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The birth of 'Dolly', the first mammal cloned from an adult donor cell, has sparked a flurry of research activities to improve cloning technology and to understand the underlying mechanism of epigenetic reprogramming of the transferred somatic cell nucleus. Especially in ruminants, somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is frequently associated with pathological changes in the foetal and placental phenotype and has significant consequences for development both before and after birth. The most critical factor is epigenetic reprogramming of the transferred somatic cell nucleus from its differentiated status into the totipotent state of the early embryo. This involves an erasure of the gene expression program of the respective donor cell and the establishment of the well-orchestrated sequence of expression of an estimated number of 10 000-12 000 genes regulating embryonic and foetal development. The following article reviews the present knowledge on the epigenetic reprogramming of the transferred somatic cell nucleus, with emphasis on DNA methylation, imprinting, X-chromosome inactivation and telomere length restoration in bovine development. Additionally, we briefly discuss other approaches towards epigenetic nuclear reprogramming, including the fusion of somatic and embryonic stem cells and the overexpression of genes crucial in the formation and maintenance of the pluripotent status. Improvements in our understanding of this dramatic epigenetic reprogramming event will be instrumental in realising the great potential of SCNT for basic biological research and for various agricultural and biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Cloning mammalians by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) remains inefficient. A majority of clones produced by SCNT fail to develop properly and of those which do survive, some exhibit early aging, premature death, tumors, and other pathologies associated with aneuploidy. Alterations of centrosomes are linked to aberrant cell cycle progression, aneuploidy, and tumorigenesis in many cell types. It remains to be determined how centrosomes are remodeled in cloned bovine embryos. We show that abnormalities in either distribution and/or number of centrosomes were evident in approximately 50% of reconstructed embryos following SCNT. Moreover, centrosome abnormalities and failed 'pronuclear' migration which manifested during the first cell cycle coincided with errors in spindle morphogenesis, chromosome alignment, and cytokinesis. By contrast, nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA) exhibited normal expression patterns at metaphase spindle poles and in 'pronucleus' during interphase. The defects in centrosome remodeling and 'pronuclear' migration could lead to chromosome instability and developmental failures associated with embryo production by SCNT. Addressing these fundamental problems may enhance production of normal clones.  相似文献   

Even though it generates healthy adults, nuclear transfer in mammals remains an inefficient process. Mainly attributed to abnormal reprograming of the donor chromatin, this inefficiency may also be caused at least partly by a specific effect of the cloning technique which has not yet been well investigated. There are two main procedures for transferring nuclei into enucleated oocytes: fusion and piezoelectric microinjection, the latter being used mostly in mice. We have, therefore, decided to compare the quality and the developmental ability, both in vivo and in vitro, of embryos reconstructed with electrofusion or piezoelectric injection. In addition, the effect of piezo setups of differing electric strengths was investigated. Along with the record of the rate of development, we compared the nuclear integrity in the blastomeres during the first cleavages as well as the morphological and cellular quality of the blastocysts. Our results show that the piezo-assisted micromanipulation can induce DNA damage in the reconstructed embryos, apoptosis, and reduced cell numbers in blastocysts as well as a lower rate of development to term. Even if piezo-driven injection facilitates a faster and more efficient rate of reconstruction, it should be used with precaution and with as low parameters as possible.  相似文献   

The production of cloned animals is an inefficient process because of early or late embryonic losses. This study focused on the DNA fragmentation that occurs during embryonic development. The occurrence of DNA fragmentation was examined in bovine embryos produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT) using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) nick-end labelling (TUNEL). IVF and NT embryos at the two-cell to blastocyst stage were stained by TUNEL for the analysis of DNA-fragmented nuclei and with propidium iodide for determination of the total number of cells. DNA fragmentation was first detected in NT embryos at the four-cell stage, but in IVF embryos at the six- to eight-cell stage. The percentage of embryos with at least one DNA-fragmented nucleus increased with the advance of the developmental stage of embryos in both IVF and NT groups. The DNA-fragmented nucleus index in NT embryos that developed beyond the four-cell stage was significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of IVF embryos at the same stage. In the both IVF and NT groups, TUNEL-labelled cells were detected in almost all blastocysts and were mainly observed in presumptive inner cell mass (ICM) cells of embryos. The DNA-fragmented nucleus index was negatively correlated with the total number of cells in NT blastocysts, but this relationship was not observed in IVF blastocysts. These results suggest that the high occurrence of DNA fragmentation observed in NT embryos may be related to early embryonic loss after transfer.  相似文献   

Cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) subverts sperm-mediated fertilization that normally leads to physiological activation of the oocyte. Therefore, artificial activation is required and it is presently unclear what developmental consequences this has. In this study, we aimed to improve cattle cloning efficiency by utilizing a more physiological method of activating SCNT reconstructs. We carried out in vitro fertilization (IVF) of zona-intact bovine oocytes before SCNT. We removed the zona pellucida 4 h after insemination, stained the fertilized eggs with Hoechst 33342 and mechanically removed both male and female chromatin. The enucleated pre-activated cytoplasts were fused with male adult ear skin fibroblasts ("IVF-NT" group). Chemically activated SCNT embryos, produced according to our standard operating procedure for zona-free SCNT, served as controls. After 7 days, in vitro development to blastocysts of morphological grade 1-3 or grade 1-2 was very similar in both groups (39 vs 40% and 20 vs 21% respectively). However, post-implantation development was improved after sperm-mediated activation. Across four replicate runs, pregnancy establishment at day 35 was significantly higher for IVF-NT than for control SCNT embryos (30/49 = 61 vs 17/41 = 42% respectively; P < 0.05). Development into calves at term or weaning was also higher in the IVF-NT group compared with control SCNT (9/49 = 18 vs 3/41 = 7% and 6/49 = 12 vs 3/41 = 7%; P = 0.11 and 0.34 respectively).  相似文献   

In ruminants, the greatest period of embryonic loss coincides with the period of elongation when the embryonic disc is formed and gastrulation occurs prior to implantation. The impact of early embryonic mortality is not only a major obstacle to the cattle breeding industry but also impedes the application of new reproductive technologies such as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). In the present study, days 14 and 21 bovine embryos, generated by either in vitro-production (IVP) or SCNT, performed by either subzonal injection (SUZI) or handmade cloning (HMC), were compared by stereomicroscopy, immunohistochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy to establish in vivo developmental milestones. Following morphological examination, samples were characterized for the presence of epiblast (POU5F1), mesoderm (VIM), and neuroectoderm (TUBB3). On D14, only 25, 15, and 7% of IVP, SUZI, and HMC embryos were recovered from the embryos transferred respectively, and similar low recovery rates were noted on D21, suggesting that most of the embryonic loss had already occurred by D14. A number of D14 IVP, SUZI, and HMC embryos lacked an epiblast, but presented trophectoderm and hypoblast. When the epiblast was present, POU5F1 staining was limited to this compartment in all types of embryos. At the ultrastructural level, SCNT embryos displayed abundant secondary lysosomes and vacuoles, had fewer mitochondria, polyribosomes, tight junctions, desmosomes, and tonofilaments than their IVP counterparts. The staining of VIM and TUBB3 was less distinct in SCNT embryos when compared with IVP embryos, indicating slower or compromised development. In conclusion, SCNT and to some degree, IVP embryos displayed a high rate of embryonic mortality before D14 and surviving embryos displayed reduced quality with respect to ultrastructural features and differentiation markers.  相似文献   

Abnormal placental development limits success in ruminant pregnancies derived from somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), due to reduction in placentome number and consequently, maternal/fetal exchange. In the primary stages of an epithelial-chorial association, the maternal/fetal interface is characterized by progressive endometrial invasion by specialized trophoblast binucleate/giant cells (TGC). We hypothesized that dysfunctional placentation in SCNT pregnancies results from aberration in expression of genes known to be necessary for trophoblast proliferation (Mash2), differentiation (Hand1), and function (IFN-tau and PAG-9). We, therefore, compared the expression of these factors in trophoblast from bovine embryos derived from artificial insemination (AI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and SCNT prior to (day 17) and following (day 40 of gestation) implantation, as well as TGC densities and function. In preimplantation embryos, Mash2 mRNA was more abundant in SCNT embryos compared to AI, while Hand1 was highest in AI and IVF relative to SCNT embryos. IFN-tau mRNA abundance did not differ among groups. PAG-9 mRNA was undetectable in SCNT embryos, present in IVF embryos and highest in AI embryos. In postimplantation pregnancies, SCNT fetal cotyledons displayed higher Mash2 and Hand1 than AI and IVF tissues. Allelic expression of Mash2 was not different among the groups, which suggests that elevated mRNA expression was not due to altered imprinting status of Mash2. The day 40 SCNT cotyledons had the fewest number of TGC compared to IVF and AI controls. Thus, expression of genes critical to normal placental development is altered in SCNT bovine embryos, and this is expected to cause abnormal trophoblast differentiation and contribute to pregnancy loss.  相似文献   

This study indicated that prolonged exposure of donor cell nuclei to oocyte cytoplasm before activation results in abnormal chromatin morphology, and reduced development to compacted morula/blastocyst stage in vitro. However, after transfer of embryos to recipients, there was no difference in pregnancy rates throughout gestation. Chromatin morphology was evaluated for embryos held 2, 3, 4 and 5 h between fusion and activation. In embryos held 2 h, 15/17 (88.2%) embryos contained condensed chromosomes, while only 12/24 (50.0%) embryos held 3 h exhibited this characteristic. The proportion of embryos with elongated or fragmented chromosomes tended to increase with increased hold time. While 15/19 (78.9%) of embryos held 2 h developed a single pronucleus 6 h after activation, only 8/22 (36.4%) had one pronucleus after a 4-h hold. Embryos held 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 h cleaved at rates of 207/281 (73.7%), 142/166 (85.5%), 655/912 (71.8%), 212/368 (57.6%), 406/667 (60.9%), 362/644 (56.2%) and 120/228 (52.6%) respectively. Further development to compacted morula/blastocyst stage occurred at rates of 78/281 (27.8%), 42/166 (25.3%), 264/912 (28.9%), 79/368 (21.5%), 99/667 (14.8%), 94/644 (14.6%) and 27/228 (11.8%) respectively. Embryos held less than 2.5 h between fusion and activation established pregnancies in 18/66 (27.3%) of recipients, while embryos held over 2.5 h established pregnancies at a rate of 17/57 (29.8%). This study indicates that holding bovine nuclear transfer embryos less than 2.5 h between fusion and activation results in improved nuclear morphology and increased development to compacted morula/blastocyst stage, and results in pregnancy rates equivalent to embryos held over 2.5 h.  相似文献   

Cats cloned from fetal and adult somatic cells by nuclear transfer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This work was undertaken in order to study the developmental competence of nuclear transfer (NT) into cat embryos using fetal fibroblast and adult skin fibroblast cells as donor nuclei. Oocytes were recovered by mincing the ovaries in Hepes-buffered TCM199 and selecting the cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) with compact cumulus cell mass and dark color. Homogenous ooplasm was cultured for maturation in TCM199+10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) for 12 h and used as a source of recipient cytoplast for exogenous somatic nuclei. In experiment 1, we evaluated the effect of donor cell type on the reconstruction and development of cloned embryos. Fusion, first cleavage and blastocyst developmental rate were not different between fetal fibroblasts and adult skin cells (71.2 vs 66.8; 71.0 vs 57.6; 4.0 vs 6.1% respectively; P < 0.05). In experiment 2, cloned embryos were surgically transferred into the oviducts of recipient queens. One of the seven recipient queens was delivered naturally of 2 healthy cloned cats and 1 stillborn from fetal fibroblast cells of male origin 65 days after embryo transfer. One of three recipient queens was delivered naturally of 1 healthy cloned cat from adult skin cells of female origin 65 days after embryo transfer. The cloned cats showed genotypes identical to the donor cell lines, indicating that adult somatic cells can be used for feline cloning.  相似文献   

牛乳体细胞数的检测方法   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10  
讨论了体细胞数与乳腺炎的关系以及体细胞数对牛乳成分及产奶量损失的影响。主要介绍了4种常用的体细胞数的检测方法,即加利福尼亚细胞数测定法(CMT),威斯康辛乳腺炎试验(WMT),电子体细胞计数法(DHI)和直接镜检法(CMSCC)。  相似文献   

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