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This is the second of two papers demonstrating the feasibility of using passive air samplers to investigate persistent organic pollutants along an urban-rural transect in Toronto. The first paper investigated spatial trends for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). This second paper investigates the seasonality of air concentrations for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), PCBs, and OCPs along this transect. Air samplers, consisting of polyurethane foam (PUF) disks housed in stainless steel domed chambers, were deployed for three 4-month integration periods from June 2000 to July 2001. The seasonal variations of derived air concentrations for PAHs, PCBs, and OCPs reflected the different source characteristics for these compounds. PAHs showed a strong urban-rural gradient with maximum concentrations at urban sites during the summer period (July-October). These high summer values in Toronto were attributed to increases in evaporative emissions from petroleum products such as asphalt. PCBs also exhibited a strong urban-rural gradient with maximum air concentrations (approximately 2-3 times higher) during the spring period (April-June). This was attributed to increased surface-air exchange of PCBs that had accumulated in the surface layer over the winter. alpha-HCH was fairly uniformly distributed, spatially and temporally, as expected. This pattern and the derived air concentration of approximately 35 to approximately 100 pg m(-3) agreed well with high volume air data from this region, adding confidence to the operation of the passive samplers and showing that site-to-site differences in sampling rates was not an issue. For other OCPs, highest concentrations were observed during the spring period. This was associated with either (i) their local and/or regional application (gamma-HCH, endosulfan) and (ii) their revolatilization (chlordanes, DDT isomers, dieldrin, and toxaphene). Principal component analysis resulted in clusters for the different target chemicals according to their chemical class/source type. The results of this study demonstrate how such a simple sampling technique can provide both spatial and seasonal information. These data, integrated over seasons, can be used to evaluate contaminant trends and the potential role of large urban centers as sources of some semivolatile compounds to the regional environment, including the Great Lakes ecosystem.  相似文献   

The accumulation of persistent organic pollutants by three passive sampling media--semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs), polyurethane foam (PUF) disks, and an organic-rich soil--was investigated. The media were exposed to contaminated indoor air over a period of 450 days, and concentrations in the air and in the media were monitored for individual polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and polychlorinated naphthalene homologue groups. Uptake was initially linear and governed by the surface area of the sampler and the boundary layer airside mass transfer coefficient (MTC). Mean values of the MTC were 0.13, 0.11, and 0.26 cm s-1 for SPMD, PUF, and soil, respectively. As the study progressed, equilibrium was established between ambient air and the passive sampling media for the lower molecular weight PCB congeners. This information was used to calculate passive sampler-air partition coefficients, KPSM-A. These were correlated to the octanol-air partition coefficient, and the resulting regressions were used to predict KPSM-A for the full suite of PCBs. Information on MTC, KPSM-A, surface area, and effective thickness of each sampler was used to estimate times to equilibrium for each medium. These ranged from tens of days for the lower molecular weight congeners to tens of years for the higher molecular weight PCBs. Expressions were also developed to relate the amount of chemical accumulated by the passive sampling media to average ambient air concentrations over the integration period of the sample.  相似文献   

Passive air samples (PAS) were collected and analyzed to assess the spatial and temporal trends of chiral organochlorine signatures in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Samples were collected from 15 sites and analyzed for the concentrations and enantiomer signature of chlordanes and alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH). Levels of the chlordanes were typically 4 times higher in urban areas than what were observed at rural and remote locations, exhibiting strong urban-rural gradients. Near racemic residues were seen for the chlordane enantiomers in samples collected from sites located in Toronto and Chicago, which can be attributed to continued emissions of historical use of the technical chlordane mixture, while the chiral signature observed at sites located in rural and remote locations was indicative of an aged source. Knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of the enantiomer signatures of chlordane and alpha-HCH in air is useful for distinguishing sources of these compounds to ambient air. Results suggest that potential sources, such as those associated with Toronto and Chicago, have limited influence over the levels at rural and remote sites within the Great Lakes. Sources that are relatively close to sample sites, however, have a strong influence on levels observed at those sites. For instance, results indicate that Lake Superior continues to act as a source of alpha-HCH to sites located on its shores. Generally, it appears that during the warmer months, local enhanced surface-air exchange influences air concentrations and that during the cooler periods of the year, levels in the atmosphere are more strongly influenced by advective transport from source regions.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the first field deployment of rapidly equilibrating thin-film passive air samplers under ambient conditions. The POlymer-coated Glass (POG) samplers have a coating of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) less than 1 microm thick applied to a glass surface. This can be dissolved off after exposure and prepared for the quantification of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that have partitioned into the film during field exposure. In this study, POGs were deployed at various heights on the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, to investigate the vertical distribution of selected compounds (PCBs, PAHs, organochlorine pesticides) in the atmospheric boundary layer of an urban area. The feasibility of the method to detect POPs from a few cubic meters of air was demonstrated, indicating the potential for rapid, low-volume sampling of air for ambient levels of POPs. PAH levels declined sharply with height, confirming ground-level emissions in urban areas as sources of these compounds; PCBs did the same, although less strongly. Different sampling events detected different vertical distributions of OC pesticides which could be related to local or distantsources, and variations in POPs on the samplers in these different events/heights demonstrate the dynamic nature of sources and atmospheric mixing of POPs.  相似文献   

Passive air samplers made from polyurethane foam (PUF) disks housed in stainless steel chambers were deployed over four seasons during 2002-2003, at 15 sites in the Laurentian Great lakes, to assess spatial and temporal trends of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs). Sampling rates, determined using depuration compounds pre-spiked into the PUF disk prior to exposure, were, on average, 2.9 +/- 1.1 m3 d(-1), consistent with previous studies employing these samplers. PCN air concentrations exhibited strong urban-rural differences-typically a few pg m(-3) at rural sites and an order of magnitude higher at urban sites (Toronto, 12-31 pg m(-3) and Chicago,13-52 pg m(-3)). The high concentrations at urban sites were attributed to continued emissions of historically used technical PCN. Contributions from combustion-derived PCNs seemed to be more important at rural locations where congeners 24 and 50, associated with wood and coal burning, were elevated. Congener 66/67, associated with incineration and other industrial thermal processes, was elevated at two sites and explained by nearby and/or upwind sources. Probability density maps were constructed for each site and for every integration period were shown to be a useful complement to seasonally integrated passive sampling data to resolve source-receptor relationship for PCNs and other pollutants.  相似文献   

The use of thin-film polymer-coated glass surfaces or POGs as passive air samplers was investigated during an uptake experiment in an indoor environment with high levels of gas-phase polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). POGs consisted of a micron thick layer of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) coated onto glass cylinders. The uptake was initially linear with time and governed by the air-side mass transfer coefficient and surface area of the sampler. This was followed by a curvilinear region and finally a constant phase when equilibrium was established between air and EVA. The high surface area-to-volume ratio of the POGs allowed rapid equilibrium with gas-phase PCBs; equilibration times were on the order of hours for the low molecular weight congeners. The equilibrium concentration was dependent on the EVA-air partition coefficient, K(EVA-A), which was shown to be very well correlated to the octanol-air partition coefficient, K(OA). When POGs of varying thickness were equilibrated with air, the amount of PCB accumulated increased with increasing thickness of the EVA, indicating that uptake was by absorption into the entire polymer matrix. A wind field of 4 m s(-1) resulted in an increased uptake rate by a factor of approximately six compared to uptake in relatively still air. This wind speed effect was diminished, however, when POGs were housed in deployment chambers consisting of inverted stainless steel bowls. Relationships based on the air-side mass transfer coefficient and K(EVA-A) were developed for PCBs that describe the entire uptake profile and allow air concentrations to be determined from the amount of chemical accumulated in the POG. It is believed that these relationships are also valid when POGs are used to detect other classes of persistent organic pollutants.  相似文献   

Data obtained using passive air samplers (PAS) are compared to active high-volume air sampling data in order to assess the feasibility of the PAS as a method, complementary to active high-volume air sampling (AAS), for monitoring levels of organochlorine (OC) pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the Laurentian Great Lakes. PAS were deployed at 15 of the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) sites on a quarterly basis between July 2002 and June 2003, and PAS and AAS results are compared. Levels for the OC pesticides are typically highest in agricultural areas, with endosulfan I dominating air concentrations with values ranging between 40 and 1090 pg x m(-3), dieldrin values between 15 and 165 pg x m(-3), and gamma-HCH values between 13 and 100 pg x m(-3). alpha-HCH was seen to be relatively uniform across the Great Lakes Basin with values ranging between 15 and 73 pg x m(-3). Large urban centers, such as Chicago and Toronto, have the highest levels of PCBs and PBDEs that range between 400 and 1200 pg x m(-3) and 10 and 70 pg x m(-3), respectively. Comparison of the AAS and the PAS data collected during this study shows good agreement, within a factor of 2 or 3, suggesting that the two sample methods produce comparable results. It is suggested that PAS networks, while providing data that are different in nature from AAS, can provide a cost-effective and complementary approach for monitoring the spatial and temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants.  相似文献   

From May to September 2005, five passive air samples were deployed over five, 1-month periods at five elevations on the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, to investigate the vertical distribution, seasonality, and sources of organochlorine pesticides. A strong seasonality was observed between spring and the end of summer. Vertical profiles differed for different pesticide classes. For instance, alpha- and gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane exhibited higher concentrations (60-80 pg m(-3), respectively) near the ground during the spring and early summer, suggesting that surface-air exchange within the city or nearby Lake Ontario may be important sources. The vertical profile for chlordane isomers was variable, suggesting that both advective and local inputs are important. For dieldrin, no obvious trend with elevation was observed, suggesting that concentrations could reflect a regional air mass contamination. Strongest seasonality was observed for the endosulfans, a widely used pesticide in North America, that reached peak concentrations of 750-850 pg m(-3) during June/July. Advective inputs of endosulfan from regional or more distant agricultural regions can explain the relatively uniform concentrations with elevation throughout the study period. The approach used in this study demonstrates that monthly average vertical concentration profiles differ between pesticide groups and reflect their use as well as the relative magnitude of input from local versus regional sources.  相似文献   

The precision, accuracy, and sampling rates of Radiello and Ogawa passive samplers were evaluated in the laboratory using a flow-through chamber and under field conditions prior to their use in the 2007 Harbor Community Monitoring Study (HCMS), a saturation monitoring campaign in the communities adjacent to the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Passive methods included Radiello samplers for volatile organic compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, 1,3-butadiene), aldehydes (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein) and hydrogen sulfide, and Ogawa samplers for nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. Additional experiments were conducted to study the robustness of the passive sampling methods under variable ambient wind speed, sampling duration, and storage time before analysis. Our experimentally determined sampling rates were in agreement with the rates published by Radiello and Ogawa with the following exceptions: we observed a diffusion rate of 22.4 ± 0.1 mL/min for benzene and 37.4 ± 1.5 mL/min for ethylbenzene compared to the Radiello published values of 27.8 and 25.7 mL/min, respectively. With few exceptions, the passive monitoring methods measured one-week average ambient concentrations of selected pollutants with sensitivity and precision comparable to conventional monitoring methods averaged over the same period. Radiello Carbograph 4 VOC sampler is not suitable for the collection of 1,3-butadiene due to backdiffusion. Results for the Radiello aldehyde sampler were inconclusive due to lack of reliable reference methods for all carbonyl compounds of interest.  相似文献   

Air was sampled for one year in the central valley of Costa Rica using an active high-volume sampler as well as passive samplers (PAS) based on polyurethane foam (PUF) disks and XAD-resin filled mesh cylinders. Extracts were analyzed for pesticides that are either banned or currently used in Costa Rican agriculture. Sampling rates for PUF-based passive air samplers, determined from the loss of depuration compounds spiked on the disks prior to deployment averaged 5.9 +/- 0.9 m3 x d(-1) and were higher during the windier dry season than during the rainy season. Sampling rates for the XAD-based passive sampler were determined from the slopes of linear relationships that were observed between the amount of pesticide sequestered in the resin and the length of deployment, which varied from 4 months to 1 year. Those sampling rates increased with decreasing molecular size of a pesticide, and their average of 2.1 +/- 1.5 m3 x d(-1) is higher than rates previously reported for temperate and polar sampling sites. Even though the trends of the sampling rate with molecular size and temperature are consistent with the hypothesis that molecular diffusion controls uptake in passive samplers, the trends are much more pronounced than a direct proportionality between sampling rate and molecular diffusivity would suggest. Air concentrations derived by the three sampling methods are within a factor of 2 of each other, suggesting that properly calibrated PAS can be effective tools for monitoring levels of pesticides in the tropical atmosphere. In particular, HiVol samplers, PUF-disk samplers, and XAD-based passive samplers are suitable for obtaining information on air concentration variability on the time scale of days, seasons and years, respectively. This study represents the first calibration study for the uptake of current use pesticides by passive air samplers.  相似文献   

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