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<正>全球首个凉茶饮料国际标准发布来源:中国食品报中国凉茶标准化和国际化工作取得重大成果。近日,全球首个《凉茶饮料国际标准》于2019《财富》全球科技论坛在广东省广州市举办期间发布。该标准首次对凉茶进行了明确的中英文定义,并以汉语拼音"Liangcha"作为其英文翻译,具有严谨性、系统性、先进性、适用性,有助于推动整个凉茶饮料行业健康发展。中国凉茶领导品牌王老吉近年来一直致力于中国凉茶的标准化和国际化。早在2008年,王老吉就组建了"凉茶重点工程技术研发中心",于2013年启动凉茶国际标准研究。  相似文献   

今年3月卫生部发布公告,正式批准凉茶常用药材夏枯草、布渣叶、鸡蛋花可作为凉茶饮料原料使用。卫生部的“正名”可谓为凉茶行业发展扫除了一大障碍。  相似文献   

胡晓 《四川烹饪》2004,(8):24-24
夏天偏热多湿的气候容易使人肠胃失调,再加上有的人嗜食辛辣、味重食物,难免会不同程度的出现上火、口舌生疮、咽喉肿痛、食欲不佳等症状。这里,我来介绍一种消夏饮品———凉茶,相信它可以让你度过清凉一夏。凉茶是珠江三角洲地区群众经常饮用的一种饮料,在广东一带,到处都有出售凉茶的凉茶铺。凉茶是指将药性寒凉和能消解内热的中草药煎水作饮料喝,以消除夏季人体内的暑气,或冬天因干燥引起的喉咙疼痛等疾患,以达到清热解毒、去湿生津、清火明目、散结消肿、治疗感冒喉痛之功效。所以,凉茶跟我们平常喝的茶有很大区别。凉茶品种很多,著名的有王老吉凉茶、三虎堂凉茶、黄振龙凉茶、廿四味凉茶、葫芦茶、健康凉茶、金银菊五花茶、罗汉果凉茶、苦瓜干凉茶等。在药店里,还有专门配好的各种凉茶供人们选用。这里,我给大家介绍一些简便易做的凉茶品种。  相似文献   

一种保健型凉茶饮料的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙桥  刘小杰 《食品科技》2006,31(6):98-100
利用金银花、淡竹叶、桑叶、蒲公英、菊花、甘草、薄荷等为主要原料,添加了蔗糖及其它辅料,研制出了口味独特、质量稳定的复合保健凉茶。阐述了该凉茶的制备方法,并初步研究了三片罐涂层对凉茶品质的影响。  相似文献   

星辰 《美食》2008,(5):54-54
喝凉茶已蔚然成风,然而问及“为什么喝凉茶”、“喝凉茶有什么好处”时,“降火”和“消署解渴”似乎成了消费者统一好的正确答案,无一例外。  相似文献   

利用凉粉草、菊花、金银花、淡竹叶、蒲公英、罗汉果等为主要原料,添加了白砂糖、赤藓糖醇、菊粉、甜菊糖苷及其它辅料,研制出了口味独特、质量稳定的复合保健凉茶。与传统凉茶产品相比,该产品强化了益生元,具有低糖低能量的特点,迎合了消费者对天然健康的追求。本文阐述了该凉茶的制备方法,并初步研究了不同杀菌方式对凉茶品质的影响。  相似文献   

中草药保健凉茶饮料的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨春成 《饮料工业》2003,6(5):30-31
介绍了开发中草药凉茶的前景和中草药凉茶的保健作用.以及生产中草药凉茶饮料的工艺要点。  相似文献   

为获得一款具强抗氧化活性的高保健性金银花叶发酵凉茶,以金银花叶为原材料,通过单因素实验和正交试验,研究了发酵时间、发酵温度、保加利亚乳酸杆菌(L. plantarum 758)接种量及糖的添加量(葡萄糖与蔗糖质量比为3:2)对金银花叶凉茶抗氧化活性的影响并对工艺条件进行了优化,还对比了金银花叶凉茶与市场上常见三种凉茶在抗氧化性及挥发性成分上的差异。结果表明,乳酸杆菌发酵金银花叶凉茶的最佳发酵条件为:发酵时间24 h、发酵温度38℃、接种量4%及糖添加量7%,在此发酵条件下所获得的金银花叶凉茶绿原酸含量达到7.11%,总黄酮含量为22.51%,DPPH自由基清除率为84.23%±3.32%,ABTS自由基清除率为85.30%±2.14%,均显著高于市场上的三种凉茶(P<0.05);金银花叶凉茶中共有挥发性物质32种,其种类和含量都较其它对比组高。总体表明,保加利亚乳酸杆菌(L. plantarum 758)发酵的金银花叶凉茶抗氧化能力突出,具有较高的营养价值和实用功能性。  相似文献   

一度号称签下3亿元订单的同仁堂凉茶,在凉茶销售旺季却有些沉寂。记者从多个渠道获悉,同仁堂凉茶终端销售并不给力,甚至有些经销商因为卖不动而终止了合作。业内人士分析,同仁堂凉茶5.5元的高定价以及渠道单一成了品牌发展的拦路虎。  相似文献   

正6月26日,借第十届夏季达沃斯开幕的东风,凉茶始祖王老吉正式推出无糖、低糖两款凉茶新品。当天,王老吉还与"天津名片"狗不理达成了合作,王老吉凉茶新品将优先在狗不理餐饮门店销售。双方通过合作,共同推进老字号品牌发扬光大。据了解,王老吉凉茶新品以正宗配方精心调配,以代糖取代蔗糖,既保持了下火功效,又不影响口感。在包装设计上,凉茶新品采用了金属质感材质,既有返璞归真之感又极具时尚气息,颜  相似文献   

目的研究HACCP在以本草植物为原料生产出的罐装凉茶中的应用,确保凉茶的食品安全。方法基于HACCP体系的基本原理,对广东某著名凉茶企业进行实地调查,以罐装凉茶为研究对象,对罐装凉茶的整个生产过程制定危害评价程序,确定关键控制点,并采用相应的控制措施。结果将HACCP体系应用到罐装凉茶生产的各个环节中,本草原料验收,过滤,封口和杀菌这4个关键控制点最为重要。结论本研究建立的HACCP体系能够有效预防和控制凉茶生产过程中的食品安全问题。  相似文献   

Herbal teas have become popular as alternatives to caffeinated beverages during past two decades. However, toxicological studies of herbal teas have been limited and the safety of herbal teas thus remains unknown. We focused on the estrogenic activities of herbal teas since some of their ingredients are similar to those used in herbal remedies for menopause relief and therefore contain phytoestrogens. To investigate the potential estrogenic activity of extracts prepared from herbal tea mixtures commercially available and to provide useful information for the safety assessment of those products, we initially screened the estrogenic activity in extracts of 15 different herbal teas by an assay using recombinant yeast cells expressing the human estrogen receptor (YES). A distinct estrogenic activity was thus detected in the ethanolic extracts from four herbal tea mixtures. Licorice root was specified as a ingredient responsible for the estrogenic activity in those extracts. In contrast, the aqueous extracts of all herbal tea mixtures we tested exhibited distinct estrogenic activity in YES, thus suggesting the existence of various ingredients that contain estrogenic constituents extractable with water. Among them, the extract of peppermint tea exhibited the highest estrogenic activity. The estrogenic activity in extracts of herbal tea mixtures and specified ingredients were thereafter confirmed by a reporter assay system using transiently transfected HEK293 cells.  相似文献   

20种市售凉茶类植物饮料抗氧化性的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用DPPH自由基清除实验、ORAC法和Fe3+还原能力实验,考察20种市售凉茶类植物饮料的抗氧化性。结果表明:20种凉茶在不同的抗氧化评价体系中均表现出不同程度的抗氧化能力。运用模糊评价理论建立的抗氧化综合评价模型表明,抗氧化综合评价值最高的5种凉茶类植物饮料皆为传统凉茶铺出售的凉茶。各凉茶试样的抗氧化综合评价值与总酚含量有一定的相关性,但线性关系不显著。  相似文献   

目的 基于表面增强拉曼光谱法(surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, SERS),建立了一种快速检测凉茶中甲硝唑的方法。方法 以乙腈为提取剂,以十八烷基键合硅胶固定相和N-丙基乙二胺为净化剂对凉茶样品进行提取净化获得凉茶样品待测液。利用光还原原理,在太阳光照下通过甲醇还原四氯金酸合成了金纳米颗粒。将合成的金纳米颗粒作为基底材料,对凉茶样品待测液进行表面增强拉曼光谱分析。结果 在0.05~3.00 g/L范围内,甲硝唑的特征峰强度和浓度具有良好的线性关系,相关系数为0.9991,方法检出限为0.05 g/L,方法成功应用于凉茶样品中甲硝唑的检测,回收率为92.1%~102%,相对标准偏差为3.8%~8.5%。结论 本方法准确度高、操作简单快速,满足凉茶中甲硝唑的快速检测要求,在凉茶中非法添加物现场快速检测方面具有良好的应用潜力。  相似文献   



This paper focuses on the effects of three thermal drying methods (microwave‐, oven‐ and sun‐drying) and one nonthermal drying method (freeze‐drying) on the AOP of leaves of Vitex negundo and Vitex trifolia, which are consumed traditionally as herbal tea. Microwave‐drying and freeze‐drying were found to be able to maintain the AOP of the leaves but oven‐drying and sun‐drying resulted in deterioration of AOP. Microwave‐drying has the advantage of short drying time and low water activity. AOP of Vitex herbal tea leaves that are microwave‐dried and freeze‐dried were not affected by storage up to 30 days.


Tea, one of the most widely consumed beverages apart from water, has long been known for its health‐promoting benefits in terms of its antioxidant properties due to its high phenolic content. Much of such studies, however, focus on green tea (Camellia sinensis). Although V. negundo and V. trifolia have been consumed traditionally as herbal tea, understanding of its antioxidant properties remains scarce. Drying serves as a vital part of tea processing, affecting its antioxidant content and appearance which in turn affects the commercial value of the tea. This study therefore serves as an important work in providing insights into the antioxidant properties of Vitex species and the best drying method of its leaves as herbal tea for commercial purpose. In addition, this study also provides insights into the effect of different drying methods on the storage of the leaves which is of value to the tea processing industry.  相似文献   

对凉茶中的腐败菌进行分离鉴定得出其中腐败菌主要为革兰氏阳性芽孢杆菌(多粘芽孢杆菌、短小芽孢杆菌、巨大芽孢杆菌),通过对腐败菌的抑菌剂进行筛选和优化得出乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)、尼泊金复合酯、壳聚糖3种对腐败菌有明显的抑制作用的抑菌剂。利用响应面方法对三种抑菌剂复合后的抑菌效果进行优化,应用Box-Behnken试验设计,建立3种抑菌剂的二次多项式回归方程模型进行分析得出最佳复合抑菌剂配方,并对获得配方的抑菌效果进行验证,以检验响应面法的可靠性。  相似文献   

Oxidative stress caused by the production of excess nitric oxide (NO) during infection or inflammation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases, including cancer, diabetes and renal disease. Accordingly, the scavenging of NO radical or/and suppression of NO production by mitogen-activated cells may be promising indicators in screening healthy food. In this work, the NO-scavenging and NO-suppressing activities of different herbal teas were determined and compared with those of green tea. All of the tested herbal teas revealed NO-scavenging and NO-suppressing activities. The NO-scavenging activity of herbal teas can be ranked by the IC50, the concentration of the tested herbal tea required to quench 50% of NO radicals released by sodium nitroprusside. The activities follow the order: green tea > rosemary, sweet osmanthus, rose and lavender > jasmine, lemongrass and daisy. The NO-suppressing activity was evaluated, based on the suppressing effect of herbal teas on the production of NO by LPS-activated RAW 264.7 macrophages. Experimental results indicated that green tea and rosemary had IC50 values of less than 500 μg/ml, and were proven to be good NO-suppressors, whereas lavender, sweet osmanthus, lemongrass, rose, daisy and jasmine had IC50 values that exceeded 500 μg/ml, and were classified as rather poor NO-suppressors. In conclusion, consumption of herbal teas promotes the NO-scavenging and NO-suppressing activities of the diet, even though their activities are weaker than that of green tea.  相似文献   

目的 采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(UPLC-MS/MS)测定饮料中对乙酰氨基酚的含量,进行不确定度分析。方法 依据BJS 201713《饮料、茶叶及相关制品中对乙酰氨基酚等59种化合物的测定》,采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(UPLC-MS/MS)测定对乙酰氨基酚的含量,并构建不确定度评定的模型,分析不确度分量的来源,对各分量进行不确定度评定。结果 饮料中对乙酰氨基酚含量为0.406mg/kg,其测量扩展不确定度为U=0.022mg/kg,k=2。结论 该研究可为实验室饮料中对乙酰氨基酚含量的测定结果质量提供参考,其中标准溶液配制、标准曲线拟合、重复性实验是标准不确定度的重要影响分量。  相似文献   

Rheological characteristics and physicochemical properties of ice cream mix flavored with black tea or some herbal teas and sensory profile of flavored ice cream was investigated. In this respect, black tea and three different herbal tea samples (sage, chamomile, and linden) were used to produce a new ice cream formulation. Some physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of samples were determined. Total phenolic content of ice cream samples increased with the use of tea or herbal teas and it was in the range of 123.37–415.20 mg kg?1. Incorporation of black tea and herbal tea except chamomile decreased the sensory scores of ice cream compared to control sample. The apparent viscosities of samples were measured as a function of shear rate and consistency coefficient and flow behavior index were calculated by using power law model. All ice cream mix samples showed non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior. The apparent viscosities of ice cream mixes treated with no tea at the shear rate of 50 s?1 were 1.13, 0.91, and 0.76 Pa s at 10, 20, and 30 °C, respectively. The activation energy for the viscosity change of the samples ranged between 10.87–20.25 J?mol?1 at 50 s?1.  相似文献   

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