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奇味大虾原料龙虾5对(约500克),水发粉丝200克,芦笋尖100克,甜辣酱、白糖、生姜、蒜末、葱末、红油、盐、醋、泡红椒等。制法对虾开脊背、去肠泥,加盐、味精、胡椒粉上味,芦笋尖焯水;锅中下油烧至六七成热,下虾炸熟,捞出沥油;锅下底油,加泡椒、姜、葱、蒜末煸香,加虾、水、调料烧入味,捞出后下粉丝,烧熟后垫底,大虾铺上即可。清秀银丝原料内脂嫩豆腐600克,干贝丝15克,火腿丝15克,鲍鱼丝15克,高汤、盐、味精、葱丝、醋、胡椒粉。制法内脂豆腐切细丝、漂水中后,锅中下鸡汤加调料,用湿淀粉勾芡,下干贝丝、火腿丝、鲍鱼…  相似文献   

三瓜酒的开发研制技术罗小云,邬宗虎,张永志沪州老窖酒厂(646000)关键词发酵酒,三瓜酒,黄瓜,苦瓜,冬瓜,糯米,发酵,配制一、原辅材料糯米、黄瓜、冬瓜、苦瓜,特殊工艺酿制泸型酒,酒精。二、主要设备粉碎机、保温发酵器、提香浓缩器三、工艺流程工艺流程...  相似文献   

兰花广燕原料燕窝。制法燕窝发好,高汤入味。特点口味咸鲜,营养丰富,色彩鲜艳。金玉猴头原料野生猴头蘑、油菜心、胡萝卜球。制法猴头蘑发好洗净,加调料、高汤炖入味,改刀合碗,加汤上锅蒸后澄去汤汁,扣入盘中,配上油菜心、胡萝卜球造型,淋汁即可。特点猴头蘑须针挺立,肉质口感强,色泽褐黄,味咸香。白府八珍鹿脑原料鲜梅花鹿脑、火腿、鱼肚、海参、虾仁、香菇、蛋黄糕、蟹柳、玉兰片。制法鲜鹿脑去血筋,去腥味,入锅配八鲜味,加入特制高汤,明炉上桌。特点鹿脑软嫩,汤汁浓香,色彩鲜艳,菜式气派,营养丰富。白府益寿全鹿原料…  相似文献   

一、前言一种固体无渣麻辣火锅调味料的配方及生产方法,以牛骨髓油、猪油、植物油,猪,虾,鸡肉精粉为原料,通过合理添加味素、肉桂,丁香精粉和芝麻、花椒、孜然精油等,主要工艺过程是,选料、配料,定量、包装,成品等,具有营养丰富,产品迅速被水溶解,无渣质量等特点,适用宾馆、饭店和家庭食用。  相似文献   

雀巢海中宝用料:梅花参50克,鱿鱼50克,北极贝50克,虾球50克,蟹肉50克墨鱼仔50克,北菇25克,青红椒10克,葱5克。姜5克,冬笋25克,料酒25克、面条50克、盐10克,味精5克,糖5克蚝油少许,湿淀粉15克色拉油20克。制法:1、将面条煮熟.摆码成雀巢形,炼好待用2、把会种海鲜料及配制改刀切好,活用二3、炒锅上火,放油,把各种海鲜料分着嫩用温油局透至成熟,炒锅底油,下葱粒、差花、会种海鲜料及配料,是科酒、盐、味、糖、蚝油,迅速翻砂、用湿淀粉勾交,淋零油,出勺,放花雀巢内即成。待点:造型别致,色彩会样,口味咸鲜。生炒鲤…  相似文献   

马里兰烟施氮量研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验设计施氮量60、90、120、150、180、210kg/hm^2共6个处理。结果表明,前两个处理施氮太少,田间长势较弱,烟株发育不良,叶少、片小、均价、上等烟比例、产量、产值较低,收益少。后两个处理,施氮量太多,田间长势过旺,叶多、片大、病害较重,特别是210kg/hm^2处理,尽管获得较高产量,但均价和上等烟比例低,产值不高,加上成本增加,收益减少,烟叶评吸质量较差。施氮量120-150kg/hm^2,田间长势正常,烟株个体生长发育良好,群体结构合理,均价和上等烟比例较高,产量和产值最高,收益最大,烟碱含量适中,评吸质量较好。可初步认定,在当地条件下,施氮量120-150kg/hm^2为最佳处理。  相似文献   

天鹅戏水原料:海鳗净肉250克,水发海蜇头50克,蒸熟干贝25克,银杏25克,胡萝卜1根,黑芝麻14粒,豆苗25克,猪油、细盐、黄酒、味精、蛋清、胡椒粉、生粉、清汤各适量。制法:①鱼肉放入粉碎机内,加蛋清、细盐、水打上劲成鱼茸,胡萝卜刻成翅膀及嘴。②小汤匙抹上猪油,挤上鱼茸,用小刀抹成天鹅体胚,翅膀、嘴点上生粉,插入体胚,即成天鹅,入冷水锅用小火汆熟。③锅内加清汤、黄酒、细盐、味精、胡椒粉、海蜇头、干贝、银杏,将豆苗、天鹅放入汤内烧至沸装入盛器内即可。特点:形态逼真,汤汁清鲜。发财美容蹄原料:猪后爪2只,熟火…  相似文献   

众所周知色、香、味、形、器、质,养、意,堪称中国烹饪的八大属性,其中形、色、器、质、意与烹饪工艺美术有着千丝万缕的联系,随着人类物质文明、精神文明的迅速提高,以及商业、交通旅游的发展,人们对饮食中美的要求越来越高,为了适应新形势需要,八十年代中期,《烹饪工艺美术》这一古老,  相似文献   

张栋 《烹调知识》2008,(5):53-53
原料及制作:鳝鱼200g,胡萝卜300g,植物油30g,食盐、酱油、醋适量。首先,将鳝鱼洗净,切丝;胡萝卜去根,洗净,切丝;然后,在锅内倒入植物油,烧热,倒入鳝鱼丝、胡萝卜丝翻炒,加入食盐、酱油、醋,炒匀炒熟便可食用。  相似文献   

吉林,位于辽、黑两省之间,古代多为满族人,后移垦之燕鲁豫晋等地的穷人逐年增多,渐成为多民族杂居之地,饮食亦日渐同化。盛产山珍野味,肉鱼丰盛,蔬果肥美。除人参、鹿茸、熊掌、猴头外,还有四大名鱼(白、鲤、鳌、鳊)、蜗牛、田鸡之类,不少均为清廷贡品。明清以后,汉人大批涌入,饮食日益繁荣,特别是“九·一八”事变后,溥仪建宫长春,宫廷珍馔融入地方风味,使吉林菜肴更加丰盛,厨师技艺日臻成熟。名师高手善于烹制獐、狍、鹿、雉、熊掌、家兔等品种,先后刨制的有长白山珍宴、松花水味宴、江城蚕宝宴、参芪药膳宴、田鸡滋补宴、梅花全鹿席等。  相似文献   

Fruits and vegetables are the most utilized commodities among all horticultural crops. They are consumed raw, minimally processed, as well as processed, due to their nutrients and health‐promoting compounds. With the growing population and changing diet habits, the production and processing of horticultural crops, especially fruits and vegetables, have increased very significantly to fulfill the increasing demands. Significant losses and waste in the fresh and processing industries are becoming a serious nutritional, economical, and environmental problem. For example, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has estimated that losses and waste in fruits and vegetables are the highest among all types of foods, and may reach up to 60%. The processing operations of fruits and vegetables produce significant wastes of by‐products, which constitute about 25% to 30% of a whole commodity group. The waste is composed mainly of seed, skin, rind, and pomace, containing good sources of potentially valuable bioactive compounds, such as carotenoids, polyphenols, dietary fibers, vitamins, enzymes, and oils, among others. These phytochemicals can be utilized in different industries including the food industry, for the development of functional or enriched foods, the health industry for medicines and pharmaceuticals, and the textile industry, among others. The use of waste for the production of various crucial bioactive components is an important step toward sustainable development. This review describes the types and nature of the waste that originates from fruits and vegetables, the bioactive components in the waste, their extraction techniques, and the potential utilization of the obtained bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

宋心远 《印染》2004,30(8):39-41
简要介绍了重要的新型表面活性剂的化学结构;然后对这些表面活性剂聚集体,包括单分子膜、胶束、反胶束、泡囊、聚合泡囊、聚合物泡囊、双层类脂膜和多层铸膜等的结构和性能作了较系统的介绍,分析了它们用于染色加工的可能性;重点介绍了表面活性剂的胶束与染料的作用方式和机理,分析了这些作用对染色的影响。结合作者近年来研究表面活性剂在染色中的作用,介绍了纤维、染料和表面活性剂在染色过程中的相互作用,分析了表面活性剂在受控染色中的重要性和它们对染料发生增溶、分散、竞染、缓染、匀染、促染、增深和改善提升性和色牢度等方面的作用;最后对增溶染色的理论概念和工艺作了分析,并认为通过加强对表面活性剂的应用研究,不仅可提高染色加工效率,还将开发出新的高效生态染色方法。  相似文献   

Deoxynivalenol (DON) is one of the main types of B trichothecenes, and it causes health-related issues in humans and animals and imposes considerable challenges to food and feed safety globally each year. This review investigates the global hazards of DON, describes the occurrence of DON in food and feed in different countries, and systematically uncovers the mechanisms of the various toxic effects of DON. For DON pollution, many treatments have been reported on the degradation of DON, and each of the treatments has different degradation efficacies and degrades DON by a distinct mechanism. These treatments include physical, chemical, and biological methods and mitigation strategies. Biodegradation methods include microorganisms, enzymes, and biological antifungal agents, which are of great research significance in food processing because of their high efficiency, low environmental hazards, and drug resistance. And we also reviewed the mechanisms of biodegradation methods of DON, the adsorption and antagonism effects of microorganisms, and the different chemical transformation mechanisms of enzymes. Moreover, nutritional mitigation including common nutrients (amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and microelements) and plant extracts was discussed in this review, and the mitigation mechanism of DON toxicity was elaborated from the biochemical point of view. These findings help explore various approaches to achieve the best efficiency and applicability, overcome DON pollution worldwide, ensure the sustainability and safety of food processing, and explore potential therapeutic options with the ability to reduce the deleterious effects of DON in humans and animals.  相似文献   

The effect of different germination conditions, namely, germination time and total presence or absence of light, on the content of the various nitrogen fractions, three essential protein amino acids (Lys, His, and Tyr) and one non-protein amino acid (Orn), was studied in peas, beans, and lentils. The influence of light during germination on the parameters considered varied according to the legume but on the whole was less important than the influence of germination time in quantitative terms. In all three legumes, prolonging the germination time yielded flours that contained more non-protein nitrogen (NPN) and Orn and less protein nitrogen (PN) and Lys, while the changes in the His and Tyr contents varied with legume type. In addition, changes in the Lys, Tyr, and Orn contents correlated with the changes in the NPN and PN levels in the germinated legumes.  相似文献   

该实验研究了山西老陈醋大曲制备过程中理化因子、微生物群落变化及风味物质形成的规律。结果表明,在大曲制备过程中,微生物整体呈先上升后下降的趋势,可溶性固形物、氨基酸态氮、酯化力、糖化酶、蛋白酶、纤维素酶呈上升趋势,而水分、淀粉、总酸和还原糖呈下降趋势。草酸和乙酸为大曲制备过程中的主体有机酸,二者约占有机酸总量的58%,随着大曲制备过程的进行,有机酸总量呈先上升后下降的趋势,在后火期达到峰值为1.01 g/100 g。大曲制备过程中共检测出53种挥发性香气物质,其中包括酯类22种、醇类8种、酸类5种、酮类5种、醛类6种、吡嗪1种和6种其他类组分,大部分香气物质在大曲制备过程中呈现上升趋势,2,3,5,6-四甲基吡嗪(川芎嗪)和乙酸乙酯皆在后火期达到峰值,分别为0.06 mg/100 g和0.40 mg/100 g。  相似文献   

通过对实验教学环节的分析,并根据案例教学的需要,提出了实验教学辅助系统的功能结构设计、架构模式及界面设计以及数据建模方案。该系统包含设计和展示两个子系统。设计子系统用于设计实验,可用于添加、修改、删除实验目录,维护实验目的、实验要求、实验环境、实验步骤及设计示图;展示子系统用于向学生展示实验目的、实验要求、实验环境、实验步骤及设计示图。系统采用MVC架构模式实现,并使用JDOM技术实现对案例数据文件的存取。案例设计子系统用Swing技术实现窗口界面;案例展示子系统采用JavaWeb技术实现,并利用JSTL标签技术显示数据。研究表明,使用上述方案和技术实现的实验辅助教学系统具有功能实用、容易实现、便于维护与扩展、使用方便等特点。  相似文献   

为探究织的起源,对比编、结、织、絮的现有定义,在理论上给出了各自更为精准的释义,并认为织具有统称性。同样,依据编、结的成形方式和结构特征,通过对机织、编织、针织和非织造及其织物特征的对比认为:机织和编织的父本均为编;针织以母本结为主、父本编为辅,其中纬编因编织工具简单而远早于经编;而非织造则是絮的后代。通过对编、结、织出土实物和痕迹证据的考证,得出编、结是最古老的软工具制作方式,其制成物是工具。编物和结物应该参照石器、陶器的命名,分别称为编器和结器,二者均出现在旧石器中期。由于织为使用工具的编、结,且转为服饰之用,故为编、结的后代。  相似文献   

熊果苷由于具美白、祛除色素的特性以及抗氧化、抗微生物、抗炎活性等药理作用,被广泛应用于化妆品和制药行业。近年来,熊果苷在改善葡萄酒香气等食品领域中也有一定的应用,对其安全性、营养价值等方面的研究报道越来越多。随着人们对食疗和保健的重视,许多药品也向着药食同源的方向发展,故熊果苷在食品、保健品方面具有广阔的开发前景。该文从国内外熊果苷的药理作用及机制的研究成果出发,归纳了熊果苷祛除色素、抗氧化、抗炎、抑菌、镇咳、祛痰、平喘、抗癌、放射防护、冷冻保护等药理作用及机制的主要研究进展,讨论了熊果苷作用的类型、影响因素、过程机理和作用效果。并在此基础上,对熊果苷的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Implications of nitrogen nutrition for grapes, fermentation and wine   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This review discusses the impacts of nitrogen addition in the vineyard and winery, and establishes the effects that nitrogen has on grape berry and wine composition and the sensory attributes of wine. Nitrogen is the most abundant soil‐derived macronutrient in a grapevine, and plays a major role in many of the biological functions and processes of both grapevine and fermentative microorganisms. Manipulation of grapevine nitrogen nutrition has the potential to influence quality components in the grape and, ultimately, the wine. In addition, fermentation kinetics and formation of flavour‐active metabolites are also affected by the nitrogen status of the must, which can be further manipulated by addition of nitrogen in the winery. The only consistent effect of nitrogen application in the vineyard on grape berry quality components is an increase in the concentration of the major nitrogenous compounds, such as total nitrogen, total amino acids, arginine, proline and ammonium, and consequently yeast‐assimilable nitrogen (YAN). Both the form and amount of YAN have significant implications for wine quality. Low must YAN leads to low yeast populations and poor fermentation vigour, increased risk of sluggish/stuck/slow fermentations, increased production of undesirable thiols (e.g. hydrogen sulfide) and higher alcohols, and low production of esters and long chain volatile fatty acids. High must YAN leads to increased biomass and higher maximum heat output due to greater fermentation vigour, and increased formation of ethyl acetate, acetic acid and volatile acidity. Increased concentrations of haze‐causing proteins, urea and ethyl carbamate and biogenic amines are also associated with high YAN musts. The risk of microbial instability, potential taint from Botrytis‐infected fruit and possibly atypical ageing character is also increased. Intermediate must YAN favours the best balance between desirable and undesirable chemical and sensory wine attributes. ‘Macro tuning’, of berry nitrogen status can be achieved in the vineyard, given genetic constraints, but the final ‘micro tuning’ can be more readily achieved in the winery by the use of nitrogen supplements, such as diammonium phosphate (DAP) and the choice of fermentation conditions. This point highlights the need to monitor nitrogen not only in the vineyard but also in the must immediately before fermentation, so that appropriate additions can be made when required. Overall, optimisation of vineyard and fermentation nitrogen can contribute to quality factors in wine and hence affect its value. However, a better understanding of the effect of nitrogen on grape secondary metabolites and different types of nitrogen sources on yeast flavour metabolism and wine sensory properties is still required.  相似文献   

In the period between December 5, 1991 and September 17, 1998, 760 maize, 367 wheat, 119 soybean, 222 barley, 85 bran, 32 triticale, 60 oat, 14 rye and 22 sunflower samples were investigated for the presence and concentration of seven fusariotoxins (T-2 toxin, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, diacetoxyscirpenol, HT-2 toxin, fusarenone-X) and OTA. The comparison of analytical data with those of the relevant literature revealed that although the incidence rate and/ or concentration of Fusarium mycotoxins and OTA in Hungarian-grown cereals is occasionally considerable, the position of the country is not worse than the average of countries. Our findings indicate that soybean tends to be good substrate for trichothecene-producing fungi and the rate of contamination is regarded as substantial. The commodities were assorted into one of three quality categories. The proportion of objectionable samples was only 3.0, 2.2, 2.3 and 1.7% in maize, wheat, barley and soybean samples, respectively. However, this low rate of objection might still be a source of great economic loss. The proportion of objectionable samples was much higher in the case of bran, oat and triticale (7.1, 6.7, and 6.3%, respectively). The results of the present investigation indicate a need for regular screening for mycotoxins of importance and individual appraisal of each commodity from the point of their use in animal feeds.  相似文献   

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