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近年来,苦味食物越来越受到人们的青睐,这是有科学根据的。苦味食物"家族"庞大,可供食用的苦味食品很多,如生菜、苦瓜、芹菜、苦笋、莴苣、芥蓝菜、油麦菜、芥兰、丝瓜、葫芦、瓠子、苜蓿、香椿、荆芥、芝麻叶、牛蒡根、蒲公英、慈菇等苦味菜,莲子、百合、薄荷、菊花、杏仁、李子、橘皮、槟榔、黑枣、米醋、绿茶、咖啡、可可、啤酒、苦丁茶、绞股蓝茶等果品和  相似文献   

我国古代很早就有医食同源之说。医药与食物本来就有千丝万缕的联系,有不少中药既是药物,又是食物。例如:萝卜、生姜、大葱、大蒜、大茴、小茴、花椒、胡椒、桂皮、大枣、莲子、百合、山药、绿豆、黑豆、扁豆、赤豆、蜂蜜、桂圆、核桃、芝麻、南瓜子、茯苓、黑木耳、白木耳等。  相似文献   

洪咏 《烹调知识》2011,(3):22-22
我国古代很早就有“医食同源”之说。医药与食物本来就有千丝万缕的联系,有不少中药既是药物,又是食物。例如:萝卜、生姜、大葱、大蒜、大茴、小苗、花椒、胡椒、桂皮、大枣、莲子、百合、山药、绿豆、黑豆、扁豆、赤豆、蜂蜜、桂圆、核桃、芝麻、南瓜子、茯苓、黑木耳、白木耳等。  相似文献   

沙茶酱原产于印尼,主要是由花生仁、椰子肉、虾仁、扁鱼、马拉煎:(幼虾加盐腌制而成)、花椒、葱头、大蒜、白芝麻、陈皮、大茴、小茴、姜黄、丁香、沙姜、桂子、南姜、盐、大豆油等制成。  相似文献   

川菜的烹调方法有:炒、煎、烧、炸、腌、卤、熏、泡、蒸、炖、焖、煮、拌、炝、醉、煸等几十种。川菜炒制时不过油、不换锅,一锅成菜,不勾芡汁;成菜后油亮无汁、色泽红亮、味香而醇。  相似文献   

孙义 《数码印刷》2013,(6):61-62
案例名称:《凝神静观——当代青年艺术家油画展》案例内容:邀请函、油画复制品、礼品兑换券、画册、明信片、海报、名片、签到簿、光盘、收藏证书、荣誉证书、防伪标贴、手拎袋、三折页、信封、信纸、油画标签、艺术节月历、台历、挂历、记事本等。  相似文献   

工业和信息化部、发展改革委、监察部、财政部、人力资源社会保障部、国土资源部、环境保护部、农业部、商务部、人民银行、国资委、税务总局、工商总局、质检总  相似文献   

酸味食物主要有:枇杷、芒果、梨、青梅、葡萄、李子、柠檬,橄榄、菠萝、桃、海棠、杏、山楂、西红柿、米醋等。  相似文献   

赵一明 《烹调知识》2010,(11):79-79
感冒香蕉、橘子、芦笋汁、羊肉、姜母鸭。咳嗽冰淇淋、橘子、炸(烤)食品、花生、酒、甜食、辣食。急性胃炎油炸食物、辣椒、糯米。慢性胃炎生冷食物、酸酵食物、甜食。  相似文献   

正东方通信集团下属的杭州东信光电科技有限公司(以下简称"杭州东信光电")是一家印前设备专业制造公司。作为中国印刷行业印前设备制造的先驱,其经过近30年的搏击淬炼,所生产的热敏、UV-CTP直接制版机、激光照排机、激光光绘机等系列产品已销往全国各地(北至黑龙江,南至三亚,西达新疆),甚至远销至韩国、日本、朝鲜、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南、柬埔寨、缅甸、土耳其、印度、斯里兰卡、阿富汗、马尔代夫、叙利亚、蒙古、哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、伊朗、俄罗斯、阿联酋、阿尔及利亚、毛里求斯、埃塞俄比亚、马达加斯加、津巴布韦、巴西、澳大  相似文献   

With improvement in people's living standards, many people nowadays pay more attention to quality and safety of meat. However, traditional methods for meat quality and safety detection and evaluation, such as manual inspection, mechanical methods, and chemical methods, are tedious, time-consuming, and destructive, which cannot meet the requirements of modern meat industry. Therefore, seeking out rapid, non-destructive, and accurate inspection techniques is important for the meat industry. In recent years, a number of novel and noninvasive imaging techniques, such as optical imaging, ultrasound imaging, tomographic imaging, thermal imaging, and odor imaging, have emerged and shown great potential in quality and safety assessment. In this paper, a detailed overview of advanced applications of these emerging imaging techniques for quality and safety assessment of different types of meat (pork, beef, lamb, chicken, and fish) is presented. In addition, advantages and disadvantages of each imaging technique are also summarized. Finally, future trends for these emerging imaging techniques are discussed, including integration of multiple imaging techniques, cost reduction, and developing powerful image-processing algorithms.  相似文献   

In the period between December 5, 1991 and September 17, 1998, 760 maize, 367 wheat, 119 soybean, 222 barley, 85 bran, 32 triticale, 60 oat, 14 rye and 22 sunflower samples were investigated for the presence and concentration of seven fusariotoxins (T-2 toxin, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, diacetoxyscirpenol, HT-2 toxin, fusarenone-X) and OTA. The comparison of analytical data with those of the relevant literature revealed that although the incidence rate and/ or concentration of Fusarium mycotoxins and OTA in Hungarian-grown cereals is occasionally considerable, the position of the country is not worse than the average of countries. Our findings indicate that soybean tends to be good substrate for trichothecene-producing fungi and the rate of contamination is regarded as substantial. The commodities were assorted into one of three quality categories. The proportion of objectionable samples was only 3.0, 2.2, 2.3 and 1.7% in maize, wheat, barley and soybean samples, respectively. However, this low rate of objection might still be a source of great economic loss. The proportion of objectionable samples was much higher in the case of bran, oat and triticale (7.1, 6.7, and 6.3%, respectively). The results of the present investigation indicate a need for regular screening for mycotoxins of importance and individual appraisal of each commodity from the point of their use in animal feeds.  相似文献   

Fruits and vegetables are the most utilized commodities among all horticultural crops. They are consumed raw, minimally processed, as well as processed, due to their nutrients and health‐promoting compounds. With the growing population and changing diet habits, the production and processing of horticultural crops, especially fruits and vegetables, have increased very significantly to fulfill the increasing demands. Significant losses and waste in the fresh and processing industries are becoming a serious nutritional, economical, and environmental problem. For example, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has estimated that losses and waste in fruits and vegetables are the highest among all types of foods, and may reach up to 60%. The processing operations of fruits and vegetables produce significant wastes of by‐products, which constitute about 25% to 30% of a whole commodity group. The waste is composed mainly of seed, skin, rind, and pomace, containing good sources of potentially valuable bioactive compounds, such as carotenoids, polyphenols, dietary fibers, vitamins, enzymes, and oils, among others. These phytochemicals can be utilized in different industries including the food industry, for the development of functional or enriched foods, the health industry for medicines and pharmaceuticals, and the textile industry, among others. The use of waste for the production of various crucial bioactive components is an important step toward sustainable development. This review describes the types and nature of the waste that originates from fruits and vegetables, the bioactive components in the waste, their extraction techniques, and the potential utilization of the obtained bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

Deoxynivalenol (DON) is one of the main types of B trichothecenes, and it causes health-related issues in humans and animals and imposes considerable challenges to food and feed safety globally each year. This review investigates the global hazards of DON, describes the occurrence of DON in food and feed in different countries, and systematically uncovers the mechanisms of the various toxic effects of DON. For DON pollution, many treatments have been reported on the degradation of DON, and each of the treatments has different degradation efficacies and degrades DON by a distinct mechanism. These treatments include physical, chemical, and biological methods and mitigation strategies. Biodegradation methods include microorganisms, enzymes, and biological antifungal agents, which are of great research significance in food processing because of their high efficiency, low environmental hazards, and drug resistance. And we also reviewed the mechanisms of biodegradation methods of DON, the adsorption and antagonism effects of microorganisms, and the different chemical transformation mechanisms of enzymes. Moreover, nutritional mitigation including common nutrients (amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and microelements) and plant extracts was discussed in this review, and the mitigation mechanism of DON toxicity was elaborated from the biochemical point of view. These findings help explore various approaches to achieve the best efficiency and applicability, overcome DON pollution worldwide, ensure the sustainability and safety of food processing, and explore potential therapeutic options with the ability to reduce the deleterious effects of DON in humans and animals.  相似文献   

大黄 (Rheum) 是蓼科 (Polygonaceae) 多年生草本植物,是我国医药学领域应用最广泛的草药之一。越来越多的研究表明大黄中的蒽醌类、蒽酮类、芪类、糖类、鞣质类、黄酮类和苯丁酮苷类等可能是预防或治疗高脂血症及其并发症的有效生物活性成分。本文综述了大黄中主要化合物及其降血脂作用的机制,主要从实验模型、剂量、作用和机制以及基本结构等对各种活性成分进行系统阐述。大黄中的主要降血脂生物活性成分可以分为蒽醌类、芪类、多糖和其他类等4类,这些成分集中在抑制外源性脂类吸收、抑制内源性脂类合成、调控脂质的转运和代谢以及调节肠道菌群等方面上发挥降血脂作用,主要涉及AMPK、PPARs、CYP7A1、SREBP、LDLR、ABCA1、PCSK9、NPC1L1等重要的降血脂作用靶点。本综述将为大黄的降血脂生物活性研究提供新的思路、借鉴与方法,为开发安全、有效的降血脂功能性产品提供一定的理论基础和科学依据。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the nutritional composition of the breast, claw meat and hepatopancreas of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus). Samples were subjected to proximate (protein, fat, ash and moisture) and calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium (Ca, Mg, P, K and Na) analyses. Protein, fat, ash and moisture of the breast, claw meat and hepatopancreas of the blue crab averaged 19.05, 0.59, 2.10 and 76.85 g/100 g, respectively. The results have revealed that this species is a rich source of protein, Ca, Mg, P and Na. Claw meat had higher protein concentrations (19.55 g/100 g) than both breast meat and hepatopancreas (18.81 g/100 g). Na was predominant element among minerals analysed. There were significant differences between Ca, Mg, P, K and Na contents of claw, breast meat and hepatopancreas of the blue crab. Information on the nutrient composition is needed to facilitate the processing, utilisation and marketing of blue crab products. Blue crab could balance human nutrition and could be used as an alternative dietary supplement of proteins and mineral matter.  相似文献   

色泽是果蔬采后主要的感官品质之一,它是消费者判断果蔬成熟度、新鲜度、商品可接受度及营养价值的重要参数。决定果蔬采后色泽的主要色素有叶绿素、类胡萝卜素和花色苷,它们的代谢使果蔬呈现红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫等多种颜色。果蔬采后常发生的褪绿、褐变、黄化和白化等转色现象,也与果蔬色素代谢过程密切相关。研究果蔬采后色素代谢及其调控具有重要意义。本文综述了物理因子、化学因子和生物技术等在调控果蔬采后色素代谢方面的作用和机理,旨在为采后果蔬色泽的有效调控提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

突飞猛进的中国油脂工业   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
王瑞元 《中国油脂》2005,30(10):7-13
中国粮油学会油脂专业分会成立于1985年10月5日,学会成立20年来,中国的油脂工业得到了突飞猛进的发展.从我国油脂、油料生产与消费的快速增长、油脂工业的总体发展水平、市场上琳琅满目的食用油脂产品、大型化油厂建设、油料资源综合利用、油脂机械装备水平、油脂科研和教育等7个方面分别对学会成立20年来,在促进我国油脂科技进步、油脂工业整体水平的提高方面所做的贡献进行了全面而客观的回顾,并对2004年油脂工业的发展特点进行了分析,展望了我国油脂工业的美好前景.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(8):6422-6430
The aim of this study was to evaluate the concentrations of Zn, Cu, Mn, Se, Mo, Co, Li, B, Ti, Cr, Rb, Sr, Cd, and Pb in donkey milk and their distribution in major milk fractions (i.e., fat, casein, whey proteins, and aqueous phase). Individual milk samples were provided by 16 clinically healthy lactating donkeys. Subsequent centrifugation, ultracentrifugation, and ultrafiltration were carried out to remove fat, casein, and whey proteins to obtain skim milk, a supernatant whey fraction, and the aqueous phase of milk, respectively. Concentrations of the elements were measured in whole milk and fractions by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, and the concentrations associated with fat, casein, and whey proteins were then calculated. The effect of removal of fat, casein, and whey proteins was determined by repeated-measures ANOVA. The fat fraction of donkey milk carried a small (~4.5% to 13.5%) but significant proportion of Mo, Co, Ti, Cr, and Sr. The casein fraction in donkey milk carried almost all milk Zn, a majority of Cu and Mn, and most of Mo, Ti, and Sr. Relevant proportions, between 20% and 36%, of Se, Co, and Cr were also associated with caseins. The majority of Se, Co, Li, B, Cr, and Rb, and relevant proportions of Mn, Mo, Ti, and Sr were found in soluble form (ultracentrifuged samples) and distributed between whey proteins and the aqueous phase of milk (ultrafiltered samples). Whey proteins in donkey milk carried the majority of milk Se and Co. All Li and B was present in the aqueous phase of milk, which also contained most Rb and Cr, and 17% to 42% of Mn, Se, Mo, Co, Ti, and Sr.  相似文献   

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