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The Research Foundation exists to advance the science of brewing and to contribute to the technical evolution of the Brewing Industry. It must study the scientific basis of current practice; it must anticipate and facilitate desirable technical change; it must provide a channel of communication into the Industry for facts and ideas arising in relevant parts of the academic and technical communities. Effective ness depends on good communication. There must be mutual interaction and feed back between Industry and the Foundation at all levels of seniority. The research staff of the Foundation must show the independence of mind and intellectual aggressiveness which leads to the development and acceptance of new ideas, whether of broad principle or of technical detail.  相似文献   

Food serves three basic roles, physiological, psychological and cultural. As fuel for our biological furnace, food is the vehicle by which the essential macro-and micronutrients enter our body to provide energy, growth and repair. To improve the nutritional quality of our diets, it is essential that Americans better understand the three functions of food, and also the three basic principles of good nutrition, balance, variety and moderation. Industry can help by supporting ways to improve the education of both the teacher and the student; by more effective use and better message content of communication tools; and by creating and modifying products that have an enhanced nutrition profile.  相似文献   

The chemical components of foods are organized in microscopic structures that can modify mass transfer. The study of material penetration in foods can be made using X‐ray microanalysis. In order to study the microstructural behaviour when fruit was osmotically dehydrated, a glucose molecule modified with chloral (1,2‐O‐2′,2′,2′‐trichloroethylidene‐α‐D ‐glucofuranose) was used as an osmotic standard with chlorine detectable by energy‐dispersive X‐ray analysis. Parenchyma of Granny Smith apple is a simple tissue, so it was chosen as reference. The results show that both the apoplastic and symplastic routes played an active role in mass transfer. The osmotic agent penetrated both the symplast and apoplast well into the depths of the fruit, although greater deterioration of cells was observed near the surface. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

<正> 上海麦斯特建材有限公司成立于 1988年,是全球特种化工行业领导者——德固赛跨国集团(Degussa)在中国的全资子公司。德固赛集团总部位于德国杜塞尔多夫市,是德国第三大化工企业,在特种化工领域更居世界领先地位。  相似文献   

在2014中国国际造纸科技展览会(CIPTE)(2014年9月3-5日,上海)举办期间,由中国造纸学会、芬兰造纸工程师协会、中国制浆造纸研究院联合主办,上海市造纸学会协办,中国造纸杂志社承办的“2014 CIPTE国际造纸技术报告会”于9月4日在上海世博展览馆成功召开。报告会开幕式由中国制浆造纸研究院院长曹春昱先生主持,中国造纸学会理事长陈学忠先生和芬兰造纸工程师协会CEO Pirkko Molkentin-Matilainen女士分别致开幕辞。来自国内外造纸及相关企业、高等院校、研究院所的近260名代表参加了本次技术报告会。  相似文献   

余平 《珠宝科技》2004,16(6):57-60
通过对广西各主要珠宝工商企业和珠宝市场的调研,发现广西珠宝产业近年来发生了明显的变化。着重对广西合成宝石业的发展、珠宝零售市场和“南珠”产业的近况、珠宝“集团”的发展及其弊端作了深刻的分析和述评,认为广西珠宝产业的发展只有坚持走中国特色市场经济的道路,让市场去配置资源,充分发挥地方优势,形成地方特色,切实实施品牌战略,才将有一定的发展前景。  相似文献   

During the various stages of marketing, frozen food products are frequently subjected to changes in temperature which affect their quality. In the present work, a mathematical model is developed to analyze the thermal behaviour of frozen meat subjected, under different insulation conditions, to thermal step functions and periodic fluctuations in temperature varying in amplitude and frequency. The heat transfer equation has been numerically solved, since it is a system with physical properties that vary with the temperature, and fluctuating boundary conditions. At the same time, laboratory experiments were performed to verify that the mathematical model is applicable to one-dimensional and three-dimensional heat transfer problems. The obtained results were compared with analytical solutions for the heat transfer equation, with constant coefficients, determining the temperature range for which it is possible to use average values in the physical properties.  相似文献   

A method for determining the real fermentability of a standard Institute of Brewing wort is proposed for use in the Brewing Industry. The method is based on a system currently operating in the Distilling Industry using standard Distillers Co. Ltd (D.C.L.) ‘M’ type yeast. To provide a safeguard against variability in the performance of the yeast used, it is recommended that a standard malt (e.g. Institute of Brewing check malt A) of known fermentable extract should be used to check the condition of the yeast.  相似文献   

由中国造纸学会、芬兰造纸工程师协会和中国制浆造纸研究院联合主办,上海造纸学会协办,中国造纸杂志社承办的“2014CIPTE国际造纸技术报告会”定于2014年9月4日在上海世博展览馆召开,报告会会期一天。  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly clear that although there is a great deal of research being devoted to elucidating the molecular mechanisms involved in aging, practical information on how to forestall or reverse the deleterious effects of aging may be years away. Therefore, it may be beneficial to determine other methods to improve the quality of life in the aging population. A plethora of epidemiological studies have indicated that individuals who consume a diet containing high amounts of fruits and vegetables may have a reduced incidence of age‐associated diseases such as cardiovascular or neurodegenerative diseases. Research from our laboratory has suggested that supplementation with fruit or vegetable extracts high in antioxidants can decrease the enhanced vulnerability to oxidative stress and inflammation that occurs in aging, and that these reductions are expressed as improvements in behavior. In addition to research indicating the antioxidant or anti‐inflammatory functions of the polyphenolic compounds found in these fruits and vegetables, further studies have suggested that other mechanisms such as cellular signaling may contribute to the beneficial effects of these compounds on aging. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The rate of appearance of tomato inflorescence is important parameter of yield prediction models. Number of macroscopically observable inflorescences related to unit time was used to characterize the rate of development in case of indeterminate tomato. Truss flowering rate showed similar pattern to truss appearance rate, and it was closely connected with temperature. The present experiments attempted to calculate functions that can estimate truss flowering rate up to the 10th truss. These functions are the basis of characterizing the whole flowering process in relation to temperature during the generative period of indeterminate tomato. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Yeast genetics is now available as a practical tool for the development of brewing industry practices. The contribution of Brewing Research Foundation work (1978–84) to recent advances is illustrated by the construction of brewing strains with superattenuating (amylolytic) or anti-contaminant properties. Approaches based on hybridisation (by rare mating) or recombinant DNA technology have been evaluated. Techniques developed for (i) gene transfer to brewing strains, (ii) ensuring stable inheritance of novel characteristics and (iii) exploiting the secretory ability of yeast strains, can be widely applied not only with brewing, distilling, baking or wine yeasts, but also in the use of yeasts to produce novel biotechnical products. ‘Spin-off’ from these studies includes valuable methods for differentiating or enumerating wild yeasts in brewery quality control.  相似文献   

<正>1.From January 14th to 15th,the"National Engineering Lab of Pulping and Papermaking"construction project undertaken by China National PulpPaper Research Institute and Light Industry Hangzhou MechanicalElectrical Design Institute was checked and accepted by National Reform and Development Commission.The construction of national engineering lab of  相似文献   

高效环保型SP003(2%吡虫啉)缓释颗粒剂是广东省生物工程研究所(广州甘蔗糖业研究所)自主研发的蔗田杀虫剂。本文阐述了吡虫啉的理化性质及杀虫机理,从作物降解、土壤降解、随水迁移、大气挥发、对害虫与天敌的控制效应等方面总结了吡虫啉的环境行为,为评价该农药的蔗田环境安全性提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

分析了我国胶合板行业的现状和面临的问题,介绍了中国林科院木材所研发的木塑复合胶合板新产品的优势和市场前景.  相似文献   

日本制盐工业现状和发展动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自贡轻工业设计研究院曾于2002年5月份组团赴日本进行盐业访问和考察,了解了日本废除《盐专卖法》后的发展动向。章对日本盐业先进的制盐工艺,技术装备和管理进行了介绍,他们的经验仍然是值得我们学习和借鉴的。  相似文献   

对有关产量性状的通径分析结果表明,在本试验条件下,无论从基因型效应抑或环境效应来看,斑茅蔗BC1后代品系单茎重对蔗茎产量的直接效应都是最大,其次为小区有效茎数;而决定系数计算结果则表明,它们对蔗汁锤度的贡献不大,应进一步寻找另外的影响斑茅蔗BC1后代品系品质的主要相关性状或因素.  相似文献   

盐业是古老而传统的产业,历史悠久。回顾建国以来,我国井矿盐生产技术的发展,不得不谈自贡市轻工业设计研究院对井矿盐技术进步所做出的杰出贡献。正是这个科研设计机构,不断瞄准国外目标,经历了井矿盐的四个大飞跃,消化吸收国外先进技术和经验,才使得井矿盐工业的技术进步得以实现,在当今知识经济的全新时代,只有依靠科技,我们井矿盐行业才会永远充满活力。  相似文献   

由中国造纸学会主办、芬兰造纸工程师协会和中国制浆造纸研究院协办的“2014 CIPTE国际造纸技术报告会”定于2014年9月4日在上海世博展览馆召开,会期一天。“CIPTE国际造纸技术报告会”是造纸科技工作者了解国际造纸工业发展成果与发展动向的一个平台,在中国国际造纸科技展览会举办期间召开,目前已成为中国造纸行业中最有影响、最受欢迎的学术盛会之一。  相似文献   

<正>目前,2005中国国际肉类工业展览会的筹备工作已经开始,为进一步提升展会的品牌形象,扩大展览规模,满足更多企业的参展愿望,经商定,展会将于2005年7月21日到23日,移至北京展览馆举办,展出面积将扩大到近3万平方米。中国国际肉类工业展为何能如此火曝?主要取决于六大优势。1、主题明确。紧紧围绕肉类工业,包括肉类加工企业、肉类机械企业、肉类添加剂企业、肉类肠衣企业、肉类屠宰企  相似文献   

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