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由于食品接触材料在与食品接触的过程中,其成分可能迁移到食品中影响食品安全,因此食品接触材料又被称为间接的食品添加剂。近年来,其安全性备受关注,为保障食品安全各国政府都加强了对食品接触材料立法制修订。本文从法规形式、适用范围、时效性、风险分析、物质清单、使用规范、标识和可追溯性要求等方面深入分析了各国食品接触材料法规的特点。根据国际上各国法规的优点,给出了建立和完善我国食品接触材料法规体系的可参考建议。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a comprehensive package of quality assurance criteria for use by industry and regulatory authorities for ensuring the quality and safety-in-use (sensory, microbiological and chemical) of reused plastics for food packaging. The study included thermal degradation effects, flavour carry-over caused by flavour and off-flavour substances, the influence of washing processes on the materials, and the efficiency of washing processes in removing offflavour substances and surrogate substances representing misuse chemicals as might be put in bottles by consumers. The microbial safety of the refillable plastic articles in relation to commercial washing processes and the industrial procedures applied has also been investigated. Lastly, the suitability of laboratory procedures using strips of bottle material for predicting the sorption and washing properties of refillable plastic bottles has been studied. In general it is concluded that reuse of the articles does not significantly influence any of the properties investigated. Neither the chemical, physical nor surface properties seem to be significantly influenced by repeated washing. It can be concluded, however, that it is very likely that most of the articles investigated will cause flavour carry-over to a new filling if they are contaminated with strongly flavoured products. Finally it can be concluded that the procedures evaluated can serve as a basis for future legislation on refillable articles, but for several procedures (like quick predictive testing with strips) more investigation is required to create a more solid basis.  相似文献   

A range of paper and board materials including carton board, corrugated board, napkins and paper towels intended for contact with food have been solvent extracted and substances present at the highest levels identified and quantified by GC/MS. Dibutyl phthalate, and diisopropylnaphthalene (DIPN) were selected to study migration to food and potential food simulants with the aim of developing a simple quick test that will give an equivalent or higher result. Tenax was found to be a suitable food simulant for dry foods and dry 'fatty foods' such as pastry and cake and was also found to be a suitable simulant for pizza base tested at higher temperatures for short contact times. The percentage migration values from corrugated and carton boards were generally in the range 15-40%, with the highest percentage being 49% for rice using conditions representing ambient storage. Quick tests were developed using Tenax under accelerated conditions of 4h at 80°C to cover room temperature storage with dry foods and fatty dry foods. These tests are suitable for compliance testing of paperboard samples if migration limits are applied in future legislation. Migration from tissues, napkins and paper towels was found to be at very low or not detectable levels, even when the levels of DIPN and DBP were significant. It is strongly suspected that this finding is due to a combination of short contact time, low grammage and the fact that the tissues absorb fat and moisture from foods, thus minimizing extraction from the paper. In all cases, the results from migration experiments into food and Tenax indicate that for the substances found at highest concentrations in the paper, currently accepted safety limits were not exceeded where they exist in EU legislation or in working documents applying to plastics.  相似文献   

目的 建立了顶空-气相色谱质谱法同时测定食品接触材料中18种丙烯酸酯和甲基丙烯酸酯单体迁移量的分析方法。方法 采用水、乙酸(体积分数为4%)、乙醇(体积分数为10%、20%和50%)和橄榄油浸泡食品接触材料,将得到水性模拟物和橄榄油模拟物通过 DB-WAX毛细管柱(30m×0.32mm×1.8 m)分离,顶空进样分析,质谱检测,保留时间定性,峰面积定量。结果 18种单体在0.05-0.5mg/L(水性模拟物)及 0.3-3.0 mg/L(橄榄油模拟物)的浓度范围内呈良好线性,相关系数R大于0.99。本方法对水基模拟物的检出限均为0.02 mg/L,定量限均为0.05 mg/L;对油基食品模拟物的检出限均为0.1 mg/L,定量限均为0.3 mg/L。加标回收率范围为81.1%-109%,相对标准偏差为0.75-9.4%。结论 该方法前处理简单,分离度好,灵敏度高,能够满足食品接触材料中18种丙烯酸和甲基丙烯酸及其酯类单体迁移量的分析要求。  相似文献   

The effect of γ-radiation doses (5, 10, 30 kGy) on the mechanical properties, gas and water vapour permeability, infrared (IR) spectra, and overall migration into aqueous and alternative fatty food simulants of commercial monolayer flexible packaging films ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polystyrene (PS), bi-axially oriented polypropylene (BOPP), low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and Ionomer was studied. For comparison purposes, respective non-irradiated (control) films were also studied. The results showed that radiation doses of 5, 10 and 30 kGy did not induce any statistically significant changes in the permeability of all studied films to gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) and water vapour. Likewise, IR spectra of all studied films showed no significant differences after all absorbed doses. The mechanical properties (tensile strength, percentage elongation at break and Young's modulus) of all studied films remained unaffected after absorbed doses of 5 and 10 kGy. In contrast, the tensile strength of HDPE, BOPP and Ionomer films irradiated at a dose of 30kGy decreased. In addition, the percentage elongation at break of LDPE and Ionomer films irradiated at a dose of 30 kGy decreased while Young's modulus of all samples remained unaffected. All mechanical properties of PS and EVA films remained unaffected after radiation at 30 kGy. Radiation (all absorbed doses) resulted in no statistically significant differences in overall migration values into distilled water for all studied films. For 3% aqueous acetic acid, absorbed doses of 5 and 10 kGy did not affect overall migration values of all investigated samples with the exception of the Ionomer film, for which the overall migration value decreased at 10 kGy. An absorbed dose of 30 kGy caused an increase in BOPP overall migration values and a decrease in Ionomer overall migration values. In contrast, a dose of 30 kGy induced no changes in overall migration values of EVA, HDPE, LDPE and PS films into the same simulant. There were no statistically significant differences in overall migration values of EVA, PS and LDPE films into iso-octane for all absorbed doses. In contrast, a dose of 30 kGy resulted in an increase in overall migration values of BOPP and a respective decrease in HDPE and Ionomer films.  相似文献   

An internet website (http://cpf.jrc.it/smt/) has been produced as a means of dissemination of methods of analysis and supporting spectroscopic information on monomers and additives used for food contact materials (principally packaging). The site which is aimed primarily at assisting food control laboratories in the European Union contains analytical information on monomers, starting substances and additives used in the manufacture of plastics materials. A searchable index is provided giving PM and CAS numbers for each of 255 substances. For each substance a data sheet gives regulatory information, chemical structures, physico-chemical information and background information on the use of the substance in particular plastics, and the food packaging applications. For monomers and starting substances (155 compounds) the infra-red and mass spectra are provided, and for additives (100 compounds); additionally proton NMR are available for about 50% of the entries. Where analytical methods have been developed for determining these substances as residual amounts in plastics or as trace amounts in food simulants these methods are also on the website. All information is provided in portable document file (PDF) format which means that high quality copies can be readily printed, using freely available Adobe Acrobat Reader software. The website will in future be maintained and up-dated by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) as new substances are authorized for use by the European Commission (DG-ENTR formerly DGIII). Where analytical laboratories (food control or other) require reference substances these can be obtained free-ofcharge from a reference collection housed at the JRC and maintained in conjunction with this website compendium.  相似文献   

随着经济发展及生活水平的提高, 食品安全问题越来越受到广泛关注。近年来,由食品接触材料安全引起的食品安全事件的频繁发生,使食品接触材料安全成为人员关注食品安全的新焦点,当然也包括不锈钢食品接触材料。本文从不锈钢食品接触材料的安全要求和测试条件等方面,分析了ISO、欧盟、日本、韩国等各国的法规和标准现状,比较了各国标准的差异,对我国不锈钢食品接触材料标准的制定和安全评价提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The results of a research project (EU AIR Research Programme CT94-1025) aimed to introduce control of migration into good manufacturing practice and into enforcement work are reported. Representative polymer classes were defined on the basis of chemical structure, technological function, migration behaviour and market share. These classes were characterized by analytical methods. Analytical techniques were investigated for identification of potential migrants. High-temperature gas chromatography was shown to be a powerful method and H-magnetic resonance provided a convenient fingerprint of plastic materials. Volatile compounds were characterized by headspace techniques, where it was shown to be essential to differentiate volatile compounds desorbed from those generated during the thermal desorption itself. For metal trace analysis, microwave mineralization followed by atomic absorption was employed. These different techniques were introduced into a systematic testing scheme that is envisaged as being suitable both for industrial control and for enforcement laboratories. Guidelines will be proposed in the second part of this paper.  相似文献   

The analysis of migrates from the internal coatings of food cans showed that the present regulation is not sufficient to ensure safety of food contact polymers. The migrates often consist of complex mixtures of reaction products and impurities, and their harmlessness cannot be deduced from the use of non-toxic starting substances compiled in positive lists. The regulation proposed herein asks producers to analyse the composition of the migrates. It includes an upper limit for the molecular weight (e.g. 1000Da) and thresholds defining concentrations in the foods down to which components must be identified and evaluated. Primarily considering feasibility at reasonable costs, thresholds of 30 mu g/kg for individual components and 300 mu g/kg for the sum of the unidentified materials are proposed. Producers must be able to demonstrate that the individual components or mixtures exceeding this limit, including reaction products with food components, have no toxic effect.  相似文献   

食品接触材料正成为技术性贸易措施新的关注点。各国针对食品接触材料出台的技术性贸易措施,可能会由于检测项目的设置差异、食品模拟物的选择和迁移试验条件的不同等原因,阻碍我国食品接触材料的出口。本文首先对2019年日本、阿根廷、巴西、泰国、肯尼亚等国家出台的WTO通报的食品接触材料技术性贸易措施进行了概述,列明分析了其中食品接触材料这些措施的关键技术指标,并与我国食品接触材料标准进行了比较研究,。而后,进而从通报总体情况、通报国家、被通报国家或地区、被通报产品、通报原因、采取措施等6个方面,对2019年欧盟通报食品接触材料情况进行了综合评价分析,,最后,提出应对国外食品接触材料技术性贸易措施的建议,以旨在帮助为我国食品接触材料生产企业提升产品质量提供借鉴,规避出口风险。  相似文献   

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