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本刊综合报道,2005 年对以下 30 类产品实施国家免检制度:黄酒、方便面、饮料、罐头、饲料、化肥、粮油加工机械、文具、家具、组合音响、电动剃须刀、不锈钢餐具、人造板(木地板)、照明设备、旅游鞋、服装(休闲服、童装、袜子)、丝绸制品、取暖器、采暖散热器、太阳能热水器、注塑机械、管材、有色金属及稀土产品、磁性材料、电机、电线电缆、变压器、轴承、车用润滑油、汽车零配件。 2002 年获得国家免检资格的电视机、电冰箱、空调、洗衣机、皮鞋、尿素、钢筋、水泥、微型计算机、微波炉、婴幼儿配方乳粉、合成洗衣粉、吸油烟机、卫生巾…  相似文献   

优势区范围 广东片:增城、德庆、从化、信宜、白云、黄埔、花都、番禺、台山、开平、鹤山、恩平、三水、顺德、高明、龙门、清远、雷州、吴川、遂溪、徐闻、珠海、惠州市惠城区、惠阳区、惠东、博罗、东莞市、汕头市澄海区、潮南区、惠来。  相似文献   

TRAMCO链式输送机广泛应用于油料加工、食品加工、肉类副产品加工、酒精工艺、酿酒厂、麦芽糖加工、食糖加工等行业.可输送大豆、花生、葵花籽、油菜籽、棉籽等油料及其饼粕,还可输送大米、小麦、稻谷、玉米、化工产品、矿物、煤炭、橡胶、纸浆、固体垃圾等物料.  相似文献   

周玲 《烹调知识》2012,(3):64-65
玉米亦称玉蜀黍、包谷、玉麦、陆谷、老玉米、棒豆、苞罗、、棒子、玉茭、苞谷、玉粟粟、包米、六谷等。玉米属禾本科植物玉蜀黍的种子。玉米含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、胡萝卜素、锌、钙、镁、硒、维生素E、磷和酶等。  相似文献   

<正>河北、山西、辽宁、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、山东、河南、湖北、湖南、四川、陕西、甘肃、新疆、天津、宁波、青岛、武汉等产棉省、自  相似文献   

夏季养生食物选择夏天养心安神之品有茯苓、麦冬、小枣、莲子、百合、竹叶、柏子仁等,这些都能起到养心安神的作用。在饮食方面,应多吃小米、玉米、豆类、鱼类、洋葱、土豆、冬瓜、苦瓜、芹菜、芦笋、南瓜、香蕉、苹果等,少吃动物内脏、鸡蛋黄、肥肉、鱼子、虾等,少吃过咸的食物,如咸鱼、咸菜等。  相似文献   

胡金 《现代家电》2014,(11):57-57
<正>2014年5月21日,中国家电网主办的"智领健康!激发新动力——2014中国冰箱行业高峰论坛"在北京召开,海尔、卡萨帝、美的、容声、美菱、海信、帝度、博世、西门子、夏普、松下、三星、LG、伊莱克斯、倍科、荣事达、TCL、康佳、统帅、新飞、澳柯玛、华日、索伊、韩  相似文献   

马伟 《四川烹饪》2009,(6):84-84
茼蒿焖带鱼 原料:带鱼600克 茼蒿300克 蒜苗花20克 干辣椒节、八角、姜片、葱段、蒜米、精盐、料酒、味精、鸡粉、胡椒粉、白糖、蚝油、酱油、香醋、鲜汤、湿淀粉、干淀粉、辣椒油、葱油、色拉油各适量  相似文献   

选料:豆角、黄瓜、芹菜、青辣椒、蒜薹、萝卜、生姜、青刀豆、马铃薯、胡萝卜、洋葱、竹笋、黄花菜、食用菌等等肉质肥厚、组织致密、粗纤维少的新鲜饱满蔬菜,都可以用来加工脱水蔬菜。  相似文献   

感冒香蕉、橘子、芦笋汁、羊肉、姜母鸭。咳嗽冰淇淋、橘子、炸(烤)食品、花生、酒、甜食、辣食。急性胃炎油炸食物、辣椒、糯米。  相似文献   

Mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Botanicals are used in many countries for medicinal and general health-promoting purposes. Numerous natural occurrences of mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits have been reported. Aflatoxins or ochratoxin A (OTA) have been found in botanicals such as ginseng, ginger, liquorice, turmeric, and kava-kava in the USA, Spain, Argentina, India, and some other countries, while fumonisins have been found in medicinal wild plants in South Africa and in herbal tea and medicinal plants in Turkey. Zearalenone was identified in ginseng root. Dried fruits can be contaminated with aflatoxins, OTA, kojic acid, and, occasionally, with patulin or zearalenone. One main area of concern is aflatoxins in dried figs; bright greenish yellow fluorescence under ultraviolet light is associated with aflatoxin contamination. OTA in dried vine fruits (raisins, sultanas, and currants) is another concern. There are also reports of aflatoxins in raisins and OTA in dried figs, apricots, dried plums (prunes), dates, and quince. Maximum permitted levels in the European Union include 4 µg kg-1 for total aflatoxins in dried fruit intended for direct consumption and 10 µg kg-1 for OTA in dried vine fruit. This review discusses the occurrence of mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits and analytical issues such as sampling, sample preparation, and methods for analysis. Fungal contamination of these products, the influence of sorting, storage, and processing, and prevention are also considered.  相似文献   

通过传统培养法和三代全长高通量测序技术分析高温大曲培菌发酵过程中使用的新、陈稻草的微生物组成和代谢通路的差异。结果表明,陈稻草样品中菌落总数、耐热菌和真菌数量显著高于新稻草(P<0.05)。两种稻草的群落结构存在差异,主要体现在细菌群落,新稻草中主要优势细菌属为泛菌属(Pantoea)和伯克霍尔德菌属(Burkholderia),而陈稻草为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和糖多孢菌(Saccharopolyspora)。四折叠球菌属(Quadrisphaera)、微杆菌属(Microbacterium)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)、孢堆黑粉菌属(Sporisorium)等是新稻草中的标志菌属,而糖多孢菌属(Saccharopolyspora)、变形闭囊鞘属(Chromocleista)和节担菌属(Wallemia)等是陈稻草中的标志菌属。新稻草中的细菌在L-色氨酸生物合成、L-精氨酸/腐胺/4-氨基丁酸降解和甲基乙二醛降解所占功能丰度更高,而陈稻草中的真菌在辛烷氧化、L-色氨酸降解和硝酸盐还原途径中的功能丰度更高。  相似文献   

分析了我国纺织机械器材行业的现状,纺织器材行业取得的成绩及存在的不足,指出近年来,我国纺织器材行业在生产组织方式、创新能力及产品水平、品牌意识等方面都有长足进步,部分产品已达国际先进水平,但仍存在整体水平偏低、企业规模小、数量多、同质化严重、研发能力不强等不足;说明纺织器材行业要加快技术水平提升,树立精品观念,走差异化道路、向服务模式转型,建立产业创新技术联盟等多种合作方式。  相似文献   

湖北省十堰市烟田杂草的种类与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确湖北省十堰市主要烟叶产区烟田杂草的种类及分布,确定危害烟叶生产的主要杂草种类,为高产优质烟叶生产提供技术支撑,笔者于2011年9月在湖北省十堰市植烟面积比较大的郧西县、竹山县和房县的8个乡镇进行了烟田杂草种类及分布普查.普查采用对角线五点取样法,样方50 cm×50 cm,调查样方中的所有杂草种类和株(分蘖)数.结果表明,十堰市烟田杂草有62种,隶属于27个科.优势种为马唐、旱稗、尼泊尔蓼、铁苋菜和牛膝菊.发生频度较高的几种杂草依次为马唐、铁苋菜、尼泊尔蓼、腺梗豨莶和牛膝菊.危害最严重的杂草种类为马唐、铁苋菜和尼泊尔蓼,应作为防除重点.海拔高度对杂草的种类及分布有一定影响,在海拔较低的烟田中杂草种类较多.  相似文献   

目的了解大连市部分食品中重金属、有机磷及氨基甲酸酯农药残留、有机氯及菊酯农药残留以及环己基氨基磺酸钠的污染现状,对食品安全进行有效控制。方法按GB/T 5009—2003《食品卫生检验方法理化部分》检测铅、镉、汞、有机氯及菊酯农药残留、环己基氨基磺酸钠、有机磷及氨基甲酸酯农药残留。结果 39份样品中铅超标5份;镉和汞无超标样品。50份蔬菜样品中检出毒死蜱农药残留1份,超标1份;氯氰菊酯农药残留2份,超标1份。10份茶叶样品中检出联苯菊酯农药残留1份,无超标样品。有机磷及氨基甲酸酯农药、有机氯及菊酯农药、环己基氨基磺酸钠均无检出。结论大连市部分水产品中铅含量较高,污染较明显。需要进一步加强监测,控制污染。农药残留水平较低,只在个别蔬菜和茶叶中有不同程度的检出。  相似文献   

We investigated the contents in yolk and albumen of the trace minerals Se, Zn, Mn, Co, Cu, Mo, V, Cr, Ni, Tl, As and Cd in eggs from hens from three husbandry systems by ICP-MS. Conventional hens were given a commercial feed with added minerals, organic hens were given a feed based on organic feedstuffs also with added minerals, and courtyard hens were fed on cereals, legumes, grass and swill. Dietary Se, Zn, Mn, Co and Cu concentrations were lower in courtyard compared to conventional and organic diets; Cr concentration was highest in courtyard compared to organic diet. Trace element contents in yolks were higher than those in albumen. The highest content of Se in yolks was in organic, followed by conventional eggs. Zn contents were highest in courtyard yolk, followed by conventional, which in turn was higher than organic. Mn yolk contents were lowest in courtyard eggs; Cr contents were highest in courtyard eggs. The differences in albumen were in Zn and Cr values, which were highest in courtyard eggs. Τhe results provide baseline measurements of trace mineral contents of eggs and suggest measurable differences amongst eggs from hens in different husbandry systems; the physiological significance of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Extractable phenolic compounds, classified as total phenolics, resorcinols, catechols and galloyls, were determined in cereals and legume food grains commonly consumed in Tanzania, using various colorimetric methods. Grain samples of red sorghum (udo), finger millet, cowpea, mung bean and brown kidney bean were further processed—soaked in water at different pHs, germinated, cooked or dehulled (legumes only)—and the effect on extractable phenolics was analysed. In untreated grains, total phenolics ranged from 0.9 to 33.7, catechols from 0.8 to 13.5 and resorcinols from 0.2 to 11 mg catechin equivalents (CE) g?1. Galloyls (tannic acid equivalents, TAE) were found in negligible amounts in most grains, but in appreciable amounts in red sorghum (5.5 mg g?1). Processing of grains led to variable effects on the extractable phenolics. Soaking the grains significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the amount of total extractable phenolics in red sorghum, finger millet and cowpea, with alkali and acidic media being more effective. Water soaking had no effect on total extractable phenolics in mung bean and water, while alkali and acidic soaking had no effect on total extractable phenolics in brown kidney bean. Extractable catechols and resorcinols were affected by soaking in a similar pattern to total extractable phenolics. Germination reduced total extractable phenolics, catechols and resorcinols in all samples, except for catechols in mung bean. Cooking (boiling of grains) was more effective in reducing total extractable phenolics in cereals than germination and water soaking, while dehulling was the most effective method for reducing total extractable phenolics in legumes (p < 0.01). Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations were determined in meat, kidney and liver tissue of cattle, which had resided more than 18 months in areas historically contaminated by emissions from the non-ferrous metal industry or in regions with normal background metal contamination levels in Belgium. Trace element levels were determined by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. Lead, arsenic and cadmium concentrations in meat were low for all cattle. Concentrations in kidneys were, respectively, 1.8-, 2.2- and 2.5-fold higher in cattle from the contaminated areas compared to animals from reference areas. The European maximum level for cadmium in kidney was exceeded by 75% of the kidneys from contaminated areas and 47% of the kidneys from reference areas. Lead, arsenic and cadmium concentrations in bovine livers from contaminated areas were increased by a factor of 2.3. Zinc levels in livers and kidneys were within normal ranges, but 20% higher in the contaminated areas compared to reference areas. Copper levels in livers were high in all areas. Dairy cattle accumulated significantly higher levels of cadmium in kidneys and of lead in liver and kidneys than did beef cattle.  相似文献   

菊黄东方鲀不同组织脂肪酸的组成及含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(48.87±7.75)%、(11.77±1.44)%、(0.50±0.00)%和(0.13±0.06)%。雄鱼肝脏、性腺、肌肉、皮的总脂含量分别为(63.13±3.07)%、(1.70±0.10)%、(0.43±0.12)%和(0.30±0.20)%。不同组织中总脂含量差异显著(P<0.05),雌、雄鱼均为肝脏中总脂含量最高,性腺次之,皮最低。3)肌肉中,雌、雄鱼饱和脂肪酸相对含量最丰富,以雌鱼肌肉中C16∶0最为丰富,且显著高于肝脏、性腺、皮。肝脏中,雌、雄鱼单不饱和脂肪酸相对含量最丰富,分别为(46.4±0.5)%、(45.7±0.9)%,且均分别高于性腺、肌肉和皮。性腺中,雌、雄鱼多不饱和脂肪酸相对含量最丰富,分别为(28.6±1.4)%、(33.8±1.9)%,卵巢多不饱和脂肪酸相对含量与皮中多不饱和脂肪酸相对含量无显著差异(P>0.05),与肝脏、肌肉多不饱和脂肪酸相对含量存在显著差异(P<0.05)。精巢多不饱和脂肪酸相对含量与肝脏、肌肉、皮中多不饱和脂肪酸相对含量存在显著差异(P<0.05)。雌、雄鱼肝脏中脂肪酸绝对含量显著高于其他各组织(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

不同生态条件下的烤烟硼营养研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
在我国7个主产烟省采用"统一栽培法",研究了各生态条件下烤烟营养中硼的积累与分配规律.试验结果表明,烤烟叶片、烟杈(芽)中硼含量明显高于根、茎,其含量以北方高于南方;而根、茎中硼含量正好相反.硼素的积累过程呈明显的Logistic生长曲线关系.大田生长前期南北烟区烟株中硼素积累特征基本一致,但在栽后30 d以后北方烟区烟株中积累量和积累速率远远高于南方烟区.烟株中硼素积累量占全株总积累量的比例为栽后60 d以前南方烟区高于北方烟区,以后则是北方烟区高于南方烟区.在我国南北烟区烟株含硼量(浓度)无明显的差异,但硼积累量差异明显.土壤pH、全氪和速效氮对烟株硼的积累有一定的促进作用,土壤有机质升高则对烟株中硼的积累不利;平均气温、最高温度、10cm地温和日照时数与烟株硼的积累呈正相关.  相似文献   

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