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现代制粉工艺被称作"逐步研磨"工艺,因为麦粒及其在制品是经过多道缓和研磨后生成面粉,结合面粉厂制粉工艺改造,对渣磨系统与清粉系统的作用进行剖析,强调渣磨与清粉互补作用。  相似文献   

现代制粉工艺因为麦粒及其在制品是经过多道缓和研磨成面粉,因此被称作“逐步研磨工艺”。在200t/d制粉车间技术改造中不仅突出分级筛的作用,而且结合磨粉机与撞击机配合,兼顾渣磨系统与清粉系统协调,为前路心磨系统提供数量多、质量好的的纯净胚乳;其次加宽前路心磨,将这些纯净胚乳最大限度研磨,实现好粉早出,避免好料后推。  相似文献   

在传统的中路出粉长粉路制粉工艺中,1B磨的主要作用是剥开麦粒,大量造渣、造心,出少量面粉,为其他制粉系统提供不同的中间物料,为此1B磨的剥刮率及取粉率都较低。但由于入磨净麦麦沟中残留一些尘土,麦粒麦面仍粘连一些未清理下的麦毛等,致使原本取粉不多的1B面粉的质量较差,主要表现为色泽暗、麸星多、灰分高。为提高1B磨面粉的质量,笔者结合自己的设计及实际操作经验,谈谈提高1B磨面粉质量的措施:一、完善清理工艺,特别是在净麦入净麦仓前,增加刷麦及吸风工序,降低入磨净麦灰分,是提高1B粉质量的关键。采用完善…  相似文献   

通过对各系统面粉品质指标测试和制作方便面的品质评价试验,研究各系统面粉品质特性指标与方便面品质指标关系,结果表明:各系统面粉制做出方便面的总评分呈现出皮磨高于渣磨,渣磨高于心磨的规律;皮磨系统面粉口感弹性好而有咬劲,心磨系统面粉爽滑性好.各系统面粉的面筋、稳定时间、延伸性、抗涨性指标与方便面品质呈高度正相关关系;面粉的弱化度与方便面品质无显著相关关系;面粉的灰分与方便面含油呈高度正相关关系.  相似文献   

现代制粉工艺被称作逐步研磨工艺,因为麦粒及其组成部分是在多道磨粉机内经过缓和研磨而生成面粉。该工艺不但可以发挥前路皮磨系统多造心、多造渣的功能,优化清粉系统设计,扩大了清粉范围,而且实现最大限度加宽前路心磨尽早研细成粉;避免后路高灰分物料的污染。  相似文献   

应用FBPY小麦剥皮机的小麦清理工艺与传统的湿法清理工艺相比具有较大优势:①降低了入磨前小麦的灰分;②减少清理设备,节省厂房空间;③节水降耗;④减少皮磨系统设备;⑤降低面粉灰分,减少麸星,提高面粉白度;⑥提高磨粉机的单位产量。  相似文献   

一、光辊的粗糙度和中凸度 面粉厂为能大比例提取低灰分的高等级面粉,须采用分系统逐步研磨的制粉工艺,由皮磨剥开麦粒刮下胚乳,经筛分和精选后,在心磨系统中逐步磨细制成优质面粉.为尽量避免混入心磨中少量的胚芽和麦皮被磨碎混入面粉,占磨粉机总接长约为2/3的渣磨和心磨,大都配用光辊将胚乳逐步磨细,并将麦皮和胚芽碾压成片状在平筛中筛分.  相似文献   

正渣磨系统的任务是研磨从皮磨或清粉机得来的和麸皮相粘连的小块状胚乳颗粒,目的是通过适当的研磨和筛理,将麸皮从胚乳颗粒上轻轻的剥去送往响应清粉机处理,从而制造优质的麦心去心磨研磨,制造优质低灰分面粉。现代制粉在操作方法上要求渣磨尽量少出面粉、麸皮少破碎以得更多的小胚乳颗粒。但在实际工作中,有的企业渣磨系统作用没有发挥最佳,工艺设计上还有调整空间。实际的生产中看到这样的一种情况,原先的工  相似文献   

研究探索不同出粉部位面粉的品质特征,进行馒头粉在线优化调整,结果表明要想获得好的馒头粉,首先要考虑各系统粉路面粉的色泽,前路心磨和心磨重筛面粉是首选;其次要考虑成品特性,若要求馒头挺立度较好,可选择心磨面粉,若要求比容较大、色泽较白,可适当添加皮磨或皮磨重筛中B2及D2中色泽较白的面粉;同时也要考虑面团的操作性,面团揉制过程最好能够软硬、筋力适中,有一定弹性,因此选定色泽好的皮磨或皮磨重筛物料与心磨面粉混合;设置了RED系统,提取一部分介于心磨和渣磨之间的物料,导致渣磨系统面粉操作性和色泽相对较差,而RED面粉质量较好,所制馒头较白,操作性好。  相似文献   

测定了小麦制粉过程不同粉路系统中面粉的谷蛋白溶涨指数(SIG)。结果表明,同一系统内不同面粉间SIG值的变异幅度较大,重筛系统和皮磨系统样品的SIG值变异较大,心磨系统和渣磨系统样品的SIG值变异程度最小;上交面粉SIG值普遍高于下交面粉;随粉路的延长,后路皮磨、渣磨系统的SIG值逐渐增大。  相似文献   

在生产面包及饼干专用粉的制粉过程中,粉路各系统不同出粉部位面粉的流变学特性呈现出明显的差异,这为粉流选择性混配提供了条件,使粉路在线配粉成为可能。研究表明,面包专用粉宜选择皮磨、渣磨、中路心磨及一部分前路心磨的面粉,饼干专用粉选择前路皮磨、前路渣磨及一部分心磨的面粉进行混配,由此能够配制出质量稳定的优质专用粉。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most of rye flour is obtained by a gradual reduction system using roller flour mills, which generate different flour streams. The study of the different flour streams composition is necessary since it determines the flour quality and the flour uses. Four break streams and nine reduction streams were analysed for moisture, ash, starch, protein, damaged starch, falling number, amylose/amylopectin ratio, β‐glucans and colour. Mixing and pasting properties were also determined with a doughLAB and a Rapid Visco Analyser respectively. RESULTS: As the milling process advanced, moisture and starch content decreased but protein, ash, β‐glucans and damaged starch increased. The differences in composition are probably related to the effect of the roller mills and the increase in the contamination with bran. The absorption, development time, and pasting viscosity increased as the milling proceeded, in detriment of the peak time. The β‐glucan content was positively correlated to absorption, mixing tolerance index and pasting viscosity, and negatively correlated to peak time. CONCLUSION: Differences in composition, above all, in bran, showed different mixing and pasting properties in rye streams. The most different streams corresponded to the last streams in the break process, in the sizings and in the middlings. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

结合我国粮食加工实际情况和现代制粉原理,本工艺不仅强调分级筛的作用,而且强调逐道分级,轻碾细分,皮磨造渣,心磨出粉,实现早出粉、多出粉及出好粉的制粉新思想在吸收先清粉后入渣再清粉,再入心磨的制粉工艺的优点同时,加宽前路心磨,发挥磨撞结合技术,渣磨系统与清粉系统科学配置。  相似文献   

对原制粉工艺进行调整和改进,提高低灰分面粉数量,满足配制专用粉市场需求。通过对清粉机(P1、P2),前路心磨、渣磨(1M、1S)的来料和出料进行分析,改进流向使灰分0.50%以下的面粉出粉率提高了5%.如再增加1台清粉机,效果会更好。  相似文献   

Bum-Keun Kim 《LWT》2008,41(1):34-41
This study examined the influence of soybean hull-coated frying batter composite on fat uptake during deep fat frying. Soybean hull was microparticulated by impact mill at impact mill speed (IMS) of 6000, 10,000 and 14,000 rpm, and air-classified into coarse and fine fractions at Air Classifying Wheel Speed (ACWS) of 4000, 8000 and 12,000 rpm, respectively. Each soybean hull was dry-coated into wheat flour by dry particle coating system. As the difference in particle size between wheat flour and soybean hull got larger, the coating process became more effective, which indicates the size difference between wheat flour and soybean hull was important for coating effectiveness. When the ratios of wheat flour to soybean hull were 99:1 and 95:5, there were about 3.3 (g/100 g) and 24.4 (g/100 g) of fat content reduction, respectively. Inner crust structures showed slight reduction in cell size and improved cellular integrity with shrinkage in the cell membrane, with increase in soybean hull content. This means soybean hull can form a protective layer and can be applied to the food industry as a frying batter composite to reduce fat uptake.  相似文献   

The chemical modification of rice flour by phosphorylation is an alternative to improve the technological quality of bakery products. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of phosphorylation process of rice flour on technological properties (specific volume, crumb and crust colour) of gluten‐free breads and the hardening of these breads during two storage temperatures (21 °C and ?24 °C). Breads were made with native rice flour, with phosphorylated rice flour and with wheat flour, used as control. The phosphorylation causes significant reduction in the synaeresis of pastes and in retrogradation tendency of rice flours, varying from 258.7 cP (native rice flour) to 122 cP (phosphorylated rice flour). The breads prepared with phosphorylated rice flour showed reduction in the hardness in both storage temperatures studied and effect on rice bread volume, crumb appearance and colour, demonstrating the possibility of use of the phosphorylated rice flour in gluten‐free breads.  相似文献   

不同粒度小麦粉的实验筛理性能探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对制粉生产中不同制粉系统小麦粉的筛理试验,探讨不同粒度小麦粉的筛理性能。结果表明:粉筛筛网的加密导致小麦粉筛出率的递减,但不同系统递减的幅度不同,心磨系统递减的幅度较大,渣磨及尾磨相对较小。小麦粉的筛净率主要为筛理时间的函数,与小麦粉的粒度呈负相关,而与筛理物料含粉率的关系相对较小。  相似文献   

The effect of partial substitution of wheat flour with reduced‐fat peanut flour at different levels (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50%) on physical parameters, proximate composition, sensory profile, and shelf stability of bread were investigated. Loaf volume, specific volume, and crumb density were significantly (p ≤ .05) reduced with increasing level of substitution with the peanut flour. Peanut flour had significant (p ≤ .05) improvement on the protein content and reduction in carbohydrate content of loaves. Consumers preferred the taste aroma and color of the peanut–wheat flour composite loaves at ≥20% peanut flour inclusion. Freshly baked composite peanut–wheat bread loaves with 10% level of peanut substitution had higher overall acceptability than 100% wheat flour formulation but less microbial stability during storage. Reduced fat‐peanut has potential application for improving the nutritional quality and shelf stability of wheat flour bread.

Practical applications

The demand for convenient alternative to conventional foods is on the increase with the dynamics of the world's social values, lifestyles, and demographic trends. Having peanut incorporated into dough (as one food system) will offer convenience to consumer and therefore add value to bread variety on market shelves. Assessing the influence of the peanut flour on bread quality provides first‐hand information that can facilitate optimization of the baking process toward commercial production of peanut–wheat flour bread.  相似文献   

In order to develop specific quality flour for use in different bakery products, quality characteristics such as sedimentation value, flour color and oil and its fatty acid composition of flour mill streams obtained from three different commercial roller flour mills were determined. The studies showed there was an increase in the sedimentation value, protein, falling number and oil and a decrease in flour color with increasing number of break flour streams, and the trend was similar for the streams obtained from the three different mills. However, no appreciable difference with regard to the above parameters was observed in reduction flour streams. Palmitic and linoleic acid contents were the predominant saturated and unsaturated fatty acids respectively present in oil of the milled streams. The levels of these fatty acids were high in V break, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th reduction streams in all three mills. The flours from the reduction passages in general had more saturated fatty acid compared to break flour streams.  相似文献   

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