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夏育成 《美食》2012,(4):54-55
爆炒田鸡原料:去皮净田鸡400克,红椒、干辣椒段、花椒、姜片、蒜仔、葱段、酱油、绍酒、精盐、豆瓣酱、味精、高汤、红油、食用油各适量。制法:田鸡斩成块加酱油、绍酒、葱段、姜片、花椒腌制入味;红辣椒洗净切成段待用。炒锅上火,舀入食用油烧烈,依次放入葱段、姜片、蒜仔、干辣椒段、豆瓣酱、田鸡、红椒爆炒出香,烹入绍酒,加高汤、白糖、酱油、精盐、味精适量,用湿淀粉勾芡,淋红油装盘即成。特点:滑嫩适口,辣而不烈,佐酒佳肴。  相似文献   

前言 网版印刷又称万能印刷,它可以在各种承印材料上印刷,如各种塑料、纺织品、金属、玻璃、陶瓷等,广泛应用于商业、广告业、装潢业、美术业、建筑业、出版业、印染业、电子业等.总之,任何有形状的物体不论大小、厚薄,不论软质、硬质,也不论曲面、平面,都可进行网版印刷.因此,从20世纪70年代起,网版印刷在全球范围内得到发展.  相似文献   

海一文 《烹调知识》2011,(22):12-13
一、干锅牛筋原料:水发牛筋300g,红尖椒片50g,大蒜白片50g,牛肉酱20g,豆瓣酱15g,菜籽油20g,老抽、糖、盐、味精、炒香的熟芝麻各适量,葱、姜、蒜仔、香菜各15g,高汤250g。香料包:八角、桂皮、豆蔻、香叶、干辣椒、花椒、小茴香、白芷。制作方法:1.将牛筋撕去筋膜,改  相似文献   

正家常烧牙片鱼主料:牙片鱼。配料:豆腐片、粉条、五花肉片。调料:醋、酱油、盐、白糖、味精、葱段、姜片、蒜片、花生油、清汤。制法:1.牙片鱼去鳞,保留内脏,洗净。2.起油锅烧热,下入葱段、姜片、蒜片爆香,放入五花肉片炒制,加入醋、酱油烧开,放入鱼两面煎一下,加汤,放入豆腐片、粉条,加盐、白糖、味精调味,中火烧开,小火炖45 min,转急火收汁至熟即可。  相似文献   

正老板鱼炖豆腐主料:老板鱼。配料:内酯豆腐。调料:盐、味精、醋、料酒、香菜、胡椒粉、葱姜段、花椒油、花生油、清汤。制法:1.老板鱼处理干净,改刀成块。内酯豆腐切成块。2.起油锅烧热,下葱姜爆锅,放入鱼煎一下,加入汤、豆腐块,急火烧开,慢火炖25 min,放盐、味精、料酒调味,加醋、胡椒粉、香菜,淋少许花椒油即可。  相似文献   

罗飞 《美食》2012,(5):56-57
美极炝腰片原料:鲜猪腰1副,黄瓜150克,姜米、蒜泥、葱丝、绍酒、美极鲜酱油、生抽、白糖、白胡椒粉、清汤、麻油、辣椒油、干辣椒段、花椒各适量。制法:猪腰一剖两爿,批去臊筋,斜批成大片,放入流水浸泡3小时以上,黄瓜切片待用。炒锅上火,舀入清水,烧沸后将腰片浸烫,断生后冲净浮沫放入黄瓜垫底的碗中。炒锅复上火,倒入美极鲜酱油、生抽、白糖、绍酒、清汤适量调味成汁,浇在腰片上,撒入葱丝、姜米、蒜泥、干辣椒段、白胡椒粉。炒锅再上火,舀入麻油、辣椒油,放干辣椒、花椒略炸后拣出,然后烧烈淋浇在腰片上即成。特点:腰片滑嫩爽脆,咸鲜味美适口。  相似文献   

上海东隆羽绒制品有限公司成立于1992年,是一家专业经营纺织品的民营企业,集研发、设计、生产、销售于一体。公司主要生产各类家用纺织品和服装,品种包括羽绒被、靠垫、窗帘、沙发套、羽绒服、休闲服、时装、运动服等,产品远销欧、美、日等国家和地区,同时,经过18年的努力IKEA、CROSCILL、JCPENNEY、ADIDAS、CK、ARMANI、BURBERRY等数十家世界知名品牌公司成为了我们主要的客户。东隆公司坚持国内、国外市场两手抓,推进产品研发和服务创新,在国  相似文献   

主料:三文鱼800克,番茄4个,洋葱1个,牛油果1个,香菜,青辣椒,熟红藜麦、黑藜麦共60克,玉米粒500克。 调料:黄油100克,奶油100克,盐、白糖、柠檬汁、海青菜粉、鲜罗勒、橄榄油、胡椒粉各适量。 制法:番茄去籽,切成小块;洋葱、牛油果肉分别切成小块;香菜切碎;将西红柿、洋葱、香菜、牛油果、藜麦加柠檬汁、橄榄油、盐、胡椒粉一起打碎,制成贝乌雷酱,备用;锅入黄油烧热,入玉米粒炒熟,加奶油、切碎的罗勒拌匀,出锅放至温热,回锅,加入白糖、豁调味,起锅,拼成玉米糕,装盘;平底锅入橄榄油,下入三文鱼,煎2分钟~3分钟,撒盐,将双面煎至金黄,出锅装盘,表面撒海青菜粉,搭配贝乌雷酱即可。  相似文献   

夏季养生食物选择夏天养心安神之品有茯苓、麦冬、小枣、莲子、百合、竹叶、柏子仁等,这些都能起到养心安神的作用。在饮食方面,应多吃小米、玉米、豆类、鱼类、洋葱、土豆、冬瓜、苦瓜、芹菜、芦笋、南瓜、香蕉、苹果等,少吃动物内脏、鸡蛋黄、肥肉、鱼子、虾等,少吃过咸的食物,如咸鱼、咸菜等。  相似文献   

我们都知道,陈皮是一味中药,其味辛、苦,性温,归脾、胃、肺经,气香宣散,可升可降。陈皮主治脾胃不和,脘腹胀痛,不思饮食,呕吐哕逆;痰湿阻肺,咳嗽痰多,胸膈满闷,头目眩晕;水肿,小便不利,大便秘结;乳痈疥癣,中鱼蟹毒、酒毒等。陈皮入菜,不仅成为一道药膳,菜肴还具有了陈皮特有的香味。陈皮鳝鱼原料:活杀鳝鱼肉500克,陈皮5克,鲜汤、葱、姜、酱油、白糖、料酒、醋、花椒、干辣椒、花生油、香油各适量。作法:1.鳝鱼洗净,对剖成二,清除内脏后切成4厘米长的段。陈皮掰成块,葱切段,姜切片,辣椒去蒂、籽,切3厘  相似文献   

介绍了目前国内棉浆蒸煮黑液处理的现状。美国EEC公司一套以超滤为主,配以高速生化处理系统的黑液处理装置为棉浆蒸煮黑液处理开辟了一条新的途径。使高浓黑液(CODcr>30000mg/1,BOD5>3000mg/1)经处理后达到排放标准甚至回用,并可回收其中所含的碱。展望这一方法将促进我国化纤、造纸、印染等各种高浓度废水治理技术的发展。  相似文献   

近年来生料酿酒技术突飞猛进,在节约能源,提高原料利用率,降低劳动强度等方面取得了显著成效,但生料酒品质存在的一些问题始终困扰着生料酿酒业的发展。本工艺采用生、熟料复合法生产多粮型小曲白酒,既利用了生料酿酒技术的优点和各种粮食原料的特性,又运用了传统小曲白酒生产的特点,提高了出酒率,改善了酒的品质,具有很好的应用推广价值。  相似文献   

J. H. Brooks 《纺织学会志》2013,104(4):278-284
An investigation is described in which the interfacial tensions (γ) of greases extracted from the tip and base regions of raw-wool staples were measured against buffer solutions and against a Lo-Flo scour liquor. The γ-pH curves for tip and base greases against the scour liquor were found to-cross so that the tip grease had the higher γ at higher pH. The use of the detergent 9-ethoxy-nonylphenol lo lower the value of γ became ineffective with a concentrated Lo-Flo liquor.  相似文献   

Some effects of the composition of wash liquors in laundering on the shrink-resist effectiveness of polymer treatments on wool are described. In addition to the known effects of the surface tension of the wash liquor, the foaming properties of the liquor are shown to be important. The effect of foam on the shrink-resist effectiveness of polymer-treated wool fabrics is greater than would be expected from previous studies on untreated and oxidatively shrink-resist-treated wool. In machines where agitation is achieved by rotation of a drum or cube, low concentrations of foam-producing surfactants inhibit felting shrinkage. In machines with submerged agitators, the presence of foaming surfactants in the liquor has little effect on felting shrinkage.  相似文献   

The effect of alkaline steep liquor on sorghum maltability was investigated using three improved Nigeria sorghum cultivara. Germination was for four days at 30°C after steeping under four different regimes. Grain germinability, root length and malting loss were significantly (P < 0.001) repressed by steeping in alkaline liquor for all the cultivars. However, the extent of this repression seemed in all cases significantly dependent on cultivar and steep regime plus their possible interactions. Similarly, the development of diastatic enzymes activities appeared to be highly significantly dependent on steep liquor, steep regime, cultivar, plus their possible pairwise and three way interactions. For ICSV400, highest diastatic power and α-amylase development were attained on steeping grains in alkaline liquor under a continuous steep regime incorporating final warm steep treatment. Conversely, exposure of KSV8 and SK5912 to a regime incorporating air-resting and final warm steep significantly enhanced diastatic power and α-amylase development. β-Amylase activity was in all cases enhanced by alkaline steeping. In fact, β-Amylolytic activity constituted over 70% of total diastatic activity in most alkaline steeped ICSV400 malts. However, SK5912 exhibited relatively low hot water extract in spite of the improved amylolytic activity.  相似文献   

A composite polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane was used to separate aroma compounds from Chinese new‐type liquor by pervaporation at 30, 35 and 40C and 10‐mmHg downstream pressure. The gas chromatography analysis of aroma compounds in the retentate and permeate showed that PDMS membrane had excellent separation performance. Separation efficiencies for five kinds of esters (except ethyl lactate) and acetal in the original liquor are 100%, over 70% for alcohols (except methanol) and above 87% for aldehyde. The average flux for ethanol reached 3,539 g/m2 · h at 40C. Sensory analysis of the separated ingredients indicates that the sensory quality of the new liquor was significantly superior to that of the original liquor. Experiments suggest that pervaporation is a promising technique for the improvement of Chinese new‐type liquor in terms of its flavor.  相似文献   

目前酿酒厂中大曲生产质量考核不仅指标多而且试验周期长,感官评判中又存在主观性和不确定性。而运用数理统计学中的正交试验法安排试验,以较少的试验次数得到了较优的大曲生产技术工艺;运用模糊数学中的模糊关系,综合评判大曲产品的质量,则提高了评判结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

三孢布拉霉生产番茄红素发酵条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现番茄红素的微生物法生产,研究了三孢布拉霉生产番茄红素的发酵条件。结果表明,种子培养基和发酵培养基的最佳碳源和氮源均为玉米糖化液和玉米浆。最佳发酵培养基为玉米粉糖化液40s/L,玉米浆40s/L,磷酸二氢钾0.5g/L。番茄红素发酵生产的最佳条件为发酵培养基pH6.5,发酵时间36h,三角瓶装液量40ml/250mL,接种量10%。  相似文献   

The use of malathion to protect malting barley from infestation by insects led to fears that malt whisky could be tainted by odorous sulphur compounds such as mercaptans derived from the malathion. Laboratory scale experiments in which barley was treated with sulphur-35 radio-labelled malathion, showed that the majority of the sulphur from the malathion was lost in the early stages of processing and that none penetrated to the final distilled spirit. Treatment of malt with the radio-labelled malathion showed that although the majority of the sulphur from the malathion was lost after the infusion and fermentation stages, a small percentage was found in the distilled spirit. However, re-use of the final infusion liquor as the first liquor on the next batch of malt as is common practice, could lead to a slight risk of an accumulation of sulphur compounds until equilibrium is reached.  相似文献   

原料无蒸煮酿酒技术的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了原料无蒸煮酿酒技术的特点,阐述了原料无蒸煮酿酒技术在酿酒工业方面的研究现状并对其发展前景作以展望。  相似文献   

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