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2006年2月23日,卫生部公布了对全国酱油、熟肉制品、坚果和乳饮料的抽检结果。结果显示,酱油和熟肉制品的食品卫生问题比较突出,尤其是散装熟肉制品的微生物污染比较严重,合格率仅为74.4%。被抽检的坚果和乳饮料的所有样品均合格。  相似文献   

含乳饮料是以鲜乳或乳粉、植物蛋白乳(粉)、果菜汁或糖类为原料,添加或不添加食品添加剂与辅料,经杀菌、冷却、接种乳酸菌发酵剂、培养发酵、稀释而制成的活性或非活性饮料。近期,国家质检总局对含乳饮料产品质量进行了国家监督抽查,共抽查了10个城市40家企业的40种产品,合格29种,产品抽样合格率为72.5%。 本次抽查发现以下一些主要质量问题:部分企业不按标准组织生产,造成产品的蛋白质、脂肪等理化指标达不到标准要  相似文献   

含乳饮料标签问题大近期国家质检总局对广东、浙江、江苏、湖南、湖北、内蒙、河北、山东、宁夏、上海等10个省市30家企业的42种含乳酸饮料产品质量进行了国家监督抽查,本次抽查含乳饮料产品存在的主要问题是标签不合格。名称标注不规范如把“牛奶”二字打得很大,而在很不显眼的位置上写上“饮料”,混淆消费者对牛奶和含乳饮料的概念。标签上未标注蛋白质含量蛋白质是衡量含乳饮料营养成分的重要指标,是引导消费者正确消费的重要依据,企业应正确标注其产品的蛋白质含量。本次抽查中有2种产品没有标注蛋白质含量。食品添加剂标注不规范国家食…  相似文献   

上海市质量技术监督局日前对本市经销的学生奶和冷饮进行了产品质量监督抽查。结果表明学生奶质量明显提高,但仍存在不少问题。 学生奶质量较好 这次共抽查了15种学生奶(含乳饮料)产品,经检验,判定为合格的有12种,合格率为80%,其中本市产品12种,合格9种,合格率为75%,外省市产品3种,全部为合格品。 本次抽查不合格的项目主要是脂肪和蛋白质指标不符合标准要求。究其原因主要是有些企业为追求利润而偷工减料,在配料上没有按照规定的配方进行生产;少数厂家实行低成本、高回扣的营销方式,导致了在生产中不惜牺牲质…  相似文献   

牛奶与人类健康   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳及乳制品是营养价值最高、养分最全、最容易消化吸收的食品,人类出生以后4个月内可完全以母乳为食物,可见,乳是一种全价食品。1牛奶的营养牛奶中含有以下主要营养物质:1.1蛋白质蛋白质是牛奶的重要营养物质,市售鲜牛奶的蛋白质含量为3%,主要包括酪蛋白、乳...  相似文献   

国家技术监督局于最近对纯牛奶、花色奶进行了国家监督抽查。这次抽查对象为北京、上海等9个城市市场销售的无菌纯牛奶和花色奶(含甜牛奶、豆奶、果味牛奶和巧克力牛奶)两类产品77种样品,受检的经销企业26家,涉及相关生产企业36家。抽样合格率为59.7%。其中,灭菌纯牛奶抽查了34种产品,合格18种,抽样合格率为52.9%,花色奶油套了43种产品,合格28种,抽样合格率为651%。这次抽查反映出液体奶质量问题突出。主要问题有:1、个别企业的产品微生物项目严重超标。如江苏无锡均瑶饮品有限公司生产的“香蕉果味牛奶”。2、干物质(全乳…  相似文献   

2000年第1季度,国家质量技术监督局组织对饼干、膨化食品、油炸小食品、碳酸饮料、含乳饮料等部分食品进行了国家监督抽查。 本次抽查了北京、桂林、黄石、洛阳等地区的部分经销企业,涉及55家生产企业61种产品,合格产品54种,平均抽样合格率为88.5%。 其中,抽查了14家饼干生产企业的15种产品,合格14种,抽样合格率为93.3%。 抽查了15家膨化食品生产企业的15种产品,合格产品15种,抽样合格率为100%。 抽查9家油炸小食品生产企业的9种产品,合格产品7种,抽样合格率为77.8% 抽查7家碳酸…  相似文献   

中国洗涤用品工业协会由国家洗涤用品质量监督检验中心,2001年第2季度对39家企业的48个产品进行了抽样检验。主要抽查企业分布于北京、天津、上海等16个省市及韩国、香港(国内有代理商)的部分企业产品。在抽查的48个产品中,有25个产品为生产企业抽样,23个产品为流通领域抽样,在48个产品中33个产品合格,合格率68.8%。在12家经销商中有8家企业经销的产品不合格,占全部经销企业的66.7%。在流通领域抽样的23个产品中有14个产品不合格,占流通领域抽样的60.9%,占全部不合格产品93.3%。…  相似文献   

成都床上用品抽查合格率为87.5% 2010年一季度,四川省质量技术监督局抽查了涉及成都市的21家床上用品生产企业以及3家销售企业.共抽检40批次产品,合格35批次.合格率为87.5%,与去年同期相比,合格率提高12.5%。  相似文献   

含乳饮料是以鲜乳或乳粉、植物蛋白乳(粉)、果、菜汁或糖类为原料,添加(不添加)食品添加剂与辅料,经杀菌、冷却、接种乳酸菌发酵剂、培养发酵和稀释而制成的活性或非活性饮料。其种类可分为配制型含乳饮料和发酵型含乳饮料2种。配制型含乳饮料是以鲜乳或乳粉为原料,加入水、糖液和酸味剂等调制而成的产品,其蛋白质含量不低于1.O%的称为乳饮料,蛋白质含量不低于0.7%的称为乳酸饮料;发酵型含乳饮料是以鲜乳或乳粉为原料,经嗜热链球菌或保加利亚乳酸杆菌等发酵制得的乳液中加入水、糖液等调制而成的具有相应风味的活性或非活性产品。其中蛋白质含量不低于1.O%的称为乳酸菌乳饮料,蛋白质含量不低于0.7%的称为乳酸菌饮料。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的迅速发展,计算机信息技术的应用越来越广泛,计算机在食品质量安全管理方面的应用也日趋迫切。本文主要对乳制品质量安全追溯体系、计算机信息技术在奶源品质管理及乳制品生产过程中的应用进行了概述。将计算机信息技术应用于乳品质量安全追溯体系可以发挥其优点,实现从研究开发、原料获取、生产加工、流通消费、监督管理到信息服务等各个环节的高效管理,将计算机信息技术与乳制品质量安全追溯体系相结合,能够在源头上遏制问题产品的扩散,确保乳制品质量安全。  相似文献   

近年来不断出现奶制品的安全问题,而原料奶作为乳业加工的源头,对奶产品的质量安全影响巨大。本文综述了原料奶的质量安全控制及相关检测的研究进展,并探讨了饲养、挤奶、运输过程中的相关事宜,为提高我国奶与奶制品的质量安全及促进乳制品工业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Consumers are increasingly concerned about the safety of their food and uncertain about food production practices. Potential threats to human health related to dairy products and dairy farming include errors in pasteurization, consumption of raw milk products, contamination of milk products by emerging heat-resistant pathogens, emergence of antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic pathogens, chemical adulteration of milk, transmission of zoonotic pathogens to humans through animal contact, and foodborne disease related to cull dairy cows. Most dairy farmers feel responsible for the safety of milk and beef that originate on their farms, but linkage between farm production practices and the quality of processed products have been weak. The safety of dairy products can be enhanced by adoption of a number of management practices. Sources of microbial contamination of milk must be minimized by adoption of hygienic standards that can be easily evaluated. Uniform adoption of milking practices that reduce microbial contamination of milk should be emphasized. The diagnosis of salmonellosis or listeriosis on a dairy farm should be regarded as an indication that other potentially infected animals may be present in the herd. Coliform counts on bulk tank milk should be routinely performed as an indicator of fecal contamination. A reduction in the national regulatory limit for somatic cells in bulk tank milk should be considered based on potential enhancements in milk safety. Dairy farmers must take responsibility for the market cattle leaving their farms. The inappropriate or prophylactic use of antimicrobial agents must be minimized to ensure that antimicrobial resistance does not develop in animal pathogens. Consumers can have confidence in food safety programs on dairy farms that promote awareness and accountability for the products that are produced.  相似文献   

Security of supply quality and price and the contribution made by milk and dairy products in the nutritional quality of the national diet are discussed and the importance of keeping over-productivity of milk in perspective is stressed. The position of the UK markets and the rapid rise in consumer prices of milk during recent years, together with the effect of inflation, is considered. The health of the dairy cow and the improved hygienic quality of raw material is reviewed showing considerable improvement over a number of years. The need for innovation and the future development in convenience foods is emphasized.  相似文献   

<正> 当前,我国奶业经过连续多年高速增长后,正处于转型的关键时期。因此,深入分析我国奶业的发展形势,把握其正确的发展方向,事关整个奶业产业的生存与发展。我国奶业发展的主要特点(一)原料奶生产能力显著增强我国奶业经过10多年的超常规发展,目前已成为仅次于印  相似文献   

高金城 《食品与机械》2015,31(4):240-242
在国际国内奶源价格下跌的背景下,中国乳企将面临国内奶源缺失、库存爆仓、产品结构不合理、市场竞争进一步加剧和价格战等一系列营销风险。为了确保中国乳业的健康发展,在提高中国乳企自身营销风险防范意识的同时,中国政府和有关方面也应该发挥积极的作用;要在重视国内奶源基地建设的同时,建立乳企和奶农的长效利益机制;在适当限制进口奶粉数量的同时,积极扩大国内市场的乳品消费;在大力加强乳品消费教育的同时合理调整乳品消费结构,通过积极推进乳业兼并重组和乳业转型升级。不断提高中国乳企自身的经营管理水平,从而有效化解奶源价格下跌背景下中国乳企面临的营销风险。  相似文献   

Automatic milking systems (AMS), first introduced on dairy farms in the 1990s, rapidly spread across many countries. This technology is based on the voluntary milking of dairy cattle in a completely automated process, which relies on computer management, with a substantial average increase in milking frequency. Compared with conventional milking, AMS significantly alters herd management, with important implications on economic, technical, and social aspects of farming, on animal physiology, health, and well-being. These aspects are explored in an extensive body of research. In contrast, the effects of AMS adoption on milk quality are often overlooked. This review draws together both positive and negative effects of AMS on the milk production chain, particularly emphasizing the variations of hygienic and compositive characteristics of raw milk and their interplay, as compared with milk obtained with conventional milking. Scattered and sometimes conflicting literature exists on whether and how these variations may influence quality and yield of the derived dairy products. Current scientific knowledge on these crucial aspects is thus reviewed, with particular focus on milk technological suitability for being processed into dairy products having the target characteristics in terms of taste, structure, on-storage stability, and sustainability. Provided the managing conditions are optimized, AMS allow increased milk production, mostly due to more frequent milking, without compromising the milk characteristics that are crucial to food industry for processing. Nevertheless, specific biochemical aspects related to the changed milking interval, which determines the duration of enzyme activities and bacterial growth in milk, need further research.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(3):1502-1517
Raw milk typically has little bacterial contamination as it leaves the udder of the animal; however, through a variety of pathways, it can become contaminated with bacteria originating from environmental sources, the cow herself, and contact with contaminated equipment. Although the types of bacteria found in raw milk are very diverse, select groups are particularly important from the perspective of finished product quality. In particular, psychrophilic and psychrotolerant bacteria that grow quickly at low temperatures (e.g., species in the genus Pseudomonas and the family Enterobacteriaceae) and produce heat-stable enzymes, and sporeforming bacteria that survive processing hurdles in spore form, are the 2 primary groups of bacteria related to effects on processed dairy products. Understanding factors leading to the presence of these important bacterial groups in raw milk is key to reducing their influence on processed dairy product quality. Here we examine the raw milk microbiological parameters used in the contemporary dairy industry for their utility in identifying raw milk supplies that will perform well in processed dairy products. We further recommend the use of a single microbiological indicator of raw milk quality, namely the total bacteria count, and call for the development of a whole-farm approach to raw milk quality that will use data-driven, risk-based tools integrated across the continuum from production to processing and shelf-life to ensure continuous improvement in dairy product quality.  相似文献   

液态婴儿奶   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
液态婴儿奶是供婴儿食用的理想乳制品。目前,国内的婴儿乳制品主要以固态的婴儿奶粉为主,而在国外很多国家(如芬兰、俄罗斯等)液态婴儿奶较流行。液太婴儿奶是超高温(UHT)灭菌处理后经无菌包装而成的产品,产品中不需要添加任何防腐剂,保质期可达6个月以上。与婴儿奶粉相比,液态婴儿奶具有很多优点,如勿需冲调、浓度恒定、喂食方便、安全卫生等。在具体生产过程中,原料和工艺等的选择对最终产品的质量有着很大的影响。  相似文献   

目的 调查分析山东省5家鲜乳生产厂产品的卫生质量。方法按国家标准《乳与乳制品卫生标准的分析方法》检测鲜乳质量。结果5种鲜乳的感官、物理和化学性状正常,酒精检验阴性,无掺假、防腐剂和抗生素,无牛布鲁菌病,无乳房炎乳。结论乳品质量指标符合国家卫生标准,可放心饮用。  相似文献   

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