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Summary Prolamines extracted from wheat (gliadin), rye (secalin), barley (hordein) and oats (avenin) were used to raise antibodies in rabbits. The four prolamines were separated by SDS-PAGE and blotted onto nitrocellulose. The immunocrossreactivity of the separated prolamines with the four antisera was studied. The close botanical relationship between wheat and rye, and to a lesser extent barley, is clearly established. The crossreactivity of gliadin, secalin and hordein with anti-avenin serum was found to be weak. In contrast, avenin shows a strong crossreactivity with anti-gliadin serum.
Immunkreuzreaktionen von Antisera gegen die Prolamine von Weizen, Roggen, Gerste und Hafer
Zusammenfassung Zur Gewinnung von Antiprolamin-Sera wurden Kaninchen mit den Prolaminen von Weizen (Gliadin), Roggen (Secalin), Gerste (Hordein) und Hafer (Avenin) immunisiert. Die vier Prolamine wurden durch SDS-PAG-Elektrophorese aufgetrennt, auf Nitrocellulose übertragen und auf Immunkreuzreaktionen mit den vier Antisera untersucht. Die nahe botanische Verwandtschaft von Weizen und Roggen, in geringerem Masse auch von Gerste, spiegelt sich deutlich wider. Die Kreuzreaktionen von Gliadin, Secalin und Hordein mit Antiavenin-Serum sind dagegen schwach ausgeprägt. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt Avenin eine starke Kreuzreaktion mit Antigliadin-Serum.

Prolamines extracted from wheat (gliadin), rye (secalin), barley (hordein) and oats (avenin) were used to raise antibodies in rabbits. The four prolamines were separated by SDS-PAGE and blotted onto nitrocellulose. The immunocrossreactivity of the separated prolamines with the four antisera was studied. The close botanical relationship between wheat and rye, and to a lesser extent barley, is clearly established. The crossreactivity of gliadin, secalin and hordein with anti-avenin serum was found to be weak. In contrast, avenin shows a strong crossreactivity with anti-gliadin serum.  相似文献   

Winter wheat (susceptible cultivar Ritmo) was grown in 2006 near Kiel and in 2007 near Heide in northern Germany. Plants were inoculated at anthesis using a Fusarium graminearum macroconidial suspension. The percentage of Fusarium-damaged kernels (FDK) ranged from 0 ± 2% to 28 ± 2%. The contents of the Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) and wheat amino acids were determined in the grain. Levels of the amino acids alanine, lysine, and tyrosine increased with the percentage of FDK or DON contents whereas glutamic acid contents decreased. Aspartic acid and threonine were not related to the percentage of FDK or DON contents. Effects of Fusarium infection on other amino acids were significant only at the sampling site with the higher degree of Fusarium-damage. Interestingly, those amino acids that increased consistently and significantly with the degree of Fusarium-damage are derived from phosphoenolpyruvate or pyruvate, suggesting that pathogen-induced changes in the glycolytic input for amino acid biosynthesis play a significant role for the amino acid composition of Fusarium-damaged winter wheat grain. On average, amino acid contents decreased by 0.13% compared to the amino acid content of sound kernels upon an increase of 1% of FDK.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (cv. Kleiber) was grown in three pot experiments in a soil containing 10 mg kg?1 KH2PO4-soluble sulphur with different rates of nitrogen and sulphur fertilisers. Without added S the yields of grain dry matter and crude protein were either unchanged (glasshouse experiment) or significantly decreased by the N treatments (controlled environment experiments). With added S the N fertiliser increased the yields by 40–110%. The experiments produced grain with a wide range of N and S contents, the latter ranging from 0.06–0.21% on a dry matter basis. Grain from treatments giving the largest yields of dry matter and crude protein had a N:S ratio of about 15. The amino acid composition of the whole grain was changed significantly by the fertiliser treatments. When plants were grown without added S at the highest level of N the grain contained less than half the amount of cyst(e)ine and methionine (as % of total amino acid content) found in grain from plants given adequate amounts of S fertiliser. Grain from S-deficient plants also had a much greater content of aspartic acid + asparagine but less threonine, leucine, isoleucine and lysine. The N:S ratio in grain from plants grown with insufficient S was well in excess of 15. The relation of these findings to the nutritive value of wheat as a feed and to the provision of enough disulphide bonding capacity for its use in bread-making are discussed. Our results emphasise the necessity for having an adequate amount of S to balance the larger N applications now given to wheat to ensure that the grain is of the highest quality possible with any particular cultivar.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Organic crops are often thought to contain more phenolic secondary metabolites than conventional ones. This study evaluated the influence of organic and conventional farming on concentrations of phenolic acids in spring and winter wheat cultivars. RESULTS: Five phenolic acids were identified: ferulic, sinapic, p‐coumaric, vanillic and p‐hydroxybenzoic acid. Ferulic acid was the main phenolic acid in the grain of all tested wheat varieties. Significant differences among the examined cultivars in concentration of particular compounds were observed. Concentrations of phenolic acids varied significantly in organic and conventional wheat. Levels of ferulic and p‐coumaric acids, as well as the total phenolic acid content were higher in organic crops. Concentrations of sinapic acid in spring wheat, as well as vanillic and p‐hydroxybenzoic acid levels in both types of wheat were significantly higher in conventional grains. The 1000 kernel weight (TKW) of spring and winter wheat was significantly lower in organic crops. CONCLUSION: Organically produced spring and winter wheat had significantly higher concentrations of ferulic and p‐coumaric acid as well as the total phenolic acid content than conventional wheat, though the differences in the levels of phenolics were not large. However, these differences are probably caused mainly by smaller size of organic wheat kernels (lower TKW). Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The changes in the composition of free and total amino acids in wheat grain during development are described: the experiment was performed in a growth chamber with three varieties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): Splendeur, Hobbit and Maris Huntsman. The changes in the total composition of amino acids of the grain as development progressed were consistent with an increase in the proportion of storage proteins. At 15 days after anthesis, the relative amount of glycine increased, suggesting that at this moment the proportion of gliadins was relatively low. The relative amount of arginine increased in mature grain, showing that at times close to maturity the relative proportion of synthesis of a protein fraction rich in this amino acid increased. Free glutamate, proline and arginine decreased at 15 days to a greater extent than the other amino acids and was present in low relative amounts during the period of maximum protein synthesis in the grain; these three amino acids could be the most limiting for protein synthesis in grain. In the free fraction the following showed a similar pattern of change during grain development: aspartate, arginine and histidine on the one hand, and on the other alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, phenylalanine and tyrosine; moreover both groups were inversely correlated. Glycine and lysine were directly related to each other and inversely to glutamate.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate insecticidal activity of three diatomaceous earths DEs, two originated from Serbia (DE S-1 and DE S-2) and one commercial formulation (Protect-It, Hedley Technologies Ltd. Canada) applied at rates of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 g/kg (500, 1000 and 1500 ppm) on Rhyzopertha dominica in wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale grains and their effects on mass of kernels and several properties: adherence, hectolitre mass, moisture, protein and ash contents. Mortality of R. dominica adults increased with exposure duration and DEs rates. In all tested grains after the longest exposure period (21 days), 1.0 and 1.5 g/kg rates of Protect-It, and 1.5 g/kg rate of DE S-1 and DE S-2 (in barley) caused 95–100% mortality. Offspring reduction of ≥95% was recorded after the application of 1.0 and 1.5 g/kg of Protect-It and 1.5 g/kg of DE S-1. The lowest weight of damaged grain was found after applying 1.0 and 1.5 g/kg of DEs to all grain types, and the highest in rye and wheat treated with 0.5 g/kg DE S-1 and DE S-2, respectively. The highest DEs adherence of 83–95% was detected in wheat, and 87–92% in oats, and the lowest of 71–77% in rye and 59–73% in triticale. All DEs significantly reduced hectolitre mass of all grains, especially Protect-It, 3.6–8.8%. No negative effects of DEs were detected on moisture contents, and the contents of proteins and ashes in the grains. The changes were due to the activity of R. dominica.  相似文献   

For each of the cereals oats, barley and wheat, metabolisable energy concentrations were estimated in 16 samples of known origin and chemical composition. Each sample was fed at three levels of substitution with a fishmeal/vitamin supplement. There was not a significant difference in metabolisable energy concentration among individual samples within the barley and wheat groups. Significant differences found among values for the oat samples did not seem to correlate in any meaningful way with chemically determined components. The overall mean values with standard deviations found for oats, barley and wheat respectively were 11.9±0.29, 12.6±0.23 and 13.6 ± 0.29 MJ kg?1 dry matter. These results are discussed and compared with values published recently for laying hens and roosters and with average figures from tables of feedingstuffs composition in current use.  相似文献   

Analysis of rice oil methyl esters of two varieties by gas-liquid chromatography showed that oil from bran-polish and oil from milled rice extracted with petroleum ether had similar fatty acid composition and had oleic/linoleic acid ratios of about 1.0. However, milled rice oil extracted with chloroform/methanol had a higher linoleic acid content and a lower oleic acid content than oil extracted with petroleum ether.  相似文献   

Toxigenic Fusaria, producing zearalenon, appeared in 31% of cereal grain samples. However zearalenone was present only in 0.5% of 584 cereal samples assayed during 1979-1981 at level 0.2-1.2 mg/kg. Fungi able to form zearalenone were present mainly in grain collected from breeding stations. Fusarium culmorum was dominant among toxigenic isolates from domestic cereals and yield of zearalenone was up to 700 mg/kg.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(4):2347-2360
This study consists of milk fatty acid (FA) data collected during 2 in vivo experiments. For this study, 8 cows from each experiment were included in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design. At the start of experiment 1 (Exp1) cows were at (mean ± standard deviation) 87 ± 34.6 d in milk, 625 ± 85.0 kg of body weight, and 32.1 ± 4.17 kg/d milk yield and at the start of experiment 2 (Exp2) cows were at 74 ± 18.2 d in milk, 629 ± 87.0 kg of body weight, and 37.0 ± 3.2 kg/d milk yield. In Exp1, we examined the effects of gradual replacement of barley with hulled oats (oats with hulls) on milk FA composition. The basal diet was grass silage and rapeseed meal (58 and 10% of diet DM, respectively), and the 4 grain supplements were formulated so that barley was gradually replaced by hulled oats at levels of 0, 33, 67, and 100% on dry matter basis. In Exp2, we examined (1) the effects of replacing barley with both hulled and dehulled oats (oats without hulls) and (2) the effects of gradual replacement of hulled oats with dehulled oats on milk FA composition. The basal diet was grass silage and rapeseed meal (60 and 10% of diet DM, respectively), and the 4 pelleted experimental concentrates were barley, hulled oats, a 50:50 mixture of hulled and dehulled oats, and dehulled oats on dry matter basis. In Exp1, gradual replacement of barley with hulled oats decreased relative proportions of 14:0, 16:0, and total saturated FA (SFA) in milk fat linearly, whereas proportions of 18:0, 18:1, total monounsaturated FA, and total cis unsaturated FA increased linearly. Transfer efficiency of total C18 decreased linearly when barley was replaced by hulled oats in Exp1. In Exp2, relative proportions of 14:0, 16:0, and total SFA were lower, whereas proportions of 18:0, 18:1, monounsaturated FA, and cis unsaturated FA were higher in milk from cows fed the oat diets than in milk from cows fed the barley diet. Moreover, in Exp2, gradual replacement of hulled oats with dehulled oats slightly decreased the relative proportion of 14:0 in milk fat but did not affect the proportions of 16:0, 18:0, 18:1, total SFA, monounsaturated FA, trans FA, or polyunsaturated FA. In Exp2, transfer efficiency of total C18 was lower when cows were fed the oat diets than when fed the barley diet and decreased linearly when hulled oats were replaced with dehulled oats. Predictions of daily CH4 emissions (g/d) using the on-farm available variables energy-corrected milk yield and body weight were not markedly improved by including milk concentrations of individual milk FA in prediction equations. In conclusion, replacement of barley with oats as a concentrate supplement for dairy cows fed a grass silage-based diet could offer a practical strategy to change the FA composition of milk to be more in accordance with international dietary guidelines regarding consumption of SFA.  相似文献   

彭星星 《中国油脂》2021,46(10):110-115
采用气相色谱法对不同地区多个品种油菜籽的脂肪酸组成及含量进行分析。结果表明:不同地区各油菜籽品种所含脂肪酸组成基本相同,均含有17种脂肪酸,脂肪酸种类比较丰富;油菜籽中含量较多的脂肪酸有油酸、芥酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸和花生一烯酸,各品种油菜籽间油酸、芥酸和花生一烯酸含量差异较大,亚油酸和亚麻酸含量差异较小;杂交、丰油10号和杂双5号油菜籽可作为丰富的油酸、亚油酸来源,搏优6号和皖油13油菜籽可作为丰富的花生一烯酸来源,南阳红、秦优9号、花菜子和四月红油菜籽可作为丰富的芥酸来源,杂双5号油菜籽可作为低芥酸菜籽油的原料来源;种植土壤对杂交油菜籽脂肪酸含量影响较大,而丰油10号油菜籽脂肪酸含量不受种植土壤的影响,无论是杂交油菜籽还是丰油10号油菜籽,在相同种植土壤条件下,即使来自不同地区,同品种油菜籽脂肪酸含量均无明显差异。  相似文献   

新疆洋葱籽油脂肪酸组成研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用气相色谱-质谱联用法(GC/MS)对新疆洋葱籽油中脂肪酸组成及相对含量进行研究.结果表明,新疆洋葱籽油由棕榈酸、亚油酸、油酸等12种脂肪酸组成,不饱和脂肪酸达79.92%,其中油酸为13.11%,亚油酸为65.90%,棕榈酸为10.47%,硬脂酸为4.97%.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Since demand for distilling wheat is expected to increase rapidly as a result of the development of the bioethanol industry, efficient production will become of increasing importance. Achieving this will require an understanding of the agronomic factors that influence both grain yield and alcohol yield. Therefore five field experiments using the winter distilling wheat variety Glasgow were conducted over three seasons (2006–2007, 2007–2008 and 2008–2009) to study the relationships between foliar disease and alcohol yield. RESULTS: There was a significant relationship between alcohol yield and the severity of the disease septoria leaf blotch (Septoria tritici), which was present in the experiments from natural infection. Retention of green flag leaf area as affected by disease control following fungicide application was also shown to be important for achieving high alcohol yields. Measurements of grain quality showed that high thousand‐grain weight and low grain protein concentration were significantly related to increased alcohol yield. CONCLUSION: The experiments showed the importance of disease management to protect alcohol yields in the distilling wheat crop. Fungicides that provide greater disease control and improved green leaf retention are likely to be beneficial to alcohol yield. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

新疆野核桃油脂肪酸组成分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用溶剂浸出法提取新疆野核桃油,对其脂肪酸组成进行分析。结果表明:新疆野核桃油中脂肪酸以油酸、亚油酸、棕榈酸为主,其中不饱和脂肪酸占脂肪酸总量的90.68%。油酸含量较高,为65.69%,其次是亚油酸、棕榈酸,分别为24.99%、8.86%。  相似文献   

The work presents the content and composition of free lipids and carotenoids in spring and winter classes of wheat flour. It discusses genetical and physiological aspects of their synthesis and accumulation in wheat kernels and also indicates how methodological differences explain differences in results presented in the literature. It has been reported that spring wheat flours are richer in free lipids, especially in the non-polar fraction. The content of glycolipids ranged from 134 to 215 mg/100 g flour and was more stable within the winter wheat class. The percentages of the two main fractions, namely DGDG and MGDG, were similar in both wheat classes and reached ca. 77%. Phospholipids constituted the smallest fraction of the flour free lipids in both wheat classes; however, spring wheat flours were richer in these compounds, which is likely associated with a greater content of spherosomes in the endosperm of this wheat class. The free lipids of spring wheat flour contained more oleic and slightly less linoleic and linolenic acids. Spring wheat flour was also richer in carotenoids, although there were varieties in both classes that deviated from this. The main carotenoid was lutein, whose total percentage in the form of different isomers ranged from 71.3% to 83.3% and was slightly lower for spring wheat flour. Lutein, in the form of a trans-isomer, constituted about 62% and 70% of all carotenoids in spring and winter wheat flours, respectively.  相似文献   

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