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山葡萄负载量对产量和质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
对山葡萄进行单株负载量试验,结果表明:采用2.5×1.0m的行株距建园,随着单株冬剪留芽量的增多,其单株产量、果穗数量、果穗上的“小青粒”和果实总酸大幅度增高,但植株的萌芽率、果穗平均重和果实含糖大幅度降低。因此,适宜的冬剪单株留芽量为45~47个芽(眼)。  相似文献   

酿造冰红山葡萄酒新品种北冰红,采用行株距3.0 m×0.75 m小棚架栽培,进行了单株留果量试验.结果表明:随着单株留果量的增多,其产量、果穗上的小青粒和果实总酸含量大幅度增高,果穗和果粒重量、果实含糖量和出汁率降低,其中:单株保留30个果穗的植株表现产量低,保留90个果穗的试验树表现当年产量高,但由于树体负载量大,晚秋枝蔓不能充分成熟,导致第二年出现“歇树”和部分植株死蔓,比试验当年大幅度减产.而单株保留50 ~ 70个果穗的试验处理,果穗紧凑,小青粒少,糖酸含量适宜,试验当年及第二年产量适中,此留果量不仅可保证树体负载适量,正常生长发育和开花结果、稳产,还可保证果实品质.  相似文献   

不同留叶数摘心对山葡萄主栽品种果实品质和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高山葡萄(Vitis amurensis Rupr.)主栽品种双红、双优和左优红的果实品质和产量,对结果枝进行了不同留叶数的摘心试验。结果表明:留2片叶摘心,3品种均表现出坐果率、果穗重、含糖量、出汁率和产量偏低,果粒重和总酸高;留3~5片叶摘心,果穗重、含糖量、出汁率较高,总酸含量较低,坐果率和产量中等;留6~7片叶摘心,坐果率、产量和总酸较高,但果粒重、果实含糖量和出汁率较低,果穗松散,而且增加了夏季修剪的用工量。  相似文献   

不同施肥制度对山葡萄结果、抗病性和树体的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005~2006年以7年生山葡萄品种双优、双红、左优红为试材进行了不同施肥制度的试验。结果表明,果实采收后施有机肥和开花前追施速效氮肥,8月上旬追施二铵、硫酸钾和叶面喷肥的处理,坐果率和产量均较高,分别平均为33.5%和4.35kg/株,且结果枝成熟度高。生理落果期和果实着色前期等延迟追肥和喷肥试验处理坐果率和产量较低,分别平均为22.5%和2.88kg/株。秋施有机肥,开花前7d单株追施尿素0.25kg,8月上旬单株追施二铵和硫酸钾(1:1)0.5kg,7月下旬和8月上旬叶片喷布2次磷酸二氢钾水溶液的处理霜霉病害发病率低。  相似文献   

红地球葡萄单穗不同留果量对果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以9年生红地球品种为试材,在中等偏上肥力、每667m2留果穗2000个左右的情况下,探讨了单穗3种不同留果量对葡萄果实相关指标的影响.结果表明:单穗留果50粒、70粒、90粒时,平均粒重分别为10.60g、10.14g、9.33g,单穗重分别为0.53kg、0.71kg、0.84kg,总糖含量分别为13.49%、12.65%、12.36%,糖酸比分别为31.81、28.74、27.27.粒重、总糖含量、糖酸比均随留果数量的增加而减少,单穗重随留果数量的增加而增加.3处理间果实表面亮白程度、红色程度相当,单穗留果50粒的果实表面颜色更蓝.从产量与销售价格综合考量,以单穗留果90粒为好.  相似文献   

生产管理与山葡萄果实质量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000-2001年进行山葡萄生产主栽品种紧穗、中等、散穗的3种穗形中穗梗、“小青粒”占穗重比例调查和果初酵出汁率试验。结果表明:左山一、左山二、双优、双红和双丰的粗放管理和“超量负载树”大都为散形果穗,其穗梗占穗重高达8.8%-22.4%,比紧穗形增加1.8%-15.5%,“小青粒”占穗重4.4%-7.7%,比紧穗形增加1.2%-7.3%,果实发酵出汁率仅为38.9%-53.0%,比紧穗形降低(少出果汁)8.0%-19.2%,发酵每吨果汁增加果实价款226.5-739.5元。酒厂在收购山葡萄果实,“小青粒”和穗梗占穗重5%和12%以上,每公斤降价0.3-0.4元,甚至拒收。为此,提出调控果穗松散、小青粒多的生产管理技术措施。指导果农生产,增加果农生产效率。  相似文献   

本文以双红、双优和左优红为试材,进行结果枝不同时期摘心的试验。结果表明,开花前10d和7d摘心,表现为坐果率和产量高,生理落果低。而在开花后摘心,则表现为坐果率和产量低,生理落果率高。因此,山葡萄品种的摘心时间适宜在开花前7~10d。  相似文献   

以‘白罗莎里奥’葡萄为试材,叶面喷施不同浓度的水杨酸和壳聚糖,进行果实成熟后留树保鲜试验。通过测定留树期间果实品质、烂果率、生理指标及休眠期冬芽发育的变化,分析评价水杨酸和壳聚糖在留树保鲜中的应用效果。结果表明:两种药剂对果实留树保鲜的效果良好,表现较佳的水杨酸使用浓度为1.5 mmol/L,壳聚糖使用浓度为0.1%。高浓度的水杨酸和低浓度的壳聚糖均可有效延缓葡萄留树期间果实品质的变化,降低葡萄果实中丙二醛的含量和多酚氧化酶活性,减少烂果,同时又能促进冬芽的发育。因此认为,水杨酸和壳聚糖可以作为保鲜剂延长葡萄的挂果期。  相似文献   

本文以双红、双优和左优红为试材,进行结果枝不同时期摘心的试验。结果表明,开花前10d和7d摘心,表现为坐果率和产量高,生理落果低。而在开花后摘心,则表现为坐果率和产量低,生理落果率高。因此,山葡萄品种的摘心时间适宜在开花前7~10d。  相似文献   

研究了单穗留60、75、90、105粒果不同的疏果处理(以不做疏果处理为对照,留果粒数120)对新郁葡萄果穗大小、重量和紧密度、果梗拉力、果实着色、单果粒重、果实硬度、可溶性固形物含量和有机酸含量等果实品质因素的影响。结果表明,以90粒留果量处理最佳,着色早且均匀,单果粒质量、果梗拉力、可溶性固形物与对照差异极显著,果实硬度、有机酸含量在各处理间最大。综合果实品质评价指标,以留果粒数为90粒处理最好。  相似文献   

Yield components of the parthenocarpic cultivar Zante were analysed for five vineyards of diverse age and management. The data was obtained as part of an experiment to improve fruit set and yield by applying combinations of gibberellin and 2-chloroethyltrimethyl ammonium chloride or 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid. Four of the vineyards were located in the Brockman valley north of Perth, Western Australia, two of these were irrigated, one was rain fed and one received supplementary flood irrigation. The fifth lay in an adjacent area of coastal sand plain, at the foot of the Darling scarp, and was irrigated. The vines were aged from 6 to 50 years.
Principal component analysis showed that vine age was negatively correlated with vigour (pruning weight) and with berry number per bunch. Vine age however was not strongly related to either yield or yield components (bunch number and berry volume). Sugar concentration was negatively correlated with all yield components but imprecisely modelled based on any combination of the measured variables. Berry number per vine appeared to be the underlying factor determining 'sink' strength though this was inextricably confounded with bunch number per vine. Interpretation of the data leads to the conclusion that increased berry volume is an inefficient means of increasing dried yield. This conclusion argues for caution in the application of plant growth regulators that act primarily to increase berry volume.
Yield of sugar per vine was accurately modelled based on second order relationships with bunch number per vine, berry number per bunch, berry volume and pruning weight. Vine age also showed a second order relationship to yield although the range was relatively small. The observations are considered in terms of developing strategies for maximising dried yield and devising mathematical models to account for photoassimilate (dry matter) partitioning in Vitis .  相似文献   

氨基酸液肥灌根对红地球葡萄产量和果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高红地球葡萄延迟栽培中果实质量和产量,于成熟期进行了氨基酸液肥灌根.结果表明,灌根后比对照的果实粒重、穗重、产量、可溶性固形物,可溶性蛋白、Vc含量增加,可滴定酸含量降低.灌肥2次的处理效果极显著.  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂对红地球葡萄果实品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本实验以5年生红地球葡萄为试材,研究GA3和6-BA对果实品质的影响.结果表明:外源GA3和6-BA处理能有效地促进果实生长发育,提高产量.其中,50 mg/kg GA3处理的效果较显著,平均单粒质量达到11.29g,较对照提高19.3%,产量1407.52 kg/667m2,较对照提高15.9%;50mg/kg GA3+20mg/kg 6-BA组合处理,平均单粒质量达到11.21g,较对照提高18.5%,产量1396.88kg/667m2,较对照提高15.1%.外源GA3和6-BA对果实含酸量和Vc含量影响不明显,但降低了果实可溶性固形物含量的积累和果实硬度.棚架栽培可适当提高坐果部位,避免果实着色过深.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Climate variation contributes to fluctuations in reproductive output, and spring temperature is thought to influence flower production in grapevines. For 3 years, we studied the influence of temperature from before budswell through to the appearance of individual flowers on reproductive development in field-grown Cabernet Sauvignon while minimising the influence of other microclimatic variables. Methods and Results: Dormant buds and emerging shoots were heated or cooled from before budswell until individual flowers were visible. Flower number per inflorescence was inversely related to pre-budburst temperature. Conversely, flower size, percent fruit set, and berry size increased with higher temperatures. Fruit set also increased as flower size and leaf area per flower increased; fruit set was erratic below 4 cm2 leaf area per flower. Berry mass and sugar content per berry increased with increasing flower size. Although yield per shoot varied threefold among treatments, differences in fruit composition were minor. Conclusions: Variations in early-season temperatures may alter substantially grapevine yield formation. The temperature effect may be a combination of direct effects on floral development and indirect effects arising from differences in shoot growth. Significance of the Study: This study shows that variations in temperature near budburst may be an important cause of large variations in grapevine yield.  相似文献   

不同灌溉量对设施红地球葡萄生理特性及品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为实行节水灌溉和提高红地球葡萄的质量和产量,在高寒干旱地区设施栽培条件下各生长期设置了不同灌溉量试验.结果表明,与传统漫灌方式(对照)相比,果实成熟时各处理中的叶片生理指标和果实品质表现不同,其中处理4的叶绿素含量、单粒重、穗重和可溶性固形物含量相对最高,与对照相比分别增长了20.63%、16.61%、16.62%~,48.92%;脯氨酸、丙二醛含量、SOD、POD、CAT活性相对最低,与对照相比降低了42.11%、36.09%、21.11%、49.76%和39.44%.  相似文献   

The cultivation of cactus pear requires low input and is therefore conducive to a sustainable system that will increase the efficiency and economic viability of the small and medium‐sized farms of low‐income farmers. The aim of this study was to determine fruit and plant characteristics of the 10 most commonly grown cactus pear cultivars in South Africa under rain‐fed, subtropical conditions. Skinners Court favoured vegetative growth. The fruit of Gymno Carpo had below average total soluble sugars. Roedtan had high cladode yield, while producing fruit of good quality, especially high total soluble sugar values, and quantity. Turpin and Meyers proved to have the highest fruit yield, fruit mass, cladode yield and number of cladodes pruned per plant. These cultivars can therefore be planted for both fruit production and for harvesting of cladodes for animal feed. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Background and Aims:  The influence of grapevine rootstocks on vine vigour and crop yield is recognized as an integral part of viticultural management. However, the genetic potential of Vitis species rootstock hybrids for vigour and yield control is not fully exploited in Australian viticulture. The effect of 55 novel inter- and intra-species hybrids and five traditional hybrid rootstock cultivars on winter pruning weight, berry size and fruit yield of grafted Shiraz vines is presented. The genetic predictions that resulted from this analysis were used to illustrate how rootstocks that best perform for a combination of traits may be selected.
Methods and Results:  The use of linear mixed models and residual maximum likelihood procedures took into account repeated measures and spatial variation within a large field trial (720 vines). Over 6 years of assessment, variation of up to 93.9% in winter pruning weight, 81.9% in fruit yield and 21.0% in berry weight between rootstocks was estimated.
Conclusions:  The effect of rootstock genotype accounted for marked differences in conferred pruning weight, berry weight and fruit yield from trial averages. Comparison of statistical analysis techniques illustrated that the choice of such techniques may influence the outcome of genetic selection from field trial data.
Significance of the Study:  Such quantification of the variation between vines in vigour, fruit yield and berry size due to rootstock genotype provides a framework for selection of well-performing genotypes for inclusion in advanced generations of the CSIRO vine rootstock breeding program.  相似文献   

The effects of delayed winter spur-pruning on yield, yield components and fruit composition of Merlot vines was evaluated within a commercial vineyard in Marlborough, New Zealand. Vines were spur-pruned, trained using vertical shoot positioning, trickle irrigated and grafted to Kober 5BB rootstock. Delaying pruning from July (usual winter pruning time in New Zealand) until up to October (when apical shoots on canes were 5 cm long) resulted in yield increases of up to 93%, 63%, and 82% over the three seasons of experimentation. These yield increases reflected higher average berry weight and in turn bunch weights. The increase in average berry weight was associated with a change in the relative abundance of different berry types. Later pruning increased the proportion of large seeded berries while the proportion of smaller seedless berries and live green ovaries (shot berries) decreased. The delayed pruning may have enhanced fertilisation of flowers and development of seeds by postponing flowering to a time when climatic conditions are more favourable; measurements of shoot lengths support this proposal. By delaying winter pruning until after budburst the development of basal nodes was inhibited, so that budburst on the resulting spurs was also delayed.  相似文献   

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