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本文论述开采方法对饰面石材露天矿技术经济指标的影响及其改进方向,同时提出了露天矿主要技术经济指标的计算方法。  相似文献   

最近几年,由于我国社会人口的快速增加,经济最大化已经成为全世界关注的普遍问题,纯电动汽车的出现从一定程度上缓解了社会资源紧缺的使用问题。基于纯电动汽车的应用对我国经济带来的影响,提出纯电动汽车技术经济指标体系构建研究,具体包括明确技术经济指标比对范围、不同参数间关系和实际参数比较、保证技术经济指标的可比性。  相似文献   

嘉善酿造厂是浙江省十八家酱油生产主要技术经济指标交流单位之一,同时参加了全国的交流。几年来,我们通过酱油主要技术经济指标的交流,学到了许多东西,看到了与国内先进企业的差距,促使我们不断地对生产工艺进行改革,提高了酱油的产品质量。其主要原因是重视厂际交流,促进质量管理。  相似文献   

本文重点论述了大直径浅圆仓设计原理,建筑构造,技术经济指标及其使用功能。  相似文献   

技术经济指标与定额是经济核算的重要内容。社会主义企业通过科学的管理,努力做到增产节约,增收节支,是提高企业经济效益,增加积累的根本途径。本文主要从上海市酿造行业的实际出发,介绍一下酱油生产中技术经济指标和定额的管  相似文献   

饲料脱氟磷酸三钙的生产技术及经济分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了饲料脱氟磷酸三钙作用及发展必要性,国内外生产技术现状,对3万t/a产品的技术经济指标进行了分析。  相似文献   

供电可靠性是衡量供电企业的一个重要技术经济指标,本文分析了影响配电网供电可靠性的因素,提出了相应的提高措施。  相似文献   

结合地质特点,开发应用了优快钻井综合配套技术,生产时效、机械钻速、工程质量等技术经济指标良好。文章主要介绍了这一技术的一些相关参数及应用效果。  相似文献   

探讨了辐照交联CPE橡胶电线电缆的现状,研究了它的关键技术和主要技术经济指标,明确了生产线的配置及技术要求。通过投产鉴定:产品性能优良,达到国内先进水平。  相似文献   

以Microsoft Access为数据库平台,建立了甘蔗糖业技术资料数据库管理系统.该系统每年收录全国甘蔗制糖行业的40多项技术经济指标,操作方便,可按用户的选择快速完成数据的运算、分类汇总和查询,并按设定的格式输出查询结果,生成<全国甘蔗制糖工业企业主要技术经济指标统计资料>及<全国甘蔗糖生产月报>的全部报表.本文介绍了该数据库系统的结构特点、数据操作方法及系统的应用概况,提出对信息资源进一步开发和利用的建议.  相似文献   

采用由专利技术、设备及系列产品组成的CFM污水自动净化技术,通过射流气浮、混凝气浮、厌氧生物处理、悬浮滤膜净化和催化吸附处理,快速去除污水中的悬浮颗粒和有机污染物,从而达到对印染废水进行深度处理及部分回用的目的.处理后,印染废水中的COD,BOD,SS和色度等指标均达到国家标准,60%出水可回用于生产.与常规膜技术相比,该技术操作方便,运行稳定,总投资和运行费用低,综合经济技术指标达到国际先进水平.  相似文献   

通过对设备磨损、技术寿命和经济寿命以及最优更新周期的确定方法的研究 ,对烟机设备更新与改造补偿方式的选择与比较进行了分析 ,建议采用低劣化数值法来确定设备的最优更新周期 ,采用寿命周期费用法进行经济评价来选择新设备 ,采用总成本最少法进行经济比较分析。  相似文献   

Cold stabilisation is a widely used industrial process to prevent tartrate instability in bottled wines. In this article, current knowledge regarding performance and cost of cold stabilisation and alternative technologies for tartrate stabilisation is reviewed. Whilst there have been occasional cost comparisons between cold stabilisation and alternative technologies published in the literature, existing data is not satisfactory to permit an accurate economic evaluation of the different process options. Therefore, alternative technologies to cold stabilisation, including the Westfalia process, nanofiltration and electrodialysis were compared for both technical and economic performance. The engineering calculations and conceptual cost estimates were based on real world data from an Australian winery. Product loss was a key cost driver in differentiating tartrate stabilisation processes. Cold stabilisation was found to be the most economic treatment process irrespective of scale or winery size. Westfalia process and nanofiltration were the next most cost effective options.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了江西盐矿有限责任公司包装分厂自采用了全自动包装、码垛技术以后,在实际的生产过程中,对全自动缝包机使用情况的分析以及对此进行的技术改造。通过技术改造以后,降低了缝包机检修频次,节约了检修和消耗材料费用,为企业创造了经济效益。  相似文献   

Part 1 of this paper showed the technical feasibility of using hyperfiltration with tubular membranes for whey concentration in a recirculation system or a single-pass system; here an economic evaluation is carried out in which, after an optimization procedure, both systems are compared.Both systems result in approximately the same permeate cost for the cases investigated, but the single-pass system was limited in volume reduction because of pressure-drop.As the two systems are economically comparable, the ultimate choice between them will be based on general advantages and disadvantages, and on considerations specific to the application.Investment cost for a hyperfiltration installation for whey concentration appears to be proportional to (feed-rate)0.5.Permeate cost is proportional to (feed-rate)?0.32, based on 80% availability, 20 h production time per day and 4 h cleaning time per day.Electrical energy required ranged from 3·4 to 6·3 kWh m?3 permeate.  相似文献   

Dairy farms need to improve their competitiveness through decisions that are often difficult to evaluate because they are highly dependent on many economic and technical factors. The objective of this project was to develop a stochastic and dynamic mathematical model to simulate the functioning of a dairy farm to evaluate the effect of changes in technical or economic factors on performance and profitability. Submodels were developed for reproduction, feeding, diseases, heifers, environmental factors, facilities, management, and economics. All these submodels were simulated on an animal-by-animal and day-by-day basis. Default values for all variables are provided, but the user can change them. The outcome provides a list of technical and economic indicators essential for the decision-making process. Performance of the program was verified by evaluating the effects and sensitivity analysis of different scenarios in 20 different dairy farms. As an example, a case study of a dairy farm with 300 cows producing 40 L/d and a 12% pregnancy rate (PR) was used. The effect of using a time-fixed artificial insemination (TFAI) protocol in the first insemination at 77 d in milk, with 45 and 40% conception rates for first-lactation and older cows, respectively, and a cost of €13 was explored. During the 5-yr simulation, the TFAI increased PR (12 to 17%) and milk yield per milking cow (39.8 to 41.2 L/d) and reduced days to first AI (93 to 74), days open (143 to 116), and the proportion of problem cows (24.3 to 15.9%). In the TFAI, cows were dried 30 d earlier, resulting in more dry cows, and a smaller difference in milk yield by present cows (35.5 vs 36.0 L/d for control and TFAI, respectively). A longer productive life (2.56 vs. 2.79 yr) with shorter lactations in TFIA resulted in less first-lactation cows (42 vs 36%), 32 more calvings per year, and, therefore, more cases of postpartum diseases. Total (32.5 to 29.9%) and reproductive (10.5 vs 6.8%) culling rates decreased in TFIA. Overall, the net margin was €245 and €309/cow per year in control and TFIA, respectively. The net margin of applying TFAI decreased as PR of the farm increased, with limited benefit of TFAI at a PR of 30%. The model provides a powerful web-based tool to explore the short- and medium-term consequences of technical and economic decisions on the economic sustainability of dairy farms.  相似文献   

为探索烟叶植保过程中存在的问题症结,分析原因并给出对策,以郴州市烟草生产为例,针对主要病虫害田间发生率高的问题,采用头脑风暴法结合定量分析,运用"PDCA"思维和QC管理工具,找出了烟草站一次性发放农药、化学防治成本高、技术员指导方式不佳等3个要因,提出了"烟草站精准发放农药"、"生物防治配合物理防治技术"、"精准指导"等对策并应用,有效地降低了烟草主要病虫害田间发生率,减少烟农经济损失,生态效益和烟叶质量安全显著提升。2017年郴州烟区生物、物理防治技术推广面积为2.8万hm2,主要病虫害发生率2.90%,因病虫害造成的烟农经济损失较2016年减少949.51万元,化学防虫农药使用占比仅4.54%。  相似文献   

为了提高企业经济效益和社会效益,从满足生产和降低成本的角度,提出了锅炉湿式除尘的技改方案,供同行参考。  相似文献   

本文以投入产出和最优控制理论为基础,建立了环境经济模型和国民经济消费跟踪控制模型。考虑到实际应用的需要,又将消费跟踪模型分为结构性治理模型和技术性治理模型。  相似文献   

详尽介绍了干式法双位加碘工艺的可行性、技术要点、应用效果及所产生的经济效益.  相似文献   

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