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本研究根据沙棘籽和紫苏籽原料特性,采用超临界CO2流体萃取技术分别提取沙棘籽油和紫苏籽油,然后进行复配,制备沙棘紫苏油软胶囊保健食品,并进行功能试验和毒理学安全性评价试验,试验结果证明沙棘紫苏油软胶囊具有降血脂功效。  相似文献   

1.怎样辨别橄榄油的优劣? 答:挑选橄榄油要首选特级初榨橄榄油。这种油通常是冷榨(标签上会标明ColdPressed或ColdEXtraCted)的。冷榨法是将油橄榄果通过机械进行直接压,这种方法提取的橄榄油,天然纯正,营养成分不会受到任何破坏。还有一种方法是精练法(Refined),这种方法实际上是化学浸出法,橄榄果中的色素及其他营养成分会受到严重破坏。生产工艺在产品标签上不一定可以看到,所以在挑选橄榄油时可通过观、闻、尝三种方法判断优劣。  相似文献   

国际橄榄理事会(IOC)是国际政府间组织,致力于橄榄油和食用橄榄领域工作,旨在实现橄榄生产的现代化、协调橄榄政策、改善国际贸易监管、保护橄榄行业质量以及促进橄榄油和食用橄榄的消费量.IOC每年会对实验室和品评小组授予认可,这些实验室和品评小组必须满足IOC认可的橄榄油物化检测实验室和初榨橄榄油感官分析实验室的标准.IO...  相似文献   

以干燥的山桐子粉为原料,考察了不同提取剂及提取温度、料液比和提取时间对出油率的影响。通过单因素和正交试验得出最佳提取工艺条件为:乙醚-无水乙醇混合液(4:1,v/v)为提取剂、提取温度50℃、料液比为1:20、提取时间4.5 h,在此条件下山桐子的出油率为28.5%。然后将山桐子油脂肪酸组成与其他油脂进行比较,结果显示山桐子油亚油酸含量明显高于茶籽油、花生油和橄榄油。  相似文献   

林华 《中国食品》2010,(11):44-45
<正>2010年5月6日,国际橄榄理事会(International Olive Council,IOC)宣布正式进入中国市场,将针对橄榄油和油橄榄举办一系列的宣传活动,例如媒体宣传、行业展会和消费者普及教育等,以达到推动橄榄油和油橄  相似文献   

橄榄油是从油橄榄果实中提取的油脂。它几乎是唯一能以粗制油的形式供给食用的植物油。橄榄油的发热量大,被人体吸收率高,并几乎不含胆固醇,是国际上公认油质最好的食用油。橄榄油又是配制多种药物的重要原料,是治疗烧烫伤、  相似文献   

综述了橄榄油中极性伴随物的研究状况.酚类物质是橄榄油极性伴随物的主要组成部分,其组成随橄榄的品种、种植条件及橄榄油提取方法不同而异.酚类物质对于保持橄榄油的风味,提高油脂氧化稳定性具有重要作用.同时,橄榄油中酚类伴随物具有良好的清除自由基和抗氧化能力,可以阻止低密度脂蛋白(LDL)氧化,起到预防心血管疾病的作用.  相似文献   

据德国《商报》报道,德国不来梅港的技术转移中心正在研究从橄榄、番茄和葡萄加工后的有机剩余物中提取化妆品或食品原料的技术。  相似文献   

《国际橄榄油和食用橄榄协定》是由联合国主持在橄榄油主要生产国与消费国之间签订的国际商品协定。从1959年到2015年历经五次改版,根据该协议成立的“国际橄榄理事会”(International Olive Council,IOC)总部驻地在橄榄油最大出口国西班牙首都马德里。国际橄榄理事会由成员理事会管理,下设执行秘书处和分委员会负责行业标准制定、国际橄榄油贸易信息统计、橄榄行业推广等事宜。IOC橄榄油贸易标准对初榨橄榄油质量指标的等级界定获得世界普遍认可。对IOC制定的橄榄油各项理化指标和感官分析的测定依据和具体方法进行归纳,并对IOC橄榄油认可实验室进行介绍,以上内容是橄榄油产业融入国际大循环应了解的国际通行基础性贸易约定。  相似文献   

正140816金浩5 000ml食用茶籽橄榄调和油金浩茶籽橄榄调和油,将湖南深山茶籽油与进口橄榄油、葵花籽油、玉米油完美调和,保留橄榄油的绿植清香,油茶籽油油感丰富,蒸炸煎炒,更美味!其中所含的油茶籽油为中国特有食用油种,产自深山,富含90%左右不饱和脂肪酸,油酸含量高达80%左右,具有更理想的脂肪酸组合,同时含有茶油固有的微量营养素,更健康!金浩,是第一个将我国特有的油茶籽油品牌化发展的企业,拥有近20年茶油品类产品生产及销售经验。引领行业,更专业,  相似文献   

Frying is one of the oldest cooking procedures and is still among the most popular ones for food preparation. Due to their unique sensory characteristics, fried foods are consumed often and with pleasure. During frying, part of the oil is absorbed by the food, thereby becoming part of our diet; most interestingly, in the Mediterranean area approximately 50% of total fat intake is provided by cooking fats. Olive oil is the key lipid component of the Mediterranean diet, the health‐promoting effects of which have been largely attributed to olive oil intake. Olive oil is unique among vegetable oils due to its desirable lipid profile and some of its minor components. Scientific evidence now indicates that during frying olive oil behavior is usually equal or superior to that of refined vegetable oils. Herein, an overview of virgin olive oil performance under frying is given, with special reference to the fate of olive oil microconstituents. The compositional changes of foods fried in olive oil are also reviewed and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

拉曼光谱是一种非弹性的散射光谱,基于拉曼散射效应,对与入射光频率不同的散射光谱进行分析以得到分子振动、转动方面信息,由于不同物质具有不同的特征光谱,因此拉曼光谱具有优秀的指纹能力,具有快速、灵敏检测和识别橄榄油的优势。橄榄油是所有植物油中唯一可不经提炼而直接以原始液态食用的名贵植物油,具有多种生理活性,有益人体健康。因其具有较高的商业价值从而有人铤而走险掺假伪造,如何快速有效识别橄榄油成为质量检测部门及相关企业着重关注的问题。本文从橄榄油的品质鉴定如不饱和度、碘值、游离脂肪酸、氧化稳定性和掺假鉴别两方面综述其应用研究现状,指出其存在问题并展望未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The olive tree (Olea europaea) is widely cultivated for the production of both oil and table olives and very significant because of its economic value. Olive and olive oil, a traditional food product with thousands of years of history, are the essential components of the Mediterranean diet and are largely consumed in the world. Beside of their economical contribution to national economy, these are an important food in terms of their nutritional value. Olive and olive oil may have a role in the prevention of coronary heart disease and certain cancers because of their high levels of monosaturated fatty acids and phenolic compounds. In addition, olives (Olea europaea L.) and olive oils provide a rich source of natural antioxidants. These make them both fairly stable against auto-oxidation and suitable for human health. The aim of this paper is to define the historical development and nutritional importance of olive and olive oil constituted an important part of the Mediterranean diet.  相似文献   

1种检测橄榄油掺假的新方法——PCR-CE-SSCP法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
橄榄油真伪鉴别问题一直是食品真伪鉴别及食品安全的难题。试验以橄榄和其它6种常见油料为主,建立了PCR-CE-SSCP法鉴定橄榄油真伪的新方法。通过利用自行设计的uni4通用引物,用常规PCR对叶绿体上一段71bp大小基因进行扩增,并用基因分析仪分析得出7种油料的SSCP图谱,结果表明,采用PCR-CE-SSCP法能够区分橄榄及其它6种常见油料,可用于橄榄油真伪鉴别。  相似文献   

《2015年国际橄榄油和食用橄榄协定》(International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2015)是国际商品协定的一种,由联合国于2015年10月9日在日内瓦万国宫谈判后通过。基于此组建的国际橄榄理事会(International Olive Council)是全球橄榄贸易领域的权威组织。该协定最早版本于1959年首签,2015年第六版有效期至2026年12月31日。本文介绍协定内容并就以下方面进行解释:国际橄榄理事会的工作目标,橄榄油和食用橄榄的有关名词术语,成员理事会的组成方式和行政机构,各成员国在理事会的参与份额计算方式。截止2020年成员国方面的变动为伊拉克退出,增加巴勒斯坦、格鲁吉亚两个国家,文中所列成员参与份额为2020更新的数据。另外2021年毛里塔尼亚有望同意签署2015年版本协定,正式加入该组织。了解和熟悉国际橄榄油和食用橄榄协定是中国橄榄油行业融入世界贸易外循环的前提条件。作为国际大宗初级产品的主要进口和出口国,本文介绍的橄榄油和食用橄榄协定的一般原则与组织方式值得借鉴,我国应当在其它初级产品贸易规则的标准制定方面掌握主动,发出更多中国声音,为完善全球治理做出中国贡献。  相似文献   

橄榄油具有良好保健功能,是较为理想食用油脂;但在贮存过程中也存在氧化变质现象;橄榄油氧化将产生对人体有毒、有害副产物,其独特风味发生劣化,产生难以接受气味。该文详细介绍橄榄油氧化机理,总结引起橄榄油风味改变的醛、酮、醇、短链脂肪酸等氧化产物。  相似文献   

Olive oil flavour represents the most important factor that influences customer’s perception for quality. In this study, an innovative aromatisation approach that enhanced quality and shelf life of olive oil is tested by means of in situ ultrasound-assisted extraction of Carum carvi L. seeds in olive oil. After the flavouring process, carvone and limonene, representing 99 % of caraway essential oil, were identified in virgin olive oil as revealed by headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatograph coupled to mass spectrometer (HS-SPME gas chromatograph (GC)/mass spectrometer (MS)) analyses. Furthermore, kinetic studies indicate that flavouring rate in ultrasound-assisted system is faster than conventional aromatisation producing very stable aromatised oil with no changes in quality. This fact is attributed to ultrasound contribution to mass transfer intensification of essential oil components from seeds to the bulk medium, confirmed by scanning electron micrograph (SEM) micrographs in which cell damage and exudation of its main content are illustrated. However, it is important to note that ultrasound-treated samples produce higher degrees of conjugated dienes and conjugated trienes compared to conventional maceration. Nevertheless, this increase is not alarming and remains within permitted values of the European Community and the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC). Ultrasound-flavouring system stands as a fast alternative aromatisation method, which allows on top shelf life enhancement and olive oil quality preservation.  相似文献   

橄榄油的开发应用   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
橄榄油是一种绿色营养保健食用植物油脂。本文着重阐述油橄榄的营养成分、脂质特性及橄榄油的制取工艺、质量要求以及开发应用前景。  相似文献   

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