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一直以来,食用加碘盐有益健康的观念,已经在国人脑海中根深蒂固。早在1993年,我国响应世界卫生组织的号召,确定了全民食盐加碘战略,先后颁布了《食盐加碘消除碘缺乏危害管理条例》和《食盐专营办法》等法规。1994年,全民食用加碘盐作为一项国策在我国全面推行。据统计,我国城市居民日均盐摄入量为11克,农村居民达到17克,大大超出专家推荐的食盐量  相似文献   

正市面上的盐名字是五花八门的:加碘盐、低钠盐、烤盐、腌制盐、凉拌盐、竹盐、菇盐、加钙盐、加锌盐、加硒盐……如此多的种类,已经有些"盐"花缭乱了吧?那么,不同盐有什么特点?应该买哪种盐更好?加碘盐一般情况下,我们买到的食盐都是加碘的,我国要求合格碘盐覆盖率在90%以上。不仅我国如此,世界上很多国家都通过食盐加  相似文献   

食盐专营,利国利民。食盐专营的中心任务是搞好碘盐“三率”。为消除碘缺乏病,国务院决定实行全民食用加碘盐,同时先后颁布了《食盐加碘消除碘缺乏危害管理条例》和《食盐专营办法》,对碘盐食用实行法制化管理,其目的就是保护人民身体健康,提高中华民族素质。做好碘盐“三率”工作,是政府赋予我们的一项政治任务,是三个代表重要思想在盐行业的具体体现。如何提高碘盐“三率”工作,是值得我们深思的课题,  相似文献   

目前拜读了《关于非蔬菜加工区农村腌制用盐供应的一点看法》一文后颇有同感。非蔬菜加工区农村季节性腌制用盐的供应的确是个老大难问题,问题的关键在于无法全面掌握非蔬菜加工区农村腌制用盐的真实需求。供应多了,一些食用碘盐意识原本不强的农民会选择食用价廉的腌制用盐,从而影响了口食盐的销售,给食盐加碘消除碘缺乏工作造成阻碍。[第一段]  相似文献   

强制推行加碘盐犯了错?1994年全民食用加碘盐,与计划生育政策相类似作为一项国策在我国强制推行。当年国家颁布《食盐加碘消除碘缺乏危害管理条例》,规定除北京.河北、山西.江苏、安徽,福建.山东和河南等全国8个高碘省市,可不强制推行加碘盐外,其余省市食用盐均需强制加碘。而实际执行过程中.一些地方盐业公司为了追求利润,在高碘地区也一律销售碘盐,  相似文献   

食盐加碘关系到人民群众健康水平和素质提高,是我国实现200O年消除碘缺乏病目标的重要保证。国家不仅对加碘盐管理很重视,制定了《碘盐条例》和《食盐专营办法》等一系列法律、法规。同时在生产上,为了使食盐中碘含量得到保证和食盐中碘不易挥发,还下了很大功夫,投资近IO亿元,要求在1997年内全国建800万吨碘盐生产能力,其中包括从国外引进和国内自行研制的全自动或半自动小袋盐包装机。但是引进或自行研制的全自动或半自动的小袋盐包装机,从目前看,不仅价格高(尤其是引进的),操作、维护、检修技术要求也比较高。更为重要的是…  相似文献   

关于食盐加碘工艺的探讨河北省黄骅盐场王玉刚,陈刚关键词加碘工艺,加碘设备生产加碘食用盐供应市场是实现消除碘缺乏病最有效的方法,我国在1996年将实现食用盐全部加碘。为此,各盐区都在积极筹建粉洗加碘盐厂或精制加碘盐厂以实现食盐加碘的目标,因此食盐加碘工...  相似文献   

前言 卫生部地病司在《中国1989~1995年控制碘缺乏病规划》的报告中称:“目前,我国有3.7亿人口生活在已知的碘缺乏区,政府对此十分重视,并制定了以食盐加碘为主的补碘措施进行防治”,所以,加碘盐在食盐中所 占的比例迅速增大,加碘技术也引进了各制盐厂家的高度重视。我国井矿盐产区部分厂家自20年代起开始采用沸腾床前滴注式或  相似文献   

快速测定食盐中的微量碘陈幼林(江苏苏州商业学校215006)我国的云南、贵州、湖北等地盐厂矿部生产加碘盐,此外,不少销区也进行加碘。加碘盐使解放前曾在那些地区流行的粗脖子病、即碘缺乏病(IDD)的发病率得到了有效控制。然而,近年来非碘盐冲击国内市场,...  相似文献   

浅议用碘酸钾制加碘盐河北省黄骅盐场精制盐厂张国君关键词加碘盐,湿法加碘,干法加碘我国碘缺乏病区甚广,多年来用碘化钾作为加碘盐的加碘剂,收到了很好的社会效益。但是,由于碘化钾易挥发、不稳定、降低了碘盐的使用效果。所以,国家有关部门决定用碘酸钾代替碘化钾...  相似文献   

目的探讨富硒低钠加碘盐中碘含量的测定方法。方法通过不同的实验条件,优化国标GB/T13025.7-2012《制盐工业通用试验方法碘的测定》中氧化还原滴定法中的试剂用量,检测出富硒低钠加碘盐中的碘含量。结果改变碘化钾溶液量、淀粉溶液量、磷酸-草酸溶液量均无法测定富硒低钠盐中的碘含量;只有当次氯酸钠溶液用量≥5mL时,加入碘化钾溶液,才可以使富硒低钠加碘盐溶液显色,然后通过实验确定次氯酸钠的最佳用量,再滴定测定碘含量。结论富硒低钠加碘盐中含有还原性物质,测定其碘含量需加大次氯酸钠溶液的用量。  相似文献   

本文在常规烹饪盐咸味的调味过程中,分别用斯柯维法、P*S蓝光度法测定食物盐咸味的调味效果及加碘盐的碘损失情况,分析烹饪调味过程对加碘盐补碘效率的影响。  相似文献   

Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) is still a major public health problem and iodized salt remains the most effective means to control IDD in India. Few reports indicate that vegans have inadequate iodine intake while at the same time concerns are being raised on the implementation of universal salt iodization in the country. Therefore, we investigated the iodine content in bread, milk and commonly used Indian recipes prepared without iodized salt and the retention of inherent iodine therein. Results showed considerable iodine content in bread (25 μg/100 g) and milk (303 μg/L) as a positive fallout of universal salt iodization. Iodine content in 38 vegetarian recipes prepared without iodized salt was very low (2.9 ± 2.4 μg/100 g). Retention of inherent iodine (65.6 ± 15.4%) and iodine from iodized salt (76.7 ± 10.3%) in the same recipes was comparable. Thus, universal salt iodization programme remains the single most important source of dietary iodine for the Indian population.  相似文献   

加碘食盐中碘损失的实验研究(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用氯化钠增敏光度法研究了在模拟烹饪条件下加碘食盐中碘的稳定性.实验结果表明,碘盐中碘的稳定性并不理想,加碘食盐中碘的稳定性受温度与受热时间的影响较大,受热温度越高,碘损失越多;受热时间越长,碘损失越多.  相似文献   

采用氯化钠增敏光度法研究了在模拟烹调条件下加碘食盐中碘的稳定性。实验结果表明,碘盐中碘的稳定性并不理想。在温度较高的条件下存在不同程度的损失。加碘盐中碘的损失量受温度与受热时间的影响:温度越高。碘损失越多;受热时间越长,碘损失越多。  相似文献   

目的 统计分析2013-2020年郑州市二七区碘缺乏病(IDD)监测结果.方法 2013-2020年按照《全国碘缺乏病监测方案》在郑州市二七区开展盐碘监测,同时收集同期新婚育龄妇女、孕妇、哺乳期女性、0~2岁婴幼儿、8~10岁儿童5类人群的尿样,测定尿碘含量.结果 2013-2020年,郑州市二七区居民盐碘含量中位数与...  相似文献   

浅谈提高加碘精度的生产工艺方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简述了我国目前碘盐生产工艺设备现状,进行分析对比;结合国家卫生部即将出台的新的碘含量标准,从实际出发提出了适应新形势生产高精度碘盐的工艺方法建议。希望对碘盐生产企业能有所借鉴。  相似文献   

浅谈加碘盐碘含量测定方法中仲裁法的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对GB/T13025.7—1999次氯酸钠氧化法和GB/T13025.7—91饱和溴水氧化法测定碘盐碘含量方法的比对,建议用GB/T13025.7—91饱和溴水氧化法作为测定碘盐碘含量的仲裁法。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Determining the stability of iodine in fortified salt can be difficult under certain conditions. Current methods are sometimes unreliable in the presence of iron. OBJECTIVE: To test the new method to more accurately estimate iodine content in double-fortified salt (DFS) fortified with iodine and iron by using orthophosphoric acid instead of sulfuric acid in the titration procedure. METHODS: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study was carried out on DFS and iodized salt produced by the dry-mixing method. DFS and iodized salt were packed and sealed in color-coded, 0.5-kg, low-density polyethylene pouches, and 25 of these pouches were further packed and sealed in color-coded, double-lined, high-density polyethylene bags and transported by road in closed, light-protected containers to the International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD), Delhi; the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad; and the Orissa Unit of the National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau (NNMB), Bhubaneswar. The iodine content of DFS and iodized salt stored under normal room conditions in these places was measured by the modified method every month on the same prescribed dates during the first 6 months and also after 15 months. The iodine content of DFS and iodized salt stored under simulated household conditions was also measured in the first 3 months. RESULTS: After the color code was broken at the end of the study, it was found that the DFS and iodized salt stored at Bhubaneswar, Delhi, and Hyderabad retained more or less the same initial iodine content (30-40 ppm) during the first 6 months, and the stability was not affected after 15 months. The proportion of salt samples having more than 30 ppm iodine was 100% in DFS and iodized salt throughout the study period. Daily opening and closing of salt pouches under simulated household conditions did not result in any iodine loss. CONCLUSIONS: The DFS and iodized salt prepared by the dry-mixing method and stored at normal room conditions had excellent iodine stability for more than 1 year.  相似文献   

Executive Summary: The Micronutrient Initiative (MI) issued the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) a project to assess the extent to which iodized salt is used in processed foods, as well as food processors’ level of knowledge on iodine nutrition. Iodine is an essential micronutrient required by the body that is found in a limited number of foods, thus many individuals require additional sources of iodine to meet their daily requirement. Without these additional sources, a range of disorders referred to as iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), including mental impairment, may become present, with over 2 billion people worldwide at risk due to insufficient iodine nutrition. IDD is especially damaging during the early stages of pregnancy and in early childhood. In their most severe form, IDD includes cretinism, stillbirth, and miscarriage, and increased infant mortality. Since 1994 the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) have recommended universal salt iodization (USI) as a safe, cost‐effective, and sustainable strategy to ensure sufficient intake of iodine by all individuals. However, USI has in practice tended to focus only on table salt and not all salt destined for human consumption. Recent trends, particularly in industrialized countries, show that individuals are consuming the majority of their salt through processed foods, in which iodized salt is generally not used, rather than through iodized table salt. Additionally, recent initiatives to encourage reduced sodium consumption have prompted many consumers to reduce their intake of iodized table salt. While these trends in sodium consumption are more frequently observed in industrialized countries, they are expanding into many developing countries where iodine deficiency is also a concern. Thus countries which focus on iodization of table salt alone may not achieve optimal iodine nutrition of their population. This report provides an overview of the 2 Phases of this project. Phase I was to conduct an environmental scan/desk review of processed food consumption patterns in 39 countries selected by MI (see Table 1 ). Phase II was to conduct an electronic survey of food processors and detailed telephone interviews with a small sample of select company representatives from 16 countries (see Table 2 ). Per the scope of work, IFT conducted a desk review to determine the types and level of processed food consumption in the 39 countries of interest, as well as to identify suppliers of the major processed foods consumed and the use of salt as an ingredient in those products. Whenever possible, IFT also gathered information on the sodium content of widely consumed processed foods and the sources of salt currently used in these products; the types of processed foods and extent to which they are consumed by different socioeconomic groups; if iodized salt was used in processed foods; and whether or not there are policies in place to influence dietary salt reduction and how these efforts are implemented. For Phase II, IFT reached out to food company representatives to determine their use of iodized salt in processed food products; their sources of salt; their awareness of iodine nutrition and salt as a fortification vehicle; and their interest in learning more about salt iodization. For the purposes of this project, processed foods are considered to be all food products that have undergone a change of character or been altered from their original form.
Table 1–. Preselected countries (from MI) for Phase I of the iodized salt in processed foods project.
Countries with heavy Countries with high Countries with Latin American European
burden for IDD burden for IDD opportunity to progress countries countries
India Russia Senegal Chile United Kingdom
Pakistan Afghanistan Ghana Argentina Ireland
Ethiopia United Republic of Tanzania Ukraine Mexico Finland
China Democratic Republic of Congo Kenya Bolivia Netherlands
Sudan Iraq Mozambique Uruguay Australia
Indonesia Bangladesh Niger New Zealand
Philippines Yemen Egypt
Angola Haiti
Turkey South Africa
Table 2–. Preselected countries (from MI) for Phase II of the iodized salt in process foods project.
Australia Kenya
Bangladesh Mexico
Bolivia Nigeria
China Pakistan
Egypt Russia
Ghana Senegal
India South Africa
Indonesia United Kingdom
To complete the desk review, IFT conducted literature searches and Internet reviews for each of the 39 countries of interest from May to September 2010. IFT reached out to its members with expertise in the countries of interest and 3rd parties such as government agencies, food companies, salt suppliers, and nongovernmental organizations to gain contacts and information. The acquisition of literature or access to databases or other sources of information which are not freely available was limited. For Phase II, IFT sent an electronic survey to over 800 individuals from all 16 countries in October 2010. IFT reached out to its members and other contacts with expertise in the countries of interest, which included food companies and salt suppliers who were asked to complete the electronic survey, but also 3rd parties, such as academics, government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and so on, who were asked to pass the survey along to their food industry contacts. Outreach included over 15 multinational food companies. The survey responses IFT received were limited; however, IFT made a substantial effort to obtain useful information for each country. IFT also used survey responses and personal e‐mail communications to locate 10 food company representatives to participate in telephone interviews to gain more detailed information. Many of the 39 countries reviewed struggle with food insecurity, thus it was generally difficult to find food consumption data for these impoverished nations, particularly data on processed food consumption. Nationwide food consumption data were helpful to better understand processed food consumption for those countries that collected it; however, developing countries often lack the resources for such a large undertaking. Smaller, published academic studies were most useful in identifying types of foods that may be available in the different locales within a country, at times including minimally processed foods. IFT found that residents in many of the developing countries typically consume minimally processed foods such as bread and cheese, but that they do not frequently consume what are considered processed foods in “Western” society (packaged, prepared foods). Although processed foods may be available, consumption often differs based on income and region in the country. The more affluent and urban areas of countries appear more able to purchase processed foods, and therefore more likely to have a higher consumption rate. A pattern of processed food consumption or lack thereof did not present itself for the various country categories assigned to the 39 countries evaluated. Whether the country has a heavy or high IDD burden or an opportunity to progress did not correlate with the consumption of processed foods in that country. IDD is present in both developed and developing countries, and countries from each of these categories may or may not have processed foods available. Some countries with the heaviest burden for IDD may also have many processed foods available such as China, while another country with high IDD does not appear to have even minimally processed foods readily available. However, the majority of the European countries and Latin American countries identified on the list do have processed foods more readily available than some other countries identified, although not all are prepared with iodized salt. Many of the developing nations reviewed have the highest prevalence for IDD, often due to the high level of food insecurity. IDD is more closely linked to food insecure populations, which are also often low‐income and rural populations, who lack access to food, including food that may have been prepared with iodized salt. Some of the developing countries have enacted legislation to combat high rates of IDD and require iodization of all salt to be consumed; however, they also often lack regulatory infrastructure and therefore lack effective methods to monitor and enforce salt iodization. For this reason, it appears that even when legislation and other efforts have been enacted, they are not comprehensively implemented. Future research needs surrounding iodine use in processed foods include the need for nationwide food consumption data and additional food science research. Nationwide food consumption data are most helpful to determine processed food consumption; however, developing countries often lack the resources for such a large undertaking. Nationwide food consumption information can also reveal sources of salt intake in the diet and help to determine vehicle(s) for iodized salt delivery. Food science research determines the amount of iodine that should be added to a product to still meet standards after food processing and time spent on a store or consumer's shelf, and to ensure that iodization does not impact the taste or other qualities of food products. Survey and telephone respondents reported potential challenges when using iodized salt in food products, including: trade barriers; increased costs; lack of resources and technical capability; lack of enforcement; instability of iodine; potential equipment and process overhauls; competing priorities; and consumer misconceptions. Salt suppliers also face challenges when iodizing salt in developing countries, as they may not have the technical capabilities, equipment, or resources to do so. The survey and telephone respondents indicate that food companies are willing to use iodized salt in food products; however, the use of iodized salt in food products may need to be mandated by law and effectively monitored as an incentive for a company to invest, and to create a level playing field in the industry. Although USI intends for all salt for human and animal consumption to be iodized (whether used in food products or not), in practice, that is not always the case. Iodized salt appears to primarily be used in food products only when required by legislation, and companies do not appear to use iodized salt in product categories that do not require it (such as beyond bread products in Australia) or for products sold in countries that do not require it. Suggested approaches to get food companies to voluntarily use iodized salt in food products include outreach and education to company nutrition departments, who would then recommend policy changes to top levels of management. Additionally, a strong educational campaign for consumers on how to address IDD through the use of iodized salt in food processing could provide an incentive for companies to meet consumer demand. In general, although most companies are open to discussing iodine nutrition in more detail, iodine nutrition is currently discussed infrequently at food companies. Most respondents appear to have a fair level of knowledge about iodine nutrition and the use of salt as a vehicle for iodine, although individuals working for different departments in a food company have differing levels of understanding. Companies did indicate that they would be open to localized educational efforts to inform select company representatives about iodine nutrition.  相似文献   

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