing properties of prebiotics on iron absorption are inconsistent, and mechanisms of actions involved are poorly understood. The notion that the colon can function as a significant site of iron absorption in response to stimulation by prebiotics, and the effect of long-term exposure to prebiotics on the iron status of iron-deficient subjects remain to be clarified. This review discusses the functional properties of prebiotics as a promising dietary factor that enhances iron absorption. Keywords: prebiotics, iron, colon, oligosaccharides, inulin  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Iron deficiency in pregnant women has been shown to reduce the oxygen supply to the fetus, cause intrauterine growth retardation, and increase the risk of premature delivery and reduced birthweight. Yet the effects of iron supplementation programs on pregnancy outcomes are not well documented for developing countries. OBJECTIVE: To examine the relation between iron supplementation of mothers during pregnancy and children's birthweight using data from a national population-based survey in Zimbabwe. METHODS: The analysis uses information on 3559 births during the five years preceding the 1999 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey. The effect of iron supplementation during pregnancy on birthweight was estimated by multiple regression, controlling for potential confounding effects of prenatal care, child's sex and birth order, mother's education and nutritional status (measured by body-mass index), household living standard, smoke exposure, and other variables. RESULTS: Babies born to mothers who received iron supplementation during pregnancy were 103 g heavier (95% confidence interval, 42-164; p = .001), on average, than babies born to mothers who did not receive iron supplementation during pregnancy. The difference was 64 g (95% confidence interval, 2-125; p = .043) for children whose birthweights were taken from health cards and 163 g (95% confidence interval, 44-281; p = .008) for children whose birthweights were reported by their mothers. CONCLUSIONS: Iron supplementation during pregnancy is associated with significantly higher birthweight, independent of other pregnancy care factors, mother's nutritional status, smoke exposure, and a number of demographic and socioeconomic factors. Prenatal iron supplementation programs can improve pregnancy outcomes and promote child survival in developing countries.  相似文献   

将受试学生分为正常(NA)组、铁缺乏不贫血(IDNA)组和缺铁性贫血(IDA)组,测定铁强化酱油干预前后学生的铁营养指标和认知能力水平。结果表明,干预后,IDA组血红蛋白Hb、血清铁蛋白SF水平均显著升高(P<0.05),IDNA组的SF水平显著升高(P<0.05),而NA组的Hb、SF水平无明显变化(P>0.05)。干预后,IDNA组记忆再认量表分显著增加(P<0.05),IDA组的基本认知能力、知觉速度、心算效率和记忆再认能力均显著增加(P<0.05),而NA组的各项基本认知能力在干预前后均无统计学差异(P>0.05)。干预后IDA组学生的托尼测试得分增加,但与NA组比较仍有显著差异(P<0.05)。铁强化酱油干预可以有效改善铁缺乏学生的铁营养状况,对铁缺乏不贫血和缺铁性贫血学生的认知能力也有明显的改善作用。  相似文献   

目的:了解老年肿瘤患者的膳食结构和营养状况,分析影响因素,为临床进行营养治疗或饮食宣教提供依据。方法:选108例老年肿瘤患者,采用24h膳食回顾法对患者进行连续3d的膳食调查,运用患者总体主观评分法(PG-SGA)、身体测量和各项生化指标对患者进行综合评价。结果:PG-SGA法评价营养不良发生率87%。在年龄方面,重度营养不良组与营养良好组比较有统计学意义。按PG-SGA法分组,不同营养状态的人体测量值中,TSF、AMC、握力、BMI均有统计学意义,TP、Alb、PA、Hb两两比较均有统计学意义。不同营养状态的各组中,能量、蛋白质、碳水化合物、钙、铁、锌、维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2两两比较均有统计学意义。结论:老年肿瘤患者存在能量及多种营养素不足,在治疗过程中应有临床营养人员介入,选择合理的营养干预措施。  相似文献   

Monkey orange (Strychnos spp.) is a widely distributed fruit species in Southern Africa commonly consumed by the local population. It has potential to improve the nutritional status of rural populations, being a precious food source in areas with periodic shortages, since it is rich in vitamin C, zinc, and iron. To improve the availability of this food outside its production season, processing and preservation techniques used at household level need upgrading as they are unreliable and their effects on nutritional quality are unknown. Based on this review, we recommend better indigenous fruit production as a sustainable solution to malnutrition in rural areas in transition countries.  相似文献   

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