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叛逆者追踪方案是版权保护中的重要工具。基于RSA算法的安全性,设计叛逆者追踪方案,数据分发者分别为每个用户进行初始化,使每个用户都具有标志性的用户信息,可准确地追踪到叛逆者。对方案进行分析后得出结论:为保证安全性,需要不断增加密钥长度,但其不可否认性和防诬陷性使该追踪算法的应用受到一定限制。  相似文献   

数据加密可以分为对称密钥加密和非对称密钥加密,其中RSA算法属于非对称密钥加密。简单地介绍了RSA算法、加密过程及其在提高安全性方面该注意的问题。  相似文献   

针对于现在国内外的公司和科研机构还在研究开发各个组件和接口而没有综合的安全解决方案的现状,提出一个针对电子商务程序的综合安全解决方案满足用户希望得到完备、综合服务的需要。基本实现了用户所需要的对称加密解密、非对称加密解密、数字签名、消息摘要,认证授权,协议过滤,数据过滤,日志管理的功能;对目录遍历攻击、注射攻击、跨站脚码攻击、隐藏域攻击等做到有效地防御。  相似文献   

很多领域都需要较高的信息安全保障,加密技术是信息安全保障的最主要手段。现有加密技术的密码体制分为对称密钥体制和非对称密钥体制两种。魔方加密属于对称加密。利用魔方加密,主要解决两个问题:一是提高破译难度,增强抗攻击能力;二是克服计算机产生的随机序列无法还原的不足,以适应一些领域的要求。通过分析研究,提出了将魔方加密与现有的加密结合起来的方案,并对魔方加密进行具体研究,以Java语言为例,给出了3阶魔方及其变换的表示,实现了魔方加密算法。实验表明,这种方案有一定的可行性,能够用在一些加密应用中,满足一些特殊领域的需求。  相似文献   

正本文提出一种基于国产加密算法的粮食数据交换方案,该方案对接入平台双方交换数据的过程进行安全管理,通过密钥协商,双方调用加密设备计算获得一组对称密钥,双方以此对数据进行加解密,以保证交换过程中数据的安全性,完善农业信息检测体系,农资质量安全追溯体系等。粮食PKI体系建设是我国农业转型互联网+的应用领域之一,借助互联网思维与相关技术,完善农业信息监  相似文献   

采用RSA非对称加密算法,提出一种基于License授权文件的、通用的软件版权保护机制,并设计和实现RSA密钥对、加密解密、指纹信息获取和版权验证的具体算法。  相似文献   

随着微探针和芯片解剖技术的发展,以明文形式存放在Flash或EEPROM中的代码存在着一定的安全隐患。为了提高代码的破解难度,本文提出了程序代码以密文形式存放在Flash中,在芯片上电时读取芯片ID作密钥来解密密文代码并搬运到RAM,随后再跳至RAM执行已解密应用程序的方案,实现了片内代码的高安全性。  相似文献   

基于加密QR二维码的商品包装防伪技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改善大众商品包装的防伪效果,采用了基于唯一商品编码生成加密QR二维码的商品包装防伪技术。基于非对称加密密钥生成算法产生公私钥密钥对,利用私钥对唯一商品编码及商品名称等信息进行加密处理,针对加密后的密文信息形成QR二维码。公钥被植入到QR二维码识读软件中,作为解密密钥用来还原二维码信息。在应用中,QR二维码以"一品一码"的方式粘贴或采用数字印刷方式喷印到对应商品的包装盒上,智能手机终端通过运行加密QR二维码识读软件,实现对加密QR二维码识读的功能。  相似文献   

结合代理签名和盲签名的特性,以改进的Mohammed和Camenish盲签名方案为基础,设计了一种基于ECDLP的代理盲签名方案,在该方案中合理融入代理授权机制,并引入一种新的安全哈希算法,以椭圆曲线密码体制的安全性为保证.安全分析结果表明,本方案具有安全性高、系统开销小和计算量低等特点,可以有效地保护用户私有信息和对用户提供私有性服务.  相似文献   

基于RFID系统工作原理和低成本标签存储计算能力有限的特性,提出一种新的RFID标签所有权转换协议.协议通信过程采用轻量型运算,标签以假名经伪随机加密函数处理后在无线信道传输,采用共享密钥恢复机制进行标签与所有者之间的认证、授权,保证了协议的健壮性;密钥由通信双方协商动态更新,提高了标签在所有权转换过程中信息数据的安全性.与其他协议比较分析结果表明,该协议低复杂度的算法可以抵抗多类攻击,且具有较低的通信量和较高的计算效率.  相似文献   

利用RSA密码算法和对称加密算法研究数字图书馆信息分级加密算法.在该算法中,对于核心级信息(一级信息),采用RSA密码算法进行加密和解密;对于内部级信息(二级信息),采用RSA及对称密码算法进行加密和解密.一级管理员可以解密一级信息和二级信息,而二级管理员只能解密二级信息,其他人无法解密.这种分级保密措施不仅适应数字图书馆不同用户的保密需求,而且便于对信息进行分级管理,具有可用性和有效性.  相似文献   

The pork chain has been seriously affected by dioxin incidents in recent decades. Hence, monitoring dioxins is crucial for detecting contaminations in the pork chain. This study aims to develop a decision support tool (optimization model) to determine cost-effective monitoring schemes for detecting and tracing a dioxin contamination over multiple control points along the pork production chain.The optimization model considers four control points (i.e. at the supplier of fatty feed ingredients, the feed mill, the slaughterhouse and the fat melting facility) and a weekly monitoring period. It was applied to several hypothetical contamination scenarios involving contaminated animal fatty feed ingredients.The cost-effective allocation of resources for detecting and tracing the dioxin contamination from an integrated chain approach (i.e. considering all control points) focuses on monitoring at the feed mill, followed by the supplier of fatty feed ingredients and – to a lesser extent – by the slaughterhouse. The number of contaminated feed mills, the frequency of dioxin contaminations, the required level of effectiveness, and the cost of screening are main factors driving the total monitoring costs.Sharing the responsibility of monitoring dioxins within control points along the chain largely reduces the total monitoring costs. In each of the evaluated scenarios, the total costs of monitoring dioxins at individual control points are larger than the costs resulting from an optimal allocation of resources among all control points integrated in one overarching chain monitoring scheme. These results elicit the economic benefits of a chain approach to monitoring dioxins over an approach where each chain actor independently monitors dioxins. The developed model can be used by decision makers in the feed and food industry for determining optimal schemes for monitoring dioxins in the pork chain focusing on preventing specific contaminations.  相似文献   

社会的快速发展为少数民族文化的发展创造了崭新的环境。当前对研究对象的配色方案中,大多是对色彩本身进行研究而鲜有结合人的主观意象,为挖掘意象词与服饰配色之间的隐含关系,建立用户需求意象与服饰色彩构成及占比之间的映射模型,提出了一种基于用户需求意象的多重K-means-ELM侗锦配色方案。首先,通过对侗族织锦色彩样本的提取,运用语意差异法(SD法)获得用户的认知数据源。结合聚类分析对侗族织锦图像进行分类和色彩提取。其次,基于色彩提取结果采用K-means对相似色彩构成的图像进行多重聚类划分得到具有相似色彩构成及占比的图像集合。最后,以侗族织锦色彩样本、色彩比例关系和HSV空间数值等信息与用户意象建立映射关系,采用极限学习机(Extreme learning machine,ELM)对多重划分得到的聚类图像样本单独建模,构建用户需求意象的多重K-means-ELM侗锦配色模型进行侗族服饰的配色研究。经过算例分析,将配色模型运用到以“星河”为主题的现代插画设计实际创作中进行验证,得出了该模型的可行性与科学性,所提出的配色方法提高了建模精度、降低了配色难度,从而细化意象—色彩之间的映射关系。  相似文献   

FMV36型立式无捻粗纱机的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
乔智 《毛纺科技》2004,(10):36-39
介绍了FMV36型立式无捻粗纱机主要机构及性能,通过纺高支纱的生产实践以及对高支纱质量的分析,阐述了合理选择设备参数的方法和重要性及生产中正确维护设备的方法。以2个设备技术攻关实例启示用户应从技术上正确做好设备的技术改进工作.  相似文献   

International attention has been focused on minimizing costs that may unnecessarily raise food prices. One important aspect to consider is the redundant and overlapping costs of food safety audits. The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) has devised benchmarked schemes based on existing international food safety standards for use as a unifying standard accepted by many retailers. The present study was conducted to evaluate the impact of the decision made by Walmart Stores (Bentonville, AR) to require their suppliers to become GFSI compliant. An online survey of 174 retail suppliers was conducted to assess food suppliers' opinions of this requirement and the benefits suppliers realized when they transitioned from their previous food safety systems. The most common reason for becoming GFSI compliant was to meet customers' requirements; thus, supplier implementation of the GFSI standards was not entirely voluntary. Other reasons given for compliance were enhancing food safety and remaining competitive. About 54 % of food processing plants using GFSI benchmarked schemes followed the guidelines of Safe Quality Food 2000 and 37 % followed those of the British Retail Consortium. At the supplier level, 58 % followed Safe Quality Food 2000 and 31 % followed the British Retail Consortium. Respondents reported that the certification process took about 10 months. The most common reason for selecting a certain GFSI benchmarked scheme was because it was widely accepted by customers (retailers). Four other common reasons were (i) the standard has a good reputation in the industry, (ii) the standard was recommended by others, (iii) the standard is most often used in the industry, and (iv) the standard was required by one of their customers. Most suppliers agreed that increased safety of their products was required to comply with GFSI benchmarked schemes. They also agreed that the GFSI required a more carefully documented food safety management system, which often required improved company food safety practices and increased employee training. Adoption of a GFSI benchmarked scheme resulted in fewer audits, i.e., one less per year. An educational opportunity exists to acquaint retailers and suppliers worldwide with the benefits of having an internationally recognized certification program such as that recognized by the GFSI.  相似文献   

提出一种基于公钥体制的,能够对全球移动网络中移动用户进行认证的协议。此协议的认证过程仅在移动用户和访问网络之间发生,访问网络可独立完成对移动用户的认证。当移动用户在归属网络注册时,归属网络向移动用户分发归属网络证明(HNC),移动用户在HNC中加入其私钥生成漫游认证密钥(RAK);当移动用户漫游时,移动用户向访问网络提交由RAK生成的代理签名,访问网络可通过验证此签名来认证移动用户及其归属网络。  相似文献   

Web导航不仅是一种提供网站页面间跳转的方法,还是体现导航及其所包含内容之间关系的重要手段。良好的Web导航能够充分展示品牌的定位和价值,明确用户在纷繁复杂互联网中的位置,有效地提供用户获取信息的途径,引导用户实现网站所有者的业务目标。  相似文献   

A kind of system used for bobbin quality controlling tracing based on radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is discussed in this paper. The fundamental obstacle of quality control for each spindle in spinning frame is the loss of information associated with bobbins and spindles after the point‐of‐spinning. The information of bobbins associated with serial number of spindles is identified and recorded automatically in this system via non‐touching dual‐directional data communication based on RFID technique. The basic qualitative data of each spindle is provided by a PC system B‐MIS (Bobbin Management Information System) through the wireless reader devices as well as some complementary. The concept of also tracing the structure, function and implementation of the system are introduced. The process of addressing the problems of spindle, improving spinning machine maintenance as well as the bobbin recovery decisions and so on are also presented.  相似文献   

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