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以纯牛奶和荔枝汁为主要原料,以干酪乳杆菌、保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌为发酵菌种,探讨三种乳酸菌的不同组合发酵对凝固型荔枝酸奶的发酵特性和质构的影响。结果表明:干酪乳杆菌产胞外多糖能力较强,单独发酵时胞外多糖含量达到22.50g/L,而嗜热链球菌和保加利亚乳杆菌单独发酵时胞外多糖的含量分别为5.73 g/L和0.29 g/L;各种不同乳酸菌组合发酵后酸奶的表观粘度和持水力与胞外多糖的含量呈正相关(R2=0.98);干酪乳杆菌产酸能力弱,单独发酵后p H高于其它添加有嗜热链球菌和保加利亚乳杆菌的组合,导致酸奶的硬度偏低,但干酪乳杆菌联合嗜热链球菌或保加利亚乳杆菌发酵时,发酵酸奶的硬度和乳酸菌活菌数均明显优于单独发酵组。因此,当干酪乳杆菌与嗜热链球菌及保加利亚乳杆菌联合发酵时,能充分发挥三个菌种的各自优势,菌落总数、胞外多糖含量和质构均能达到较好的品质水平。  相似文献   

Viability of dairy-borne Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica serovar Typhimurium PT8 was studied during the fermentation of skim milk by thermophilic lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Longer generation times of Salmonella were found in mixed cultures of skim milk containing Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus or a mixture of them (1:1), as compared with single cultures of the pathogen. Salmonella was less able to survive in mixed cultures with these LAB during prolonged incubation at 41°C and also during cold storage of the fermented milk. L actobacillus ssp. bulgaricus and its mixture with S. thermophilus were more inhibitory to the growth and survival of Salmonella than was S. thermophilus . This was associated with higher ability of L . ssp. bulgaricus and the mixture to develop acidity in milk than S. thermophilus . Examining the antibacterial activity of these LAB towards Salmonella showed that other factors including heat-resistant and heat-labile compounds were involved in inhibiting the pathogen by these cultures. The viability of the same Salmonella strain during the preparation and cold storage of buffalo's yogurt was also examined. Salmonella was found to survive longer in yogurt made with starter containing probiotic bacteria than in that prepared with the traditional starter. This was ascribed to the development of lower pH by the traditional starter.  相似文献   

In this study, Salmonella typhimurium was acid adapted at pH 5.5 for 4 h. The viability of the acid-adapted and non-adapted cells of S. typhimurium was investigated both during the lactic fermentation of skim milk with Streptococcus thermophilus or Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and during the storage of lactic fermented milk products at 5 degrees C. It was found that the viable population of S. typhimurium, regardless of acid adaptation, increased in skim milk during the initial 24 h of lactic fermentation and then declined. However, the viable population of acid-adapted S. typhimurium was significantly higher (P<.05) than that of non-adapted cell at the end of 48 h of fermentation. Acid-adapted cells of S. typhimurium were also found to have survived better than non-adapted cells in the S. thermophilus-prepared fermented milk and two commercial lactic fermented milk products. The viability of the acid-adapted and non-adapted S. typhimurium at 5 and 37 degrees C in cell-free fermented milks that had their pHs adjusted to 6.4 and skim milk (pH 6.4) was further investigated. Results revealed that acid adaptation, in addition to enhancing acid tolerance, reduced the susceptibility of S. typhimurium to refrigerated temperature and other detrimental factors which might be present in lactic fermented milk products. These responses all contribute to the enhanced survival of acid-adapted S. typhimurium in the lactic fermented milk products observed in the present study.  相似文献   

In the present work, the compared effect of milk base and starter culture on acidification, texture, growth, and stability of probiotic bacteria in fermented milk processing, was studied. Two strains of probiotic bacteria were used, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5 and L. rhamnosus LR35, with two starter cultures. One starter culture consisted only of Streptococcus thermophilus ST7 (single starter culture); the other was a yogurt mixed culture with S. thermophilus ST7 and L. bulgaricus LB12 (mixed starter culture). For the milk base preparation, four commercial dairy ingredients were tested (two milk protein concentrates and two casein hydrolysates). The resulting fermented milks were compared to those obtained with control milk (without enrichment) and milk added with skim milk powder. The performance of the two probiotic strains were opposite. L. acidophilus LA5 grew well on milk but showed a poor stability during storage. L. rhamnosus LR35 grew weakly on milk but was remarkably stable during storage. With the strains tested in this study, the use of the single starter culture and the addition of casein hydrolysate gave the best probiotic cell counts. The fermentation time was of about 11 h, and the probiotic level after five weeks of storage was greater than 106 cfu/ml for L. acidophilus LA5 and 10(7) cfu/ml for L. rhamnosus LR35. However, an optimization of the level of casein hydrolysate added to milk base has to be done, in order to improve texture and flavor when using this dairy ingredient.  相似文献   

不同乳酸菌在冬瓜汁中的发酵特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
向鲜榨并经巴氏灭菌的冬瓜汁中接入不同的乳酸菌(干酪乳杆菌、嗜热链球菌、植物乳杆菌、嗜酸乳杆菌、鼠李糖乳杆菌、双歧杆菌和保加利亚乳杆菌)进行发酵,比较发酵过程中乳酸菌活菌数、pH值、可滴定酸、总糖、还原糖、总多酚和色泽等变化和发酵后挥发性风味物质种类与相对含量。结果表明,冬瓜汁营养丰富,上述各种乳酸菌均能在冬瓜汁中很好地生长,其中干酪乳杆菌的生长速率(对数生长期)略低于其他6种菌;另外,七种乳酸菌发酵后冬瓜汁中主要挥发性风味物质主要有酸类、醇类、酯类、醛类、酮类五类,保加利亚乳杆菌发酵的冬瓜汁中检出的挥发性风味物质最多。除双歧杆菌之外其他六种乳酸菌发酵的冬瓜汁理化性质差别不大,双歧杆菌发酵的冬瓜汁在总色差上明显高于其他乳酸菌,且双歧杆菌的产酸能力最强,在发酵期间其可滴定酸含量最高。  相似文献   

测定了嗜酸乳杆菌、保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌发酵豆乳的单菌产酸曲线与混菌产酸曲线,并采用正交实验分析了它们对发酵豆乳的品质影响及与单菌发酵豆乳贮存期质量变化的比较。结果表明,嗜酸乳杆菌、保加利亚乳杆菌是影响酸豆乳质量的主要因素,嗜热链球菌次之。按体积分数为2.2%嗜酸乳杆菌、体积分数为3.0%保加利亚乳杆菌、体积分数为1.8%嗜热链球菌配比共同发酵,可得到组织状态、口感风味较好的酸豆乳,克服了单一嗜酸乳杆菌发酵豆乳产酸慢、凝乳时间长、活菌数不高且贮存期活菌数下降快的缺陷。  相似文献   

本文目的在于探究8种乳酸菌发酵荔枝汁-大豆蛋白的氨基酸代谢差异,分析不同乳酸菌的氨基酸代谢特征。本研究以荔枝汁-大豆蛋白为培养基,选择8种乳酸菌在37 ℃温度下培养18 h,测定发酵前后乳酸菌发酵液活菌数及氨基酸含量。结果表明,发酵前后共检测到17种氨基酸,发酵后氨基酸总量从582.79 mg/100 g下降至427.97 mg/100 g。不同乳酸菌发酵后的氨基酸总量差异明显,副干酪乳杆菌FJAT-13741(365.95 mg/100 g)<嗜热链球菌FJAT-43774(369.36 mg/100 g)<发酵乳杆菌FJAT-13771(411.03 mg/100 g)<植物乳杆菌FJAT-13737(417.54 mg/100 g)<短乳杆菌FJAT-43776(438.14 mg/100 g)<鼠李糖乳杆菌FJAT-13807(462.38 mg/100 g)<嗜酸乳杆菌FJAT-13772(477.65 mg/100 g)<德氏乳杆菌FJAT-43773(481.52 mg/100 g)。聚类分析结果显示,8种乳酸菌的氨基酸代谢特征分为3组,高含量组含1种氨基酸、中含量组含5种氨基酸、低含量组含11种氨基酸;根据氨基酸含量,8种乳酸菌可分为三类,高含量组含3种乳酸菌,中含量组含3种乳酸菌,低含量组含2种乳酸菌。进一步构建了乳酸菌的氨基酸代谢特征指数(AAMCI),表示功能性氨基酸占氨基酸总量的比值,其中比值最高的为德氏乳杆菌FJAT-43773(54.32%),最低的为嗜热链球菌FJAT-43774(47.82%)。研究结果将为荔枝乳酸菌饮品研制菌株的筛选提供理论依据。  相似文献   

发酵奶中乳酸菌菌种检出及活菌计数调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析北京市场发酵奶(酸奶)在保质期内的乳酸菌数及乳酸菌菌种的检出率。方法对11个酸奶厂家的20种不同酸奶产品进行乳酸菌活菌计数及所用菌种的检验。结果在保质期间,双歧杆菌和嗜酸乳杆菌检出率分别为23.08%和27.27%;保加利亚乳杆菌与嗜热链球菌分别为72.22%和94.44%。在保质期末,嗜热链球菌的平均活菌数为3.23×106CFU/ml,保加利亚乳杆菌为4.17×105CFU/ml,双歧杆菌为1.12×104CFU/ml,嗜酸乳杆菌为1.32×104CFU/ml。结论酸奶中嗜热链球菌和保加利亚乳杆菌的检出率及活菌数均高于双歧杆菌和嗜酸乳杆菌。  相似文献   

本研究以大豆为主要原料,经过膨化处理,将保加利亚乳杆菌(L.bulgaricus)和嗜热乳酸链球菌(Str.thermophilus)混合作为发酵剂进行乳酸发酵。用L9(34)正交实验得出最佳工艺条件,研制出了具有浓郁风味的乳酸菌发酵酸奶。  相似文献   

选择保加利亚杆菌(Lactobacillus bulgaricus)和嗜热链球菌(Streptococcus thermophilus)作为发酵菌种,通过逐步提高牛奶中豆乳的比例对菌种进行驯化的方法和改变培养基中营养成分的含量,研究大豆酸乳发酵过程中酸度值和菌落总数的变化情况。结果表明,经过驯化后的保加利亚杆菌发酵大豆酸乳过程中,酸度值从37.5 °T上升至40.0 °T,活菌数量提高了0.5倍;经过驯化后的嗜热链球菌发酵大豆酸乳过程中,酸度值从35.0 °T上升至37.5 °T,活菌数量提高了1.67倍;经过驯化后的混合菌种(保加利亚杆菌∶嗜热链球菌比例为1∶1)发酵大豆酸乳过程中,酸度值从42.5 °T升至48.5 °T,活菌数量提高了1.85倍;5种营养因子对大豆酸乳酸度的提高作用顺序为大豆肽>氨基酸>胡萝卜汁>低聚果糖>西红柿汁。  相似文献   

利用超声波浸提法提取红曲中的有效成分,将红曲水提取液与全脂奶粉混合发酵制成新型红曲酸奶。通过荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术跟踪发酵过程中乳酸菌含量的变化,结果表明:红曲酸奶中保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌数量显著高于普通酸奶。发酵2 h时,红曲酸奶中保加利亚乳杆菌与嗜热链球菌菌体数量分别为普通酸奶的2.63和2.24倍;发酵5 h时,发酵接近终点,红曲酸奶中保加利亚乳杆菌与嗜热链球菌菌体数量分别为普通酸奶的2.29和2.75倍。红曲酸奶的保藏期可达15 d,乳酸菌数符合国家标准的要求。  相似文献   

Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus (L. bulgaricus) and Streptococcus thermophilus are traditionally used for the manufacture of yogurt. It is said that a symbiotic relationship exists between Strep. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus and this decreases fermentation time. It is well known that L. bulgaricus is stimulated by the formate produced by Strep. thermophilus, and Strep. thermophilus is stimulated by free amino acids and peptides liberated from milk proteins by L. bulgaricus in symbiotic fermentation. We found that acid production by starter culture LB81 composed of L. bulgaricus 2038 and Strep. thermophilus 1131 was greatly accelerated by decreasing dissolved oxygen (DO) to almost 0 mg/kg in the yogurt mix (reduced dissolved oxygen fermentation) and that DO interferes with the symbiotic relationship between L. bulgaricus 2038 and Strep. thermophilus 1131. We attributed the acceleration of acid production of LB81 by reduced dissolved oxygen fermentation mainly to the acceleration of formate production and the suppression of acid production of LB81 by DO mainly to the suppression of formate production.  相似文献   

This study investigated the viability of probiotic ( Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5, Lactobacillus rhamnosus LBA and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp . lactis BL-04) in milk fermented with Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp . bulgaricus LB340 and Streptococcus thermophilus TAO (yoghurt – Y). Each probiotic strain was grown separately in co-culture with Y and in blends of different combinations. Blends affected fermentation time(s), pH and firmness during storage at 4°C. The product made with Y plus B. animalis subsp . lactis and L. rhamnosus had counts of viable cells at the end of shelf life that met the minimum required to achieve probiotic effect. However, L. acidophilus and L. delbrueckii subsp . bulgaricus were inhibited.  相似文献   

该试验对乳酸菌发酵核桃粕乳的不同菌株进行筛选,通过pH值、酸度及感官评定分析,从9株乳酸菌中筛选出嗜酸乳杆菌(Lactobacillus acidophilus)和植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)两株优良菌种。研究两株乳酸菌的复配比例,并与传统发酵剂发酵的核桃粕乳进行品质对比。结果表明,以嗜酸乳杆菌:植物乳杆菌(1∶1)接种发酵后得到的发酵核桃粕发酵乳综合品质最佳,其感官评分90分,氨基酸态氮含量57.0 mg/L,活菌总数7.35×107 CFU/mL,经发酵后的营养价值明显优于传统发酵剂发酵的核桃粕乳。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This study was conducted to examine the growth, proteolytic profiles as well as angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) and α-glucosidase (α-glu) inhibitory potentials of selected strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Two strains each of yogurt bacteria ( Streptococcus thermophilus —1275 and 285, and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus —1092 and 1368), and probiotics ( L. acidophilus —4461 and 33200, and L. casei —2607 and 15286, and 1 strain of Bifidobacterium longum 5022), were cultivated in reconstituted skim milk (RSM) at 37 °C and their proteolytic profiles and ACE as well as α-glu inhibitory activities were determined. Among all the strains of lactic acid bacteria studied, yogurt bacteria grew very well, with the exception of L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus 1368 which showed a slower growth during the initial 3 h of incubation. The growth pattern corresponded well with the decrease in pH for the organisms. All the organisms showed an increase in proteolysis with time. The variations in proteolytic capabilities translated into corresponding variations in ACE inhibitory potential of these organisms. Bifidobacterium longum 5022 showed the highest ACE inhibitory potential followed by L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus 1368, L. casei 15286, S. thermophilus 1275, and L. acidophilus 4461. Organisms with high intracellular enzymatic activities grew well. Also, aminopeptidases of strains of L. acidophilus 4461 and S. thermophilus 1275 that could better utilize proline containing substrates showed enhanced ACE inhibitory potential. Lactic acid bacteria possessed the ability to inhibit α-glu activity, which endowed them an antidiabetic property as well.  相似文献   

Improved media for differentiation of rods and cocci in yogurt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Selected yogurt starters and commercial samples grew on Elliker's lactic agar supplemented with .1% Tween 80 and 50 micrograms/ml of 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride to produce small, red Streptococcus thermophilus colonies and larger, white Lactobacillus bulgaricus colonies. The distinction was somewhat strain dependent but was satisfactory in most cases. Addition of 7% skim milk (11% solids) to lactic agar in place of 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride allowed good rod-coccus differentiation, regardless of strain or yogurt brand. On this medium, called yogurt lactic agar, L. bulgaricus appeared as large white colonies surrounded by a cloudy zone and S. thermophilus as smaller white colonies devoid of a surrounding halo. Casein precipitation was responsible for the halo effect around the more acidogenic L. bulgaricus colonies. Yogurt lactic agar compared favorably with S. thermophilus and Lactobacillus agar media for the recovery of S. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus in single and mixed cultures.  相似文献   

为筛选出高产叶酸的乳酸菌并研究该乳酸菌对发酵乳的影响,采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法从5种乳酸菌菌株:植物乳杆菌、嗜热链球菌、保加利亚乳杆菌、干酪乳杆菌、嗜酸乳杆菌的发酵液中检测叶酸含量,并通过检测复合发酵乳的pH、持水力、质构特性和感官特性来研究产叶酸的乳酸菌对发酵乳品质的影响。结果表明:植物乳杆菌产叶酸量最高,其次是嗜酸乳杆菌,分别为51.40和34.77 μg/mL。并且以基础菌发酵乳为对照组,添加产叶酸乳杆菌发酵乳为实验组,实验组与对照组相比,其质构特性和感官品质会提高,同时pH也显著下降(p<0.05)。本实验为开发功能性发酵乳提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

曹晶晶  木泰华  马梦梅 《食品科学》2022,43(18):134-142
选用植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum,Lp)、保加利亚乳杆菌(Lactobacillus bulgaricus,Lb)、嗜热链球菌(Streptococcus thermophilus,St)、戊糖片球菌(Pediococcus pentosus,Pp)、干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus casei,Lc)及商业Lp(SZ)分别对甘薯淀粉加工浆液进行发酵,比较不同乳酸菌发酵对甘薯淀粉加工浆液营养功能成分(蛋白质、灰分、可溶性膳食纤维、不溶性膳食纤维、总膳食纤维、总酸、总糖、乳酸、短链脂肪酸、总酚、游离氨基酸)及感官特性(电子鼻、电子舌、气相色谱-质谱、感官评价)的影响。结果表明:6 种乳酸菌发酵后,浆液中蛋白质、糖类、可溶性膳食纤维、不溶性膳食纤维及总膳食纤维含量显著下降;不同乳酸菌均表现出良好的发酵性能,发酵后浆液pH值从6.62下降到3.67~3.88,总酸质量浓度由0.29 g/100 mL提高至2.69~3.67 g/100 mL,且乳酸及短链脂肪酸含量显著上升;Lb和Lc发酵显著提高了浆液中总酚含量,分别提升了18.44%和17.78%;在发酵液中共检出16 种游离氨基酸,其中必需游离氨基酸含量显著上升;气相色谱-质谱结果表明,乳酸菌发酵可有效提升甘薯淀粉加工浆液中风味物质的种类和含量,改善其风味和口感,其中Pp、St和SZ发酵浆液的总体感官品质最好。上述研究结果可为乳酸菌发酵应用于甘薯淀粉加工浆液制备饮料的研发奠定理论支撑。  相似文献   

以质量浓度100g/L脱脂乳为基础培养基,研究了添加不同比例和种类的维生素、氨基酸、蛋白质及糖类等营养素对嗜酸乳杆菌产酸能力及凝乳时间的影响。结果表明:乳糖0.5%、泛酸0.08%、半胱氨酸1%、大豆蛋白胨0.25%可使发酵乳凝乳时间从18-24h缩短到4h,pH值达4.30~5.25,因此该四种营养素可作为嗜酸乳杆菌发酵乳的增酵因子。  相似文献   

以黄瓜与鲜牛奶为原料,利用保加利亚乳杆菌(Lactobacillus bulgaricus)对黄瓜牛奶复合物进行发酵。并对发酵液的pH值、总酸、总糖、总酚、乳酸含量和抗氧化性进行分析。同时利用气相色谱-质谱对发酵液的挥发性成分进行分析。采用的发酵工艺为黄瓜汁∶纯牛奶=7∶3(V/V),保加利亚乳杆菌接种量0.01%,初始pH值6.1,发酵温度37 ℃,发酵时间3 d。在此工艺下对提取的样品进行分析,测得发酵乳的总酸含量为50.5 g/L,总酚含量为0.165 mg/mL,其羟自由基清除率达87%,DPPH自由基清除率达85.12%。总抗氧化能力最高与0.85 mmol/L的Trolox的抗氧化能力相同。发酵液的挥发性成分中,烷类化合物(68.40%)和酯类化合物(10.61%)含量较高,酸类化合物(5.03%)和酮类化合物(0.98%)含量较低。  相似文献   

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