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目前 ,市场对既具有抗微生物繁衍 ,又具备拒污、拒水和拒油功能的全面防护纺织品的需求日益增长。这篇文章中就提出了对户外服装和家用纺织品的组合防护整理技术。地毯与家用纺织品的防螨整理已有介绍 ,本文则重点讨论户外服装和家用纺织品的组合防护。表 1~表 3概括介绍了雨衣、浴帘和地毯的组合防护处理配方。对雨衣和户外服装防护的目的是使之抗菌 (卫生防护 )和拒水 ;而对于淋浴帘 ,抗霉变 (防霉 )和拒水则是主要问题 ;对于地毯 ,防护的目的在于抗微生物 (对多种细菌 ,霉菌 ,生物酶和螨虫有抑制作表 1 对浴帘应用举例配  方 6 7/ 33…  相似文献   

近年来,由于新型冠状病毒、甲流等多种传染病频发,抑制和切断病菌的传播成为人们密切关注的焦点。纺织品在使用过程中能够为病菌的生长和繁殖提供有利环境,对人类健康产生极大的影响。提升纺织品的抗菌性能是切断或减缓病菌传播的重要手段,因此抗菌纺织品的研究和应用得到了广泛关注。对纺织品进行抗菌整理是开发抗菌纺织品的常用方法,本文总结了纺织品抗菌整理常用的无机抗菌剂、有机抗菌剂及天然抗菌剂等三类抗菌剂的抗菌作用机理、优缺点以及应用,并对每种抗菌材料的抗菌效果进行了评价。也介绍了纺织品抗菌整理常用的原纤维法和后整理法等两种方法,并总结了纺织品抗菌评价的主要测试手段。最后,本文对纺织品上抗菌整理剂的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

竹原纤维床上家用纺织品的性能分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
研究竹原纤维织物作为床上家用纺织品时的各项性能.通过对竹原纤维织物与传统床上家用纺织品棉纤维织物的有关性能进行测试与分析,结果发现竹原纤维织物具有优于棉纤维织物的优良特性,主要体现在吸湿、透气、染色、抗起毛起球、抗菌等方面,表明竹原纤维织物是一种新型的、现代的床上家用纺织品面料.  相似文献   

新功能家用纺织品的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,家用纺织品正朝着功能化的方向发展。文中介绍了新材料与新技术在新功能家用纺织品设计中的应用,并列举了新功能家用纺织品的几个具体设计途径,如微电子技术和材料应用,纳米技术和纳米材料应用,金属化整理技术的应用,微胶囊整理的应用等。  相似文献   

简单介绍了近几年来纺织品抗菌鞋材的2种制作方法:通过后整理工艺将抗菌剂整理在纺织品鞋材上;在纤维纺丝液中添加抗菌剂,直接制成含有抗菌成分的纺织品,再将其制成抗菌鞋材。同时,从抗菌广谱性、安全性、耐药性、持久性、环保性等方面,详细介绍了含有金属元素、负离子、稀土元素等对细菌抑制效果良好的无机抗菌剂;含有季铵盐、季鏻盐、硅氧烷等杀灭真菌效果较好的有机抗菌剂;含有植物类、动物类、矿物类成分等的环保型天然抗菌剂,这3类抗菌剂各自的优缺点,以及将其应用在抗菌除臭纺织品鞋材整理工艺上的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

黄雅婷 《印染》2011,37(17)
抗微生物整理细菌是从动植物中衍生出来的微生物,包括细菌、真菌、微生物真菌(如霉菌、发霉或酵母菌).抗微生物整理旨在抑制微生物的生长或杀死微生物,但是,将纺织材料储存在一个缺少促使微生物生存和生长条件(如潮湿、温暖、食物来源)的环境中,也可以提升抗菌效果.消费者对于健康和清洁方面生活方式和态度的改变,大大激发了全球纺织品抗微生物整理的兴趣.纺织品上的微生物会引起令人厌恶的气味(恶臭),产生褪色和纤维脆损,以及引起感染.当今,消费者期望纺织材料可提供更加卫生和健康的生活方式,提升更大的健康感,抗微生物整理因此被用于卫生整理(与抗菌处理一起)、气味控制和防腐处理.  相似文献   

<正>在过去的十年间,随着消费者生活方式以及对健康和卫生态度的改变,抗菌整理已变得十分重要。微生物如细菌、藻类、真菌和小型真菌(霉菌、酵母菌)的存在和繁殖,可导致恶臭、霉斑、纤维降解和病毒传染。新型的抗菌整理已被设计用于卫生整理(抗病毒整理)、除臭和防霉整理。采用广谱抗菌剂对织物进行抗菌整理,或在合成纤维纺丝阶段加入生物杀灭剂,可抑制细菌在纺织品材料上繁殖带来的负面影响。新型的抗菌整理剂中可能含有会引起过敏、致癌、毒害神经或破坏内分泌的物质,因此所有生物杀灭剂的使用需  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,功能性家用纺织品更加受到人们的关注.开发集美观、舒适、保健功能于一体的家用纺织品,是近年来家纺产品生产的主要发展方向.本文介绍了具有芳香、远红外等功能的保健功能纺织品的整理原理以及加工工艺.  相似文献   

抗菌整理剂可赋予织物永久的清新气味   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 引言使抗菌整理成为当前流行时尚的一个重要原因就是 ,如今人们都追求更健康、更有活力的生活方式。另外 ,纺织品消费者也越来越多地意识到 ,微生物可能会对纺织品乃至个人生理产生一定的毒害作用。西欧和北美的媒体已经在大力宣传微生物所带来的问题 ,而医用纺织品领域更是希望抗菌剂有更广泛的应用 ,以便防止因微生物的存在而可能造成的感染。在产业用纺织品领域 ,抗菌整理是防止产业用纺织品受到生物毒害的一种非常好的方法 ,特别是对于天然纤维织物来说更是如此。在一定的温湿条件下 ,当纺织品被霉菌或导致腐烂的真菌侵蚀时 ,就会造…  相似文献   

从卖点的时尚要求来看,着色对纺织服装面料和家用纺织品市场的成功起着决定性的作用,但对于产业用纺织品来说,色彩则是次要的。染色工艺经历了20世纪70年代和80年代的快速发展,再加上90年代整理效果对时尚影响力的明显上升,2000年以来,服装和家用纺织品生产商的兴趣更多的转向功能纺织品整理的运营上。  相似文献   

介绍了研究与开发抗菌非织造材料产品的意义、抗菌织物范畴和抗菌剂类型划分 ,对国内外商品性抗菌剂种类、抗菌机制和非织造材料的抗菌整理要求及方法进行了扼要综述。  相似文献   

银系抗菌纺织品的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 银系抗菌纺织品由于广谱抗菌,高抗菌性能,不易产生抗药性,对皮肤没有刺激性等优点正日益被人们所关注。对银抗菌剂的安全性、抗菌性能、抗菌机制、银系抗菌纤维和纺织品的制备方法、抗菌性能的测试方法以及存在的问题进行了评述。重点讨论不同价态银的抗菌性能,并对目前国内外市场的银系抗菌纤维和纺织品进行总结和比较,同时指出,进一步研发光稳定性更高、更廉价的银系抗菌剂及整理方法是其未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

国内废旧纺织品资源受技术、市场接受度等影响,大量被当作垃圾掩埋或焚烧,造成资源浪费和环境污染。为提高我国废旧纺织品资源高值化循环利用水平,总结了废旧纺织品循环再生方法和技术难点,介绍了国内外废旧纺织品回收现状,重点分析了国内近年来废旧纺织品回收技术进展,并对比了不同回收技术路线特点。认为化学法回收是废旧纺织品回收高值化利用的较优方案,尤其是乙二醇醇解法再生路线;随着国内环保意识的逐渐加强和相关政策引导,废旧纺织品回收高值化再生市场将逐渐扩大,国内相关企业应尽早开展战略布局,着眼于相关技术的产业化进程。  相似文献   

Textiles coated with inorganic SiO2 layers containing silver nanoparticles were prepared using the sol–gel process. The formation of silver particles was investigated as a function of curing treatment variables performed after the coating procedure. The formation of silver particles in nanometre scale was determined with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The optical properties of coated textiles were investigated using UV/Vis‐spectroscopy under arrangement of diffuse reflectance conditions, and the release of silver from coated textiles was determined with ICP‐spectroscopy. Under the chosen conditions, the formation of embedded silver clusters requires a curing treatment at a minimum temperature of 150°C. The silver‐containing inorganic coatings inhibit the growth of fungi (Aspergillus niger) and bacteria (Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas putida) on the coated textiles. The antimicrobial effect depends more on the temperature used for curing treatment and less on the duration chosen for the treatment of textiles after coating. Conditions for application between 150°C and 180°C are commensurate with those used in commercial textile finishing, so the process presented here could be easily adapted to the production of textiles with antimicrobial effects.  相似文献   

利用溶胶-凝胶涂料可以把微海藻和碾碎的海藻固定在纤维和织物上.通过该方法将海藻的生物功能性固定在织物上,并得到生物功能化的织物,用于生物反应器、水处理和抗微生物功能织物领域,应用前景极佳.  相似文献   

People’s inclination toward medical textiles for healthy life style has created a rapidly increasing market for antimicrobial textiles, which, in turn, has stimulated intensive research and development. The aim of our study was to prepare cellulose fabrics finished by allicin-conjugated nanocellulose, whose properties were investigated by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy. The antibacterial ability of the treated fabrics was determined by AATCC test method 100–1993. The durability of antimicrobial activity to washing process was also evaluated. The results showed significant antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aurous, statistically different from negative control fabric (finished by nanocellulose without allicin) (p < 0.05). The antibacterial activity after two home laundering cycles of all finished fabrics was only slightly reduced. It can be concluded that allicin-conjugated nanocellulose can be attached to cellulose textiles by a simple conjugation method to create durable antibacterial properties.  相似文献   

生态纺织品标准体系研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究生态纺织品标准体系的结构及内容.从纺织品生产生态学、消费生态学和废弃生态学等生态的角度,将目前国内外的生态纺织品标准分为3层结构,建立了生态纺织品标准体系框架图,并对国内外生态纺织品检测标准进行了全面地收集与整理,明确提出了生态纺织品系统、全面的检测项目,以及今后需要建立的检测标准.  相似文献   

随着科技的进步、经济的发展以及人们物质生活水平的逐步提高,纺织品在家居生活中的地位越来越重要.在全球经济一体化的今天,人们的生活理念、文化品位和审美观念的不断提升,促使其对家居纺织品的要求也越来越高,纺织品设计师只有在自己的设计理念中注入更多的文化内涵,才能顺应市场的多元化发展及人们更高品味的双重要求.  相似文献   

Silver compounds have extensive use among the antimicrobial agents in textiles. Silver particles are released into the water during washing processes in particular and they are released from the textile in time due to use. In this work, silver ion release from cotton and polyester antimicrobial fabrics which are the most widely used textiles have been studied. Two well-known silver-based commercial agents and silver-doped calcium phosphate powder-based antibacterial finishing agent which was developed in our previous work were applied to the fabric samples. The release of silver from the fabric samples during washing and incubation was determined by ICP-OES. The effects of fabric composition, time and laundering process on the silver release were studied. It was found that significant amount of silver was released from textile fabrics during washing due to the mechanical forces exerted on the fabrics. The total released silver varied from 73.43 to 92.27% for cotton fabrics and 76.49 to 89.70% for PES fabrics after 20 washing cycles. Results also showed that calcium phosphate can reduce the amount of silver release significantly. It was also found that even a smaller quantity of nanosilver particles was sufficient for strong antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

Tincuta Heinzel 《Textile》2018,16(1):34-61
The present paper interrogates the status and the role of electronic and reactive textiles in domestic contexts. After a preliminary incursion into the modern definition of home and homing, the paper addresses the changes that took place in the domestic space due to the development of digital and communication technologies. Defined as a “sensing home,” as a “communicating domestic space,” smart homes are challenging the traditional understanding of home, defined in terms of intimacy and privacy. In this context, electronic and reactive textiles are asked to overcome the low acceptance of smart homes, through their technical, sensorial, and cultural dimensions. The paper highlights some of the pros and cons in accommodating the latest technological advances in the field of textiles, analyses the way physical computing allows textiles to transform into domotics (robots for domestic environments), presents some of the latest developments on soft architecture fabrication and argues in favor of a much more critical approach to the development of sensors and actuators in textile objects.  相似文献   

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