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日本凸版印刷公司发明啤酒、果汁、饮料新型纸罐包装。罐身材料由聚乙烯、纸、铝、PET聚酯等复合而成 ,能确保罐身强度。直接以罐头原型流通 ,能与传统铁罐一样可供自动销售机使用 ,回收处理方便 ,可烧毁 ,无公害。该纸罐包装能保持高度密封性与杀菌性 ,比铁罐和玻璃瓶轻 ,能进行高温充填。采用铝包装 ,能保护边缘 ,加强防氧 ,常温下保质期达 1a以上日本发明啤酒、果汁、饮料新型纸罐包装  相似文献   

高速浓酱灌装封罐一体机的研究开发(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对浓酱状食品的金属罐包装技术进行深入探讨,介绍了一套自主开发的集灌装与封罐于一体的高速组合化设备,详述了设备的设计方案、关键结构及技术原理。设备由灌装系统和封罐系统组成,整体式设计,配备36个灌装阀和8个封罐头。经实际测试,设备生产能力为600罐/min,灌装精度达±1%,罐损率0.11%,盖损率0.15%,包装件合格率99.8%。  相似文献   

<正> 在当今空罐、罐盖及瓶盖的制造技术上,对金属包装涂料的使用提出了极高的工业规格要求,为的是要使罐及盖能够承受在进行金属成型的加工过程,以及在进行食品加工及包装时所使用的各种加工工艺条件。所以,涂料的选择至为重要,必须采用适当的聚合物,方能使涂料在空罐或盖上发挥最佳的性能。 现代涂料系列及应用 环氧酚醛涂料 环氧酚醛涂料是食品罐头和饮料容器内壁涂料系统的主体涂料。由柔韧性良好的环氧树脂与耐化学性的酚醛树脂结合而成的环氧酚醛涂料,是一种具有广泛用途  相似文献   

在罐头饮料生产中,空罐在装罐前的洗罐是一个重要的、必不可少的工序。目前我国绝大多数罐头饮料厂,由于缺乏配套的自动洗罐机,生产只能间隙进行,在装罐前需要先洗好大量的空罐。在罐头饮料生产要求自动化、连续化的条件下,显得越来越不适应;迫切需要一种能配套各种装罐速  相似文献   

高速浓酱灌装封罐一体机的研究开发(二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一套自主开发的集灌装与封罐于一体的高速组合化设备,详述了设备的设计方案、关键结构及技术原理。设备由灌装系统和封罐系统组成,整体式设计,配备36个灌装阀和8个封罐头。经实际测试,设备生产能力为600罐/min,灌装精度达±1%,罐损率0.11%,盖损率0.15%,包装件合格率99.8%。  相似文献   

<正> 罐头的封罐质量,对其盛载的产品质量有决定性的意义。倘若封罐不理想,不但有损罐头的感观质量,空气和细菌更有机会进入罐内,使产品变质变坏,缩短货架期。二重卷边封罐技术能牢牢地把罐盖与罐身连接起来,形成不透气的密封状态和光滑的卷边,在提高罐的感观质量之余,产品的货架期也得以延长。  相似文献   

<正> 在罐头、罐装饮料和制罐等各个工业范畴中,高效密闭的封罐过程是延长产品保质期的一个重要生产环节,是每个生产商所关注的,故市场对自动封罐系统的效能也就提出了更高的要求。 中速封罐机 基本上,自动封罐机是采用罐身自转式封罐原理,以对利用铝、铁、塑料或复合材料制成的两片或三片罐罐身与铝盖或铁盖进行封合。 为了使食品饮料获得较佳的保质期,罐内氧气的去除是关键。封罐机安装有盖下蒸汽喷射装置,能在罐内营造部分真空  相似文献   

杨锡辉 《轻工机械》2008,26(2):79-82
电阻焊罐身焊接机是金属三片罐生产线的关键生产设备之一,罐身输送机构的功能是保持与生产线其他设备同步.以数据分析与计算相结合,并采用在实践中进行修正的方法,设计了罐身输送机构,分别在低速、中速焊机上使用后,生产线速度提高.  相似文献   

在我国罐头食品工业中,80年代初引进高频电阻焊制罐生产线,经过十几年的时间,现在罐头、饮料食品中,缝焊罐已全部取代锡焊罐。缝焊罐与锡焊罐比较,不仅防止了由于焊料引起的铅对内容物的污染,而且提高了封口质量,节约了板材。作为缝焊罐所使用的涂料铁,必须根据罐材所需要的尺寸,在焊缝处进行留空涂装;没有留空涂装的涂料铁,裁板后,还要进行刮黄。用镀铬板材制罐,还必须在接缝处先刮掉铬层,再进行焊接制罐。这样焊缝表面既无涂膜保护,又无  相似文献   

介绍了白酒陈酿老熟的原理,总结了现用白酒贮存容器各自的优缺点.结合国内白酒贮存容器的使用和研究现状,普瑞特公司发明了新型集束式陶管不锈钢罐,不仅降低贮存成本,还可大大改善贮酒质量.集束式陶管不锈钢罐具有陶罐和不锈钢罐的双重优点,应用前景非常广阔.  相似文献   

The approach used to obtain European Union-wide data on the usage and concentration of substances in different food packaging materials is described. Statistics were collected on pack sizes and market shares for the different materials used to package different food groups. The packaging materials covered were plastics (both flexible and rigid), metal containers, light metal packaging, paper and board, as well as the adhesives and inks used on them. An explanation as to how these data are linked in various ways in the FACET exposure modelling tool is given as well as an overview of the software along with examples of the intermediate tables of data. The example of bisphenol A (BPA), used in resins that may be incorporated into some coatings for canned foodstuffs, is used to illustrate how the data in FACET are combined to produce concentration distributions. Such concentration distributions are then linked probabilistically to the amounts of each food item consumed, as recorded in national food consumption survey diaries, in order to estimate exposure to packaging migrants. Estimates of exposure are at the level of the individual consumer and thus can be expressed for various percentiles of different populations and subpopulations covered by the national dietary surveys.  相似文献   

<正> 据海外媒体报道,欧委会在2003年11月10日欧盟的《官方公报》上颁布了一项法规,决定对原产于中国等国家的橘子罐头采取关税配额的方式,中方在154天临保措施期间的配额为11397吨(按年配额约27000吨计算得出),该配额在传统进口商和其他进口商之间按85%和15%的比率分配,超过此配额的橘子罐头将被征收155欧元/吨的从量税。  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) in U.S. food   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical used for lining metal cans and in polycarbonate plastics, such as baby bottles. In rodents, BPA is associated with early sexual maturation, altered behavior, and effects on prostate and mammary glands. In humans, BPA is associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and male sexual dysfunction in exposed workers. Food is a major exposure source. We know of no studies reporting BPA in U.S. fresh food, canned food, and food in plastic packaging in peer reviewed journals. We measured BPA levels in 105 fresh and canned foods, foods sold in plastic packaging, and in cat and dog foods in cans and plastic packaging. We detected BPA in 63 of 105 samples, including fresh turkey, canned green beans, and canned infant formula. Ninety-three of these samples were triplicates which had similar detected levels. Detected levels ranged from 0.23 to 65.0 ng/g ww and were not associated with type of food or packaging but did vary with pH. BPA levels were higher for foods of pH 5 compared to more acidic and alkaline foods. Detected levels were comparable to those found by others. Further research is indicated to determine BPA levels in U.S. food in larger, representative sampling.  相似文献   

Since early man first used a variety of natural containers to store and eat foods, significant developments in food packaging materials have provided the means to suppress microbial growth as well as protect foods from external microbial contamination. Throughout this progression, packaging materials have been developed specifically to prevent the deterioration of foods resulting from exposure to air, moisture, or pH changes associated with the food or the surrounding atmosphere. Both flexible and rigid packaging materials, alone or in combination with other preservation methods, have been developed to offer the necessary barrier, inactivation, and containment properties required for successful food packaging. Examples of flexible packaging used to inactivate microorganisms associated with foods include controlled atmosphere, vacuum, modified atmosphere, active, and edible packaging. Additionally, the combination of rigid packaging materials made from metal, glass, or plastic with heat provides the most effective and widely used method for inactivating microorganisms. As with all food products, it is necessary to integrate a HACCP-based program to assure quality throughout the packaging operation. In addition to packaging improvements, other novel technologies include the development of detectors for oxygen levels, bacterial toxins, and microbial growth, or the integration of time-temperature indicators for detection of improper handling or storage.  相似文献   

Whilst paper and derived products still dominate packaging and large quantities of glass are still used in containers, the usage of plastics is significant, particularly for food packaging. Plastics are advantageous in providing good barrier properties in packages of low density (low weight) and high durability at low cost.Primary packaging of foodstuffs utilises film and containers principally; secondary packaging involves a wider variety of forms, including tote boxes and crates. In a cost-sensitive market, the commodity thermoplastics—polyolefins, poly(vinyl chloride) and styrene plastics—are widely employed in food packaging but there is considerable application of more expensive polymers in more advanced forms for special requirements.Satisfactory plastics packaging should not adversely affect the food in contact with it. Whilst pure high polymers might be expected to be inert, residual monomer, residues from polymerisation ancillaries, adventitious impurities and deliberate additives, all of lower molecular weight than the polymer, might be migratory and require particular consideration.  相似文献   

罐头食品是我国的传统特色产业,近二十年来获得了快速的发展,在我国出口食品行业中占据重要位置,促进了国内农副产品的转化与加工,在当代社会背景下满足人们的日常生活与军需等方面都具有很大的市场发展潜力。随着科学技术水平的提高,生产工艺的成熟,罐头食品行业也将面临新的发展机遇。罐头食品加工中使用的原材料与包装材料、杀菌工艺、微生物的控制等生产安全因素将会影响罐头食品的食用安全性。本文对罐头食品发展现状、加工工序、行业状况进行了概述,对罐头食品加工生产时涉及的生产安全风险因素分析总结,将促进罐头食品行业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

中国食品包装材料卫生监管及与美国、欧盟的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的提高我国食品容器和包装材料卫生监管水平。方法采用回顾和比对的研究方法,回顾了我国食品容器和包装材料卫生标准与监管的发展历史,从法律依据和卫生标准分析了我国食品容器和包装材料卫生监管的现况.研究了美国和欧盟有关食品容器和包装材料监管的法律依据和监管模式。结果我国食品容器和包装材料卫生监管在法律、标准和监管模式上存在诸多不足,可能产生食品安全风险。结论针对我国食品容器和包装材料卫生监管存在的不足,应加强立法、完善新产品审批、修订卫生标准和加强对生产使用的监管。  相似文献   

The polymeric coating used in metal packaging such as cans for foods and beverages may contain residual amounts of monomers used in the production of the coating, as well as unreacted linear and cyclic oligomers. Traditionally, although designed for use with plastic food contact materials, food simulants have been used to determine the migration of monomers from coatings into foodstuffs. More recently, food simulants have also been used to determine oligomeric species migrating from can coatings. In the work reported here, the migration of both monomers and oligomers from polyester-based can coatings into food simulants and foodstuffs, some of which were towards the end of their shelf-life, is compared. The concentrations of monomers and selected oligomers in canned foods at the end of their shelf life were found to be significantly lower than those in food simulants, which in turn was lower than those in the extraction solvent acetonitrile.  相似文献   

文中就酸性罐头食品容器内壁腐蚀的过程、类型及腐蚀因子进行了探讨。并就防止腐蚀应采取的措施进行综述。  相似文献   

Ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) is one of the best known flexible thermoplastic oxygen barrier materials in use today. It is especially important for refrigerated and shelf-stable foods where oxygen deteriorates the quality of packaged products and reduces their shelf life. EVOH accounts for a majority of thermoplastic barrier materials used for rigid or semi-rigid retortable food containers. However. it is of limited use in flexible packages or lid films for rigid trays used for packaging thermally processed shelf-stable low acid foods due to its moisture sensitivity. Nevertheless, current use of other oxygen barrier materials such as polyvinylidene chloride and aluminum foil creates environmental concerns. Innovations in food processing technologies provide opportunities for increased use of EVOH in food packaging. The aim of this review is to give an overview of research on the oxygen barrier properties of EVOH from the perspective of structure-barrier property relationships and the consequences of food processing conditions.  相似文献   

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