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现代教育技术在数字化校园环境下带给教学的重要变化就是多样化的网络课程的大量应用,这也成为高校教育教学改革的热点。网络课程在有效改善目前所面临的教学任务量大、课时短、理论课多、实训少等现状的同时,如何最大限度地接近课堂教学效果,使学生真正进入学习过程,得到教师更多的指导,成为网络课程研发的关键问题。以"网络多媒体课件设计与开发"网络课程为研究对象,通过分析学生对现有网络课程的使用情况,有针对性地建构引领式网络课程模式,并提出引领式网络课程设计与开发策略,进一步探讨引领式教学理念在网络课程设计开发中的有效应用。  相似文献   

What Happens when a School Subject Undergoes a Sudden Change of Status?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports some of the findings of the first year of a study of the development of the design and technology curriculum in England and Wales. The establishment of a new, high status, practical subject area offers a unique opportunity to study curriculum history as it happens. Furthermore, as the new subject is being taught by teachers from previously gendered areas, the relationship between gender, power and subject status is particularly illuminated in this context. The paper considers what has happened to the subject area as a result of its elevation to extended core status in the English and Welsh National Curriculum, in terms of both subject and teacher status. A particular focus is the increased academic nature and masculinisation of the subject as a result of its increased status. It is argued that the interaction of gender with power and status is an important but largely ignored aspect of curriculum history.  相似文献   

对电力系统信息化架构分层进行了研究,分析了电力调度数据网和电力通信数据网的各自业务承载需求,分析了支撑平面在广域骨干网、城域网、接入网等层次的实现技术,以及网络信息服务平面中的电力工业管理信息系统的设计模型和要求、电力信息IT系统的网络模型组成,得出以下结论:电力通信网从架构上将电力通信网分为网络通信支撑平面和网络信息服务平面,电力通信网是一个能满足目前电力系统语音、数据、图像等三网合一需求的宽带化、多媒体、多业务、综合化宽带IP通信网络平台和云计算数据中心,电力工业管理信息系统是一个实现了系统集成、网络互联、资源共享和数据信息交换的统一的企业信息平台。  相似文献   

用于配电网系统的GIS控件的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对一般GIS开发工具的不足,立足于配电网系统的实际需求,采用面向对象技术和组件技术,提出了从底层开发符合特定应用的GIS控件的总体策略和实现方法。在传统的3层空间数据组织模型的基础上给出了一种新的数据组织模型,它从现实的配电网系统中抽取出5种对象,即基本设备元素对象、线路对象、层对象、电网对象和设备集对象,由此形成一种层次结构,从而与现实的电力配网对应起来,使配电管理变得很容易。该模型不仅适用于配电网系统,对与之类似的系统也具有借签意义。  相似文献   

The notion of knowledge that is expressed in current notions of curriculum is fundamentally realist. Curriculum is not, however, as the realist notion implies, a site of transmission of knowledge conceived as a mere revelation of the 'real'. Curriculum is itself a representation: not only a site in which signs that are produced in other places circulate, but also a place of production of signs in its own right. To conceive of curriculum as representation means to highlight the work of its production. There is a place here for a poetics of curriculum. However, to understand the curriculum as representation means also to emphasise its political effects. Representation is always authorised representation: the text that constitutes curriculum is not simply a text; it is a text of power. To conceive of curriculum as representation implies to see it simultaneously, inseparably, as a poetics and as a politics.  相似文献   

为探索循环超声提取冰鲜羊栖菜中岩藻黄质生产工艺。实验以羊栖菜中岩藻黄质提取量为指标,在单因素实验基础上,采用响应曲面模型与遗传算法优化的BP神经网络模型进行拟合优选提取参数。结果表明:响应曲面模型优选最佳提取工艺为提取时间119 min,超声功率600 W,液料比26.5:1 L/kg,循环流速8.6 L/min,此条件下实际岩藻黄质提取量为0.2195 g/kg,产品纯度3.42%;神经网络模型筛选最优提取工艺为提取时间118 min,超声功率680 W,液料比23.5:1 L/kg,循环流速7.0 L/min,此条件下实际岩藻黄质提取量为0.2318 g/kg,产品纯度3.41%。采用神经网络优选提取工艺条件可行且略优于响应曲面法,在规模化藻类提取岩藻黄质中具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

A general framework for modeling the reaction and transport of multiple, interacting chemical species in drinking water distribution systems is developed. It accommodates reactions between constituents in both the bulk flow (through pipes and storage tanks) and those attached to pipe walls. The framework has been implemented as an extension to the well-known EPANET programmer's toolkit (a library of functions that simulates hydraulic behavior and water quality transport in pipe networks). The implementation allows modelers to define the particular species of interest and their chemical equilibrium and reaction rate equations in a natural fashion using standard functional notation. It also employs several different numerical methods, including a stiff differential equation solver, to solve the reaction/equilibrium system throughout the pipe network using the standard EPANET transport algorithm. The flexibility and power of the framework is demonstrated with two examples that model water quality dynamics governed by different reaction/equilibrium systems.  相似文献   

This paper examines the politics and values of the secondary school curriculum in Greece and attempts to find out the influences of cultural tradition and centralized control on curriculum development. In particular, it studies the decision-making process and the politics of educational control, employing some theoretical elements from centralist and corporatist literature, and presents the valued knowledge of the curriculum through a historical perspective. Additionally, it investigates the politics of curriculum change taking into account the tradition of curriculum content and the power of central control on education. In conclusion, it is pointed out that in the current context of social flexibility Greek secondary school curriculum must aim at the development of a culture of learning and reflect on values and visions.  相似文献   

This article examines the political and ideological complexities of deregulating national standardised textbooks within the context of state transformation in Taiwan, from 1989 to 2001. It analyses how discourses were constructed, how actions were adopted by the state and opposition forces, and how these reform practices were gradually incorporated into the state-led textbook deregulation project. The analysis concludes that the interplay of decentralisation, liberalisation and nativisation has profoundly affected power relations in schools, the form of textbook publication, and the principle of curriculum organisation during the transition towards market-driven textbook production. It suggests that although the discourse of deregulation often refers to democracy, it may become part of the legitimation needs of the state.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to offer an analysis of the political and social role of the curriculum in a modern democratic society. It seeks to show how the assumptions embedded in inherited curriculum ideologies are impeding the potential of the curriculum in modern democratic societies from becoming a curriculum 'for democracy', that is a curriculum which would be constitutive of a more democratic form of social life.  相似文献   

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